Now, who is the one country generating the biggest misinformation campaign in history? Does US$300 million a year gives everyone a clue? Make a guess! I think most people do not need to guess, and is a well known fact at their finger tips, however much the MSM narrative is trying to do damage control. Significantly, I think Russia does not, even if they want to, have that kind of spare cash to fund their misinformation campaign worldwide.
For trying to destroy the truth through preventing investigation and thorough verification of the facts regarding the Bucha case, they ride rough shod over attempts to ask the UN to conduct an investigation, which was blatantly blocked by the British. Even when the accused wants an investigation to prove their innocence, the accusers would not allow. Is that how the UN works? Obviously the UN has been hijacked to look after the interest of the West, nothing more nothing less.
How much misinformation can the Russians spread if you just consider that they totally do not have the Western MSM's support to do their disinformation work. Even on social media, like Youtube, Twitter etc, much of the uploads are one sided pro Western hubris demoonising Russia and China.
In fact, the smearing of China has been more vile and intense lately, a sign that the evil empire is now desperate to target China for standing behind Russia. Likewise, India is facing the same problem, with threats getting more serious by the day.

PS. How many English educated are able to read Russian news? How many Russian propaganda are in the English main media?
Most Singaporeans must have secretly learned Russian to be able to read and understand Russian propaganda, according to the claim that Singaporeans have been misled by them.
Pro Western MSM, like Channel News American, will never do the Russians a favour by spreading their propaganda. They will only regurgitate their master's wishes, loud and clear.
'If I had been asked why I believed this to be the case I would have explained why the GFC in 2008 was the signal that US hegemony, the US dollar and unipolarity were in rapid and terminal decline. Why – as I stated at the time of the Kiev maidan in 2014 – this was the final nail in the coffin lid of the US hegemony and the USD and Russia would play the long game to see this reach its inevitable conclusion. Why I stated that the major energy deal between China and Russia for the Power of Siberia, signed in 2014, was a major catalyst for the acceleration of the multipolar world and de-dollarisation. Why post GFC 2008, the US burnt its bridges with China by printing trillions of dollars instead of asking China to buy their debt. Why the rollout of the multipolar world was baked in the cake in 2014 and the US weaponization of the dollar would continue to erode global trust in the US and the USD leading to the collapse of unipolarity.'
Even now, many still regard the US as the hegemonic power it was in the 1990s and China and Russia as they were in the 1980s economically, societally and military. They also tend to see China and Russia through the eyes of the West, which is a very myopic perspective and makes the assumption that neither nation is capable of offering a better alternative to unipolarity. A failure to grasp these fundamental issues will continue to see Westerners fail to understand the unfolding paradigm shift and therefore to continue to dismiss it as being an irrelevance.
The collapse of the US$ Hegemony is the collapse of the USA and it's global unipolarity. Very true. But it has to be done, as the USA has overextended it's weaponisation far beyond what the world can tolerate.
The Evil USA has to fall, must for, in order for the rest to fair better and better.
By 2030, the Evil USA will not be calling the shots anymore, because the dominance of the USD will fade into the distance.
Even if Ukraine is settled and sanctions are lifted, the world must never let the oil trade or other commodities go fully back to US$ again. Otherwise it defeats the whole purpose of doing deals outside of the US$ now and trying to come up with an alternative to SWIFT.
Ideally there should be an alternative to SWIFT, regardless of how many countries will go on board the new system. At the very least, it provides cover for those vulnerable to sanctions and afford them avenues to go around the SWIFT system.
In other words, Russia and China must continue to refine and iron out the rough edges of the system they are trying to promote.
NATO is now dumping old and obsolete weapons onto Ukraine, showing their support, and the USA is celebrating, knowing that their plans are coming to fruition, with the Europeans now in a position to replenish their weapons stock. Poor Ukraine will be paying for old weapons on the verge of expiry through their nose, while NATO will be buying new weapons from the USA. It will be a win win situation for all involved (LOL).
Russia just destroyed a S300 missile system sent to Ukraine by one European country, with just one missile strike. As soon as the Russians got wind of it, they tracked it's movement and location by satellite and immediately put it out of commission..
Even the UK is said to be sending Harpoon Anti Ship Missiles to Ukraine for targeting Russian warships Those missile's expiry date are reported to be just next year. So the UK is also dumping obsolete stuff onto Ukraine. Make hay while the sun shines is the motto, knowing that If Ukraine falls, the obsolete weapons will be just scrap iron.
Any other country has old obsolete weapons to sell to Ukraine? I am sure they would welcome that enthusiastically. No fish prawns also can. Red Dot?
China's CIPS banking system is already operating. Only needs more countries to sign on and use it.
Armstrong contends, war in Europe could break out in a couple of weeks, and the EU and NATO are pushing this. Armstrong says, “They want Russia to do something. . . . This thing with Russia is the same thing all over again. Unfortunately, we are headed for war.”
Armstrong also talks in detail about the following subjects: Digital currency and why the Deep State is pushing so hard for it; gold, silver, food and just about everything going way up in price because of shortages. Armstrong recommends that people “stockpile two years of food.” Armstrong has other tips for what the common man needs to stock up on; Armstrong also says President Trump is the only President he knew that cared about U.S. soldiers dying in combat. This is why Trump wanted to bring the troops home, and the Deep State warmongers hated him for it. Armstrong also gives his predictions on who wins the midterm election this coming November. Will it matter which party comes out on top?
In closing, Armstrong says, “We are not getting back to normal. The system is crumbling from within, and it’s just like the fall of Rome, basically. (There is much more in the nearly 1 hour interview.)
The war could end immediately if the Americans want it to be. But the atrocious Americans are pushing for war, adding fuel and fanning the fire. They are so reckless and irresponsible, knowing that this could turn nuclear anytime. Any limited war can go wrong and go nuclear.
The mad men in the US must be stopped. They cannot be let lose to destroy this world. They have let down all their guards and pretenses that they are for peace. They did not care what they world think of them now. They are pushing Putin to face off with them and letting Ukraine to be destroyed completely.
Ukrainians must remove the American stooge, Zelensky and retake their country and return to peace.
Pro-Nazi militants are fighting alongside the Ukrainian armed forces. Who put them there? Who are these elements?
Hopefully Lawrence Wong will be as heroic as Zelensky.
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