
GE2020 - Things that need to be stopped - by SSO

There are a number of very serious and painful issues that are hurting the Singaporeans and must be put to a stop. Singapore cannot continue going down with these issues as the new normal and untouchable. Below are the issues that must be put to an end immediately and must be the core issues for GE 2020 as posted by SSO.

Singaporeans cannot be forced to accept these as the inevitable by the ruling party. It is their agenda, their way and what they think are good for Singaporeans which is not necessary true. These things have hurt the Singaporeans very badly and gravely but totally ignored by the ruling party or at best a few consoling words that they understood and empathised with the victims of their policies but the policies must continue like the dreadful CECA, population increase and influx of foreign talents as the drug to keep Singapore afloat.

1. There must be a limit to the population this island can hold, not 6.9m or 10m, at least not in the near future. Maybe in another 20 years or more if the environment and technology permit this to grow.

2. No more CECA. Kill this agreement immediately.

3. No more foreign talents. Only real talents. There must be a definition of what is considered talent. Not any shit with fake and funny degrees that are unverifiable is a talent.

4. There is a limit to contribution to CPF. No one should be forced to contribute to the CPF after age 65 under whatever excuses. Not even to return housing loans and interests past 65. There must be no more liability to the CPF. All money in the CPF must be returned to the rightful owners. Any contribution or savings in the CPF after 65 must be voluntary.

5. Stop the cost of living from rising cost of everything, fees, fares, fines, cost of housing, rentals etc etc

6. No more increases in ministerial salary. This should be capped at $1m. No more higher. The $1m must be absolute, no more additional allowances, bonuses etc etc.

7. No more additional MPs in Parliament. Small country no need so many MPs and mayors and what not.

8. No more additional political offices, senior ministers, deputy ministers, senior this or that.

9. Political offices must not be structures as a career like employment, with promotions, bonuses, career path, increments etc etc.

Have Singapore have had enough of the above and want to continue to be deceived and cheated of their rightful place in Singapore, to lose their good jobs to foreigners, their CPF money kena tangkap for life and taxes going up and up and up and they have to pay and pay and pay?


Anonymous said...

RB the most scary part is when we have to repay the reserve. Can't imagine the extra taxes needed.

Anonymous said...

Redbean & SSO
- you have a list of 9 things to achieve

Let's keep it simple.
To accomplish all the 9 items on the list, Singaporeans only need to do ONE simple thing.


Say NO to the list of 9 items by voting Opposition.

Virgo 49 said...


After this, many new Appointments of Senior Ministers, Senior Senior Ministers, Mental oops Mentor Ministers, Emeritus Minister and Senior Emeritus Minister to plough the Gold Mines.

Mark my words if they clean swept the Majority.

Salary cut for a year due to Covid Pandemic? For Ministers and MPs?

Dream on. After all, many still had their intact professions as part time MPs.

Gold Fish Eye PM. Can ponteng more.

All these stupid creations of ranks First Sgt, Second Sgt, Third Sgt bullshits.

Lance corporal, Lance corporal lah.

Sgt, Sgt lah. What's farking 1st, 2nd and third.

Senior, Mental and Emeritus?

Real Mental!

Anonymous said...

I will vote Opposition.

My way of saying:

Anonymous said...

No more lies about good jobs for Singaporeans. Voting them in would mean more CECA Indians and foreigners coming in to take our good jobs.

No more lies about CPF is your money. CPF is not your money if you vote them in again.

Anonymous said...

Scary statement from Chan Chun Sing

Singapore GE2020: Continuity in policies key to Singapore's success, says Chan Chun Sing . . . ST Headline June 27

Anonymous said...

Cut pay on one hand then promote to get back pay, maybe more some more. Then got bonus to adjust upwards. Pian Ah Peh party.

Anonymous said...

Opposition parties must emphasize that fighting for Singapore is not enough, they also fight for Singaporeans.

Anonymous said...

Hahaha...... good morning everyone......

No point kpkbsssss here lah!

Sg is like that already liao!

The majority of the masses will only TCSSsssssssssss and kpkbssssssssss, even when they are suffering.....but they will still die die die die die die die die vote for pap! This is Sg! This is Sg! Correct?

Don't believe? We shall see....10 July 2020!

Anyway all the best-est to all parties!

Salute! Salute! Salute!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Scary statement from Chan Chun Sing

Singapore GE2020: Continuity in policies key to Singapore's success, says Chan Chun Sing . . . ST Headline June 27

June 29, 2020 9:27 am

This means more CECA Indians and more foreigners. You want to vote for him for these policies?

Anonymous said...

More points to add:

- Ministers should not get the MP allowance because this is double-dipping into public fund.

- MP allowance should be pro-rated for part-timers. If an MP is unwilling to commit to full-time service, he/she should receive a pro-rated allowance. Attendance at parliament is still mandated.

- Every absence from parliament without legit reason will result in a demerit point. 3 strikes and out.

- Live-streaming of parliament session be available for public.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Saw this little clip on TV about how depressed and sad our young are for failing to land a job after graduation from the most expensive universities in the region when jobs are so easily taken by foreigners with funny and fake degrees.

It is criminal to put our young through such mental torture, feeling depressed and useless and unable to repay their parents for funding them through higher education.

Any political party that subject our young to such torment and losing confidence in themselves as individuals do not deserve the votes of the people.

Vote out the party that keeps on bringing in funny and queer foreigners to take the jobs from our young and our PMETs.

Protect our young and PMETs from the invasion of foreigners.

Virgo 49 said...

Forget to mention 2nd Minister
Senior Parliamentary Secretary, Second Minister in another Portfolio and 1st Minister in own Minstry.

Wah piang, one ministry needed so many hands.

Ah Neh said need many many hands to change a bulb.

All mismatched.

Anonymous said...

Lee Hsien Yang just released a video in his facebook page 2 hours ago.

He summarized our choices in this elections very nicely in his 3 minute video.

We have the wrong LKY son as our Prime Minister.

Anonymous said...

When it is your grandfather's company, you can create all kinds of job titles and pay them as much as you like.

But if it is not your grandfather's company, when it is the state, the money is taxpayers' money and not for you to pay whoever you like, as much as you like. It is not your money or your grandfather's money.

KT said...

Also, they have what formerly Ministeers w/o Portfolio and later changed to Ministeers in the PMO. No portfolio why keep them in PMO office ? Why waste tax-payers moneys for these unnecessary posts, inlcuding senior ministeers, 1st & 2nd ministeers, senior parlimentar, ministeer of states, etc. etc. Imagine how much tax-payers moneys are taken out ! I think soon we will be getting another mental ministeer after the election when Sweet Cake is declared PM. Cannot imagine such a small island requires so many brains or no brains at all ? No wonder the middle and lower income workers are struggling day to day.

SSO said...

One People, One Opposition, One Slogan:


SSO said...

The slogan means all traitors must be singled out and prevented from holding positions of power within the Singapore government.

Anonymous said...

Protect Singaporeans' rice bowl from local traitors wearing white uniforms.

Anonymous said...

Use social media to expose all traitors.

There is never only just one cockroach.

Anonymous said...

Actually, am very disappointed with Lee Hsien Yang.

He called on Sinkies to be brave and vote for change, but he didn't step forward to contest in the election to lead change. It would be nice if he had contested in Tangjong Pagar to oust howlien Chan and abolish India CECA.

Some foreign media had referred to PSP as PM Lee's brother party, not Tan Cheng Bock party. The hopes were quashed.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Wait and see. Wait and see. Many in the PAP camp would have their faces turned green in fear after nomination day.

Anonymous said...

They have no qualms in changing the CPF rules to keep the people's hardearned money as if they belonged to them.

They have no qualms in bringing foreigners to take the good jobs and leave our children jobless or become part time workers in low paying jobs.

These are the traitors that need to be booted out.

SSO said...

The traitors stick out like sore thumbs. If anyone still don't know who they are by now, he must be blinded, brain-washed, mesmerised, hypnotised, drugged, drunk or never read the news intelligently.

Anonymous said...

Not only are they opening the flood gates to allow foreigners to come in and take the good jobs, they are actively promoting and openly reserving the good jobs for them. Take a look at our civil service, GLCs, stat boards, Temasek Holdings. In the private sector who are the supervisors and managers? As an example, in the supermarkets the manager is invariably a foreigner.

Anonymous said...

Hi RB 1150am


Hope so! Hope so! Hope so!


Virgo 49 said...

Nothing new form Goldfish Eye HSK.

Old script since LKY's time.

PAP will lose if voters take their chance and risks to vote the Oppositions.

Indispensable meh?

ALREADY run out dates. Shelf lives expires.

No more fresh ideas.

Just old threatening scared ploys.

You can trick one at one time but NOT all at the same time.

Oops, DAFT Sinkies ALREADY mostly brains dead might believe them.

Anonymous said...

Juz hope tat tmolo LHY will come out to be the nominated Oppo Party PSP to help change the supermajority of the white PAPies...down the Whites down the Whites Lies Party..

Anonymous said...

How the LHY will in the last minute come out stand as the nominated PSP candidate (in Tanjong Pagar GRC or any GRC or SMC) to end Cotton Comes from Sheep liar & probably reduce the supermajority status of the Whites Lies Party...uncles & aunties will support PSP liow...let's keep our fingers crossed.

Anonymous said...

Juz wait & see tmolo whether LHY got the guts to stand in as a nominated Oppo Party else everything he said now is juz hot air balloon, would he wanto to be an hot air balloon or a newbie Polician? ...let's wait n see..

Anonymous said...

Be careful what you post, LHL said there will be an investigation on the Ivan Lim saga. From now on there will be no more whistle blowers. Singaporeans are all kiasi. Be quiet and be frighten. Do not complain and take the shit given to you by the government. Be very kwai and obedient. Hahahah. Vote wisely and stay safe.

Anonymous said...

If LHY stands in Tg Pagar, somebody will move to another safer GRC to protect him. Then Tg Pagar would be as good as gone to PSP.

Anonymous said...

LHY not standing in this GE. WHY?????

Anonymous said...

We need more foreign talent than ever, especially from China.