
US coming war on China. China must be fully prepared to fight and destroy the aggressive American warmongers and be confident to achieve final decisive victory.

Desperate US is determined to take down China. War with US is now inevitable. China and the Chinese people must now be fully prepared to fight and destroy the the aggressive warmongering American imperialist and be confident to achieve final decisive victory.

The United States has for decades been bullying and making wars on weaker countries all over the world in Africa, Middle East, Asia and South America. So far it got away scott free for their crimes against mankind on unnecessary illegal wars against others just to rob them off of their wealth and resources and causing millions of innocent people's lives which they dismissed as collateral damage and thus feel no remorse. Now the US is heavily in debt to the tune of about thirty trillion dollars and as part of this debt they owed China over three trillion dollars. And as China also invested heavily in the US economy for hundreds of billions of dollars the US is trying to loot this Chinese investments plus the hijacking of the trillions of dollars they owed to China by making  war on China.

China should not waste any time now but should immediately repatriate all Chinese citizens be they students, scientists, engineers, technocrats, scholars or businessmen back to China. China should dispose all her investments in the US and sell all the US treasury bonds to prevent them from being taken hostage and hijacked by the Evil Empire once they declare war on China officially. All Chinese companies listed in the US Stock Exchange like Ali - Baba, Tencent and hundreds of others should delist themselves and bring back the money and capital to relist in China in Shanghai, Shenchen or Amoy. If they don't do it their companies will be held hostage and they will lose everything if USA starts a war on China. All Chinese people should not deposit their money in American banks like Citi Bank, Bank of America, Chase Manhattan, Goldman Sachs and the UK bank Hong Kong & Shanghai Bank and Standard Chartered Bank. Also do not insure with American insurance companies as the risk of losing your money is too great. Take your money out and insure with your local insurance companies. During the First World War and the Second World War Chinese people in China who insured with a well known American insurance company lost all their money to the tune of a few hundred billion dollars.

I have recently received an article from some one  in What's App the contents of which is clear and self explanatory that the United States is desperate and is intent on making war on China. The article is now reproduced below for everybody's information and warning. Please forward the article to as many friends and relatives as possible irrespective of whether they are in Singapore or abroad so that they may be warned of the danger of travelling to America or Canada in this perilous times of high tensions of US aggressions globally especially against the Chinese people now.

          "The United States has initiated five sensitive incidents . How should China respond?

Original  :  Li Guangman

                   Zhang Shengli

The United States has continuously produced sensitive incidents against China recently, which has led to a comprehensive breakdown of Sino-US relations and fierce conflicts.

The first sensitive event :
On May 14, the US Senate passed a Xinjiang - related bill aimed at stigmatizing and interfering in China's Xinjiang affairs.

The second sensitive event :
On May 15, The US Department of Commerce's Bureau of industry and Security announced a targeted rule revision aimed at taking advantage of the US monopoly in the chip field to completely cut off Huawei's global supply chain and wants to defeat Huawei in one fell swoop.

The third sensitive event :
In an interview with reporters on May 14, Trump stated that he would sever ties with China as a whole. Require Wall Street to treat Chinese companies listed in the United States more severely and "respect" the "Accountability China" bill proposed by US lawmakers.

The fourth sensitive event :
Recently, many Chinese scholars have been arrested or sentenced with harsh penalties in the United States. On May 15, Wang Qing, a well known Chinese scientist and a scholar of China's "Thousand Talents Plan", was arrested in the United States, a few days ago the famous Chinese physicist Li Xiaojiang was severely sentenced in the United States : he was a tenured professor of Neuroscience at Emory University and did not fully disclose his connections with Chinese Research Institutions through the 1,000 talents program and was fined US$35K for under reporting his income with one year probation. On May 11, a famous Chinese scientist Hong Sizhong was arrested in the United States.

The fifth sensitive event :
The United States is negotiating with Japan to deploy land-based medium-range missiles . This is different from the previous deployment of Japanese anti-missiles.  Land-based medium-range missiles are offensive weapons.

The above five incidents belong to different fields, but they are all sensitive incidents, indicating that the United States has begun to adopt offensive strategies against China in all fields and levels, interfering in China's internal affairs, provoking Sino-US conflicts, intensifying Sino-US conflicts, and curbing Chinese development.

These incidents are not only sensitive, but also of bellicose nature. This gives us a deeper understanding of the seriousness of the current Sino-US relations and raises more concerns about Chinese future.

1. An anti-China trend is forming in the United States. Not only the Republican Party and Trump, but also the Democratic Party and the presidential candidate Biden have shown strong anti-China ideas in the campaign. The United States is forming an anti-China consensus of American society.

2. Trump is using all means to fight against China. These means are very brutal, and they are not normal competitive means at all. These means of the United States are shocking and worrying, and their severity is no different from waging war.

3. The strategic level of Sino-US Relations has broken down. In the future , the US's suppression of China will become more severe, the tension between China and the US will become more serious , and competition, confrontation and even war will become the main form of Sino-US Relations.

4. We must be sober-minded. The current international situation is undergoing major changes. Sino-US relations are no longer of a cooperative and win-win nature. China needs to reposition the relationship between China and the United States as a major power, and shift from a Sino-US cooperation strategy to a Sino-US competition strategy. Only when the strategy is determined can we gain strategic initiative and initiate strategic counterattack.

5. All the current US strikes against China reflect the US's strategic anxiety against China's rapid development , and its extreme hatred of China overtaking the US. This is the inevitable state of the transition between rising and defending powers and the future of Sino-US relations. The inevitable trend is that the United States chooses to confront China and even chooses to wage some form of war against China. We should realize that this will be the new normal of China-US future relations.

6.  In the face of the increasingly fierce attacks by the United States, China mujst maintain a strong strategic determinatiion and does not need to dance to the rhythm of the United States. It must do a good job in domestic affairs, accelerate industrial restructuring, and strive for major breakthrough in high-end chips and lithography machines. Breakthrough in the two battlefields of high-end chips and lithography machines will inevitably break the US strategic blockade of China, and China will be able to highlight its encirclement and achieve a strategic counterattack.

7. You must never passively defend against the United States. This will only increase the arrogance of the United States. If you dare to fight back against the United States, you must dare to fight to win a strategic initiative , stop war with war and strive for peace. Important choice.

8. The fierce blow by the United States against Huawei shows that the United States is determined to defeat Huawei, thereby defeating China's high-tech , so that the United States can continue to maintain technological monopoly and technological hegemony. China should defend Huawei as a national strategy. Keep Huawei and China. High-tech will preserve China's future and hope.

9. Accelerate the development of weapons and equipmment, improve preparations for combat readiness,  and be able to respond to wars of provocations initiated by the United States at any time. In the future, Taiwan and South China Sea will become the main battlefields for military and political struggles between China and the United States. China should dare to take strategic initiative on the Taiwan issue, liberate Taiwan in one fell swoop in the form of a blitz, and clear the military siege that the United States has imposed on China. This will be a great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

Strategic key notes :

10. Make the worst scenario plan for the struggle against the United States. The worst case plan is to deal with what Trump said is the complete cessation of Sino-US relations. Although the possibility of severing relations and the complete decoupling of China and the United States is very small , this possibility is not ruled out . From the US attack on Huawei , it can be seen that the US is hostile to China and confrontation between the two countries may lead to conflict and even war.

11. Forming a broad international united front and strategic alliances will be an inevitable choice for China to cope with major US provocations in the future. Strengthening Sino-Russian strategic cooperative relations, dividing the alliance between Europe and the United States , strengthening Sino-European cooperation and improving relations with Japan and South Korea will be China's diplomatic and geopolitical inevitable choices.

12. The Sino-US confrontation will be a protracted war. We do not expect the result of the US election to change the state. We must prepare for long term operations , as well as make ideological mobilization and strategic arrangements for major conflicts and even war between China and the United States. The people's sense of crisis, anxiety and war, unite their thoughts and control public opinion well.

13. Do a good job of opening up to areas outside the United States, especially to the financial opening of the United States, make arrangements for the return of Chinese companies listed in the United States to the mainland and Hong Kong, and plan to sell a large number of U.S. debts purchased by China to prevent China from being held hostage by the United States. After decoupling the US will loot China and it should mobilize as soon as possible to arrange for the return of famous Chinese scholars and scientists in the United States to work in China. Large-scale arrest of famous scholars and scientists in the United States and desperate sanctions against Huawei have been carried out in Hong Kong, Taiwan, Xinjiang and other places. They have interfered in China's internal affairs , have continued to provoke China in the Taiwan Straits and South China Sea and have deployed land-based medium-range missiles in Japan. Spreading rumors , discrediting and blaming China . We can all smell the smoke of war. Now is the time to change our thinking, adjust our national strategy, and prepare for war  preparations.

As Huawei said after knowing that the United States increased sanctions:  "We have no way out except for victory . The same is true in China except for victory, we have no retreat."

"Maybe! we will have a hard time for a while. Maybe! We will suffer a certain strategic loss. However, as long as we maintain a strong will, dare to fight, unite as one, work together to develop the country's various constructions in all directions, China will definitely be able to defeat American hegemony, and we will definitely be able to make the choice of "War between China and the United States" and "Kingdom and Hegemony."  The final victory is ours. China and the Chinese will prevail and defeat the evil warmongering satanic imperialist  hegemonic empire of the United States."


Monday, 8th June, 2020


Anonymous said...

The United States is in deep shit trouble because it has overspend itself to bankruptcy. It owes many countries trillions of dollars which it is unable to pay back. It cannot solve this huge debt problem. Therefore it has to find a scapegoat to accuse for causing the American debt. Formerly Russia was a convenient target. But now they pick on China because China is growing too rich and successful.

Anonymous said...

Let USA be warned and the world to take note. There two countries in which America should not entangle with and they are Russia and China. USA will be digging its own grave if it thinks it can win a war against either Russia or China.

Anonymous said...

If the madmen in Washington think they can attack China without consequence they must have their heads examined by the psychiatrists. If America dares to attack China it will be committing national kamikaze. This is the 21st Century China and not the 19th Century Century China where the Western powers could rape China with ease and got away scott free.

Anonymous said...

The United States is unwilling to accept the rapid development and revitalization of China as a socialist country. So it is trying to find ways and means to contain China's rejuvenation.China's modernization is an inevitable historical trend for the advancement of its civilization which cannot be stopped by any evil force notably the evil empire of the American imperialist.

Long live China.

Anonymous said...

The message carried by the article is very timely. China must use every gram of its energy to build up quickly even a stronger and more powerful China surpassing the Evil Empire so as to defeat the American imperialist if they try to play mischief with China.
The white American supremacists must be stopped from creating any further trouble, instabilities and atrocities in non-white countries.

Ahmad Manaf, a pro-Asian and China supporter

Anonymous said...

Whatever the threats, even if non are evident, China must spend more on it's military, particularly the nuclear deterrent factor, and not be caught with pants down. In any case Chinese leaders are not unaware of what all the provocations are leading to and they must have done their sums. What is unknown to the other side is what is important for either side.

There is much written about the military advantage that the US has over China. The USA, despite it's superior military might, still lost the war in Vietnam and did not win in Korea as well. With massive aerial advantage and millions of tons of bombs dropped and chemical weapons used, the USA still could not hold on to South Vietnam.

With China and Russia supporting the Vietnamese and North Koreans, that still means the USA was still wary of Russia and China, and knows that there are consequences to using the nuclear option, which had been considered. At that time China's military was nowhere near what it is today. Fighting a war against a country with China supporting it is already difficult to win, and fighting a war directly with China is even more daunting. Try figuring it out!

Thus a war with China is not a sure win for the USA. Even a win for the USA is not without very serious consequences for both sides. The cost for both sides will be catastrophic.

But, like it or not, that war is going to be fought sooner or later.

Anonymous said...

The United States is creating trouble and turmoil all over the world and it is targeting China as a scapegoat to distract attention from its self-imposed internal decay. Millions of poor Americans the majority of which are the native Americans, the African Americans and other non-white Americans who are suffering from want and hunger with no homes to stay except sleeping on roadside camps and five-foot ways. The American infrastructures are in shambles with shameful rickety trains, unsafe roads and bridges in despair and ugly dilapidated buildings and horrid ports. Yet the ruling one percent white supremacist politicians see no urgency to remedy the poor horrid situation in the home front. It would rather spend the billions and trillions of dollars on armaments and the Pentagon Industrial Complex to advance its foreign adventures of wars of aggression. So now it is picking on China as a target to attack because China is a stumbling to further American illicit ambitions on third world countries. But in China it may have chosen the wrong enemy. America is seeking its own demise if it starts a war with China.

Long live the free world. Death to the warmongering evil white Americans

Anonymous said...

No country in in the world has ever been attacked and invaded by as many as eight countries at the same time except China. This happened in 1900 when eight European countries inclusive of America and Japan ganged up to attack and invade China during the Boxer Rebellion. So it is of the utmost urgency, China must build up with great speed its military and economic might to defend its security and never to succumb to foreign aggression again. China should now build many times more hydrogen bombs and atom bombs with sufficient ICBMs to reach and target all American towns and cities as well as those of its allies who are ganging up against China.

An ASEAN citizen angry against American aggression

Anonymous said...

Now China will have to face USA, India, Japan, South Korea, Australia with possibilities like New Zealand, Vietnam, UK. Still another eight to consider.

Vietnam is not a trustworthy ally of China despite all the help China gave them fighting the Americans, with the population still largely pro-USA, though the leadership needs China for infrastructure development. Perhaps all due to the claims in the South China Sea and USA propaganda instigation. Quite a surprise really!

Most dangerous will be Japan and India. Both are sneaky and attack from behind when you least expecting.

Anonymous said...

No country in in the world has ever been attacked and invaded by as many as eight countries at the same time except China. This happened in 1900 when eight European countries inclusive of America and Japan ganged up to attack and invade China during the Boxer Rebellion. So it is of the utmost urgency, China must build up with great speed its military and economic might to defend its security and never to succumb to foreign aggression again. China should now build many times more hydrogen bombs and atom bombs with sufficient ICBMs to reach and target all American towns and cities as well as those of its allies who are ganging up against China.

An ASEAN citizen angry against American aggression

Anonymous said...

My advice to President Xi Jinping is that he should increase China's stockpile of nuclear war heads to more than 10,000 - more than the combined total of the US and its Five-Eyes alliance attack dogs.

Note the USA dare not attack Russia because the latter possesses a huge nuclear stockpile comparable to the Americans'.

Chua Chin Leng aka redbean said...

The painful thing is that after 100 years of humiliation and almost being colonised, China has rebuilt itself on the hard work of its own people, with invading another country to rob them of their wealth.

During this period, the West and the Americans have been conducting wars, black ops, regime change etc etc and now trying to pick a fight with China, and they are spreading the lie that China is the aggressor country and the Americans and the West are peace loving countries. And all the silly Asian countries, especially the Asean countries, including the little American cronies and lackeys will shout aye, aye, China is an aggressive country and going to invade them, to conquer Asia and Asean.

How stupid can these leaders and their people be? Stupidity has no cure does not only apply to Singaporeans but all of Asian and Asean, still intoxicated by the white lies and cannot see truth from lies.

Anonymous said...

The best case scenario is for the USA to self destruct. Trump claims everything is under control, but the guns are coming out and civilians are armed to the teeth, trying to protect their properties. With protestors against police and civilians carrying guns around, goodness, a miscalculation means gunfight at the OK corral.

That will be a moment to self destruct. With the poor and middle class totally done in by the super rich, and all the wealth in the hands of the top 1%, a rude awakening is on hand for the wealthy elites. Law enforcement can control minor protest from time to time, but a revolution cannot be put down easily.

Virgo 49 said...

Singapore Leaders kept harping Please do NOT have us take sides.

Till now, still no guts to clearly said We be on the Side of CHINA. Still pretending to be neutral.

At least, Mahathair had the guts to tell the USA off.

One time, even at their function, the Ambassador or State Secretary had to walk off when he critised them for their misdeeds.

Also, he had said loud and clear.

When China comes, they came with friendships.

When the WHITES come, they conquered and colonised.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Glory, many people will die based on your advocacy for war

Anonymous said...

RE: Anonymous June 09, 2020: 8:37am

Hi! Fellow netizen : Please read the article with some discerning intelligence. Southernglory1 is warning everyone especially the Chinese that the Evil Empire is in a way at unofficial war with China and that a desperate bankrupt US may launch a sudden attack on China at any time which is possible, so the Chinese better be fully prepared. Southernglory1 is not in any way advocating war. It is very clear you have not been following history and international affairs and therefore you don't seem to see the evil aggressive warmongering traits of the West especially the white Americans. Killing, murder, assassination and genocide of non-white people is in their hereditary genes, it is in their blood. Please school yourself in world history and western wars of aggression and hegemony before you post your dull ignorant comment.

Eagles Eyes

Virgo 49 said...

When the push became a Shove, then China will have no choice but fight and the Aggressors will never ever forget their mistakes for the Rest of their lives.

Pent up vengeance and emotions of their humiliations in the past will have them fight without fears.

Also, China is so vast. The USA is so compact.

China can withstand bombardments and many provinces and states will be still standing.

Wheras UAssA be turned to ashes if they are been bombarded.

This is the real difference.

A phospesy that the next World War will have the Chinese POP in half and the Rest in ashses.


Anonymous said...

China is demanding Sen. Rick Scott, R-Fla., produce evidence to back up his claim that Beijing is actively trying to impede the development of a coronavirus vaccine by Western countries.

“Since this lawmaker said he has evidence that China is trying to sabotage Western countries in their vaccine development, then please let him present the evidence. There’s no need to be shy,” Chinese foreign ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying said Monday during a daily briefing in response to Scott, according to Reuters.

Scott claimed on Sunday that China was trying to sabotage or slow down progress on a potential vaccine during an interview with the BBC. He declined to give details or specifics but said the information had come from the intelligence community.

“China does not want us ... to do it first, they have decided to be an adversary to Americans and I think to democracy around the world,” Scott told the BBC.

Last month, Scott and six other Republican senators introduced a bill intended to prevent China from "from stealing or sabotaging American COVID-19 vaccine research." The FBI last month said it was investigating attempts from China-affiliated hackers to compromise and target U.S. groups conducting COVID-19-related research.

This is the kind of white lies the white bastards are spreading in their media, especially Fox News.