
GE 2020 - Clear the deck, clear the swamp, clear the dead woods

SINGAPORE: Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong said on Tuesday (Jun 23) he has called General Election 2020 to "clear the decks" for a fresh mandate for the Government.... he has advised President Halimah Yacob to dissolve Parliament and issue the Writ of Election.

An election now will give the new Government a fresh five-year mandate to focus on the national agenda and the difficult decisions it will have to make, the Prime Minister said. ...

Nomination Day will be on Jun 30. Polling Day will be on Jul 10, a Friday, the Elections Department said, adding that Polling Day in any General Election is a public holiday.
Singapore made a big mistake in the last GE. Would Singaporeans make amends and clear the deck this time, clear the dead woods, and bring in a new team, a new govt to look into some very frightening and existential issues like keeping the island for Singaporeans, not foreigners now called new citizens and coming in in big numbers, like creating more good jobs for Singaporeans instead of good jobs for foreigners, security guards and taxi driver jobs for Singaporeans, like giving our fresh graduates a chance to land a job instead of giving jobs to fresh foreign graduates with funny degrees or fake degrees from God knows where and no need to verify, like giving jobs to people who can do the jobs, never mind got degree or no degree, like blindly going to bring in more foreign talons without conditions, without qualifications on what is foreign talents and what is not and what jobs that Singaporeans can do and no need to give to foreign talons.

This GE must be a redefining moment for the daft Singaporeans, the zombies that did not know that their little precious island has been taken over by foreigners, with more than a couple of millions of them here, almost making Singaporeans a minority and many driven to joblessness, premature retirement, under employment and serving, ferrying or working for foreigners with half past six degrees, funny degrees and fake degrees that should not be employed at all. Nobody cares to verify the numbers of cheats and fakes working here and stealing the jobs and lunches of Singaporeans who paid a fortune to earn their degrees from world best universities but found unemployable.

What the hell is going on? Would Singaporeans make this GE count and turn their fortune and misery around? Yes, clear the deck, clear the swamp, clear the dead woods, clear those that do not think it is important to attend parliament sitting, or sleeping in Parliament. Being a people's representative is not a part time job with a big part time allowance that most full time jobs cannot match.

Time to take back our country before we lose it.


Virgo 49 said...

Mr RB.

LHY is in PSP. Wow good news.

Something must be really wrong for these ex PAP and ex Prominent stalwarts to contest this coming GE and try to made things right.

Hope daft Sinkies will vote wisely and do not sealed their own fates by screwing their last screws into their own coffins.

PSP, PVP WP RP, SDP chiak yew!!!!

Anonymous said...

There will still be a Singapore without the PAP.
But there won't be a PAP without Singapore.

Vote Opposition without fear.
Vote Opposition for more jobs for yourself, your children and your parents.

A vote for PAP is a vote for more CECA Indians to steal our PMET jobs.

Anonymous said...

Workers' Party, People's Voice Party and Reform Party
- they have all reduced the number of constituencies they will contest
- to make way for Tan Cheng Bock's PSP.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Good to see Hsien Yang wearing PSP colour.

Anonymous said...

If Red Dot United can keep Tharman busy in Jurong GRC.
And Workers' Party & Nicole Seah can keep GCT busy at Marine Parade GRC.

Anonymous said...

@ 3 45pm

SPP has also the constituencies they will contest to just:
- Potong Pasir SMC
- Bishan-Toa Payoh GRC

Anonymous said...

Correction @ 5.40pm

SPP has also REDUCED the constituencies they will contest to just:
- Potong Pasir SMC
- Bishan-Toa Payoh GRC

Anonymous said...

SDA-Desmond Lim will fight only at Pasir Ris GRC

Anonymous said...

Before the GE of 2015, there was great hope and expectation for a new Singapore government. Disappointment was the outcome with 70% mandate. What makes you Singaporean think that this C19 GE will produce a different outcome? Singaporeans are simple minded and cannot see further than their noses. A few S$ angpow and and a few sweeteners and they kwai kwai put the same idiots to govern over them. Don't hope for a different result. The same or even larger mandate will be gained by the PAP. After the GE when all promises are forgotten, more foreign talents will be imported to break more Singaporean rice bowls. Don't believe? Just wait and see.

Anonymous said...

Where will PPP, SingFirst Party and SDP contest?
- can we avoid 3-corner fights?

Anonymous said...

It looks like PSP will contest in the largest number of constituencies.

Anonymous said...

@ 5.53pm
If Workers' Party can win/retain Aljunied GRC and Hougang ... I happy liao.

If PSP can win 1 GRC ... I will be double happy liao.

If TCB and LHY get elected into parliament I triple happy liao.

Anonymous said...

TCB will win the Westcoast GRC.

Anonymous said...

@ 6.02pm

If Prof Tommy Koh, Tan Kin Lian and Kishore Mahbubhani join PSP I will be 4 times happy liao

Anonymous said...

Hi Anonymous 6:25 pm

Please do not be too happy. Maybe GE 2020 will give PAP 80%.

Anonymous said...

If Tan Cheng Bock and Lee Hsien Yang get elected into parliament.
I will be 5 times happy liao.

If Lee Hsien Loong's cancer starts again from the stress ... I will celebrate with fireworks liao.

Anonymous said...

This time all sinkies received so much money sure pap get 80% though they already said must pay back later lor. I received 1300 leh

Anonymous said...

@ 7.13pm
Vote PAP in GE 2020
- start paying back money in 2021

Vote Opposition in GE 2020
- no need to pay back money in 2021

Anonymous said...

Opposition parties should loudly make GE 2020 a referendum on India CECA.

Anonymous said...

CECA is good for Singaporean because they can go to work in India, the same as the Indian talents coming to the red dot. Good for Singaporeans because they can eat curry and earn many rupees. Go to India and break their curry bowls.

KT said...

We must do a Chinese new year's "Spring Cleaning" exercise in this coming GE. Clean our homes, throw away those "unwanted things" that are no longer useful now, and replaced them with new ones. Get rid of those "useless furniture" that have become obsolete for the last five loong, loong years already. A spring cleaning is also like a GE. So, time is crucial now. We must band together to rescue our country from deep troubles, and put in place a new opposition team to steer our country in the right direction.

Anonymous said...

7.57pm u dare to go India and kena covid 19 there? Then when u are vulnerable there u may kena sodomized by the sex crazy Indian there

Mdm Loong said...

I think the opposition should contest her constituency. Isn't she some senior parliamentary? How can she be one when she doesn't even know how to answer to a very simple question?

Anonymous said...

Down with anyone wanting to bring in more fake foreign talents.

Anonymous said...

Down with anyone wanting to bring in more shit foreign talents.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Anyone elected to represent the people in Parliament, called a member of Parliament, and did not think it is important to be present in Parliament, does not deserve to be an MP and must vacate his position of trust by the people. Period.

The primary duty of a member of Parliament is to sit in Parliament when Parliament is in session.

Virgo 49 said...

And NOT just a Council Man taking care of Rubbish and Leaking Pipes.

MP as a whole engaged in the affairs of all Singapore and speak for all Singaporeans not only your parochial voters.

Virgo 49 said...

Every issue brought up concerned all Singaporeans and so trivial or NOT the MPs must be in Parliament to raise questions for their voters who elected them.

Not ponteng when they think not concern them.

That's stupid thinking.

Anonymous said...

They refused to allow us to elect the president during good times but rush us to vote for a govt while still under the coronavirus pandemic movement restrictions?
And using the pretext its unconstitutional to extend the term of govt when they amended the Constitution zillion times including thea walkover for their selected candidate for EP.

We just have to bear 2 things else in mind when we go cross the ballot. The incoming raise of GST to 9% and the CECA with India with CCS still insisting on bringing in more FTs when many of our own educated are jobless or unable to find meaningful employment.