
Who is behind all the terrorist groups in the world?

When would world leaders, especially little USAs and American cronies, admit that the USA is behind all the terrorist movements and groups attacking legally elected and legitimate govts? The denials or looking the other way cannot go on anymore. The Americans are the number One terrorist organization breeding, training, funding and supporting all the terrorist movements all over the world, from Latin America through Europe, Central Asia, China’s Xinjiang, Middle East, Africa and SE Asia, including those in the Philippines, Indonesia, Malaysia and Myanmar, are all funded by the Americans.

The most glaring example is Syria. The rebels and ISIS were all babies of the Americans. They have been defeated and at the last stage of being totally annihilated by the combined forces of Syrian govt, Russian and Iranian armies, holed up in Idlib.

The Americans are desperately trying to protect and save them and have unleashed Israel to attack, bomb and strike at Syrian and Iranian soldiers fighting the ISIS and rebels. The Americans have also inserted their Special Forces into Syria and have done the inevitable, direct contact with Russian Special Forces. Both sides are fighting fiercely without admitting the direct clashes between two of the most well trained special forces in the world. The Americans struck first and inflicted big casualties on the Russians, killing a Russian general, and the latter had hit back to exact revenge.

The Americans continue to build up more conventional forces around Syria, more warships and attack aircraft to match the Russian presence, all in a last ditch effort to save their poodles in the rebel movements and ISIS. Die, die the Americans want to save them to fight another day. They cannot accept defeat in the hands of the combined Russian, Iranian and Syrian forces. More American Special Forces are moving into Syria to confront the Russians in a situation they have been avoiding but forced to do so now.

There is no reason for the Evil Empire to risk a major war with the Russians just for some rebels and terrorist groups unless these are American assets that they seriously and desperately wanted to preserve and save to be redeployed in other theatres of war at their disposal. This showed how important the rebels and terrorist groups are to the Americans, that they are terror arms of the Americans.

The Americans are still trying to deceive the world, hiding under their deceptions, that the Americans are in Syria to fight the terrorists but in reality helping the terrorists, protecting the terrorists but fighting the Syrian, Iranian and Russian forces instead.

Where is the UN to openly condemn this American mischief and call a spade a spade and put an end to this devious American terrorism?


Anonymous said...

There is no need to ask who. The USA is the culprit that created all the conflicts around the world to maintain the petrodollar hegemony and sustain their weapons industry.

The US, among others, supported Iraq during the Iran/Iraq war by supplying weapons, with one eye on the oil of course. And what happened after the war? They demonised Saddam Hussein, accused him of possessing WMD, deposed him and took over control of the oil. They are trying hard in Syria, which with Russian intervention, is still ongoing. Now they are looking towards oil rich Iran. You know their agenda.

Having created animosity among the countries bordering the South China Sea and China/Taiwan standoff, they have managed to snag a $330 million arms sale to Taiwan. And they are not happy with India's purchase of Russian planes and China buying fighter jets and missiles from Russia.

In other words, they still think they must have the final say on who can buy what and from whom. They still have not realised that the whole world is ganging up against them amidst the laughter at the UN.

The EU is now hatching a plan to bypass the US$ with a new payment system. If it succeeds eventually, it will be another nail in the coffin for the US$. The Euro is almost on par in terms of usage compared to the US$ and is considered to be the next global reserve currency. That is why Trump is intent on creating division among the EU countries to scuttle this plan.

Anonymous said...

Rb, Knn, u should know better that in the real world, sometime the truth can not be spoken cause the power to be is just too powerful to offend. In sinkie land u can try and u can also see the consequences of trying. 😭

Hunter said...

Who Hacked Facebook - CIA, NSA or Others?

Facebook says the accounts of nearly 50 million users were breached in what was the largest-ever security incident of its kind at the giant social network, delivering another blow to public confidence in the embattled company.

Hunter said...

Who do you think hacked into SingHealth's Data Base?

USA, Russia, China, India, North Korea or Others?

b said...

Bankers -
They created communism.
They created the divide and rule.
They helped them to move money.

Hunter said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

US neoconservatives formed the Project for a New American Century (PNAC) in 1997, propagating US leadership is good for the world, and vowing to prevent any nation from challenging American dominance.

The group has since been disbanded, but members such as John Bolton emerged in the Trump Administration as National Security Adviser.

Washington will continue to take advantage of its dominance to acquire more benefits in a US-led world order.

Strength is all that matters to Washington in negotiations. Rules and morality will be respected only if beneficial to the US. Otherwise they will be abandoned.

Anonymous said...

Very good for my war stocks!! ;)

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

America is likely to remain the dominant super power for some time yet. Although Xi's China is quickly increasing their influence and strength, they are still way behind the US, who is not only huge with bases everywhere, but they are excellent at war---having started or been part of 100's of military encounters.

I've said it before, and here is a reminder: in our deluded "peacenick" world, the reality is that you can only be a POWER if you are able to WAGE WAR. The US is the only cuntry which can still do that on a level no other cuntry can match. Balances of power shift in time, but at them moment the US is "it", not only militarily, but economically as well, being the supplier of the Global Reserve Currency---the lender and borrower of last resort.

There is no one "behind" these various terrorist organisations. They are (usually) a product of US foreign policy...more like an "unintended consequence" or "negative externality" to the USA's "vision" for the human species...a vision where America "leads the way". This power hasn't shifted. The USSR presented a "threat", they are gone. China is jockeying for position, and making rapid headway...but the US has redoubled its military efforts to remain the Top Dog.

The CIA is the overseas arm of the US administration. They conduct all their dirty business with the objective of satisfying "American Exceptionalism" required by the power base in Washington. So they will do deals with REALLY BAD PEOPLE and betray REALLY GOOD PEOPLE...ever shifting whatever "arrangements" they make to suit Washington's global social engineers.

One of the classic plays is to support BRUTAL CORRUPT DICTATORS which then gives the US access to territory. When the dictator doesn't comply, no worries, the US will find, create and fund if necessary REBEL FACTIONS to take on, overthrow the dictator and install their own "puppet".

Sometimes the rebel gangs the Americans help start get out of hand and get "ideas of their own". At other times resistance to US meddling with local politics is created when a bunch of "patriots" decide to defend their cuntry against American ass-fuckery. And sometimes the "terrorists" are the people seeking REVENGE because their families were wiped out by Predators, Raptors or some other "death from the sky" tech that America deploys in "trouble spots".

The moral is essentially: "If you fuck with people, at some point they will fuck you right back" And so we have the mess we have now.

Anonymous said...

Don't brag like Trump! Everybody is laughing at you!

Titiana Ann Xavier said...

Uncle Sam is a democratic sheep in wolf's clothing. It is the world's greatest sponsor of terrorism. Under the pretex of spreading freedom and democracy, it wreaks wanton destruction and death. Since WW2, Uncle Sam has caused the death of more than 20 million people in 37 nations. Uncle Sam has violated international law many many times. Article 2 of the UN Charter specified that all members shall refrain in their international relations from use of threat or use of force against the territorial integrity of any state.

Anonymous said...

The US itself is jittery, talking about a Russian satellite behaving suspiciously. The US thinks it has control of space, but Russia is also there. But it thinks Russia cannot do and that only the US has the right and privilege to do what it wants in space.

By the way, Isaac Newton predicated the world would probably do a reboot in 2060, forty years from now. Will it come true is anybody's guess as well, but looking at the state of the world today, it is hard not to expect a reboot sooner or later. That will be either a nuclear holocaust, extinction of humans from consumption of toxic food of every description and the ensuing diseases and sickness arising therefrom, or the intervention of a higher power or an alien invasion of a much higher intelligence. Fanciful thinking? Perhaps.

Hunter said...

The Reason Why USA Is Selling the F35 Has Been Validated!

The US's extremely expensive F-35 fighter jet bas suffered its first (publicly kbown) crash!

A F-35B jet went down in South Carolina. The pilot managed to eject out of the plane but the plane itself is a total wreck.

The US Marines said in a statement that an investigation into the cause of the crash is underway.

The F-35 is the largest and most expensive weapons programme of its type in the world.

Global sales are projected at more that 3,000 aircraft, and the programme is likely to last for some 30 to 40 years.

Singapore is said to have "booked" at least 24 such fanciful toys for the paper generals to play around with the lives of their military pilots.

Hunter said...

Why Is Singapore Not Buying This Aircraft Instead Of The F35?

An FTC-2000G, painted yellow, took off at 10:48 am at Anshun Huangguoshu Airport and flew for about 16 minutes amid thick clouds. More than 1,000 people, including AVIC executives and provincial leaders as well as ambassadors and military attaches from several nations, took part in the ceremony marking the debut flight.

The FTC-2000G, designed and built by Guizhou Aviation Industry Group, an AVIC subsidiary, is a fixed-wing, multirole combat plane tasked mainly with airstrikes against ground targets. It can also be used as a fighter jet or trainer aircraft, according to AVIC.

Information from AVIC shows that the twin-seat plane is a modified version of a new type of advanced training jet that has been deployed by the Chinese Air Force and Navy. It has a maximum speed of 1.2 Mach, or 1,470 kilometers per hour, a maximum takeoff weight of 11 metric tons, a maximum flight range of 2,400 km and an operational flight ceiling of 15 km.

Equipped with modern radar and fire-control systems, it is capable of staying airborne for three hours in a single operation and can carry as much as 3 tons of missiles, rockets or bombs, according to the company.

As a light-duty attack aircraft or fighter jet, the FTC-2000G is able to replace old models extensively fielded by developing countries, such as China's J-7 and the former Soviet Union's MiG-21. In the role of trainer aircraft, it can replace China's FT-7 or the British BAE Systems Hawk, and can work with AVIC's K-8 intermediate jet trainer to form an advanced training system for military pilots, according to AVIC.

Hu Jianxing, chief designer of the FTC-2000G at Guizhou Aviation Industry, said the aircraft features high operational economy and can carry out tasks in all weather conditions and at night. With the proper equipment, the plane will also be able to perform reconnaissance or electronic-warfare operations, he added.

"The aircraft can fulfill a wide range of tasks, ranging from flight training and close-in air support to long-distance penetration airstrikes and air escorts," he said after Friday's debut flight.

Wu Peixin, an aviation industry analyst in Beijing, said introduction of the FTC-2000G will enable users to deploy a good multifunctional military plane at an affordable cost.

"The aircraft fits the requirements and combat conditions of many developing countries and is economical in operation and maintenance," he said.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

This FTC is not good enough for Singapore. Singapore needs a 5G aircraft like the F35 or SU57 or J20 to fight super powers like China or the USA. It must have the world's best and most advanced fighter aircraft to do that. Singapore is in the class of super powers.

Anonymous said...

The Chinese have been told by the top leaders not to brag too much about their achievements, because that will allow the West to have more ammunition to propagate fear mongering of China's rise.

This is a historical trait of the Chinese throughout the ages. That is why so much is lost in many fields and sectors. When martial art masters impart only 90% of their skills to students, 10% is lost forever. And family traditions are never allowed to pass on to non family members. Of course, wealth must also remain in the family, and is stupid to think otherwise.

I think it is a good strategy. Let the enemy thinks it is superior, until they have tasted the real deal of a wake up call. This is exactly what happens in global trade and manufacturing. While the USA sleeps soundly thinking no one can catch up, they had a rude awakening when China stirs. The rest is history, which Trump is trying to fight back.

Anonymous said...

@anon 4pm & Rb,

What best military aircraft is suitable for the little red dot? US, China, Russian, Europeans, Japs , Israelis or u name it r not the best fighter jets or fighting machines for Sinkieland lah. Why? Sinkieland has out of this world Salary Millionaires Ministers, of cos they need out of this world or the Cheapest Fastest & Bettest War Machines or Fighter jets la. What they need r Aliens talents...yes..Alien Technology type of world best fighter jets or war machines. Even China ask HK to capture Sinkies the armour Terrex machines last yr to see or even wan to copy from the little red dot, US & UK also bought Sinkies war machines, & in time of war in Taiwan or ROC Sinkies NS soldiers will be despatch to help fight against China troops, u see China so afraid of little USA so much so that China wan to cut of marine Silk route at Malacca straits. In fact, there r already many mysterious Aliens in Sinkieland developing SMART city tech of the future. In defense or total defense Sinkieland will be s force to be reackon with , the first out of this world Aliens fighting machines like those u see in Star Wars or Star Trek will be developed & greatly utilized in this Little Red Dot, it will be for the world to see probably in the next 20, 30 of even 100yrs time, whether whose in Garmen is inparticular la.

Anonymous said...

Does China trust Red Dot by selling the FTC to us?

The Americans did not allow the sale of the F35 originally to all and sundry, but is doing so now. With 3000 of them for sale over the next 30 to 40 years, it is likely a mass market sale. Why?

With the Russian supersonic ICBM system able to fly at five times the speed of sound, and China putting its 'aircraft carrier destroyer' missiles into service, this plane may become obsolete very soon. Moreover, Russia is thought to have developed a new radar system aimed at countering the F35 stealth system.

Virgo 49 said...

Aiya, what's supersonic or what's Invincible waste monies super jets or what's super weaponry for Sinking Land no use.

Waste of monies. Only for NDP and other military shows just for prestige.

We have all these Scokar or Scholar Defence Chiefs who even managed commercial enterprises go kaput or have frequent breakdowns and even have own staff and military personnel killed for just training and ragging cannot defend Sink Ka Pore lah.

Little Red Dot Mass HDB, High Rise Condos in just 224 or maybe now 228 length and breath just kena bomb a few rounds of bomas will surrendered readily within 24 hours.

Sinkies of today cannot tahan hardships one lah.

Anonymous said...

US will place sanctions on Singapore if the PAP elites buy the cheaper Russian SU57 jet.

So lan lan gotta buy the very expensive around US$100 million US F35 jet . . . .

Anonymous said...

Virgo, world war come to this part Malacca hut still not so safe. Batu Cave very safe. You can live comfortably like Batman among the bats.

Sinkies got bomb shelter at MRT, but safe or not dunno. They never maintain one. New flats also got bomb shelter, but old flat occupants sure die one. But die also die, CPF gone, house gone, where and how to live?

I think those white termites will have special shelters underground. Must be, because they have been digging those ammo storage caves for years aledi. But that also not safe. If one direct hit all become charcoal.

Aiyah, why worry. Life is short, everybody must die. Die no see people fight each other also good.

Virgo49 said...

Sinkieland like Do Dirty once said is a farking Fortress, Not a Nation.

The Idiots who wanted to punch above their weights are still as Paranoid as when we are in 1963.

Those who struted around throwing their weights will be paranoid that Others will Orr Bak Kat them one fine day.

That's why they have to arm themselves to the teeth.

When in the World did the Indon and Mats are having an Arms Race to conquer you.

Malaysia does not expand its Arsenals or Armed Forces. So does the Indons. You behaved like hypocrites each time smiling in all what's ASEAN conferences and kept expanding your Arsenals to be one upmanship on them.

What's nonsense Shelters in the Skies.Have you seen how they demolished those high rise in just seconds when their structures are simply detonated with explosives at the strategic points???

All these monies should be utilised for more useful purposes.

Just kept spending like there's no tomorrow.

Malacca us not going to war with anybody and should be safe not to be bombed into spinisters.

200 over kms from Sinking Land. All these hogwash unnecessary military purchases are been conned by the Americunts by leaning too much on their belligerence side.

That's why the morons are afraid that they be also involved in their stupid gangster bullying of others that one day they be the first to be whacked by the Rest.

Also, Shady deals are conducted everywhere by those in the purchasing of three Arsenals that it is an Open Secret that monies involved nay break the record of the 1IMD's scandal.

Virgo49 said...

Just to add. You think with your extra 35 to 50 whats super fIghters, if China or any other super or better power wants to hantam you, you think you be invincible to stand their onslaught??

That's why Do Dirty and Mad Hater openly declared we be massacred if we want to fight with these Super or Middle power nations.

Do not be prawn or sacrificial lambs for their belligerent behaviours.

They be the first to smirk and have you bashed for test ballons when they wanted to taunt their enemies and their Agenda to be suckers to them.

If China wants to bash you, your half past six Generals and strawberry park forces can fight them???

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

@ fellow blood-thirsty geopolitical sports & entertainment fans:

People get all nationalistic when it comes to hi-tek weaponry...who claims to have the biggest cock invariably claims to be the winner. In varied states of delirium, these "patriots" will cite the specs and effectiveness of such-and-such strike fighter-bomber, how boss a 1 tonne JDAM is, and how the surgical precision of laser-guided smart bombs are...until these fan-boys are frothing at the mouth and ejaculating on each other like a gay-Bukkake convention.

They never consider, where bang-for-buck is concerned, nothing beats el-cheapo ASYMMETRIC warfare, which includes the tried-and-true, super-effective ideas of terrorist attacks on a civilian population. 4 planes on 11 Sept did more "psychological damage" to the world---especially to the US---than the trillions of BORROWED MONEY spent so far on the "War on Terror".

Here is a list of bio-weapons created by the USSR's Biopreparat right up to the collapse of the Soviet Union.

There's been talk of weaponizing Ebola, although many ex-spurts believe that weaponized ebola is not an "effective" bioweapon. I'm calling "bullshit" on that, even though I have zero-clues on how this stuff actually works.

The of course there are "dirty bombs", a common trope on B-grade movies. In 1995 there was a Sarin Gas Attack in Tokyo. These fuckers also had VX and other nerve agents in their possession.

Recall the 2000 suicide bombing of the mighty USS Cole in Aden harbour, Yemen. 1 small boat loaded with C4 and 2 dudes fixated on collecting their 72 virgins from Allah. Textbook case of asymmetric warfare.

IN WW2 the various resistance movements were very effective against the Nazi occupiers of their cuntries.

Today of course we have terrorist suicide bombings and mass shootings, the use ot heavy vehicles to mow down civilians, vehicle bombs and IEDs in the Middle East and Afghanistan. All extremely effective and damn difficult (virtually impossible) to stop or prevent.

Let's not forget cyberwarfare---this is the "latest fad" in asymmetric warfare. It is extremely cheap, and able to create devastating outcomes. In 2007 hackers (Russian nationalists angry that the Estonian govt relocated a statue/ monument of a WW2 Russian "hero") took out Estonia's electronic infrastructure.

Anonymous said...

I think air purifier still d best.

Anonymous said...

Discussion about warfare and bragging about weapons is all about what is already known and about what each side will eventually use.

Do not forget about the hidden side of conflict. Food terrorism is difficult to fight against and is one example. Terrorist do not think the same way as countries following the Geneva conventions. They do not fall into the category of belonging to any country. It is anything goes when survival is at stake.

Did the USA consider world opinion when it dropped the bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki? That the bombs were necessary to stop the war is all hogwash. The Japs were already overstretched and tottering and Germany had already fallen. That two bombs was to test the effect and show the Russians who is ahead with nuclear arsenals. Nothing more than that.

Virgo49 said...

Right on Matilah, now no need massive high tech military arsenals to hit the shits out of your arses.

See the chow ang mohs grabbing with the two or three men or even OMO enemy till their surname became White heads.

You have these diverse aliens and immigrants in your country which most of them are still strongly attached to the politics of their own countries and also their beliefs in their own prejudices and religions.

Their countries of adoption may have laws or policies determintal to their beliefs or stubborn thinking and they may turn against you.

That's the kind of "wars" that are even harder to fight in your own country.

Also, one time after serving full reservists training in the SAF and after the formation of SCDF, we were further transferred to join them as instant Rescuers instead of instant "killers" of Wars.

And this farking Lau Goh can discriminate against us by having the serving NSmen more rewards than the lio cheow old NSmen.

Till now still cannot rejoin SAFRA even as First Batch SAFRA members with membership number less than number 10.

In one SCDF incamp lecture, a SCDF captain was proudly saying that Sinkieland is first class in Civil Defence where Shelters are even built into the HDB flats.

I told him it's a waste of space and an idiotic idea as you think the civilians dared to hide in their high rise shelters when the buildings come tumbling down when hits by bombs.

Some were be half naked after a bath and fully naked after a job and hide in their shelters where half are gone and balance of them hanging in the air.

He said that it's impossible that the bombs will hits so accurate on the high rise.

I said just have the bombs squads and those trained in denoting bombs placed the explosives in the strategic areas and you have them tumbling down in mins.

He asked me not to ask silly questions and be prepared to be dunked in the well water trying to be a fool.

My Director is busy with his laptop as supplied by SCDF and he wanted to bring some sets home.

So, Wars are not only fought militarily but also psychosocial and the wills and resolve of her people is up most important.

Now peace time, Sinkies SMEs or even Kacang Puteh companies and even our own breathen HR Managers and Agencies prefer foreign trashes to be given priority in employments, you think our NSmen and liao chow reservists would take up arms and fight unreservedly??

Fat Hope. Better have all start at the starting line again and let's hope who wins.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

@ culture vs culture

If you have more than one culture in a population, you will invariably have culture wars. "Culture" is a bunch of abstracts which reside in the brains of people, and influences their world views, judgements and decisions to act. What we see as "free will" (no such thing, actually), is not as "free" as we'd like to think. Everyone's "freewill" is influenced---positively and negatively---by the cultural filters in their minds.

No doubt, some aspects of culture like food or music are more "benign" and can be quite integrated with the same aspects of other cultures. But after some time, there will be a "contest" for cultural dominance, thus culture wars. I see this as quite normal. I also believe in "The Will Of The People". So if The People DON'T WANT widespread immigration, then their Will should be respected and not hijacked by the politicians The People pay for thru TAXATION.

Tenured academics in lavishly-funded think tanks and tertiary institutions cosy with the dominant political elite (sound familiar?) need to "prove their importance" to justify the continuation of funding, influence and POWER. So they come up with a myriad of "ideas"...and they just love the grand ideas of globalisation and multiculturalism. They consider humanity an ongoing experiment for them to test their Ivory Tower Theories on how to re-engineer the human species. In order to implement these theories, they form cosy relationships with the political elites, who run the cuntry.

That is why we're governed and are impacted by the effects of hairbrained policies. We all know racism is bad. Yet, trying to con ourselves into believing that "all culture are equal" (as in multiculturalism) is just as unhealthy...and just plain wrong. We like connectivity, ease of travel and a competitive selection of imported product...but everyone knows that globalisation can threaten your job security and career future.

If you don't have competing ideas---all the time---you end up with one idea which shuts out any notion of being challenged. We've been fed with DOGMA about globalisation, climate change, multiculturalism, secularism, gender equality, 3rd Wave Feminism...etc etc. It is "dogma" because you become socially outcast as a "bigot" or "closed-minded" if you dare to challenge any of them.