
China making amendments to BRI plan

The original Belt and Road New Silk Road Plan includes high speed train cutting down from southern China through Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand, Malaysia to Singapore. Its west bound line cuts through Myanmar, Bangladesh, India, Pakistan, the Middle East towards Turkey and Europe.
This Plan is now modified taking into consideration the choice of Vietnam and India not to participate in the BRI. The southern line would now commence from Kunming, China through Laos, Cambodia and further south to Singapore bypassing Vietnam completely. The west bound line would also by pass India as well as India has decided to build its own Silk Road with Japan, starting from east India and ending in west India.

When the BRI is completed, goods from Vietnam and India to and from Europe would have to go by air or by sea, not by train, unless they build their own high speed or snail speed train to connect with the Chinese high speed train lines.

A third amendment is in the making with Mahathir cancelling all Chinese high speed train projects in Malaysia. It is likely that the southern point of the Chinese high speed train would end in Bangkok, Thailand and missing Malaysia and Singapore altogether. Goods from both countries to and from Europe and China would likewise go by air or sea. The heavy stuff that would be too expensive to go by air would have to go by sea in snail speed to Europe and China by then.

A fourth possible development would be for Singapore, Malaysia, Vietnam and India to build their own high speed train network starting from Vietnam down to Singapore and back up west to India.
There will then be two Silk Roads by land, one built by China and one by India, to transport goods to the various countries along the New Silk Roads. India may want to call it the New Sari Road. Oh it can extend all the way to Japan as well.

There is no need for China to beg the unconvinced to join the bandwagon if they chose to be left out of the game plan.


Titiana Ann Xavier said...

India puts her sovereignty at stake if she joins the BRI. The route passed through Pakistan in which the 2 countries are at loggerheads over disputed territory. India is worried that joining the BRI is giving de facto recognition to Pakistan's claim. Another problem is that trains are always overcrowded to the extent that passengers had to sit on the roof. A high speed train built by China or Japan will dislodge many passengers and cause them to fall to an untimely death. Vietnam cannot forget the 1979 border war with China. Joining BRI will enable the PLA to use the HSR and overrun Vietnam in double quick time.

公鸡81 said...

//9/20/2018 Who is paying for Trump’s trade war?//

Part 1 of 100

Angkor Virgo49,

Lo(ooooo)ng time "no see" ... How r yew? Hope the MC tall tables still have empty seats to savour mouth watering atas pork floss bak kwa sandwich topped with thick layers of mayo and mustard sauces ...?

Back to the intended topic of showing who pays for "The Art of the Deal" ...

A simple mathematical or graphical representation can easily prove this beyond any doubt?

Verbally, let the vertical axis represent the price of an American import say Aluminium and the horizontal axis the qty of Aluminium.

Let a downward-sloping line DD represent the domestic demand of Aluminium in the US mkt and an upward-sloping line SS represent the domestic supply

Because the American is not a main Aluminium producer in the world market and thus assumed as a price-taker of the world Aluminium price, ie, the world price isbelow the US domestic Aluminium mkt equilibrium price and is represented by a horizontal line below the equilibrium price of P* and represented by Pw.

To be continued in Part 2 of 100 ...

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

India and Vietnam are bogged down by their own drummed up fear of China invading their countries. They refused to see the new reality. China is not an expansionist country and in today's context, any country that harbours the thought of invading and occupying another country would face the dreaded prospect of an unending war of attrition.

China has no such invasion and is living in peace with the rest of its smaller neighbours. Its border disputes with Russia has almost been resolved be negotiation. It has border dispute with India and China would want the matter be resolved by negotiation.

The two wars with these two belligerent states in 1962 and 1979 are proved that China would not imposed its military might on them to settle border disputes. After the wars, China withdraw to the previous status quo positions.

The fear of China by Vietnam and India is a self inflicted delusion. In the case of the Vietnamese, they have been seizing Chinese islands in the SC Sea and have been repelled by force by China. They are still occupying several of the islands and China is leaving the status quo to be resolved by negotiation unless the Vietnamese restart their military occupation of more islands.

The roads and high railways are communication lines just like roads everywhere and can be used for good or for bad. They are not for bad intent except in the minds of people thinking mischief like the racists accusing every little thing as racism. It is all in the mind, in the thinking of people with bad intent. They refused to look at positivity but negative side of things.

Virgo49 said...

Hello Cockerel 81.

Good, good. Now atas sidikit, upgraded from pork floss bak kwa burger to Genting Annual Dinner of abalone coming on Sept 26 which is our second participation.

Aiya, let those Dafts joined India's Sari Route and trade Barter Trade amongst themselves.

When they wanted to join the Main BRI route, simply reject them to their own Barter Trade.

Let them just trade amongst themselves and be left out as Promising Third World Countries.

Titiana Ann Xavier said...

It is inevitable that China will become a global military power to match its extensive economic reach. Recently Abe and Xi issued a joint statement in defence of the WTO and globalisation. Indian and Vietnamese refusal to join the BRI revealed their lack of vision in missing commercial opportunities to promote growth. China is far ahead of every country in transforming and boosting human capital, economic alliances and free markets.

Anonymous said...

Now we know who is supporting who more clearly.

Maybe some prefer the slow motion way of doing things. So let them be.

I hate to say, but when the time comes, lots of spanners will be thrown into the projects. Black spanners, white sponsored spanners, banana shaped spanners, prata shaped spanners. You name it, they have it.

It is not difficult to guess why India and Vietnam opt out. Old scores need to be settled. Sometimes it ends up with cutting off the nose to spite the face.

公鸡81(Son of PG49) said...

Virgo49September 22, 2018 9:35 am
//Good, good. Now atas sidikit, upgraded from pork floss bak kwa burger to Genting Annual Dinner of abalone coming on Sept 26 which is our second participation.//

Part 2/100:

Wah, LGT 万岁 - the coy and culture he built always got new ideas, very GOOD (angmo jiak choo loot) ...

Now, back to the illustration US ALUMINIUM tariff graph verbally.

There are 4 different qty involved Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4.

At Q1, it is the qty supplied by domestic US AL producers, which is the free trade equilibrium pt Ew where price = Pw and Qty consumed = Q4

With FREE TRADE, amt of AL tariff revenue earned = US$0.

Titiana Ann Xavier said...

China's $1 trillion BRI is the largest infrastructure mega-project in the history of the world. Many nations are getting involved in the global intricacies of trade and commerce. India, Vietnam and Malaysia have no clue where a globally interdependent world is heading. A Chinese Renaissance is in the making and will impact the world for years to come. Africa and The Middle East are glad to jump onto the Chinese bandwagon. Latin America is beckoning.

Virgo49 said...

Right Ann, those not connected by Land Mass in this BRI would give a limb and arm to join.

For example the Philipines which is not connected to the Land Mass.

Vietnam and Malaysia are connected with the BRI easily and they chose not to.

Out of like one bro said cut the Nose to spite the Face.

Maybe Mathatir would later be replaced by Anwar join as this old fox maybe wants to jeopardise Sinkie Land by playing smoke screen.

Chuna's Vice Premier purposely came to Singapore to persuade Us to go on their side on a second chance.

This Bahairi Guy tried to poke fire saying Chinese influence on Sinkieland's Chinese might discriminate the other Races.

Sinkieland Chinese, they should be thankful is one of the most generous and accommodating Species that do not discriminate against other races.

They are the most magnanimous dafts who in fact are been taken advantage off by the others or Rest who are given too much grace and face.

Wait till they are under the Mats or Bumis in Matland and like one bro said Don't know what's hits them.

Turbans also dropped.


Anonymous said...

US President Trump has threatened to impose even more tariffs on Chinese goods. Saying that the US has "more bullets", Trump cautioned the world's second-largest economy to think twice before engaging in a trade war with the largest.

Well, today the US Federal Debt is about $21,467,468,522,886.37.

The amount is the gross outstanding debt issued by the United States Department of the Treasury. But, the figure doesn’t include state and local debt. And, it doesn’t include so-called “agency debt.” And, it doesn’t include the so-called unfunded liabilities of entitlement programs like Social Security and Medicare.

Federal Debt per US citizen is about $65,791.

China is holding US$1.171 trillion in US Treasury debt.

China can just dump its holdings of $1.171 trillion US Treasury debt and US interest rates would spike upwards.

Anonymous said...

Trump has more bullets but can he outlast China's resolve? How many years can Trump hope to cling on as President? Jack Ma said that China is prepared to fight the tariff war for the long term. Trump is going for the short term, but it all depends on the USA's public threshold for pain. When public opinion turns sour, with jobs on the line and cost of living set to rise, things will change, as during tail end of the Vietnam War.

Will China collapse because of the tariffs? China had been speculated, year in and year out, that it will collapse, but so far it has survived. In fact it had survived dynasty changes, civil wars, earthquakes, tyhoons. Thousands of years of history in the art of survival is not going to go down because of one man! It takes more than that!

OldDragon28 said...

During the era of the Three Kingdoms in the AD 200s, one of the GAME CHANGERs was the "Bitter Pork Conspiracy"?

Now the AngMo is using it on Xi/ Wang/ Liu etc?

"Flogging" their neighbours and allies in the current trade war is maciam Wu Kingdom's Zhou Yu "flogging" one of his generals to trick Cao Cao and turned around the outcome of that war?

So it is damn ironical that the AngMo are using ancient China's stratagem on its inventor?

Just like the British using the gunpowder technology invented by ancient Chinese alchemists on the Qing Dynasty China during the First and Second Opium Wars in the mid 1800s?

Supposing Peter Navarro has built some of the most sophisticated macroeconometric super computer models using DSGE (Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium) and the impact on the various scenarios calculated to 10 decimals?

Anonymous said...

12.09pm: '... very GOOD (angmo jiak choo loot) ...'

Anonymous said...


Our power plant under China, Japan, Malaysia? Not under Ang Moh or PM Lee? Than America Ships park here? Woo Hoo. Why do I serve army? I am getting Goondu. How many Ang Moh MNC here? People earn money from Ang Moh MNC, than pay to China, Japan, Malaysia?

Well, today the US Federal Debt is about $21,467,468,522,886.37.

That why so many debt? Ang Moh feed a lot of people?

China's Vice Premier purposely came to Singapore to persuade us to go on their side on a second chance?

What second chance? The power plant already whose?

Want to dump. Just dump. War also fight. People also kill. Cut head also cut like tv shows. Money just paper only. Just dump.

Donald Trump Donald Trump Donald Trump. Ong Teng Cheong Ong Teng Cheong Ong Teng Cheong.

Anonymous said...

The fear of China is all hype up by the West. It has always been the whipping boy of the West for generations. This bogeyman tactic is now applied and fed to African, South American and South Asian countries.

India, Vietnam, Philippines and Malaysia are all swallowing this propaganda lock, stock and barrel. Mahathir, in making this comment about Chinese and Portuguese first foray into Malaya should have known better. He said that when the Chinese under Cheng Ho first came to Malacca, they left and did not return to colonise the country. When the Portuguese came after that, they returned with an armada of troops and took control of Malacca.

Ironically, Mahathir's action is a blessing in disguise for Singapore. Without the BRI, the port of Singapore is still going to be relevant for ships en route to Japan and vice versa, which is outside the BRI project. Further, it will still serve Indonesia, East Malaysia and mainland Malaysia, all of which are outside the BRI coverage.

Anonymous said...

What is choo loot?

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

The BRI has a belt and a road in its plan. The sea road is also part of the BRI to serve the island countries outside Asia. The belt or land road has tremendous advantages in terms of travelling time to and from Europe that the sea road cannot match.

The sea road is still important but will be marginalised not because it is not important but to bypass the choke point in the Malacca Straits that is being controlled by the Americans with the help of little USAs.

India, Vietnam, Philippines and Malaysia were all vicims of western colonisation but the daft could not remember and choose to fear the red herring raised by the West of a Chinese demon going to swallow them up. China has not done that before and is not going to do so. If China is such an aggressive and expansionist power, the small neighouring states of China would have been taken. Instead the small states like Nepal and Bhutan are begging China to free them from Indian colonisation.

Titiana Ann Xavier said...

Uncle Sam abused and squandered its monopoly of military and economic power. It served the interests of Wall Street and the White House at the expense of every country. China, in stark contrast, has a vision of shared prosperity where national sovereignty holds primacy. Uncle Sam's global power grab by force and intimidation started to crumble as Russia and China began to contest its exceptionalism and refusing to subordinate themselves to a Washington-led world order. The BRI, SCO, AIIB and petro-yuan are poised to turn the table on Uncle Sam.

Whoever said...

The BRI was at first mooted as the New Silk Route. Then it changed to One Belt One Road. Then it changed again to Belt and Road Initiative (BRI).

The BRI now comprises six over-land routes and one sea route.

The latest route (6th route) is throught Russia to Canada over the Artic and Iceland. China has already bought a huge piece of land from Iceland. The Artic portion is controlled by Russia.

Anonymous said...

Yippie! Clap clap clap. We are playing monopoly game. Got railway, electricity, water, house, hotel, pass go get $200. See who more lucky. Throw the dice 6 every time does not mean lucky. Later keep step onto people property, must pay money. Woo hoo.

Singapore electricity under China, Japan, Malaysia? Woo hoo. Not under Ang Moh, PM Lee, Tan Cheng Bock, Tan Jee Say, Tan Kin Lian, Tony Tan, PAP, Workers Party, SDP, Low Thia Khiang, Dr Chee? Woo hoo. We serve army, not unite as one?

No money? Woo hoo. All stay Singapore never think of how to buy back power plant? Woo hoo. Serve army together? Woo hoo. Who is all this people inside different party? Woo hoo. Election time hide at home? Woo hoo. What is those old leaders doing? Woo hoo.

Any other country like us sell away power plant? Is it a norm thing?

Whoever said...

When TH lost $1 billion in gambling. In order to make the balance sheet looks good, it sells away one valuable asset for $3 billion. The book value of that asset is $500 million. Therefore, the balance sheet will show a profit of $1.5 billion instead of a loss of $1 billion.

When TH lost $10 billion in gambling, it therefore sold 3 valuable assets. The 3 valuable assets fetched $10 billion, exactly sufficient to cover up the losses. But there is no profit at the end of the year. So how? Very simple. Just transfer a national asset that is worth $billions to TH for a token of $1. As a result, TH can show in its balance sheet at the end of the year a huge profit of $billions.

Just two examples to show you how crafty brains work wonders - making profits all the time. Therefore, annual bonuses are assured all the time.


Anonymous said...

Part 1/2:

(Oldies) Jiak Ba Tan Si lol?

Qing Dynasty China so strong 400 million pple and more than 10 million sq miles land mass kena one splurge and splurge decadent and inept Dowager Lao Auntie CiXi who should have been confined in a Sua Teng village feed chickens and ducks but heaven wanted its demise so put her at the pinnacle of power to gone case the Qing Dynasty?

History tend to repeat itself and Qing Emperor Guang Xu was just a pappet lah ...

Exactly 120 years ago (same same 戊戌年) Qing Emperor Guang Xu 戊戌变法 (Reformasi) lasted less than 100 days and suffered a "first trimester" miscarriage ...

6 reformers including Tang Ci Tong refused to flee and stayed grounded to get arrested so as to AWAKEN the conned and drugged masses then.

The decadent Dowager walked into the "trap" and executed the 6 reformers known in Chinese Qing History as 戊戌六君子 (the 6 reformers) in a high profile execution square in the middle of their imperial capital then ...

It laid the spark that lighted the vast land across the Qing Dynasty and by the time the woman (the decadent Dowager CiXi) sent by heaven to destroy the Qing Dynasty died in 1908, it was so obvious that she single-handedly collapsed the vast Qing Empire painstakingly built by the Qing Dynasty old guards of Nu Er Hai Chi and Qing Emperor Kang Xi in the 1600s?

In ancient China, when heaven deemed the time is up and a dynastic empire must go, it tend to send some women to rise to the pinnacle of power or become some concubines to bring the empire to its knee?

This promiscuous Qing Dynasty Dowager was supposedly a gorgeous concubine who unscrupulously rose to power using the weak emperor she married? (But photographs taken in the late 1800s showed that she was actually quite ugly and in fact many women who hold powers now in the world are actually old and ugly?)

Many Imperial Qing officials recognised that she was the jinx where the Qing Empire would be lost in her hands and tried to get rid of her but failed cos heaven will was indefiable?

8 Qing Imperial officials including the leader Su Shun who saw through that Dowager CiXi was the jinx sent to destroy the Qing Empire were either tortured and executed or imprisoned till their death.

Anonymous said...

Part 2/2:

Dowager CiXi was the (actual) power behind the (puppet) throne and pulled all the power levers directing the Qing Imperial Court officials to carry out her wills, wishes, whims and fancy?

Qing Emperor Guang Xu was obviously her pappet though he was the Emperor in name and sat in the throne?

Though Dowager CiXi never held any official government title such as the Emperor and thus not involved in the Qing Imperial Court cabinet meetings, through the technology then she sat in the room next to where the imperial court cabinet meetings were held and called the shot behind the throne (垂帘听政), according to recorded Qing Dynasty history?

Alas, if Dowager CiXi lived in modern times (and through modern technology), she didn't even have to sit next door but aware of everything that was going on in the Qing Dynasty Imperial Court cabinet meetings and still called the shots behind the Emperor (Guang Xu) throne?

Joseph Schumpeter called such events creative destruction?

Tried as they could to prevent and avert the inevitable by sending countless Qing scholars overseas to learn from the west, the decadent system was too rotten and one after another incompetent Manchurian cronies were parachuted into the Qing Dynasty Imperial Court cabinet.

As each year passed by, the situation in the Qing Empire got from bad to worse, and its foundation shaken to the core?

Many things were not working well and breaking down incessantly, reflective of the (in)capablity of those parachuted into power. Taxes were raised continuously with all kinds of phony basis and the costs of living in the Qing Empire then were supposedly even higher than in Zurich and London, the business and political capitals of the world then?

But stupidity got no cure and the daft Qing Dynasty subjects thought they were living in Zurich standard of living and more good years (to come) as promised by the inept Qing Imperial Court?

But as time went by and more taxes laid on the Qing Dynasty subjects, paper cannot wrap fire anymore?

It was obvious the Qing Dynasty coffers were empty and more and more taxes needed to be levied on their people to fill up some bottomless black holes?

As they said, the rest was history?

Virgo49 said...

Hi OldDargon.

Your nights are days and days are nights??

Your postings at 3 am plus. Or habitual from spending overnight Huat, Heng, Ongg at Casinos Arenas.

Your History of events of old China seemed like the now present day Events that is now happening in Sinkiesland.

It would be duplicated and write by another YoungDragon in the future for the Future Down and Out Post Minninenial Sinkies.

They be cursing the Sinkies Dowager and her incompetence eunuchs.

Not for our eyes to see and hear


Anonymous said...

Virgo49September 23, 2018 6:27 am
///////Your nights are days and days are nights?? Your postings at 3 am plus. Or habitual from spending overnight Huat, Heng, Ongg at Casinos Arenas.///////

Not days are nights and nights are days lah. Also dw to be the (first) person trained in Econs, Stats, Maths, History, IRs, etc "caught" making (big) cardinal mistakes "addicted" in gambling dens built by mafias and botachay to con the (even more) naive and greedy stupidity got no cure human beans to waste precious time rotting away. Hell NO! Have not stepped into a casino in the past lo(oooooo)ngki years and cannot even remember when was the first and only time stepping into one and except the "evils", there is absolutely nothing amiss not going into one.

So the "mystery" lies in the (flawed) sys lah ... Was awakened by "sthg" dressed in "white" lah in the wee hours and before getting into zzz (permanently or "accidentally") tot worthwhile to relate some "interesting" history to the younger generation.

History is known even to the most stupid human beans of repeating itself so if many or some contemporary events are reminiscent of historical events, historians will lOL yew if yew make such a big fuss out of it or just realised?

If yew want to know how the next financial crisis looks like, perhaps yew can dig out history books and read about the AFC?

There is sthg missing in this world. Bef sthg sinister happens, lets say it first that besides business cycles, there are historical cycles.

And if yew are the simple brain dead type who doesn't like to read like the countless millions, go watch the 2 blockbusters this summer in China.

"The Story of Yanxi Palace" is produced by iQiyi owned by Baidu.

"Royal Love in the Palace" is produced by Ruyi which is owned by another Chinese internet firm Tencent Holdings.

Both (long winded endless tak boleh tahan) dramas revolve around the decadent lives of the Qing Imperial Court (and probably mirror some parts of contemporary events)?

So if some contemporary scenarios reflect some historical scenes, too bad lo ... Count yewr luck yew are living in such times ...

The 2 blockbusters dramas have attracted more than 10 billion views so far and attest to the simple-mindedness of the cha bors?

Have not even watched a single min of these 2 so called blockbusters now showing furiously in mainland china and followed by many others overseas...

Before permanently zzz by some sinister causes, writing all these hoping less pain and suffering of future gen by NOT letting history repeat again and again (on them).

If yew very free, perhaps spend less time in the gambling den and watch the abovementioned dramas and learn more and be more knowledgable in Qing history to continue tell the younger ones cos if zzz permanently by some sinister causes then the hope is for others like yew to "educate" the young abt history so as NOT to happen on them?

Cheers ...

PS: Watching dramas is also not very healthy (for the brain) but nonetheless a better substitute than spending time in kasinose. That one more than brain dead?

Virgo49 said...

Hello Bro, that's you may be wrong.

Bouts in the Kasinose arenas drove away Dementia and your senility further down the road.

You have so many Angkors and Aunties in the 70s and 80s more alert and wise than the 40s and the minniminals or mini animals who are more dafts than them.

So many already in a daze and stupidity no cure.

Waste of time waking them up and better times spent on the final golden years of your life before Sinkieland goes to the Dogs.

Anonymous said...

AnonymousSeptember 22, 2018 4:51 pm
12.09pm: '... very GOOD (angmo jiak choo loot) ...'

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

In the times of Cixi, the natural aristocrats then would not think she was the jinx of the Qing Dynasty and probably think she was the best woman on the job. And that the Qing Dynasty would last forever, wan sui, wan sui, wan wan sui. And to preserve the Dynasty, they would lock up all opposition by abusing their authority, with all kinds of silly charges instead of spending time working to save the Dynasty.

b said...

Whats OBOR for if Europe stops buying? Better get a plan B.

Anonymous said...

Is the word "Qing" mispelled? Somehow it seems there is a missing "" in lieu of ""?

Anonymous said...

You are so thick. Without a China buying and selling from Europe, where is Europe going to sell its goods to, or who is going to sell cheap and good products from the new poor in Europe?

When China stops buying from Europe, like stopped buying from Australia, they would come begging on their knees.

Your biggest and abject poverty democracy cannot afford to buy from Europe.