
More cases of teachers abusing children exposed

A primary 6 boy was allegedly pinned on a school desk by his neck. This was done by his teacher.The incident happened on Tuesday, July 2 at about 10am in an elite school in the east of Singapore.

He had gone for classes late as he was not feeling well, and his mother was shocked to see his teacher chase him into the classroom. She claims she saw the teacher pinning her son on a desk by his neck.
Tay Weiming's father, 63, and his mother made a police report, complained to the Ministry of Education and also alerted Lianhe Wanbao.

There was another case reported in Stomp I think, of a primary school boy being made to stand in a corner for 3 hours without food, drink or break to go to the toilet and with a paper bag on his head. Punishing a child for bad behaviour is acceptable but it must be reasonable and should not go over the limit especially for primary school children. Forbidding a child to go to the toilet, without food or water is cruel, wicked and inhuman. Unacceptable for adults to dish such punishment to children unless these adults are from some primitive tribes that have yet to be civilised.

Harsh punishment, roughing up children, yelling at young children, and handling them in a threatening manner not only frighten them, they instilled fear in them. What the shit are these adults thinking, that they can harass young children without harming them emotionally and psychologically? My impression is that these are not only insecure adults but likely to be mentally sick or just unfit to take care of children.

This is only the tip of the iceberg, a few cases that were reported after the My First Skool case was exposed. Today another mentally sick teacher abused a 5 year old girl by making her standing naked in front of her classmates in a PAP Community Foundation Centre. She even swung her against the white board. And she was given a 21 probation on the ground that she too was an abused child. What a sick joke! What a sick mitigation excuse!

Is our teaching profession going mad? Or is our society going sick? Don’t the principals or MOE put their ears on the ground to find out what is happening? Oh, the second case mentioned above was dealt by a principal. No wonder Singaporeans are so docile, so authority fearing. They must have been mentally castrated from young in our schools.

The MOE must take a stand on this and get rid of sadistic adults that are unsuitable to take care of children. They will do more harm than good and the earlier they are removed the safer it is for the children. There is an urgent need to do some spring cleaning for the well being and safety of young children. Stop wasting time on cleaning hawker centres.

We need to guard against pyschopaths walking around as teachers. A serious personality and pyschiatric assessment must be conducted on all teachers. Though this may not weed out all of them, at least a big chunk could be taken out early. It is better to be safe than sorry. Subsequently, schools and pre schools, nurseries, kindergartens must have a continuous programme to monitor the teachers to ensure that they are safe for the children. There is an honest and naïve assumption that teachers are all normal people, love children and can be trusted in their entirety with the children in their care. They could be monsters and little devils in disguise.

Wake up and stop being complacent and think that every human bean is ok if he or she calls herself a teacher. Even one in a robe is committing all kinds of crimes behind the robe. Our children need to be protected from their teachers. Our preschools, kindergartens and nurseries must not be turned into frightening places for our children.


ProSustainableSg said...

Continuation of Part 5/5 @ PSS 12.19 am 20 Jul 2013 from RB 19 Jul 2013 “The right COE Scheme” post:

Part B: 1/5 --- Constructive Suggestions For Sustainable Sg

There are many challenges facing us for long term sustainability. Low TFR is one of them but probably the most pressing yet having one of the longest, if not the longest, gestational time period. Therefore, we need to confront one challenge at a time or at least not all challenges at the same time. Once more plausible measures that are highly likely to yield a positive and desired outcome are put in place for this issue and while waiting for the effect to take place, we can move on to other challenges. Why should the government do it? Well, that may very well win them a landslide election the next round if this issue and corrective actions and measures are handled well. But it all depends on their perception and destiny. As RB said, there are many ways to skin the cat. It all depends on which way is chosen to skin the cat and how successful the measures will be.

Going back to the TFR 33-year short story, "ESM Goh must be such a lousy runner"! In 1980, TFR was about 1.82 and when former MM Lee handed over the "political leadership baton" to ESM Goh in 1990, TFR was still at a high of 1.83. He squandered such a "huge lead" and when the "political leadership baton" was finally handed over to PM Lee in 2004, the 1990 TFR high of 1.83 was reduced to a mere 1.24! The 3G leaders under PM Lee "must have been running like mad and crazy aka Usain Bolt type, poor chaps" and somehow managed to keep it there for the past 9 years. The last official "reading" was 1.29 at end 2012, partly due to a "mini-bumper dragon babies harvest".

John Maynard Keynes said in the long run all would be dead!

Incidentally, either way now we are stuck between a rock and a hard place. If the government continues to import indiscriminately "off the shelf immediately ready foreign big babies" to supplement our shortfall, they may get a big enough backlash from the electorates come next GE to be out of power. This may not be good for Singapore. On the other hand, even if oppo comes into power, what can they do? Their track record in this aspect is even worst than the current government if one look at the "TFR" of their female MPs. Zero child birth per their female MP. At least for now. Secondly, for the oppo, how are they going to resolve the low TFR vs "imported off the shelf foreign babies"? Their population proposal does not contain much details how on to increase the TFR of Singapore effectively and what the interim measures would be? Anyway, even if the oppo come into power, can they turn off the tap massively just like that without facing huge consequences and repercussions in our manpower needs? How much can they turn off? If it is just very marginal, then how different are they from the government's current policies?

Based on current trend, from around 2022 and onwards, mortality rates are likely to EXCEED birth rates. From year 2031 onwards, for every birth, likely more than one would have passed on. You say like that how to sustain? For those who can "emigrate", who would likely stay to "pick up the shit" and shoulder the "liabilities" left behind by some "clever" and "altruistic" world class scholars! Or should it be "super selfish" and "self-serving" "get out of my elite face" elites? I must be doing “some mini-lambasting or at least seen to be lightly slapping the wrist”, otherwise I would also be “seen to be a PAPig or puppet” or whatever ardent oppo fans want to term it.

By PSS, Pro Sustainable Singapore

To Be Continued Part B: 2/5 --- Constructive Suggestions For Sustainable Sg

Anonymous said...

Pss u mentioned that may be change of government on tfr issue may not yield any improvement. But first u are only focusing on one issue then conclude that changing would not solve the problem. But there are so many issues needing a fresh pair of eyes. As a past long term hardcore supporter of pap, it actually pains me to see pap get replaced but looking at the last 10 years, I have concluded that its best to let that happen and let others have a go with some new ideas to be implemented rather than more of the same.


Anonymous said...

Is it difficult to recruit good teachers?

Is it difficult to recruit good policeman?

Is it difficult to elect a good government?

Is it difficult to have a opposition party as strong as the ruling party?

And we need teachers, policemen, government as well as opposition. Are the best available the best? Or the best available is not that good?

If so, therein lies the root cause of the problem.

Anonymous said...

Can pay them not to be wicked.

PSS said...

@ anon 10.23 am

Anon 10.23 am aka sad,

True. You have a point there.

Nonetheless, the focus here would be on TFR and looking at this issue per se.

As mentioned, there are many challenges and I am quite sure everybody - drivers and co-drivers included are working fervently, diligently and urgently on many of these issues. I am offering another perspective and possibly some humble but sincere and thought-through suggestions for further discussions, debates, brainstorms if they are worth a second look.

I understand your concern and have looked into such a perspective all these while. On the other hand, I can see ( and I believe many have seen ) that the government is also putting great efforts to meet the aspirations, interests, objectives etc etc of the electorates some way in between. Ministerial salary has been slashed by a whopping 37%. Yes, I am aware there was an increase in 2007 and this reduction probably marginally make a dent to pre-2007 level. Nevertheless, this is no less a reasonable start and we are 3 or 4 years away assuming nothing serious happen and no early election is called. As our very experienced and "successful" oppo veteran LTK Teochew Ah Hia also said, give our government some time to make adjustments. I believe changes take time.

In short, this TFR issue if left unsolved or unresolved is likely to bring about whole lot of other issues. In order to have a fighting chance, we need to tackle this issue head on single-mindedly because any suggestion might be unconventional or too bold and may itself be in for some hard debates/ discussions. Anyway, the Chinese has a saying,"死马当活马医”!Frankly I am not sure whether our TFR problem is an alive or dead horse but either way, since this "cat has been skinned" so many years and in so many ways but still remain unresolved, I suppose it may worth some alternative ground suggestions and perspectives rather than just sit and wait and tweedle the thumbs waiting for some miracles to happen.

Whether how much the ground support the government I think it is up to the democratic right of every citizen. Which ever way it turn out, my working to bring about some plausible workable suggestions, ideas or even solutions to our dangerously and critically low TFR can only be good for Singapore in the long term. In other word, my objective is bi-partisan and in the national interests than intended to side or benefit any side/ party of the aisle.

I sincerely appreciate your feedback and hope my reply make you less "sad" on this beautiful sunny "Saturday". Anyway, pls feel free for further interaction otherwise "sometimes I am not sure am I going mad or what talking to a blank wall or computer screen". Your interaction means there is some life out there in the cyberspace. :):)

Cheers :)

Anonymous said...

Money can solve everything what. Just like we pay out of the world salary so ministers would not be tempted for corruption, we can also pay teachers and policemen out of the world salary so teachers would hit be wicked and policemen would be honest. Problem is if everyone is earning million dollars, it will be hyper inflation then we need to move to billion salary

Anonymous said...

Pss, thank you for your response. There are many issues affecting the tfr. While not everyone may agree, from my perspective as a citizen and father with sons serving national service and would be in the workforce soon in a few years time, it pains me to look at their future of facing a 30 years mortgage in a public pigeon hole of 99 years leasehold properties, almost emptied cpf balance at the end of 30 years facing the vacuum cleaner of hdb, high education expenses at the universities, high transport expenses, high Coe, high medical and high everything. How on earth the kids wanted to have children of their own. Plus facing intense competition with FT in a unlevel playing field with the government wanting to adopt at best a level playing field rather then take care of the citizens with preferences, and this must be the only government in the world whereby it treats citizens and FT equally by suggesting a level playing field. then they have to face jobs discrimination and for all intent and purposes, the banking and IT industries here are already captured by FT. then the almost non existent real pay increases,There are a lot of joy of having kids as I have experienced. But looking from their perspective, they said they are more things in life to do then pay off a 30 years mortgage for a pigeon hole. They would rather stay with me whether getting married or not but no kids. Everyone only has one life to live while there are a lot of joy from my perspective to have kids, it's not something that they share having no experience of that joy but plenty of obstacles and headaches.

As I have communicated earlier, I was a long term strong pap supporter but pap of today is not pap of yesteryear. Now with a heavy heart, I have to vote against them as last 10 years are really disaster from my perspective and it may get worst with the 7 million population. I get extremely irritated when policy makers state the Singaporeans prefers small housing units as evidenced by the demand or that since family sizes have gotten smaller, so hdb is building smaller housing units. Everyone knows that smaller units sell because its cheaper and hdb building smaller units to lower cost and packing more units. But this type of talk, I give up.

Anonymous said...

Maybe they should asked them to refer to the WSH ACT 2016.

oldhorse42 said...

Abusive teacher and sadistic prison officer, our little red dot is getting from bad to worse. Why is it so? Didn't we pay our leaders the highest salary they want and performance bonus.too!

Anonymous said...

Old horse, the highest salary is not extended to teachers and prison officers hor so get your facts right

Anonymous said...

Sack the highly paid MOE minister. He must be enjoying his high pay that he has no time and energy to do serious job.

Anonymous said...

The Education Millionaire Minister will say the solution is:

"We must pay teachers million dollar salary so that they will not be cruel."
(But isn't the solution to recruit caring teachers in the first place?)

"Just like you pay me million dollar salary to be honest."
(But isn't the solution to recruit honest people in the first place?)

b said...

Pay peanuts get monkeys. Must give them million dollar pay so they can do the job well just like the papayas. Prepare for next round of inflation.

Anonymous said...

'Singaporeans prefers small housing units '

- if that is true , - how come most of them stay in landed freehold housing? is it because they are not singaporeans?

Anonymous said...

This PAPig prefers to sell small HDB flats to Singaporeans.
This is what PAPigs want.
It is not what Singaporeans want.

You want bigger flats?
Keep voting Opposition.
Make sure you also recruit a friend or relative to also vote Opposition with you.

60% of our friends & relatives voted PAP.

agongkia said...

My classmate and my course mate were also pinned by my teacher and instructor before.
I can sense and understand that the act is just a show to frighten the subject so that he will behave better and not cow son dun know tiger.It is usually harmless.
I prefer to be pinned now than to be naughty next time kicking on the cheng hoo larng and died by being make to do prone position.
Have faith in our leaders and teachers.They are doing it for our own good.Parent dun know how to teach ,leave them to the teacher.
They are the best.

Anonymous said...

Agongkia now matilar is no longer around, u have taken over his place to talk nonsense. U better go spend time with mei mei lar cause if you not focus and don't enough attention, they may sliced your balls out and without balls, how to have fun with so many mei mei in the future? Or u no more balls already, got check your two tiny still with u or not?

Anonymous said...

Singapore is fast becoming an exciting and interesting place to live in........close your eyes and count the numbers of national issues and happenings we are facing .........

Anonymous said...

It will get more interesting.

No good for those with weak hearts
empty pockets.

It may also cause the filthy rich to feel jittery and unsafe.

Exciting indeed.

Anonymous said...

Who to blame?

PSS said...

@ anon 11.44 am

Welcome to my blog!

Anonymous said...

There is only one national issue that is of importance and troubling the whole govt, cleaning hawker centre.

Anonymous said...

Thanks RB for bring this issues up.

I have personally witnessed and heard too many horrible cases of mishandling or abuse of young children from childcare to Primary school.

You are right, our education structure as a whole is getting so sickly to the core that it hurts to even send my children to school somedays. And I suspect the MOE knows but didn't want to do anything much, bec it is how they want singaporeans to be controlled, except of course some chosen schools are special.

Anonymous said...

...that it hurts to even send my children to school somedays."
Anon July 20, 2013 10:55 pm

But do you have a choice not to send your children to school?

Do you think we should not have a govt because the best party available and ready to be govt is no more good?

Anonymous said...

How to have a party stronger than WP and as strong or even stronger than PAP, that's the question.

Anonymous said...

Do you have a choice not to send your children to through the system?

Do you have a choice not to pay for that outrageous flat?

Do you have a choice not to have the population increase to 6.9m?

Do you have a choice not becoming a minority in your country?

Do you have a choice not to be discriminated by foreigners in your own country?

Do you have a choice not to be bankrupt on admission to a govt hospital?

Do you have a choice to take out your CPF money?

Do you have a choice to have a govt of your choice?

Anonymous said...

Thank you for showing that teachers are capable of being bullies. As a former victim in the hands of a monster teacher more than 20 years ago, I get upset and angry whenever I hear of a child being bullied by a school teacher. The issue of bully teachers do exist but not much has been done on it.

If you are interested, there is a similar post regarding this issue: http://whatsaysyou.wordpress.com/2013/07/24/the-bully-teacher-who-got-away-with-it/

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Hi whatsaysyou, welcome to the blog. Teachers are also human beans and there are bound to be a few bad ones. What is sad is for those in charge to close an eye and allowed them to continue with their cruelties against innocent children.