Makan dalam toilet!
Who in his right mind would make children eat their lunch inside a toilet? This is a clear sign of primitive traits and the kinds of hellish things such people are capable of doing if in authority. And whoever decided that children should eat in the toilet should be punished as well.
And there was a case in Dubai, I think, of an European woman who was raped by the locals. She made a police report of the rape. You know what? Instead of going after the rapists, the police arrested and jailed her for having illegal sex.
How can you respect this kind of law and people?
The lesser I said of such vile acts the better. Thank God we don’t do this to our minorities.
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Religion invariably disturbs the sanity of beans.
All organized religions should be banned......
I think in this world in WeAreVeryRich, EverythingGDPGDPGDP, MoneyMoneyMoney, MillionMillionMillion, YOGYOGYOG, F1F1F1, CasinoCasinoCasino, ....., a "new religion" has long descended on planet earth.
It is:
its "holy scripture" is called: "Gospel of $$$"
By far, I believe it has the largest "Fanatic Believers". No?
Maybe somebody should tell the relevant authority in world bodies to update it so some people can correctly indicate their "religious belief". Ya?
welcome to the "real new age"
No $ = No Babe = No Baby = No Hopeful TFR = No Hope = No Future = Bye Bye = GREENER PASTURES
WOLO! WOLO! WOLO!: We Only Live Once
"Long Live" to Instant Gratification! "Long Live" to Instant Millions! "Long Live" to Gutless, Moral-less, Heartless, Endless Selfish "Beans"!
Old values may have long been "discarded into the dustbin of history"! Long "burned" into ashes in all the giant incinerators!
PS: The above text is “intentionally” written in this manner so as to hopefully send one last “electric jolt shock” to wake up some “sleepy soul-less minds” in this world. Ya?
Co-drivers! Where are YOU?
Hi PSS, you will make a good preacher.
Believers or not, Sinkies need only to avoid one sin
that is not to make anyone to SIN.
To be loving is to provide the best for our
No compromise.
Be good oneself and be good to others.
i was disturbed when i read about this incident. having done some research, it is actually not a toilet. it's a changing room. the place must have been washed. it looks shiningly and spotlessly clean. even got table cloth. and the room has ceased operations as a changing room for the fasting month. however, i still think it is not appropriate.
RB - "The lesser I said of such vile acts the better. Thank God we don’t do this to our minorities."
Wat talking u lah. Dont be cocky. U did worst. Jobs in the 60's, 70's required ns n mandarin speaking. Need I say more....
'Thank God we don’t do this to our minorities'
- we do that to the majority. just think in terms of housing, transport, cpf, education, medical, jobs etc.
this world is ruled by a few elites rulers.
Our elderly practically eat in the toilet everyday cos they are made to clean the toilets for a living. Some of the elites religion in this small island is far worst than many other widely practiced religion.
Is there one cause of the middle-class collapse that rises above all others?
The International Labor organization produced a remarkable study, (Global Wage Report 2012-13) that sorts out the causes of why wages have remained stagnant while elite incomes have soared.
The report compares key causal explanations like declining bargaining power of unions, porous social safety nets, globalization, new technologies and financialization.
Guess which one had the biggest impact on the growing split between the one percent and the 99 percent?
Rumour mongers should check the facts before trying to provoke race tension, when there is none in the first place.
Here is the real story from someone who has been at the school. There's no eating in toilets. It is a makeshift canteen in the changing room bcos there's not enough place at the canteen.
This has been in place since MARCH this year, long before Ramadan.
Oh yes, the Muslims also break their fast in this so called "toilet".
Please stop rumour mongering just to create hate against Muslims.
Reference here - Canteen In Changing Room , FACTS That You Should Know
thank you barrie for the clarification. now we can see how bias, redbean is, jumping the gun, not doing research straightaway give headlines, makan in the jamban. if this story was in north korea or in china, i'm sure redbean won't write such stuff. just a few weeks ago parents in china beat up teachers who did not allow students to cheat in the exams. not one word from redbean even though this long practice of allowing cheating in exams affects s'pore as we get quite a percentage of our foreign talents from china.
We need to be broad minded .This Sg Buloh Sekolah KebangsanSeri Pristana inident is an isolated case .
This appear to me that its a temp.makeshift canteen built in a shower room cum toilet but is away from urinal bowls.
Even if it is near,I have very strong reason to believe that its just a misunderstanding and we should not be too petty.Many are just too sensitive .
Even if I am make to eat in a toilet,I dun see anything wrong or humiliating with that.Dun be too egoistic and narrow minded please.
Thank you Barrie for your input. I hope you are right on this. Dep PM Muhyiddin is investigating into this. So I am not the only one that is jumping the gun. It is reported in the media and the Dep PM jumping the gun? I jumping the gun, or both of you?
Let the truth surfaces. I hope no one is going to claim that it is alright to eat in the toilet, if this is a toilet cum changing room.
Pardon me for participating in the discussion without been at the school itself. It appears from the Discussion here that the Non Fasting Students were made to eat away from the Canteen as per normal.
With some students not eating due to fasting, there should be more space than normal.
The timing of the Incident also come into play; why it happened during the Fasting Month? The Fasting Period is known well in advance, unless something unpredictable happened, any work causing space use should be carried out during weekend or if longer period needed, be scheduled at school holidays. There seems an intention to have the Fasting to appear practise by Non Fasting Students, whatever reason it was for.
Anyway, the Incident should not had happened had the People Incharge of the School had been considerate and sensitive to the feelings of Non Fasting Students and their Families.
whose truth?
please read the articles barrie has provided and also from the blog the realsingapore. it seems people are still bent on the prejudice, bias and bigot behaviour, including redbean himself. redbean is behaving just like the pappy ministers themselves that he loves to critize, something which has already become his occupation. already wrong please apologize. no need to dig yourself deeper into the hole. it just shows what a chauvinist and blind bigot you are.
by 5pm yesterday, even malaysia's anti-govt news website, malaysiakini has called it a shower room. but our redbean by 11pm yesterday in his reply still insists on calling it a toilet. this shows how vindictive redbean is, perpetuating lies and untruths. shame on you!
Actually I was very considerate by treating it as probably the works of a mentally sick person. All the details and names were published in the newspaper and I avoided mentioning them.
Why don't you guys calling me names go and complain to the main media for putting this in print? Isn't the main media rumour mongering or bigot or vindictive or whatever you have in your little vocabulary in your little minds?
Barrie - this is for you.
You were very considerate, my ass! You were fanning racial, religious animosity when it was a non-racial, non-religious matter. The mainstream media did not scream "Thank God we don't do this to our minorities!"
Anon @July 25, 2013 9:57 am,
Yah? What about that story?
How does it negate the point that this "eat in toilet" stuff is a big bluff story in order to incite race/religious emotions in Malaysia?
The real issue is an admin problem where both Muslims and non-Muslims have to eat in changing room, due to lack of space. What race/religion issue talking these rumour mongers?
Redbean, you should know when to quit. You really have no case. The investigation is to find out why all pupils had to eat in changing room. Not why non-Muslims hv to eat in toilet.
Stop imagining there's a big bad Malay/Muslim Bogeyman behind you when it is your own shadow that is scaring you out of your pants.
Dear RB
In your Makan Dalam Toilet article, you assumed that the pupils were made to eat in the toilet to prevent Muslim students from seeing them eat during recess. That assumption is wrong. From that wrong assumption, you declared the following:
1) "And they want people to respect them and their religion!"
2) "... they have destroyed whatever respect and misgivings the victimized people have of them and their religion."
3) "How can you respect this kind of law and people?"
4) "Thank God we don’t do this to our minorities."
You have looked down on and insulted a religion and the believers of that religion in your sweeping statements base on the wrong facts of the 'toilet' incident. I very strongly advise you to apologize and remove your offensive post.
You say you get your facts from the main stream media and I allow that but the opinions you state were your own and not found in the main stream media.
ahh... finally the doc troll and barie in redbean's blog.
Doc troll? Did I hear someone called me?
Ah Matilah, having problems addressing my point that this "eat in toilet" issue is one big hogwash?
@anon 1101 CC: redbean:
>> I very strongly advise you to apologize and remove your offensive post.
Redbean, tell this idiot to go away and smash his computer.
It is your blog. Rightly or wrongly you post your opinion. People have the right to disagree with your opinion.
They don't have the right to coerce you (or use veiled threats) into silence, guilt or self-flagellation just because something you wrote (on your blog) pisses them off.
Please advise such people to fuck off and die, or get a sense of humour.
Anyway, that's my opinion and suggestion. Feel free to accept or reject.
@Barrie 1212
Actually I don't care if it is true or not.
Next time you see atheists doing awful things, please post it on the net.
I assure you I won't be "offended", and I wouldn't care if it were true or not. In fact, I would probably make a tasteless joke out of it.
Say "hello" to your imaginary friend for me ;-)
Best of luck in your quest of internet vigilantism.
Mati lah if you wish lah, but....er, what has your latest rambling gotta do with the "eat in toilet" issue? I still don't know what your point is!
And what's this imaginary friend you are talking about? Or are you the one imagining things? LOL.
Imagination always give Matilah the Hard on and his cum.
What is wrong with eating in the toilet ? It is not that they are eating shit ? Did they not eat with their eyes wide open ? If eating in toilet is not right, why didn't they voice out and complain to parent ?
If eating in toilet is not right, then how about those prison cell where the toilet is in cell too , which make them living in toilet, sleeping in toilet etc ?
Comparing pupils to convicts?
Otak ada betul?
That Guy used to fantasie sleeping with virgin mary. How he believes virgin mary is virgin after she had given birth is funny.
He better imagine sleeping amongst many virgins if he becomes a religious martyr.
Anon 11:01, I did not assume and don't have to assume. You go and read the main media, that was exactly what was said in the paper.
As for the few shadows here trying to pretend there were a few of them, actually they are all one person posting.
What is wrong with eating in the toilet? Only dirty people think it is ok. You eat in the toilet?
RB, this is what Barrie is accusing you of in his blog.
'What caught my eye was that a Sinkie blogger poked his nose into the issue without finding out the real truth, and had the cheek to blow it out of proportion, joining the hate mongers in Malaysia. The irony of it all is that this blogger is one who has had a record of making aspersions that Sinkie Malays cannot be trusted, always supporting their "abang" in Malaysia. Lookie who is supporting a particular group of Malaysians in the anti-Malay anti-Muslim onslaught now.'
You can sue him for defamation. You should go to see his full article and his accusations.
Thanks anon 9:55. Everyone has a right to air his views. Don't have to go and threaten people or sue people. We are all adults, mature and secure people.
That guy is full of hate. Let the people read what he posted and let the people be the judge. He posted a picture of the toilet/changing room with adults breaking fast there. Why were the adults breaking fast in that room? You guess is as good as mine.
No need to sweat the small stuff over him. He claimed to be a Chinese but is like orang china bukan china. Yes, the people can read both our blogs and judge for themselves.
Oh, is there a Dr YWG here? If there is, you are welcome.
The photo is fake. The door was slightly open and we can see the sunlight. And why would they break fast in school after 7.15pm when school ends at 6pm?
At 7.15 the sky is still bright. School ends at 6 or 6.30pm. With the jams, they will never reach home before 7.15. They have to break fast in school.
The mischief that is fueled by dislike for a particular race/religion seems apparent in this post. Wow! My first time here and I thought it was a young fella. Turns out its a bitter old geezer. Geez! Quit it old man. So many reports to clarify the situation and you still stick to your prejudiced and biased view. Tsk tsk.
This old geezer is very lucky. If he did this daily rubbish political whiney writing and racist hate mongering when LKY was still prime minister, he would have been in the slammer a long time ago.
Good that you all come here to provoke the old geezer. This will all be recorded here as proof of who is the provocative party.
Good. Keep provoking him.
had a quick look at this old geezer's write ups... jesus christ! what a moaner! whining, complaining, groaning everyday... full of angst! like a woman on menopause... a man who writes like this must be suffering his age: erectile dysfunction... that's why all the daily frustration.... get a bottle of viagra, old chap!!! it'll do u good!
RB, u said the author of the other blog writes about hate and all (or something in that vein). That is a lie. U will never find any post by him that criticizes a group of people/race/religion etc just for the sake of criticizing, unlike yours. If there is any critic, it's usually about govt or organizations (ours, US etc.) and if you meant Israel, read his posts carefully and it is always about Israeli govt and their policies not the race or religion or people. So RB, stop your lying. U need a big mirror to reflect. It totally makes u lose credit. A very prejudiced and biased blogger. Shame on you.
Go and read what he wrote about the Chinese in this country.
I've just read the artilce Barrie cited: 'Cyberspace a threat to national security' by RB. I am more appalled by the extremely vulgar comments made by the readers of his blog. A reader implied that Mother Mary was raped by Joseph. Another called Jesus Jizzus. Jizz is slang for semen. I'm surprised that RB do not delete such obscene and malicious comments. He seems to condone such filth. He looks like a decent man though.
The kettle is as black as the pot.
It is as clear under the Sun.
Let everyone have their says and
excuses, the readers will judge.
And not least, the Authority will
decide when peace is being threatened.
Let's close the Matter as both bloggers
have decided earlier.
Anonymous said...
My left ass cheek is as black as my right ass cheek. But my asshole is as clear as the sun. I says that readers can judge whether ass shagging is being threatened. Both bloggers have decided to close the case but my asshole is still open for sale.
Both bean and bear have so many things in common. Both agree that the other is a racist and both have a resident troll residing in their site who is obsessed with shagging assholes. ^^
Decided to delete my last post on July 27 at 2013 5:09 pm.
Serves no purpose carrying on this issue. Apologies to RB for taking up the bandwith of his site.
the resident troll (pinkierox/matilah/&other names but one person) will one day meet the third billy goat gruff.
He doesn't criticize the Chinese just for the sake of criticizing. That style is yours. Dig up your old posts and compare with his. Then you'll see the difference clearly. Shame shame shame on you.
After reading the above comments all I can see is a bunch of retard hooligans.
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