
The world on the brink of total destruction

This week is an exceptional week. The stock markets in Europe and US continue to surge to new highs. This has led the Asian markets to follow suit, to make big gains as if the world is seeing an economic recovery and everything is looking rosy again. What many people on the street did not know was that the brinkmanship in the Korean peninsula could easily go awry and the whole world could go up in smokes. Both parties were stupidly upping the stakes and the hot button could be pushed to trigger a series of other hot buttons being pushed in the US, China and Russia.

The events that were happening in the Korean peninsula are not isolated incidents that are local in nature and can be contained. While the mad Americans kept on pushing the two Koreans into open warfare, thinking of taking advantage of the situation for their own benefits, things are getting clearer now that the Americans, the innocent Americans, will bear the brunt of an all out nuclear war and many big American cities would stand to fall. And the big cities in Japan, South Korea, China, Russia and Europe would likely to go too.

The basic position of the Russians and Chinese is that they would not allow the Americans to nuke North Korea. The Americans were calculating that they could wipe out North Korea and strengthen their foothold in the peninsula. This was just plain naivity. A nuclear strike on North Korea cannot be a local affair. In geopolitics, Russia and China would not accept a fait accompli and an upset to the balance of power in favour of the Americans. Also, the nuclear fallouts could easily spread across Asia to both Russia and China. They are not going to take that shit from the Americans. South Korea and Japan could too be under the nuclear cloud, depending on the wind direction. The Americans thought they could twiddle their thumbs from far away and be shielded from the nuclear disaster. They could be happily having their breakfast and reading their morning papers while East Asia burns.

The point is that the Russians and the Chinese would never let it happen. An attack on North Korea would be an attack on them and it will be a free for all. It was and is very likely that all their ICBM stations were on full alert last week. The Americans would be ready too, and so would be the Russians and the Chinese and the North Koreans, the Iranians and all nuclear power American allies. All it needs is for a crazy American to push the button and all hell will break lose. No, the North Koreans would not be crazy to be the first to do it. They know the table will be turned against them. They will be history for sure. Only the crazy Americans could think they could get away from nuking the North Koreans.

Today, some senses are appearing on the American side and the South Koreans as well. The provocation must stop, from their sides, not from the North Koreans. They are the ones trying to start a war. They may now know how silly they have been. The Americans must too have realized their own stupidity to think it is possible to do as they wish and the Russians and Chinese would allow a nuclear strike on North Korea.

Sensibility has returned and the South Koreans are urging the North to go back to the negotiating table. The irresponsible western media are still distorting the truths and not blowing the whistle on the Americans. It is time that the western media and the Americans point the finger at Washington for bringing the world to the brink of total destruction, to risk the good American lives, the innocent Americans that did not know what is happening and could become collateral damage in a nuclear war. Some Americans are speaking up. Some western media are starting to talk politely about the American provocations and miscalculation. But more must be done to stop the American madness and menace. Only the Americans and the western media, if they still have a little conscience, to rein in the mad men and women in Washington and allow the world to breathe a sigh of relief.

The tension is still high and no one can take any chances. The western media must call a spade a spade, and the main provocateur in the Korean Crisis is the USA. Stop lying and putting the blame on the North Koreans. They did not start all this.


Virgo49 said...

Aiya Mr Redbean,

Bring them on, the civilization or uncivilization needs to be purged at the correct time now.

ALL THE GODS are sick and tired of these squabbling human.


Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

The people of America and the UN must stop the madness in Washington and the White House from destroying the world and themselves. It is not going to be a one way affair. Russia and China, and even North Korea and Iran can hit back with the same venom.

They don't need to rain a 1000 nuclear bombs onto America, 20 or 30 pieces will do enough damage for the Americans to kick their asses for trying to decimate other people.

JayF said...

Hi Chua,

Mind quoting me where exactly has any American official or representative has ever publicly hinted or said they will apply the Nuclear first strike on N.Korea?

Because the only American of note who ever advocated such a policy was Nixon before he became president during the First Indo-China War and MacArthur during the Korean War and the target was China, who was removed at great political cost for Truman.

The fact is, the US forces in Japan and Guam alone has enough firepower to level North Korea, inflicting sufficient damage without all that nuclear fallout.

Also, mind linking me to any Chinese or Russian official ever having being quoted as addressing an American first strike on North Korea because something like that would cause a heck of a firestorm in every news media, but I've not seen anything like that.

Also, please link official sources like the Russian Foreign Ministry with quoted officials, not some obscure talking head who represents no one other than himself.

Anonymous said...

Yez, the stock markets around the World seem to go against the global economic developments. Almost all countries are in the doldrum in economic progress, many are in huge debt. So, why are the stock markets so robust?

As for war in Asia, prolonged posturing could cause misfire. Let's see when it happens.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Hi JayF, you think any of the country will tell you they are planning to nuke anyone? The Americans is one country that refuses to state that they will not be the first to nuke another country. During the Korean War they were also planning to nuke North Korea.

And there have been many talks about preemptive strike against China in the past, against Iran etc etc. If China and Russia did not stand firm, North Korea and Iran would have gone.

Who is going to let you have evidence of such a plan or intent?

The said...

/// Chua Chin Leng aka redbean said...
Hi JayF, you think any of the country will tell you they are planning to nuke anyone? ///

Yes - and that country is North Korea. She has been giving dire warnings after warnings about nuking the US and South Korea every other day in the past few weeks.

Anonymous said...

The surge in the stock market in US is just the result of more printed banana money from the endless QEs entering the system and inflating prices. It will not last.

The so-called economic recovery in US is also hubris, also the result of more printed money entering the system and creating 'the worst is over' illusion.

As in Japan, there is still a long way ahead for the US in terms of stimulation to return to their heaydays, or even the possibility of doing so. The shithole they have fallen into is too deep. In fact deeper than the Japanese.

Right now, what they are doing is just keep fooling the rest of the world that they have what it takes to turn the economy around. And the best way to show it is the sentiments on their stock market.

JayF said...

Hi Chua,

Yes, generally speaking a nuclear deterrent doesn't work if you do not say you're prepared to use it. All the nuclear powers have said before that they'd use on others either as a retaliation and 2nd strike ability or a preemptive strike, something both the US and USSR were prepared to do during the Cold War.

You kept harping on how the US had threatened the use of atomic weapons, yet you leave out that the fact that Macarthur was the one who wanted to use the nukes and when he rallied the Joint Chiefs of Staff against the President, Truman had him sacked.

Yes, there had been rhetoric of use of nuclear weapons against China, in the past before the establishment of ties between the US and the PRC. All these stopped after Nixon went to Beijing and America even threatened nuclear retaliation against the USSR when Moscow asked what would be the American response if they nuked China's missle bases during the 69 border war.

The fact is, your post accused America of threatening nuclear first strike on North Korea and from what you've written in this current crisis.

If you're going to post what you believe is really going to happen but have zero evidence, at least state it clearly.

You've claimed that the world's greatest nuclear power is about to break the nuclear taboo due to this crisis. At least say that you've no evidence of it

Anonymous said...

Of cos all the stock indexes hit new highs, the weapons industry is blooming just like the cherry blosom. Just need to show up with an aircraft carrier and do some small talks and collect billions. Uncle sam strategy is efficient and effective.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

"The world on the brink of total destruction"

You sound like one of those bat-shit crazy christian Apocalypse predictors -- who have always been wrong since the zero-th century!

N Korean weapons don't work lah. They might as well use firecrackers from made by their Chinese "allies".

Anyway, if the equity markets start to panic, to me that is GOOD THING! Some of us bottom-feeders like it when we can buy at super-duper low prices ;-)

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Matilah, you are a typical daft Asian that were fed by western media to think the way they want you to think. Idiot.

Read what the Pentagon is quarrelling about. A secret intelligence report said the North Koreans have the nuclear weapon. And quickly some came up to tear it into shreds because they have told jokers like you that the North did not have or if they have it would not go off.

The thing that is holding the Americans back from doing an Iraq is because they are not sure if North Koreans could drop a few nuclear bombs onto American soil. If they are confident that the North cannot do it, they would have invaded and do a regime change.

North Korea and Iran are saved by their possession of nuclear bombs. Don't pray pray with the crazy Americans. They wanted war. Fortunately the two Koreans would not take the bait and be pushed to kill each other. Go read the papers and use your little intelligence if you still got them, to read between the lines and find out the intent of the Americans.

And stop parroting their shit.

JayF said...

Firstly, what secret Pentagon papers? Even Bradley's leaks don't have anything beyond a classified clearance and there's nothing in those documents stating that the Pentagon has confirmed that N.Korea has a proven capability of striking the US Mainland. Most experts-Western or otherwise- believe the furthest they can get is Guam, and that's in the most optimistic scenario, assuming the Aegis and Patriots all fail.

Secondly, since when has Iran got the Bomb? Even Israel's most manic politicos are saying Iran is coming close to refining the material needed, but the Iranians themselves are denying they're seeking one in the first place.

Either all the military and political leaders are wrong about their assesments based on intimate knowledge of the situation while an uncredited outsider like yourself is correct, or you're on some really potent drugs.

IF it's the latter, who's the dealer and do you know it's rude not to share?

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...


I think you harbour a deep ethnic/ racial bigotry against the west that it's affecting your mind.

Seek help.
