
Ban Ki Moon should strongly condemn US organised crimes of war of aggression and terrorism against other countries

Ban Ki Moon should strongly condemn US organised crimes of violence, terrorism and wars of aggression against other countries

Ban Ki Moon, the secretary general of the United Nations  condemned the Boston Maraton Explosions as an act of senseless savage violence and terrorism. And he is right and no body will dispute with what he said because any decent person will see this as obviously so.And he is also right to empathise with the victims. But he is very hypocritical and there is something very wrong with him. Did he ever condemn the endless acts of mass terrorism and violence conducted by the Evil Empire via CIA and the Pentagon against other innocent countries. The Boston Maraton Explosion is child's play compare to the senseless mass killings of thousands of innocent people carried out by sorties of American drones in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria and  some other countries. The trouble thing is that when the Americans kill they never regret and show remorse but simply brush off their killings of innocent peoples as collateral damages. The little acts of terrorism in America may be carried out by small disparate groups of dissatisfied people which could be the Americans themselves who feel the great injustice of the American state. On the other hand American acts of violence and terrorism and mass killings of other peoples and countries are carried out by the American government. The American state will always justify their rights to do do evil things in organised state terrorism and senseless and endless wars of aggression against other countries. The American state started with mere thirteen small provinces. But right from the beginning of its independence from its forbears, Imperial Britain , it has never stopped its well organised acts of violence and terrorism and wars of aggression against other states and countries. It is through its wanton wars of aggression and annexation that America reach its present size. The present American state organised crimes of acts of violence and terrorism and wars of aggression is a historical extension of their dastardly acts of murder and genocide of more than eighty-five million or ninety-five percent of the native American Indians. By far they have been carrying out their killings and wars of aggression with impunity and they think they can continue to do so without retribution. Hope this time they will be mercilessly wrong for as the saying goes, "Push the tiger against the wall and it will fight back." Ban Ki Moon should not pretend to be a good man. He should condemn all American state organised terrorism, drone attacks and uncall for wars of aggression against other countries .  Ban Ki Moon should know that time is running out and unless he stops the Americans from creating and fomenting the Korean tension he must know that not only Korea will be totally destroyed but the resultant nuclear wars will destroy the whole world and humanity.



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Anonymous said...

He no power over USA lar. In fact he got the job due to USA support.

Anonymous said...

There is no need for United Nations.

It is a fuck up organization.

Veritas said...

When the elite of country decide to impoverish the citizen, get ready for the rise of Neo Nazi, or Bolshevik. You may see more terrorism in USA if situation deteriates.

Eventually the elites could loss all their wealth and even many of their relatives.

It could happen in SG sooner than we thought. Elites never learn the lesson. Hurting the people hurts the elites eventually, although the retribution takes time to forment.

Virgo 49 said...

Why the United Nations do not condemn the drones that the USA operated into Pakistan and killed the Talebans even without letting the Pakistani know

Suka suka like gangsters saying they are killing the terrorists.

Aren't they themselves also terrorists???

Anonymous said...

Ban is just another puppet for the usa elites.

Anonymous said...

The world is like that lar. I invested in GM bond and also Suka Suka they told me the value is left 6%. No vote no nothing as a bond holder.

The said...

Looks like your pageviews from the US is going to break all-time record......

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Not bad and a pleasant surprise that the Americans are reading my blog.

Anonymous said...

CIA will be your avid follower.

Anonymous said...

Ban Ki Moon is just another powerless parrot of the West. In any case the UN is looked upon as a useless organisation that only looks after the interest of the Western powers.