
Europe offers good opportunities for gamblers

The situation in Europe offers great opportunities to throw in big money to bet big time. It is a once in 50 years opportunity, just like the American financial crisis that became an international financial crisis, and too big to fail banks kept falling one by one.

If I have a lot of money, I too would be very eager to pour some into the big hole and hopefully it will reward with several times the value of the chips. I dare say that with a clear conscience because I will be gambling with my own money and losing my own money. I too will encourage anyone with money to lose to try their luck.

But I would strongly advise against such an act if people are taking charge of national reserves that cannot afford to lose. Banks who are custodians to depositors’ money should also tread very carefully and don’t think it is time to gamble with the money held in trust.

Fund managers are no different but they will take the jump. This is a once in a life time opportunity to strike big time and to lose big time. Losing big time is ok as it is other people’s money that they are gambling with. Go fund managers, go, invest everything you got. If win big, one time bonus will be enough to retire for life. If lose, the worst is to lose the job. But that is also secured by a severance package that will be big enough to retire happily. Nothing to lose really, head, fund managers win, tail, fund managers also win. Only the owners of the money risk to lose their life savings. If I am a fund manager, I will be damn garang in times like this.


Anonymous said...

we're SCREWED...sigh

Anonymous said...

Never trust the bankers. Same as liars, oops, lawyers.

Anonymous said...

Tony will have a wealth of experience to advise on such matters.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

One of the strategies in investment, a financial term for gambling with other people's money, is to buy junk bonds or stocks at fire sale price. The bonds or stocks would have done so badly that nobody wants them.

Some investors would throw their money into them and prepare to lose them as they are practically worthless. Then they will go to the temples and churchs to pray damn hard, hoping for a miracle. And is a miracle happens, wow, bee tang.

Such gamblers know the risk involved and are prepared to lose in the first place. They either can afford to lose or they are losing OPM.

Anonymous said...

Yes,what is so difficult with loosing other people's noney?The only way to stop rewarding failure in performance is to implement CLAWBACK,on bonuses profit sharing and salaries,with retrospective effect.We then start with Raymond Lim.Madam Saw,WKS MBT

Anonymous said...

Yes,what is so difficult with loosing other people's noney?The only way to stop rewarding failure in performance is to implement CLAWBACK,on bonuses profit sharing and salaries,with retrospective effect.We then start with Raymond Lim.Madam Saw,WKS MBT

newhik said...

Fund managers are always big time gamblers since the money they manage are not theirs. But at least the normal fund managers are wary of losing too big, as they have to account to their investors.

However, for our dear GICs and Temasick, they have no issue as they are all protected from the investors (meaning the citizens. If they lose big, they are still guaranteed of their jobs and bonuses and if they win big, they become the next Lee Shau Kee. So its a win win situation for them.

Anonymous said...

Yikes...will Temasek's LBH be cying for real if they've lost sinkees' monies???

Anonymous said...

..perhaps newly appointed LBH will be the goalkeeper to save us..fat hope?

JeffGoh said...



Anonymous said...

Good opportunities?...not when we've the JINX :(

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said, "Tony will have a wealth experience to advise on such matters."

How can a man who lost 42 billion dollars in GIC when it was under his charge and then irresponsibly walk away to contest the Presidency and snatched the post by default from the more honourable Dr. Tan Cheng Bock be able to give advice? That faceless whimsical character must have very thick skin with no shame and it defies any logic or propriety .

Eagles Eye

Anonymous said...

We unfortunately employ gamblers, many are foreigners to gamble our national soverign wealth fund(SWF) without the citizens' approval,but majority of Singapore citizens do not even know what it is all about.

Yes,Temasek is gambling with our money and a portion is our CPF money,or coffin money,imagine their reaction if they should come to know the truth.

Anonymous said...

They have amended the law just in case they lost everything and become insolvent, no need to pay back or answer for it. That is proactive, foresight, like abolishing estate duties.

80-20 rule said...

They should just listen to what Marc Faber and Jim Rogers have to say about Europe...

A fool and his money are soon parted. SIGH.