
So easy to con the Sinkies

It is so easy to con the Sinkies by the boiling frog technique. Sinkies are very adaptable to pain and soon forget how and where it started, and a little relief will be all they are asking. A good example is like a forum writer to the ST calling for a lower increase in the Minimum Sum to factor in real and relevant inflations and not all inflations. The writer forgot that the Minimum Sum was not supposed to be there in the first place. He also forgot that no one, not even the govt should be allowed to write away their money into Minimum Sum. Now the writer will be feeling so grateful if the amount to be drafted into the Minimum is a bit lesser. Does he know that it is his money in the first place, that he should be the one to decide whether to put money into the minimum sum and how much?

Similar kinds of thinking are applicable in many areas. The huge increase in foreigners, in the millions has been forgotten. Sinkies are happy if the increase is a little lesser.

The COE, which is a flawed and biased system, now between $60k to $80k. Any little fall in the COE price the Sinkies will be celebrating. Likewise public housing price, from tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands and now a small decrease in price and Sinkies will be shouting cheap cheap, buy buy. In the first place the price should not be so high by any count.

Another example is that some are so happy that the govt has started to ramp up the building of public flats. In the first place the building programme should not have been so drastically cut to force many Sinkies out of the public housing market, cannot buy because of the delays and the ceilings.

The small incremental technique is so effective in dulling the thinking of daft Sinkies. It is like shifting the goal posts every now and then, a few inches a time and Sinkies could not notice the difference over time. After the goal posts have been shifted by 10 feet, Sinkies will be begging for a one foot reduction and will be so grateful if it is done.


Anonymous said...

Satire - Joke Only

We the slaves of Sinkapore,
Pledge ourselves as one united workforce,
Regardless of race, language or religion,
To build a meritocratic society,
Based on silence and blind obedience,
So as to achieve happiness, prosperity and progress for our masters.

Anonymous said...

In Singapore.it is probably better to die in ignorance then to die knowing the truth but cannot do any thing to change or improve the situation.

Anonymous said...


Sinkies are so easy to con or vice versa.

Of course, that goes without saying. With so many talents sitting at the top, devising all the talented devices is a breeze.

But, hor, some sinkies are not that easy to con as shown during the recent by-election.

Now, even Najib is taking a leaf from out system. Before the next election there is already talk of money being ready to be dished out to buy votes. If this is not enough to swing the voters, maybe they will introduce upgrading too. Or even GRCs.

So, you see, not only are Sinkies easy to con, maybe the Malaysians will fall into the same trap.

Anonymous said...

"In Singapore.it is probably better to die in ignorance"

I want to die knowing that I voted Opposition at least once in my life.

I want to die knowing that for once, I voted Opposition in retaliation for all the misery I received.

Mel Gibson rallies the daft 60%:


Anonymous said...

A Sinkie will be very grateful if a robber returns him $10 for bus fare after robbing him of $1,000.

Peter Mak said...

Anon @ 12:52 p.m.: Well put!

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Hi Peter Mak,

Welcome to the blog. I think the Sinkie would praise the robber for being so kind to him. He could not envisage that he has lost $1000 to the robber.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

Are you sure life is that bad?

I doubt it. When it comes to govt, it is not a "con". Govt is a monopoly, backed up by the legitimate use of force to compel you to act in a specific manner -- usually pay, money and keep on paying.

Everywhere you go, same thing lah -- varying only in degree.

Got relac-lah-brudder?

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Matilah, it is exactly because the Sinkies are too relac that their CPF savings are as good as gone, and so are many things that rightfully belonged to them. If they keep on relaxing, and just buat bodoh, then soon they did not know that everything is gone.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

When you pay a tax, it is gone lah.

What? Threaten them with "2016"? By that time your minimum sum is over 200k, and the employer contribution is up a few more percent to cover the cash shortfall.

In other words, you get negative return, plus you end up paying more.

Got 4 years of "patience"?

Tashalnkw said...

Satire - Joke Only We the slaves of Sinkapore, Pledge ourselves as one united workforce, Regardless of race, language or religion, To build a meritocratic society, Based on silence and blind obedience, So as to achieve happiness, prosperity and progress for our masters.