
Iran's nuclear bomb and American poisonous narratives to divide and rule the Arab and Muslim world

 A seismic shock was detected in Iran on 5 Oct and causing panic in Israel and the AngloSaxon world that Iran has tested a nuclear device successfully. Iran has the bomb. The Israelis can no longer hold the Arab and Muslim world hostage with the threat of nuking them to Stone age. And as expected, the immediate reaction of the Americans,... Iran's nuclear bomb has sent panic among American's Arab allies that Iran would nuke them. This is typical of the Americans spreading fear and hate, using disinformation to divide and rule the Arab and Muslim world. They were very successful for many decades sowing discord to poison the relationship of the Arab and Muslim world until they fear each other and engaged in wars and non stop rivalry, ....until China stepped in to defuse the mistrust and misunderstanding between the Sunni and Shiite Arabs and Muslims. If not, they would still be at loggerhead with each other without knowing why, without knowing that it would be better for them to stop the hostility and be friends.

Iran will not be nuking the Arab and Muslim countries as mischievously propagated by the American hate news. The Arab and Muslim world has settled their differences and misunderstanding and know who are their real enemies. After the Iranian's second attack on Israel, 3,000 Sunni scholars wrote an open letter to the Iranian's Supreme leader Khamenei to congratulate Iran for the successful attack on Israel. This is the true sentiment of the Arab and Muslim world, that they are now united against their common enemies, the Israelis and the AngloSaxon Americans and the Brits, Nato included. The Iranians are one of them, of the Islamic Brotherhood of nations.

No, the Arabs and Muslim states are not in panic, it is Israel and the Americans and the Brits that are in panic. The Arab and Muslim states are in celebration, that another Arab and Muslim state has joined the nuclear club to give them greater protection against the Israelis, the Americans, the Brits and Nato. The Iranians can also nuke Israel if Israel dares to nuke Iran or any Arab and Muslim states.

The arrogant American terrorists have, as usual, underestimated the Arab and Muslim world. When asked about Iran's ability to make the bomb, John Mearsheimer, arrogantly and dismissively brushed it aside, saying the Iranians needed time to enrich the uranium, and after that, would need more time to make the bomb, and even more time to do the necessary, step by step.  The Americans forgot about their own boast that they lie, cheat and steal to get ahead. And they expected the people of the world, especially the Iranians, not to do so, not to continue with their enrichment programme, not to do all the necessary, simultaneously to acquire the nuclear bomb. They did not expect the Iranians could learn to be like the Americans, did not have friends that could assist the Iranians to short cut the whole process and develop the bomb already. This is the mentality of the Americans. Only they can plan, can think, can cheat and the rest of the world are just plain daft and doing nothing, waiting to be slaughtered by them, one by one, without knowing how to resist. The Israelis are still thinking that only they have the nukes and can nuke the Arab and Muslim world without being nuked. The Arab and Muslim world would not dare to develop the bomb under their constant pressure and watch.

5 Oct was the day of reckoning. Actually the Iranians could have the bomb long ago but hiding this capability without wanting to rock the boat. Now that the Israelis and the Americans are seriously planning to nuke them, the Iranians have no choice but to show their cards. The Iranians have the bomb and would use it. Don't you dare nuke Iran. We can nuke you too!

The situation in the Middle East has just taken a dramatic turn. With the Iranian nuclear bomb, it gives great confidence to the Arab and Muslim world, a warning to the Americans and Israelis, that they would not be intimidated, they would not be taken down without a big fight. And the friends of the Arabs and the Muslims, like China, Russia, North Korea, Pakistan, are not stupid either, would just watch and let the Americans and Israelis destroy the Arab and Muslim countries one by one. They would be forced to act for their own existential interest should the Americans and Israelis launched an all out war against Iran, Lebanon, Syria or the Arab and Muslim world.

More shocking news are around the corner for the American and Israeli terrorists. The American and Israeli terrorists lost a heart beat on 5 Oct 24.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The same rhetoric about North Korea having the bomb and the whole world is going to be in grave danger. North Korea never really posed any danger to others, until the USA, Japan and South Korea started provocations by conducting military exercises on its doorstep throughout the years.

In reality, the whole world had been in grave danger since the USA had the bomb. The first country to suffer was Japan, with two nukes dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and nobody said anything about the USA being the nuclear terrorist holding the world hostage.

It is only a matter of time that Iran will have its hands on a nuclear weapon for deterrence purpose and that has come true. Unless provoked, Iran will now have the ability to retaliate. This news is a real game changer.