
No freedom in the 'free world' for American cronies and colonies

 The leaders of American crony states and colonies are very often caught yakking about how China tried to influence their national policies, coerced them to take sides against the Americans etc etc to smear and demonise China as an aggressive and manipulative power, a country out to conquer and rule the world. Everyone in the know would instantly notice that this is American narrative, a pack of lies that all the leaders of American crony states and colonies have to say as ordered by the American Emperor. It is like a script written for Biden to read by his handlers.

The leaning of these leaders can easily be recognised when they open their mouths to utter words like debt trap, Rules Based Order, CCP, dictatorship, China is exploiting the countries of Global South for their resources, China's help and aids for the Global South is not for altruistic reasons, China's aggressive behaviour, human rights, democracy, etc etc. Without failed, these leaders must parrot such phrases whenever they made a speech in public. (All the Global South countries are suffering from debt traps set by IMF and the World Bank. And western aids are for altruistic reasons?)

And the Emperor's edict is passed down to their main media, to repeat the above, to republish American anti China narratives or hate articles on a daily basis, no need to do fact checks, no need to fear antagonising China or Russia. Their reporters also have to write such narratives to appease the Americans. They did this voluntarily, not under order or coercion from the Americans!

This is freedom? Did China do any such things to its trading partners and friends, that they have to take sides against the Americans or the West? No. All the trading partners and friends of China are allowed to conduct their policies and trades with any other countries and not pressure to take sides, to sanction countries that the Americans condemned. China does not interfere or meddle in the internal affairs of countries, unlike the American terrorists and gangsters.

The freedom of American colonies and crony states are heavily constrained and restrained by the terrorists in Washington. They are forced, coerced to do many things against their national interests. When the Americans imposed sanctions on any country, the colonies and cronies have to follow suit. When the Americans invaded any country, in particular, the invasion of Iraq under fake WMD accusations, all the colonies and cronies must join in the Coalition of the 'Willing' or Unwilling. Now they are willing accomplices to the war crimes committed by the Americans in Iraq!

When the American terrorists forced Ukraine into a war with Russia, and accused Russia of invading Ukraine, all the colonies and cronies have to repeat the same narrative, that Russia was the culprit, the invader, and the neo Nazi butchers in Ukraine were so innocent. And Putin committed war crimes when he relocated Ukrainian children marked for execution by the neo Nazi to safety! The colonies and cronies would have to call Putin a war criminal as well and are duty bound to arrest Putin for war crimes.

More, more coercion to punish the colonies and cronies if they trade with China or Russia. See how the European colonies and the South Korean and Japanese colonies were forced to cut off trades with Russia and China at the detriment of their own economies and national interests?

The most visible signs of American colonies and cronies are the curbs in their use of Huawei communication networks, in their ban on the imports of Chinese EVs, including banning TikTok. Many American colonies and cronies are not allowed to use Huawei, and not allowed to import Chinese EVs. Some may try to give the appearance that they are not controlled by the American Empire by allowing a trickle of EVs into their countries and a limited sale of Huawei mobile phones, while they accepted half baked 4.5G systems from Nokia or Ericsson in their countries.

The Americans blaring of freedom, democracy, free world is anything but a big farce. All the American colonies and cronies have to take orders from Washington or their leaders will be removed under the sanitised phrase, 'regime change'. Or they will lose privileges to trade within the Empire, no favoured nation status, may also be sanctioned. And when the Americans are out to start wars and commit genocides, the colonies and cronies would have to go along, contribute soldiers or weapons as a show of obedience to the American Emperor. There is no excuse for not contributing.

Oh, allowing American terrorists to set up military bases and facilities are the highest level of being under the control of the Americans. When the American bases are in their lands, with Americans boots on the ground, these colonies have no chance to free themselves from the clutches of the evil American Empire. Their fates are sealed. Their freedom is only as free as the American terrorists allowed them. Yes, they are free to broadcast and publish anti Russian and anti China fabricated news and disinformation, and free to trade only with countries permitted by the American Empire.

So much for freedom, democracy and the 'free world'. No, the Americans are very nice and peace loving people, and never influence or coerce their colonies and cronies to do anything against their national interests. They willingly joined the Americans in the invasion and massacre of the Iraqis. Just be happy with the American fiction and delusion...Hollywood style.

The Philippines is going to suffer another reign of a Marcos dictatorship...unless the Filipinos wake up fast

 What is worse today is that the Philippines has been pushed by the USA to antagonize China to no end.

During Marco Snr's Presidency beginning from 1965, the USA was also insidiously controlling the Philippines, but Marcos Snr had never been pushed to confront any imaginary external threat. China was still not a target for the USA as the Cold War and competition was with the Soviet Union.

Marcos Snr was just busy stuffing his pockets and pillaging the Philippines to no end. Towards the end of his constitutionally permitted term, he declared martial law using the threat of communism as an excuse and ruled the Philippines like a dictator until 1983 when he fled the country under a people's revolt.

And all along the USA did not mind, as long as they are allowed to have a base inside the Philippines to insidiously control the country with the people none the wiser. But then the Philippines went from being the richest country among ASEAN states to become a basket case.

Singapore's import of foreign maid's history started with the import of Filipino maids when the Philippine's economy was at its worst state and was to ignite the fear mongering mantra during the bad old days of Singaporean women, wives and daughters having to work as maids overseas if they do not watch who they voted for to run the country. 


The evil American Empire could have last forever...Thanks to the clowns in Washington to weaponise the dollar

 The thinking by USA and EU leaders is that by stifling or even destroying China, they will become great again like in the old colonial days, when the Whites can go all round the world destroying others and seizing and claiming territories as they like. Their form of diplomacy was from the barrel of a gun. Might is right was their calling card throughout history, and they now want to readopt that strategy.

Military confrontation between nuclear powers is fast becoming an unwinnable game today, with both sides facing extinction win or lose. That brute-force solution for global domination is becoming redundant. A multipolar world works better for all.

Empires wax and wane and the USA is no exception, despite their claim of 'exceptionalism' with the mindset that the USA therefore cannot fall like all other empires. The British had an even bigger Empire than the USA, with military bases all over the world. Yet it fell into oblivion, though it is still trying to strut its withering feathers. Failure to continue in its costly upkeep of its administrative and military forces in territories it colonized was the reason it had to give up all of them. Now it is left with only the British Isles, with even Northern Ireland expected to leave the UK eventually.

That is why I say the only way to hit at the underbelly of the USA is de-dollarization and ending its US$ hegemony. Militarily the USA is still a formidable military power, but economically it is just a house of cards. Removing one vital card will lead to its fall. Taking down the US$ hegemony is the best way to bring down the USA's military outreach and control of countries using its more than 800 military bases.

Russia and China are using the correct strategy to bring the USA down to its knees and ending its US$ hegemony. The Ukraine War was forced upon Russia, not a confrontation that Russia wanted.

Deny as the USA likes, dismissal of the de-dollarization moves as a minor dent on the use of the US$ today, when the tsunami comes, the US$ has nowhere to hide. The USA never saw the rise of China, nor its cornering of the raw materials, nor the rise of its EV industry, nor its technological expertise in space exploration as a threat, brushing off such advancements as of little consequence. Now they are no longer denying that China has overtaken them in most fields while they were basking in slumber having sweet dreams of their untouchable status. 


China stops import and export to the USA


 China is complying with the USA and EU demands to cut its overcapacity, which is said to be affecting their industries and putting them out of business. Now, with lesser and lesser Chinese exports being reported to be going to the USA and EU, they cannot now keep blaming China for unfair overcapacity.

USA and EU industries can now move ahead in peace and produce goods for their own people. China is going to leave them alone to prosper and will concentrate on exporting to BRICS countries. If China can produce goods more cheaply, it is up to the USA and EU to uplift their competitiveness, not trying to push China to produce expensive goods for the rest of the world. I think the whole world understands and can agree wholeheartedly.

China is in reality selling more consumer products to BRICS and Global South countries and intent on selling less to the USA and EU. China is taking a leaf from the Russians, selling less energy to the EU and selling more to China and India. It certainly made Russia more prosperous so far.

This pushing out of Chinese products is what the USA and EU wanted all along, so China is helping them by diverting exports to BRICS countries instead. In fact, China is helping them with decoupling, since it has been talked about for years, and now due to tiredness of repeating the word 'decoupling' they have changed the mantra into 'derisking' to sound more deadly to the Chinese.

BRICS countries are enjoying a bountiful harvest of cheap products from China. It is a blessing in disguise for them and they ought to say 'thank you' to the USA and EU. China and India ought also to say 'thank you' to the EU for letting them enjoy cheap Russian energy. More cheap products from China, means more blessings for the BRICS and Global South countries.

What is perhaps less noticeable is that trade with other BRICS countries is going to be conducted outside the US$ with some countries today, but will be expanded in time to come, perhaps in October when BRICS summit is held in Kazan, Russia.

There is a saying though that the USA and EU ought to keep in mind - Be careful of what you wish for!


Americans massacring Palestinian Muslims but expressing love for Uyghur Muslims by boycotting their products

 Trump claims that India's Muslim problems are its internal problems to solve, and the USA and the West will not interfere.

However, the Uyghur Muslim problems in Xinjiang was spun as not an internal problem for China, though it is part of China, and is a problem for the USA and West to interfere with. Can you believe in their hubris?

Moreover, the USA claims that it loved the Uyghur Muslims so much, but is sanctioning their products like cotton exports, thus causing loss of jobs for Uyghurs and their livelihood. That must be a really strange way of expressing their love of the Uyghur Muslims. It boggles the mind with all the contradictions!

Then, when we look at the situation of the Palestinian Muslims being massacred by the Israelis with the support of the USA and its weapons, we are completely numbed by their double standard expression of their love for Muslims. In other words, in the context of demonizing China, Uyghurs are basically used as cannon fodder for furthering the USA's interest. While in the Middle East, love for Palestinian Muslims no longer matters and they are being used as cannon fodder for the Israeli and USA's interest. Their double standard is being exposed to high heaven.

USA and the West also have no love lost for the Arabs and the only love is for their oil. The good news is that the world is beginning to realize what they have been used for all along. The Africans lost much of their resources - diamonds, gold, copper, lithium, bauxite in the past to the Anglo-Saxon white robbers and have now woken up. The Arabs are beginning to see a clearer picture, while some are still sleeping under a rug. 
