
Becoming American or Nato allies to avoid war or to be forced into wars?

 The American narrative, join the American or Nato camp to be protected and be safe. Becoming American allies is a ticket to freedom and peace. Is that so?

In the Ukraine War, many European countries are joining the queue to become Nato allies.  Ukraine was the first to be in the queue. Look at what is happening to Ukraine? But this is another story. The problem is that those joining Nato means they would have to go to war with Russia when Nato starts a war with Russia. Once becoming a member of this gangster organisation, an organisation for war, a warmongering pact, all its members would be pushed to war whenever Nato conducts a war. Thus, becoming a member of Nato is a guarantee to be a member of the wolf pact that goes around starting wars and conducting wars. 

Nato is not a defensive pact that it was touted to be. Nato is an offensive warmongering pact, an aggressive and expansionist pact out to conquer and rule the world. Now Ukraine, next would be Russia and then China.

The same gangster formula is applied to the American alliance all over the world, particularly in Asia. South Korea, Japan, the Philippines and now a silly south Pacific island called PNG. They are now members of a mafia gang out to conquer and rule the world. They would have to go to war when warmongering terrorist state, the USA, starts one with Russia or China. These states would not be neutral and cannot be neutral. They are members of a gang. Period. They have joined the American terrorists to go to war.

The American started a lie that China, Russia or North Korea is going to attack them. And they stupidly believed. This is like telling Arab states that Iran is also to attack them, when the one most likely to attack Arab states are the Israelis and the Americans. In Asia, the one that is going to start wars are the Americans. War is their business. They need wars and they need cannon fodders, using small states to fight their proxy wars with China or Russia. And they are able to coerce some silly states to be cannon fodders.

Asean is smart enough to stay out of the way, caveat one or two still under the coercion of the Americans, willingly, to do their bidding. They will be cannon fodder and deserve to be so, like Ukraine. What a lovely sight in Ukraine! What brave soldiers fighting to the last man for the American terrorists. What Ukraine refugees fleeing from their devastated homes and country. But the silly leaders of some countries cannot see their own destruction modelled after Ukraine. They are eager beaver, wanting to fight for the Americans and die for the Americans. Good riddance.

President Biden is controlled by his handlers

 Two USA Presidents have made the USA the laughing stock of the world. Trump did that at the UN, gloating about his achievements, and everyone laughed at him. He looked so silly, but this guy knows how to wriggle himself out of a embarrassing situation. That he is immune to shame does help.

Joe Biden, on the other hand, is openly seen as being abused by his own handlers. He is hapless, unlike Trump. That cutting off in the middle of his speech really makes the USA the laughing stock of the world. No other President in the world has ever been known to suffer the indignity of being controlled by his handlers.

What is more unpalatable is being put to shame right in front of an audience in Vietnam. They could have tried to cover up the embarrassment at home, by putting up names of journalists that they favour to ask questions with prepared answers, but there was nothing they could do in front of foreign journalists, asking awkward questions.

How safe is it for this poor old man touted to have control of the nuclear suitcase is beyond imagination. He is being controlled by unknown dark forces.


TSMC may become irrelevant sooner than expected

 What the USA wanted was TSMC's high end chip manufacturing expertise shifting from Taiwan to Arizona. The second motive was decimating the competition of TSMC, Samsung and other foreign chip manufacturers, so that the USA will reign supreme. The USA forgot about China, Huawei and SMIC, thinking Chips Alliance will take care of that. Arrogance is not a good thing.

The promised subsidy of US$15 billion dangled in front of TSMC by Joe Biden came with stiff conditions, including passing over sensitive technical details, customer information and the sharing of profits with the USA Government, an unheard of thing. Imagine having to share profits on top of paying taxes on the residual profits, TSMC might as well give up the factory. But, fret not, because TSMC reaped what they sow.

TSMC subsequently decided not to apply for the subsidy, putting paid to the trap set by the USA. High tech information that the USA was hoping to snarl from TSMC failed to materialise. By the way, the USA had all the years been accusing China of stealing tech under deals and agreements signed with USA companies, so what do we call those deals they had with TSMC? It takes a thief to catch a thief.

What will be the consequences facing TSMC is not yet known, but there will be consequences. And it certainly will not be rosy. TSMC has invested lots of money and effort in the USA. Added to that is losing market share in China with the rise of SMIC.


G20 - Modi and Biden's last waltz

 Joe Biden just loves to come up with new 'satires' to entertain the weasels, everywhere he goes. And the weasels, with wide innocent open eyes, lap up every word he spouted. You see, Joe Biden really stole the G20 show this time, with Xi and Putin absent. I think the Indians really love it, with 'India' taking centre stage with such an earth shattering project being announced in India. Wonder what other earth shattering announcements Joe Biden will make in Vietnam, but I believe my guess can never be that far off, if confronting China is not at the top of the agenda.

Modi will probably love it even more if Biden names the project 'Modi, ME, EU Corridor'. His turban will swell even larger (to accomodated the swelling head) and the Indian newsites will be doing a song and dance about it. How long is it going take to start this project, and how long it is going to take building it, is not important, since India is a very patient country and can always wait forever, like their high speed rail system project using low speed construction methods, LOL.

While Maui residents are crying for help and telling the world they have to resort to helping themselves, and cannot depend on the USA Government that cares little about their plight, here is Joe Biden talking about a new earth shattering project aka 'India, ME, EU corridor'. It is little to do with benefitting countries involved mind you. That is not the intention. The project's main purpose is to challenge the BRI.

Now, how many projects have Joe Biden announced thus far. There was the US$600 billion Global Infrastructure project announced in June, 2022, also to challenge China. Wonder how that is progressing? There was the US$350 million (shrank from US$350 billion) project for digital transformation of the African continent. Wonder how that is progressing? At US$7.5 million for each African country, what kind of digital transformation does Joe Biden hope to achieve? Think about it rationally. He thinks the Africans are taken in by his 'snake oil' salesmen tactic.

Now, let us not forget about another blockbuster project he fantasised about, of building a railroad across the Pacific Ocean, to link up with another linkage in the Indian Ocean, to India I suppose. That has now been discarded as just a wet dream when Joe Biden nodded off in his chair. Now, this 'India, ME, EU, Corridor' project is another wet dream of Joe Biden. And announcing it at the G20 makes Joe Biden really, really popular. He has regained the leadership role after being blindsided in Jakarta. When one is left as the only competitor in a competition, the winner is obvious. Wonder whether that slight in Indonesia has to do with the USA now targeting Indonesia for a color revolution? 


PS. India would need to wait another 20 years to have another 2 hours of temmporary sense of importance.


adjunct article to "Sino-Indian claims, what is the truth."

 Here is a little background facts to Sino-Indian claims. 

In the 1760s to 1780s England and France fought fiercely to control India as a colony. England evolved as victor and France was booted out of India. At that time India consisted of over a hundred small independent states with over a hundred twenty different local languages. England was able to exploit the differences among the different weak states  and took easy control of them under British rule which amalgamated them together under a unitary political unit of British India. Then all these small Indian states were unified by the British which intriduced the Englis Language as the official language,  the lingua franca of British India. So this is one beneficial facet of British rule.

At this period of time practically all the western European countries were fiercely spreading far and wide across the seas to grab lands and territories from defenseless natives. Russia another European country was spreading its claws and pincers across continental Asia into China and the Far East. Russia was also spreading south into Chinese Xinjiang in which Tibet lies further to its south. England was apprehensive of the Russians and so it took a forward policy of acquiring parts of Tibet to forestall Russian incursions into Tibet. England took Aksai Chin in South Western Tibet and large chunks of South Eastern Tibet including the province of Tawang in which present India now renamed it as Utter Pradesh. China had from the very bdeginning protested against the British illegal grabbing of Chinese lands. There were frequent negotiations from time to time between England and China for the return of these stolen lands from China. But the British intentionally dragged and stalled the negotiations to no conclusions. The reason is clear for the British had no intention to leave India. However after the Second World War in 1945 British occupation of India was so untenable because England was impoverished nd bankrupt. It was forced to grant India independence in 1947 before settling all the border issues with China.

Following India's independence India did not want to negotiate with China for the return of Chinese lands illegally taken by the British. India intend to inherit the mantle of British imperialism. In fact  in the 1950s Nehru and some Indian politicians and the Indian military were deliberating of occupying  Tibet as an Indian colony. It was so preposterous of the Indians that they provoked the Sino-India border war in 1962 thinking that it could defeat a very weak China which just evolved from decades of Western invasions and the Second World War cum the Korean War 1950-1953 imposed on China by the Americans and its 25 allied countries.

So the present China-India border issues is actually the seeds of divide and rule planted by the British. Nevertheless China was prepared to negotiate with India on a give and take basis just as it had settled all border isuues with all other 14 Chinese neighbouring countries. However a recalcitrant India would have none of that for it stubbornly  insist on retaining the stolen Chinese territories thus assuming the mantle of British imperialism. Hopefully in future reasons will prevail and the Sino-India border issues will be settled amicably. Otherwise the evil United States and its Western hoodlum allies will exploit and instigate an open warfare between India and China to the benefit of the Americans.


Wednesday, 13th September, 2023