
Professor Richard Wolff - The challenge of China



A very methodological approach to the challenge of China from a historical and economic perspective, minus the ideological and political bickering of the Cold War mentality of American politicians.

The video is 55 mins long but the main topic on the challenge of China starts at about 20 mins into the tape. The earlier part dealt with American political history and the challenges and approaches to the economic crisis faced by Roosevelt and Biden.

Professor Wolff made his discussion very clear and precise and easy to understand without the nuances and distractions of main stream American politics and looked at China as what it is and how China overcame its enormous problems of poverty and becomes an economic growth model for the rest of the world...from poverty to moderately properous, without American or western aid that came with strings attached to keep the third world recipients forever remaining in the third world.

Prof Wolff's delivery style is very powerful and captivating and refreshing.

Watch it and get some fresh air.

Who is copying who, who is the stupid one?


Earlier in March, there was a plagiarism fiasco surrounding Singapore’s national song ‘Count on Me, Singapore’ after a composer from India was accused of copying the song. The Indian composer later retracted all claims to the lyrics and tune of the song.

What’s more, the local national song was even found to be copied and modified into a religious version by an Indian non-profit spiritual organisation.

Now, there seems to be another case of plagiarism concerning a Singaporean educational institution, this time coming from an international school in India.

To put it simply, the logo of Gaikwad-Patil International School in Nagpur, India is exactly the same as Singapore Sports School in Woodlands.  

Above posted in TOC

The Indians admired and loved what Singapore is doing and would copy for their own use. Singapore is mesmerised by the Indian talents and bringing them in by the millions to replace Singaporeans. 

What an irony? Duuno who is the foolish one.

TOC made some inquiries and found out that the school was closed, But further probing confirmed that the school is still operating.


COVID-19: Reluctance To Take Drastic Proactive Actions Leads To Proliferation Of the Coronavirus Infections Happily Ever After

The reluctance of many governments in the world to take immediate, urgent, drastic actions to block off further imports of the Covid-19 cases into their respective countries, is the fundamental reason and cause of the proliferation and spread of the coronavirus among their unaware communities.

Recently, the growing numbers of new clusters appearing in Singapore are mainly due to Type Delta Variant infected carriers from abroad, spreading the disease to the locals, especially the airport staff and customs officials.

Lately, there are new clusters of Covid-19 infections appearing among the KTVs nightclubs and at least 30 people are not Singaporeans.

The total number of these clusters is still growing. The last known report put it at 42.

At least eight of the infected are short-term visit pass holders, including the Vietnamese hostess first linked to the cluster.

As part of the stipulated immigration conditions, short-term visit pass holders are forbidden to work in Singapore without MOM's permission. Those who flouted the stipulated conditions are guilty of an immigration offence and could be barred from future entries into Singapore.

ICA and MOM reacted by vowing stern action against any foreigner from the cluster found to have committed an offence. As usual, they are very good in reactive actions rather than proactive actions.

According to the Immigration Authority, the first link to the cluster is the Vietnamese hostess who had entered Singapore in February this year on a short-term visit pass via the "Familial Ties Lane", sponsored by her Singaporean boyfriend. That is on the surface.

However, underneath the surface, there is a racket in Singapore whereby foreigners can pay a certain amount of "fee" to get a Singaporean sponsorship for their stay in Singapore on short and medium term basis, which are renewable. That explains why a short-term visit pass holder can stay from February to July this year, six months.

Usually, short-term visit pass lasts for 14 or 30 days.

To many politicians, it seems that the economy of the country is more important than the health and lives of their citizens, and the national healthcare system. As such, we are seeing a open-and-shut case repeatedly, with regard to the measures taken to curb and stop Covid-19 infections in many countries. Singapore is no exception.

As a result, the proliferation and spread of the Covid-19 coronavirus will be forever and ever. The coronavirus will be able to live happily ever after! So, the pandemic becomes endemic. This gives some very brilliant leaders the excuse to tell their people to live with the Coronavirus as if it is a common flu!

Living dangerous in a pandemic will become the new normal.

God saves not only the Queen, but also everyone of us, please!

Queen of Hearts.


American military planes landing in Taiwan, China

 The Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) can expel, fire warning shots or even shoot down foreign military aircraft that trespass upon China's airspace, Chinese military observers warned Thursday, after a second US air force plane landed on the island of Taiwan in less than two months, which also triggered stern responses from the Chinese Defense Ministry and the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council. 

China is gravely concerned about a US air force plane landing on the island of Taiwan on Thursday, and any trespass of foreign ships or planes into China's airspace or territorial waters will result in serious consequences, the Chinese Ministry of National Defense said on Thursday, and it warned the US to stop playing with fire.

Taiwan is an inalienable part of China, and any foreign military aircraft landing on Chinese territory must obtain the permission of the Chinese government, ministry spokesperson Wu Qian said.  Global Times

Is China now strong enough to defend its territory and territorial sea and air space against unwelcome military planes? The US is now embolden to and military planes in Taiwan after the first landing that brought vaccines to Taiwan but smuggled 3 senators along.

Taiwan belongs to China and so is its airspace. China has the right to protect its airspace and to forbid hostile military aircraft and ships to land in Taiwan. Is China ready to do so or still unable to do so?

For so long, China could only launched protests in words and could do nothing else. The Americans know this and would violate and humiliate China whenever they chose to do so. It is also a way to test if China is ready and able to stop the Americans and the resolve to protect its national territorial integrity.

If China is ready, it must do it, to forbid American military aircraft entering its airspace and landing in Taiwan. Otherwise it would appear like Ah Q, only trying to scratch at the Americans but obviously unable to do anything meaningful.

Has the time arrived for China to act firmly against American encroachment and provocation? The Russians are very firm in this and the Americans knew what they would get should they defy the Russians. It is a matter of time for China to act like the Russians and keep the Americans at bay or continue to be bullied and humiliated by the Americans.

The second American aircraft has landed and third, fourth and more on the way if China still acts like Ah Q and not daring to do more.

Covid19 - Another American ploy or lie?

WASHINGTON: US health officials, after meeting with vaccine maker Pfizer, reiterated on Monday (Jul 12) that Americans who have been fully vaccinated do not need to get a booster shot, a spokesperson for the Health and Human Services Department said.

Pfizer said last week it planned to ask US regulators to authorise a booster dose of its COVID-19 vaccine, based on evidence of greater risk of infection six months after inoculation and the spread of the highly contagious Delta variant.

HHS officials had a briefing from Pfizer on Monday regarding their latest, preliminary data on vaccinations and will continue to discuss when and if booster shots will be needed in the future, the spokesperson said.  Reuters

After proposing that a third booster dose is needed for those fully vaccinated with Pfizer vaccines, Pfizer has backed down saying there is no need for such a booster. Why? Did they find out that the vaccines are specially effective for Americans? Or they have been told to buzz off from profiting from the American people? Why the flip flop? Why the rest of the world still need the third booster but not the Americans? The rest of the world are subhuman beans or easier to con, or targetted as their source of revenue? Just keep jabbing and make the rest of the world pay and pay?

What is the truth in the need for a third booster dose? Another money making scheme to fleece the world?

Very, very funny, and very, very strange indeed.

Would the rest of the world question the logic and reasoning for a third booster dose or blindly, stupidly, unthinkingly or obediently just do as told by Pfizer?