
DBS vs LVB: Sweet Meat For The Wolves, Game Of The Century


SSO said...

DBS vs LVB: Sweet Meat For The Wolves, Game Of The Century

The Lakshmi Vilas Bank (LVB) Deal is the most "lucrative" and "enticing" business proposal ever made in the history of banking and finance. Some more, it was made by such a distinguished and outstanding government of India, under the steady steering hands of the well-known PM Modi of CECA fame.

Simply speaking, it is "Too good to be true."

It is so good that it simply cannot be turned down by any rich investor with a huge capacity of cheap funds, using other people's money of course, lying around in the hands of eager-beavers ever-ready to make a kill in his/her name, so that at year-end he/she could reap another unimaginable hefty sum of $millions in annual bonuses, and retires in comfort, laughing all the way to the bank everyday.

But, but, but the thing is:

If the deal is so good...too good to be true, why didn't the Indian Government buy over LVB wholesale by itself? The Modi government could not see the "lucrative" long-term returns-on-investment? The hawkish Modi leadership was out of wits and funds and therefore could not go in for the kill by itself? As such, it has to invite lucky DBS to grab it for a song and also write-off the shares of the previous owners of LVB with ease, without having to worry about potential repercussions?

Or, Why didn't any of the big and rich local Indian companies take over the in-deep-shit LVB and immediately owns 350 banks throughout India, which took LVB almost 100 years to build up? So wonderful! So easy! Why no takers?

Questions aside, whichever way one may look at it, under such circumstances, there is always big money to be made in the shades, under the shadows and enclosed in darkness, behind closed doors, over a sumptuous dinner, by some shrewd, crafty and cunning big players in the Game Of Cheat, in this Game Of The Century.

The meat is so sweet and fresh, and therefore, the greedy and hungry wolves are many. Like the Hollywood movie "The Wolf of Wall Street", this is the "The Wolf Of Madrass" in real life.

In my mind, the first suspected wolf is the one who proposed the purchase of LVB to those that count.

The second suspected wolf is the one who influenced the decision-maker to go ahead with throwing good money after bad loans.

The third suspected wolf is the one who made the decision to buy over the LVB in accordance with the Modi Government's alluring proposal of a life-time.

The fourth suspected wolf is the PR guy, the one who looks like a white-collar criminal with corruption written all over his face when he spoke with the intention of influencing the unguarded about how good it is to invest in India Tamil Naidu.

The fifth suspected wolf is the middleman or men in this Game Of The Century.

The sixth and subsequent suspected wolves are those in the other camp, right from the top to the bottom.

Last but not least, I simply say only, the glaringly suspected wolf is the "Honourable" Judge who presided over this case, who has holds the power, who made the judgement, and who aimed and shot two arrows, one after another, straight
into the Heart of DBS, just like what Robin Hood would have done.

I believe the CBIB would have already started to get busy investigating deeper and wider into this "too good to be true" fishy Game of the Century.

Keppel's Brazil misadventures, for 13 long years, are still very fresh in our minds, except for those who have dozed off.

So, what now, DBS, going forward?

SSO - 4 Dec 2020.

PS: CBIB stands for Cheats and Badass Investigating Board.

35% premium hike for Medishield Life is so merciful

Come 2021, Medishield Life premiums will increase by up to 35%.

It adds to our already high cost of living but we have no choice but to pay up.

Foong Swee Fong posted a short article on this in the TRE.

I am tired of talking about this and how our CPF savings are being depleted and we can't do anything about it. And now and then some imbeciles will open their mouths to deride our lack of savings and to increase our CPF contributions to make sure we save enough for retirement.  The point is that we are having the highest rate of savings in the world and after saving for a life time still find ourselves not having enough of savings for retirement and have to work till the last day of our lives.  Where did our CPF savings go to? Why we cannot save enough for our retirement?

Below are some of the comments in response to Foong Swee Fong's article that said it all. But the imbeciles would close their eyes and ears and pretend they did not see or hear any complaints. They just shut out everything and do as they want with your CPF savings, without your consent. They said this is a rule of law country.  Everything done to your CPF savings is legal and lawful.


  • So what else is new?:

    35% one shot rise!
    Daylight Robbery is what it is.
    They do it just because they can!
    61% gave them full permission !
    Who can speak up for the voiceless in sg?
    They keep us in virtual shackles and try to make us believe they do it for our own good.
    Is this LHL’s punishment on us for his bad showing at the polls few months ago???
    He loves to see us suffer fobt he?

  • xoxo:

    onLEE 35 PCT,WHY NOT 350 PCT?!!!!
    WTF! After LOOTING $100 BILLION N GRANTING US $600 ON A SUPPOSED PER CAPITA OF $23K,This govt wants to $crew us more!

    They promise no gst increases till later but screw us on medishit lie premium all the same?

    This groupie of ar$ehole$ need to be axed!!!

  • 3Ts:

    That’s how the SG Govt give free vaccination by increasing the Medishield Life premium etc!

    Give u a free drumstick & takes back a whole chicken!

  • Vampirical Increase:

    35% increase is really Vampirical.

  • Vote them Out:

    MediShield Life is a HOAX?

    Useless Medisafe life is going up by whopping 35% which is approximately an increase of $400 for the elderly old. Two elderly old means $800 increase to be paid for by their children if they have no money. That means [2 X ~$1600 = $3200] to be paid for by their children Mandatorily excluding the premium of themselves.

    There is no reason whatsoever to keep voting for them, absolutely without any doubts. Why? I cannot understand.

  • Harder Truths:

    The Evil Regime just gave billions to FT companies for no reason during the pandemic rather than give the people directly. How else are they going to get this back? Expect more rises in taxes and other stuff as well.

    PS. And mind you, this is what you voted for. So don't complain. Be grateful that the increase is not more. It is for your own good. It is also for the good of those that would benefit from the 35% premium hike for sure. You have to thank them for being so merciful.


Beidou to replace GPS. No more weaponising of GPS

 As the Americans continue to weaponise everything to maintain their world dominance, from the greenbacks, technology, trade, vaccines, communications and the GPS, the backlash is surely to come and turn against the Americans.  There is a saying, if one keeps walking in the dark of the night, the chances of meeting the devils are higher.

The Americans have been controlling the world in almost everything and have taken the world for granted, obey, accept the American dominance and bullying as the way of life, American Exceptionalism. The world has no choice when there is no alternative, no country big enough to challenge the Americans, no alternative technology to go to and has to swallow whatever the Americans shafted into their throats.

This was the past. The greenback as the international currency would soon be no more. The petrol dollar would shrink by the day. Buying American debt would no longer be fashionable or necessary. China's 5G and AI would replace the American stranglehold on these communication tools. And now Beidou global position system is complete and will be an option for those that did not want to be oppressed and bullied by the Americans.

The Americans have been abusing their control of the GPS for political and military advantage. They switched on and off as they like, in the India Pakistan War, in the war against Iraq, against Iran.

The world has seen the abuses and rogue behaviour of the Americans and would not want to be controlled and be at the mercy of the Americans. Those that did not want to be spied on by the Americans have opted to use Huawei, to be freed from the Americans listening to them. Germany has just approved Huawei to bid for its 5G infrastructure development. Many countries have also done so except the 5 eyes and India.

The latest, to be freed from American control and hegemony, 165 countries out of 191 countries in the world have decided to opt out of GPS in favour of Beidou. The world is not stupid.  When given the opportunity to get out of the clutches of the evil Americans, they will march with their legs.

Good bye America. Good riddance. Your control of the world is weakening. your grip over the world is loosening. China is offering the rest of the world an option to be free from American oppression, control and bullying.

Here comes Beidou and 5G, from China. And Chinese vaccines, cheaper and safer, will be shipped to the rest of the world, to all developing countries. There is no need to pay for more expensive and not fully tested western vaccines. There is no need to accept unacceptable risk when the alternative is cheaper, safer and friendlier, not weaponised.

COVID-19 vaccine: Hold your horses, let us play safe!

Below is a very important article by Dr Jeyakumar Devaraj appearing in Focus Malaysia.  This is the link: https://focusmalaysia.my/opinion/covid-19-vaccine-hold-your-horses-let-us-play-safe/COVID-19 vaccine: It explains very clearly how the mRNA works and how it could cause more damage to the body if the mRNA combines with the subject's DNA to create new DNA. Though this is a possibility, it is too early to tell if it would actually happen. But the methodology of injecting foreign RNA to combine with a person's DNA is playing with the unknown as RNA/DNA combination can lead to many permutations and combinations that are unpredictable. This is the message of Dr Jeyakumar Devaraj.

Hold your horses, let us play safe!

By Dr. Jeyakumar Devaraj

THERE is a lot of discussion about our access to the COVID-19 vaccine and the cost of the vaccination programme for the country. However, the issue of the safety of the different vaccines on offer hasn’t been addressed adequately.

The COVID-19 vaccines on offer now can be divided into two main groups.

The first group is the vaccines that use inactivated COVID-19 viruses or laboratory manufactured COVID-19 protein to stimulate the body’s immune response.

The second group of vaccines use a new technology that makes the subject’s own body produce the COVID-19 protein that then stimulates the subject’s immune system.

The first group of COVID-19 vaccine relies on old and tested vaccine technology and the medical community is familiar with the potential downsides. For example, side effects of the various adjuvants used to enhance the body’s reaction to the viral protein.

The second group of COVID-19 vaccines comprise RNA or DNA which – when injected into the subject’s body – instructs the subject’s ribosomes to produce thousands of copies of the COVID-19 spike protein.

In the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines, the messenger RNA (mRNA) that codes for the COVID-19 spike protein is put in minute phospholipid capsules and injected into the subject. These capsules circulate in the blood and slip into certain cells in the body where the mRNA instructs the ribosomes of these cells to manufacture the COVID-19 spike protein.

Some of these spike protein molecules extrude from the cells into the blood stream and catch the attention of the immune system which then produces antibodies against these spike proteins. In addition, the spike proteins sticking out of the “infected” cells induce killer lymphocytes to attack and kill these cells.

This is one major difference with the traditional vaccines – these modernistic vaccines induce more killer lymphocytes, and cause the destruction of some of subject’s cells. Do the developers of these vaccine know for sure that their phospholipid capsules do not slip into nerve cells or into kidney cells? These are tissues that are not particularly capable of regenerating themselves if they are damaged.

We also do not know the longer term consequences of exciting the body’s immune system and then exposing that system to cellular antigens released by the destruction of these cells. Might this, in the longer term, induce auto-immune disease in a portion of the people so exposed?

Auto-immune diseases are conditions in which the body’s immune system starts attacking some component of the body. Rheumatoid arthritis is one example of an auto-immune disease and we still do not understand why it affects certain people or what sets it off.

Would the modernistic COVID-19 vaccines induce auto-immune disease in those so predisposed? The fact is, we do not know. It may not happen, but shouldn’t we be surer that it does not before we inject this vaccine into millions of people?

The Oxford-AstraZeneca and Sputnic V vaccines use a different strategy to deliver the COVID 19 genetic code for the spike protein to the subject’s cells. They convert the COVID-19 code to DNA, which is more stable and does not require ultra-cold storage, and put this DNA into modified Adeno viruses (which are incapable of replicating in the subject’s body) and inject these adenoviruses into the subject.

These modified viruses will deliver the DNA to certain cells in the subject. This DNA will go into the nucleus of the subject’s cell to produce the mRNA that instructs the subject’s ribosomes to produce the spike protein.

Willfully putting foreign DNA into the nucleus of human cells is something we should not take lightly. We know that in certain viral infections, viral DNA becomes incorporated into the human chromosomes. This occurs in Hepatitis B and in HIV infections.

Do we know for sure that it will not occur, in perhaps a small percentage of cases, with the COVID-19 vaccines that use DNA? Would this viral gene interact with any other gene in our genome and cause a health problem? Maybe not, but should we take that risk and on such a large scale?

Vaccines have played a huge role in the control of infectious diseases in the past 50 years and they certainly have a big role to play in the future. The crucial question is do we need desperate measures such as deploying the new untested RNA and DNA vaccines on a global scale?

After all, there are effective alternatives. Several COVID-19 vaccines have been produced using traditional vaccine technology. These “old tech” vaccines comprise of COVID-19 virus proteins. They include CoronaVac, the Zhifei vaccine and Novavax.

There are several more. Why not use these old tech vaccines to control the pandemic? Why go for modern technology that has not been properly assessed? The insistence of many vaccine manufacturers on indemnity clauses in the agreements with Governments itself should set off alarm bells!

We would be extremely naive if we do not take note of the profit motive when evaluating our national vaccine strategy. Vaccine manufacturers stand to make humongous profits if their vaccine is utilised on a worldwide scale.

And with the indemnity clause in place, they are shielded from litigation if anything goes wrong. We have to be world-wise and also factor in the tremendous influence that the large pharmaceutical companies have over the Governments and regulatory institutions in the West.

Based on the above considerations, my friends and I would like to suggest the following:

  • Malaysia should rely on old tech vaccines comprise of viral proteins. Let us not experiment on our population with the “sophisticated” vaccines that use RNA and DNA technology.
  • Offer the old tech COVID-19 vaccines to the high risk groups initially, and then later to the entire population. But do not make it mandatory for any particular group. Let people make an informed choice.
  • Provide clear information to the public. We should be honest with our people. The authorities should also tell the people that at present we do not have data regarding long term safety of the RNA and DNA vaccines.
  • Provide the old tech COVID-19 vaccine free to the population.
  • Conduct post COVID-19 vaccination surveillance to obtain an accurate estimate of side effects arising from the vaccines.
  • It is high time for civil society groups and concerned individuals to voice up and urge for a cautious and measured approach to the mass vaccination of the Malaysian public.


Dr. Jeyakumar Devaraj is the chairperson of Parti Sosialis Malaysia and the former MP of Sungai Siput. He is also a certified pulmonologist.

The views expressed are solely of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of Focus Malaysia.

 “©Focus Malaysia Sdn. Bhd.”

PS. I have posted the article in full as the content is very important for the public to know. I hope Focus Malaysia will not object to its publication here. If they do, I would remove the article asap when notified.

Duterte taken for a ride by China? The writers think they are smarter than Duterte


‘They’re taking him for a ride’: Has Philippines gained from Duterte’s China pivot?

In 2016, Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte warmed to Beijing in exchange for investments. But so far, only a fraction of the billions of dollars pledged have materialised. The programme Insight asks if his China policy has come to naught....

The centrepiece of the Duterte administration’s economic policies is the “Build, Build, Build” (BBB) programme, which consists of some 20,000 infrastructure projects including airports, seaports and highways.

With China’s funding touted as the best option for upgrading the country’s infrastructure, the Philippines was set to usher in a “golden age of infrastructure”.

But less than five per cent of China’s promised US$24 billion (S$32 billion) in loans and investments have come to fruition. “They’re taking Duterte for a ride,” says political analyst and author Richard Heydarian.

The above article in CNA on 19 Dec 20 was written by Desmond Ng and Sumithra Prasanna. 

20,000 infrastructure projects, according to the writers, are bad for Philippines as it would lead to debt traps. The poor tourist guides, small farmers and street vendors would lose their jobs. They would like to continue their way of life and what Duterte is going to do, to bring in China to develop the Philippines with 20,000 projects is not good for the Philippines people. Duterte must be damn stupid or a traitor to the Pinoys. How could he want to spend to much money, stupidly let his country into a debt trap to destroy the Philippines. So the white men are saying and some silly writers also agreed.

And China is making it tough in the negotiation, wanting to make sure that the projects are commerciall viable and would not lead into debt traps? And this is bad of China. China should blindly just build and let Philippines ended in debt traps so that the white men can accuse China of wrongdoings. So clever.

China should not waste its time, resources and money to rebuild the Philippines. The Pinoys are happy where they are. Duterte also should not try to be smart to want to develop the Philippines into a modern state. The Pinoys don't like that.

Also, from the point of China, Duterte would not be the President for long and the next president would want to be pro America and enemy of China. How is China going to pump in millions and billions of dollars into the Philippines when it knows that any day the Pinoy govt would change and become hostile to China, cancelling all the projects and not paying? 

What would you do if you were in the shoes of China? Pour in money that is not welcomed? And the ordinary Pinoys would not appreciate and did not want them? They are waiting for the American saviours to save the Philippines and sell them more weapons to be the strongest military power in Asean and to start a war with China.

Now who are the silly ones? Duterte? Not to worry, the Americans have been in the Philippines before, ruling the Philippines for several decades and they know what the Pinoys want and would make the Pinoys very happy. And when Duterte is gone, the Pinoys can go dancing with the Americans again and enjoy lives servicing the American troops as tourist guides and bar boys and waitresses and street vendors, and no 20,000 projects that they did not want, that are bad for them.

Chinese projects would affect the lives of these Pinoys badly. They cannot continue to be street vendors or tourist guides. Picture from CNA
 Maybe the Americans can take over these projects and build them for free for the Pinoys and no debt traps. Even if they were to get American loans, they would definitely be cheaper than Chinese loans. Good luck to the Pinoys.