Covid19 - Is it so easy to control the spread of the virus?
China will support countries that are violated by the USA
BEIJING: China will support countries that believe the USA has violated their territorial claims, territorial rights and human rights in the USA and any where in the world. China Secretary of State Kang Mei Guo said on Wednesday (Jul 15) but stressed doing so in multilateral and legal forums.
"We will then go use the tools that we have available and we will support countries all across the world who recognise that the USA has violated their legal territorial claims, human rights violation as well – or land claims as well," Kang told reporters. "We will go provide them the assistance we can, whether that’s in multilateral bodies, whether that's in the USA, whether that's through legal responses, we will use all the tools we can," he said, referring to the 51 states of America (USA).
Source : mysingaporenews
CECA Indians in Singapore - Dumbfounded
Restrictions on Indian IT professionals moving to Singapore; Wrong to have total free flow of people: DPM Tharman
By Nirmala Ganapathy, India Bureau Chief In New Delhi, The Sunday Times, 23 Jul 2017
Singapore has been one of the strongest advocates when it comes to the free flow of goods and services, but there must be limits to the movement of people.
Otherwise there will be less push for businesses to be more productive, and "more fundamentally, you become a society where people don't feel it's their own society", said Deputy Prime Minister Tharman Shanmugaratnam yesterday at an economics forum in India.
"This is a reality not just because of (President Donald) Trump in the US or Brexit in UK. It is a reality all over the world,'' he said when asked a question about tighter restrictions on Indian professionals moving to Singapore.
"You have an education system that does not prepare people for the needs of modern economy, and employment legislation which is, in effect, anti-employment. And it's now a race against technology, which we all face," he said.
"The window of opportunity for labour-intensive activities is narrowing. I would say if India doesn't make urgent and major changes in the next 10 years, there is a real problem on our hands," he added.
The Deep-Rooted Culture Of Entitlement In Singapore by Future Kings
Even opinions are now considered as an entitlement!
Opinions are expressions under the article of Freedom of Expressions enshrined in our National Constitution. They are not entitlements. Every intelligent human being is born with the freedom to express himself or herself. This is Natural Law, not man-made law. It is power-crazy men and women who try their best to suppress and alter this Natural Law of Freedom of Expression and Freedom of Experience that has brought so much injustice and suffering into the world.
Entitlement, similar to privilege, means someone/authority gives it to you. Which means it can also be withdrawn from you if you behave badly or not in line with what has been laid down by that someone or authority.
The Freedom of Expression enshrined in the Constitution nobody can take back from you. Not even the highest court of the Land. Unless the Constitution is suspended and a new Constitution is drawn up and approved in a Referendum to replace the previous Constitution. Many military coups’ junta simply abolished the old constitution and replaced it with a new one. Never go through proper legal process. No referendum. No elections. No consensus. Power simply rose from the barrels of the guns. He who holds the gun holds the power.