
Covid19 - Is it so easy to control the spread of the virus?

The idiotic clown in the White House is belabouring the point that China could have stopped the virus from spreading and getting out of China. To this clown, it was so easy and China did not do it. Could he do it if it happens in the USA? This clown did not know that by the time China knew how serious this new virus was, many would have been infected and moved out of Wuhan to other parts of China and even overseas.  It was an unknown virus, a new virus and needed time to be noticed and to be identified.

Compare to what hit China and how this virus hit other countries that already got wind of its existence, and some knowledge of how infectious it was, all the countries in the world had the privilege of pre warnings and by right should be able to contain this virus in a more effective way than China. They knew, every country knew it was coming except China. But China took drastic measures, criticised by the West, especially the clowns headed by the chief clown in Trump, condemned the measures as draconian.

Because of the tough measures, the lockdown of Wuhan and Hubei province, China was very successful in curbing the spread of the virus across the whole of China.  China was also able to limit the infection to about 80,000 cases in a population of 1.4b people. This is hell of a great achievement from hell of a great effort and efficiency in the Chinese medical and administrative system and political will.

Except for a handful of countries in the East, most countries could not contain this virus from spreading even with all the pre warnings and pre knowledge.  The most silly country in this pandemic is of course the USA. They laughed at it, called it a hoax, claimed that it would just go away like a miracle. Their failure to take this threat seriously is comical and deadly, and a threat to the people of the world.

If this virus is so easy to contain, if the Americans are so good as they claimed to be, why the more than 3.4m cases and growing at nearly 70,000 cases daily? What was clown Trump and his team of experts doing all the time? Should not they be doing better than China to curb the spread if they are indeed so clever? If they could not, not by any count, not near by any means, to control the spread of this virus, is it reasonable to blame China for not able to control it effectively and not allowing the virus to spread across the world? China today is opening up, almost free of the virus with daily imported cases of less than 10!

Or, as more evidences are appearing, this virus was all over the world in the first place. China happened to be the first to identify it and to declare it a health hazard. Thw world should thank China for it. And with more evidences pointing to the real origin of this virus, ie Fort Detrick, USA, Trump is making a mockery of himself to wanting to shift the blame to China.  The virus came from the USA, planted in China by American agents in Wuhan to kill Chinese and cripple the Chinese economy just like the unceasing number of flu epidemics hitting China with a high probability that they were hostile acts of the Americans.

It is right and opportune and just for the virus to spread like wildfire in the USA. It is God's message to the evil ones not to play with fire. It will burn the fire starters.

Stop blaming on China. The USA is the real culprit of this pandemic. No one is going to believe the evil clowns in the White House. Period.

And it is time to lock down the whole of USA, no one allowed to enter or to leave the American soil. Every American is now a health threat, exposed to and carrying this virus around. Countries of the world must ban Americans from entering their countries.  Americans are diseased!


China will support countries that are violated by the USA

BEIJING: China will support countries that believe the USA has violated their territorial claims, territorial rights and human rights in the USA and any where in the world.  China Secretary of State Kang Mei Guo said on Wednesday (Jul 15) but stressed doing so in multilateral and legal forums.

"We will then go use the tools that we have available and we will support countries all across the world who recognise that the USA has violated their legal territorial claims, human rights violation as well – or land claims as well," Kang told reporters. "We will go provide them the assistance we can, whether that’s in multilateral bodies, whether that's in the USA, whether that's through legal responses, we will use all the tools we can," he said, referring to the 51 states of America (USA).

Source : mysingaporenews

CECA Indians in Singapore - Dumbfounded

Restrictions on Indian IT professionals moving to Singapore; Wrong to have total free flow of people: DPM Tharman

It's not just wrong politics but also wrong economics, DPM says at a forum in New Delhi
By Nirmala Ganapathy, India Bureau Chief In New Delhi, The Sunday Times, 23 Jul 2017

Singapore has been one of the strongest advocates when it comes to the free flow of goods and services, but there must be limits to the movement of people.

Otherwise there will be less push for businesses to be more productive, and "more fundamentally, you become a society where people don't feel it's their own society", said Deputy Prime Minister Tharman Shanmugaratnam yesterday at an economics forum in India.

"This is a reality not just because of (President Donald) Trump in the US or Brexit in UK. It is a reality all over the world,'' he said when asked a question about tighter restrictions on Indian professionals moving to Singapore.

Noting that a third of Singapore's workforce is already made up of foreigners, he added: "It would be mindless to have an open border without any policy framework to govern and constrain the flow of people into your job market. It will not just be wrong politics but wrong economics."...

"You have an education system that does not prepare people for the needs of modern economy, and employment legislation which is, in effect, anti-employment. And it's now a race against technology, which we all face," he said.

"The window of opportunity for labour-intensive activities is narrowing. I would say if India doesn't make urgent and major changes in the next 10 years, there is a real problem on our hands," he added.


The first point to note in the above article is that Tharman could see the danger of too many CECA Indians coming to Singapore and the adverse consequences on Singaporeans. But not many idiots can see this and still wanting more CECA Indians and foreigners to come in to replace Singaporeans.  And daft Singaporeans voted these idiots to power to destroy their ricebowls, to make them jobless and into financial hardship to themselves and their family members.  How stupid can Singaporeans be? They deserve to suffer more with the new govt for the next 5 years when they bring in more CECA Indians and foreigners to make them jobless.

The second point is Tharman's comment that the Indian education system was not preparing the Indians to meet the needs of a modern economy. How is it that the idiots in this island look at the CECA Indians as talents or gods that we needed to replace our PMETS?  Maybe ours is not a modern economy. So village gangsters are regarded as talents and our city folks are idiots, unemployable and should be replaced by village gangsters.

Not being dismissive about Indian being a third world country or a dysfunctional country, is the Indian education system better than ours? If yes, we should send our students to India. If not, why are we employing their graduates to replace our graduates? There are some that are very good, and this applies to every education system and every country. But when plane loads of rubbish are brought here and treated as gold, then something is seriously wrong, not the CECA Indians, but with our idiots salivating for them instead of our PMETs.

Agree?  Who are the siao ting tongs?


The Deep-Rooted Culture Of Entitlement In Singapore by Future Kings

The culture of entitlement has taken a deep root in the Singapore society slowly but surely over the past 50 years of PAP reign. How did it all started? It started with meritocracy (rewarding and promoting anyone who performs well) that raised a few farmers and peasants onto the high pedestal of society, e.g. a washer-woman’s son was raised to the most powerful position of the land. After a few of such meritocrats attained high status, wealth and power, they began to think of themselves as The Elite Class, who are entitled to rule the country because they are the best thinkers and performers. After ruling the country for some time, they began to think that they are entitled to rule forever and so they proclaimed themselves as The Aristocrat Class, the Untouchables. No one can challenge them. No one can criticise them. No one should tell them what or how to do certain things. No matter what actions they take, they must always be right. Never wrong. Never need to apologise. They are now entitled to do wrong things and be considered as right. This is the epitome of Entitlement and the zenith of Meritocracy. It is now called Meritocrazy!

Even opinions are now considered as an entitlement!

Opinions are expressions under the article of Freedom of Expressions enshrined in our National Constitution. They are not entitlements. Every intelligent human being is born with the freedom to express himself or herself. This is Natural Law, not man-made law. It is power-crazy men and women who try their best to suppress and alter this Natural Law of Freedom of Expression and Freedom of Experience that has brought so much injustice and suffering into the world.

Entitlement, similar to privilege, means someone/authority gives it to you. Which means it can also be withdrawn from you if you behave badly or not in line with what has been laid down by that someone or authority.

The Freedom of Expression enshrined in the Constitution nobody can take back from you. Not even the highest court of the Land. Unless the Constitution is suspended and a new Constitution is drawn up and approved in a Referendum to replace the previous Constitution. Many military coups’ junta simply abolished the old constitution and replaced it with a new one. Never go through proper legal process. No referendum. No elections. No consensus. Power simply rose from the barrels of the guns. He who holds the gun holds the power.

The law of the jungle reigns supreme in times of disorder and chaos. It is the commoners who always suffer, always on the losing end. That’s why commoners are inclined to think of their freedom of expression as an ENTITLEMENT!

Future Kings

I have posted the above written by Future Kings.

I would like to add that there is something similar to entitlement, like I own this place so I dictate the rules for everyone to follow. This is an example of what a local bank will do when they called you for a survey or to find out something from you. After calling you they demanded that you identify yourself to them. They cannot tell the difference between who needs who? If I call someone for help, I don't ask the person to identify himself to me. That person does not need to talk to me or to assist me. And how stupid it is to call someone and still needs the person whom you already have the particulars to identify himself? What if the person say he is Lee Kuan Yew or Donald Trump? Who is wiser. But the mentality of those in power always take the position that they are in charge, your boss, and you need to comply and do what they want you to do, even if they call you for help. Singaporean mentality or some shit's mentality or mentality of people being in power for too long?

China must become more 'responsible', like the USA!

The time has come for China to play a bigger and more responsible role in the world, by becoming more involved in the national affairs of every country. China must follow what the Americans are doing to be seen as being responsible. China just have to follow the footsteps of the Americans, learn from the Americans and do what the Americans are doing.

The first thing China must do is to get involved, meddled in the domestic politics of every country. Put a finger into everything and stir up shit in other countries. But before doing that, let's take things one step at a time. Before China starts to poke into every country's domestic affairs, start cautiously with the USA. Test the water, test how it works. China could start by supporting the rights of the native Americans, supporting the the victims of white racism against the blacks, the Latinos, pass laws to protect and support these groups of oppressed Americans. Start to set up agencies and funds to work with these people in the USA.

The next step is to send its military forces overseas, to sail the seven seas to threaten and bully any country that does not agree with China.  Set up more military bases overseas, including highly toxic biological weapon labs in other countries, to be used as threats against any silly little countries that would try to be funny with China, would not listen to China, twists their arms to buy Chinese military weapons, forces them to take sides between the USA or China. This is standard SOP of the Evil American Empire.

As for internal insurgents from minorities, China should take a piece out from the American history book in the way they decimated their native Americans, by attacking them and spreading diseases among them. Once their number is small enough, allocate some waste land as reservations and march them into these waste land to pass their dying days. The Americans would not be able to accuse China of such genocides as China can openly quote the examples of the native Americans that were genocided by the Americans. The Americans did it, we are just follow the examples of the Americans to be a responsible country.

China can also set up training camps, use Chinese agents and agencies to support, train and finance terrorist organisations like the Americans and use these terrorist organisations against countries that are unfriendly to China.

China must be prepared and ready to use its military might to start wars and support wars. Only by doing so would it gain respect and fear from troubling little countries that think starting a quarrel with China is harmless.

China must be like the evil American Empire to be seen as responsible and feared as a super power. Yes. learn and follow everything the Americans are doing. Get involved, meddles and interferes into every country's domestic politics, support dissidents in the name of democracy and human rights.

The most important role of China would be like the USA, become the policeman of the world, to stop countries that ferment wars, incite wars, threaten wars, starting wars with countries using wild allegations, even fabricating false evidence. Such warmongers must be stopped to maintain and protect peace in the world.

That's the way to go. China would then be seen as a responsible big super power, like the evil American Empire. To be feared and to be taken seriously and no silly little country would dare to pick up a fight with China.  To be a responsible super power, China must do what the Americans are doing, imposed trade and economic sanctions on enemy countries and cripple the economies of these countries and blame it on the incompetence of their govts. For a start China should close its market to UK, Australia and Canada and see how long can they afford to attack China and be nasty to China. No investment from these 3 countries, no trade with them, no buying of their products and raw material.

The Americans have set all the examples and ground rules to be seen as a 'responsible' or rogue superpower. China's policy of non interference in another country's domestic politics is not well received and should be abandoned. Smaller countries respect super powers wielding a big military clout, not by being nice to them, by non interference. This non interference policy only gets disrespect from the smaller countries as a toothless and useless tiger and could be bullied. Be like the Americans, carry the big stick and see if any small country would still dare to throw their weights around in the South China Sea. Just whack the daylight out of them like a big super power should, like what the Americans would do, to keep troublemakers away.

PS.  To become a responsible superpower in the likes of the USA, China must be prepared to start wars everywhere, intimidates, bullies and threatens countries that it declares as enemies.   Being nice and not interfering in other country's domestic affairs, not fighting wars, is seen as being irresponsible by the lying and warmongering USA and its equally trigger happy allies.