
Chris Patten the last British rogue & robber baron governor in HK should be brought back to Hong Kong for trial for corruption.

     Chris Patten the last British rogue, crook and scoundrel robber baron governor of Hong Kong should be arrested and brought back to Hong Kong for trial for corruption. During his many years tenure as last British governor of HK he floated many schemes to reap off Hong Kong of billions or even trillions of dollars from the territory which has been causing lasting impoverishment effect to HK up to this day.

This bastard dishonourable plunderer of Hong Kong's wealth had dared to comment on China's enactment of National Security Legislation on Hong Kong. As governor of Hong Kong he had short Changed the servile Hongkies by manipulating the foreign exchange and the Hong Kong Stock Market which benefited UK by hundreds of billions of dollars.

But one of his worst crimes was in his criminal land deals which he colluded with local elitist crooks and scoundrels to  sell huge swathes of state lands to both local and foreign entities at a  huge discount below market rate.   With this huge illicit land deals the British Hong Kong government was able to reap off hundreds of billions of dollars which Patten secretly transferred to the British exchequer. Thus Hong Kong people were fleeced . The rich local crooks whose shady dealings with Patten enabled them to keep large holdings of land banks.They eventually become richer as they develop luxurious condominiums to sell only to the local wealthy people as well as to rich foreign investors and speculators.

After 1997 the newly China's local SAR's government couldn't build low cost housing fast enough to cater to the vast majority of Hong Kong people. This was also constrained by the shortage of suitable land areas as almost all the viable tracts of lands are owned privately by the elitists. This tremendous shortage of cheap housing for the people is a problem inherited from Patten and is the main contributing factor to the people's anger and dissatisfaction.

On Saturday 24th May, the scoundrel Chris Patten was quoted in the British Times newspaper as saying, " The Hong Kong people have been betrayed by China" and that "Britain, has a moral, economic and legal duty to stand up for Hong Kong." This bastard is farting through his mouth. He himself had gravely betrayed Hong Kong in many detrimental ways and now he tries to cover his rougish past with slick remarks against China. What has he, UK and USA got to do with HK now? He and his evil American counterparts continue to post snide and vitriol remarks against China. Hong Kong is China's sovereign territory and thus no amount of foreign venomous smear, provocation or blackmail will prevent China and the Chinese people from safeguarding national sovereignty and security. China's Hong Kong national security laws have been long overdued. It's time to deal sternly  and firmly with the Chinese traitors and no amount of them is worth keeping and even if there are a million of them they should be despatched promptly so that China and the Chinese people will not be stained by their disgraceful and disgusting horrendous servile behaviour with the West.  In the meantime the white American rogues and killers of non-white people should stop interfering in China's internal affairs in Hong Kong and Taiwan less they risk a war with China which they sure cannot win.

China should arrest Chris Patten and his ilks promptly if he and any of his fellow British scoundrels dare to step in any of Chinese sovereign territory. Also China should declare all NGOs of America and the West as personal non-grata and if any one is caught for entering China illegally he or she should be shot promptly as deadly spies coming to sabotage China and the Chinese people.

For public interests China can solve Hong Kong's housing problems by enacting laws to compulsorily acquire all lands from big elitist landlords who acquired large landbanks under shady deals during the roguish tenure of the robber buccaneer Chris Patten.


Tuesday, 26th May,2020.

Singapore's new reality - CMIO redefined

All Singaporeans are familiar with what CMIO means. This is the general classification of the racial composition of the Singapore population comprising Chinese, Malay, Indian and Others, with Others meaning the minorities that are not of the three major racial groups. Since independence, the composition of the population has a Chinese majority of about 78%, with the Malays about 12%, Indians 8% and Others 2%. The composition could be quite different today given the huge influx of foreigners, and though the Chinese is still the majority, the percentage of each racial group could be different. What is the official statistics?

Many are still calling this a Chinese majority state, legally, according to what were stated in their Birth Certificates and Identity Cards. But there is a new reality in Singapore based on a different definition of race officially sanctioned by the govt with a President that is legally Indian according to the race in the identity card/birth certificate but accepted officially as a Malay be virtue of her adopted way of life and acceptance by the Malay community. I stand corrected as to what was her legally stated race as written on her IC or birth certificate. I don't know as this is not made known publicly.

Using this new interpretation of a person's race, the racial composition of Singapore population is quite different, starkly different. The Chinese is not the majority race in Singapore if the chosen way of life of a person is good enough to redefine his race. Quite a significant number of Chinese in Singapore, particularly the English educated, do not see themselves as Chinese. They would only want to be known as Singaporeans. They have no race or refused to be identified as persons of the Chinese race. Some hate be called Chinese, ashamed to be called Chinese. Some hate being Chinese, anything Chinese, anything to do with China. They lived more like westerners, think like westerners and know more about Snow White and the 7 dwarfs and all the western fables and fairy tales but nothing about Chinese fables or nursery rhymes. And of course they could not speak Chinese, refuse to speak or learn to speak Chinese, and got angry with anyone speaking to them in Chinese. How can they be Chinese, when they even despised Chinese?

Under the new officially sanctioned definition of race, these ethnically Chinese are anything but Chinese. They should more appropriately be classified under the Others category. There are also the nyonas and babas, ie Straits born Chinese that have been here for many generations whose way of life is more akin to the Malays, speaking Malays and not a word of Chinese. And there are also the mixed parentage with many chose to live like the other half than the Chinese half and did not know Chinese and did not want to be called Chinese. Ask a Straits born and he would say he is a baba, not a Chinese.

Added together, these groups of ethnic Chinese but not wanting to be Chinese, also known locally as OCBC, should be classified as Others rather than Chinese. If this is the case, then the biggest racial group in Singapore should be Others. Thus it is not right to call Singapore a Chinese majority state. The Chinese, or those that still identified themselves as Chinese, could be a minority or would be a minority given the trend.

The implication of this development is that being a state with a Chinese minority, with Others as a majority, it is a fallacy to make the accusation that this is a racist country with the majority Chinese in a way practising racial discrimination against the minority races. The Chinese is not the majority, the majority is Others. If one is to look at the govt set up, one would not fail to notice that many top appointees are actually not Chinese. And to add the Chinese/Others into this interpretation, the Chinese in top govt positions is even smaller. How many of the top appointees, political and administrative, are or should be classified as Chinese/Others or rightly as Others? How many of these top appointees would call or rather identify themselves as Singaporeans and not Chinese?

This is a new phenomenon in Singapore where a people have chosen to have no ethnicity except a nationality called Singaporean. Oh, this only affects the ethnic Chinese, not the other races. The Indians and Malays are proud of their ethnic origins, not the OCBC 'Chinese' that have chosen to be 'raceless', a people that has no ancestry and can choose whichever ancestry they preferred as reflected in their thinking and way of life, what they like and what they dislike or even hate.

So, instead of CMIO in that order, perhaps it should read OMIC or OIMC, with O the majority and C the smallest minority group in Singapore.

What do you think?


Covid19 - God's condemned nations and punishment

United States1,695,776100,047
United Kingdom267,24037,460
Saudi Arabia78,541425
As of 8:37am May 28, 2020
Source CNA

The above are countries that are condemned and punished by God for their evilness and crimes against humanity. The severity and rankings are preliminary and still evolving and some evil countries have yet to appear, notably Japan. Maybe the death and destruction from the two atomic bombs and the carpet bombing of Tokyo by the Americans did mitigate some of their barbaric crimes against humanity.

Look at the top 10 countries that have the most infected cases and the most death and it is clear that there is a pattern, not erratic or random occurrence. Practically everyone of them was a evil colonial power that invaded and killed many of the defenceless natives of the colonised countries. They are are being made to pay for their crimes against humanity that the western dominated and controlled international courts and media would not pursue. But God would not be restrained or incapacitated by the raw power of these ex colonial powers, and punished they will be.

As for those outside the top 10, they could be taken as collateral damages in this condemnation list of God. China was the odd man out as it was not a colonial power in the last 150 years but a victim of colonial invasion, exploitation and oppression.  And in this pandemic, it was inflicted by the virus by evil men, not an act of God. God simply took the virus and blew it into the ex colonial powers and made them pay the dearly for their crimes and excesses against humanity.

No one can escape their evil karma and it is a matter of time before a few more ex colonial powers find their rightful place in God's Ladder of Punishment and Condemnation. Justice is blind. Human beans can lie to human beans and pretend to be the good guys, but they cannot lie to God and cursed they would be. They would get their just desserts.

The positions in the Ladder are self explanatory, the more evil a country and its people, the more severe will be infliction by this virus, and the more will die to pay for their crimes.

The prayers of the native Americans and other native peoples have been answered. This virus is doing to the Americans and the whites what they did to the native people they invaded and killed in their war path over the centuries and still trying to do it to the Chinese people. The virus is doing what they did but in heavier doses to make them feel the pain. This is only the beginning.

The wrath of God. Be fearful, be very fearful, evil men and women.


Covid19 - The Mad Piper leading a flock of sheep over the cliff

REUTERS: Malaria drug hydroxychloroquine, which US President Donald Trump says he has been taking, is tied to increased risk of death in COVID-19 patients, according to a study published in medical journal Lancet.

The study, which observed over 96,000 people hospitalised with COVID-19, showed that people treated with the drug, or the closely related drug chloroquine, had higher risk of death when compared to those who had not been given the medicine.

Demand for hydroxychloroquine, a drug approved decades ago, surged after Trump touted its use as a coronavirus treatment in early April. Earlier this week, he surprised the world by admitting he was taking the pill as a preventative medicine.  CNA

The Lancet is a very serious and highly respected medical journal and what it published are based on medical and scientific studies, not the belief of conmen. When the Lancet said hydroxychloroquine is dangerous, it is dangerous. However, many unthinking leaders chose to listen to a clown and join the queue behind the Mad Piper to authorise use of this drug.  Maybe after centuries of believing in white lies, they cannot differentiate between truth and beliefs. It is unbelievable that when a clown claimed that he took poison and lived, and the minor clowns got hysterical for the magical cure.

The Lancet article cautioned, 'The Lancet study authors suggested these treatment regimens should not be used to treat COVID-19 outside of clinical trials until results from clinical trials are available to confirm the safety and efficacy of these medications for COVID-19 patients.'

Above picture is just an illustration. Photo credit to Reuters.

Do not be surprised if one peels the label off these bottles it would reveal another label with the word 'hydroxycholoroquine' on it. And if one peels it off, there will be another label with the word 'bleach' on it.

Stop believing in white lies or products promoted by a clown, a congenital liar.


Hong Kong closing down, no more business as usual

'Article 23 of Hong Kong's mini-constitution, the Basic Law, says the city must enact national security laws to prohibit "treason, secession, sedition (and) subversion" against the Chinese government.
But the clause has never been implemented due to deeply held public fears it would curtail Hong Kong's cherished rights, such as freedom of expression.

Those liberties are unseen on the mainland and are protected by an agreement made before Britain handed Hong Kong back to China in 1997....

Pro-democracy leaders and activists warned that the move would mark "the end of Hong Kong", a fear voiced in months of massive and sometimes violent protests last year.

The US Congress late last year angered China by passing a law that would strip Hong Kong's preferential trading status in the United States if the urban hub is no longer considered autonomous from the mainland.'

The above was reported in the CNA. And the Hongkongers are going to march in protest. This time it is likely to be more violent as both sides have taken some times to reflect on the recent rioting against the criminal repatriation law. The stands are likely to be hardened, with the Hongkongers emboldened by the soft approach of the Hong Kong police while China must have worked out how much force they would need to quell the unrest.

What are the main issues? Freedom and democracy and the unspoken but most real issues of housing and a better life.  Freedom and democracy are not the real issues as put up to be. Other than crimes against the state, the Hongkongers have all the freedom and democracy they wanted, manifested by the widespread protest and violence on the streets and the hooligan behaviour in their parliament that is anything but democracy. Those behaviours are thuggish, boorish and uncivilised, not civil actions of a democracy but irresponsible expression of freedom.

The Hongkongers are likely to enjoy more and more freedom over time, even after the 50 years transition period is over. China would want a peaceful Hongkong with happy and prosperous Hongkongers than a violent, disruptive and unhappy populace. The issue of freedom and democracy would not be threatened as long as national security and sovereignty are not compromise, aka the Taiwan case. Any attempt to secede from China as a separate political entity under whatever pretences would be met with force and would turn very bloody and ugly. There is no way China would allow Hong Kong to be a separate state and be used as a thorn in the belly of China. Period.

The other more real and pressing issues are housing and a better life that the Hongkongers would like to have. These problems are due to overcrowding and density of population. No one can help the Hongkongers except China. Little states that think it is a clever idea to stuff as many people as they could in the name of fake economic growth would face this problem in graver consequences over time. The landlords would not help the Hongkongers by sharing their overly expensive land and housing. So what is left for the Hongkongers who want better and cheaper housing?

When Mao took over a broken down feudal China, the first thing he did was to execute all the landlords, acquire all their lands and redistributed to the people. This could not be done in the context of today's morality. Even if China were to acquire the lands from the landlords, there would still not be enough land to go around. The only workable solution is to build a few big cities in nearby China, connect them to Hong Kong with high speed trains and road network and sell them to Hongkongers at half the price of what they would have to pay in Hong Kong or cheaper. That would be a practical solution to the housing and quality of life problems facing the young Hongkongers.

With this on the platter, the Hongkongers can choose to stay, move into the cheaper and better housing provided by China or move out, migrate to become second class citizens of wherever that would welcome them. This is the only way out for the Hongkongers. Violent protests and cries for freedom and democracy or even and an independent state of their own is a dead end. The govt of Hong Kong and China should work out a long term solution for the Hongkongers quickly. The foolishness and madness of violent protests would not achieve anything other than more dead bodies on the streets, if that is what the Hongkongers want.

Hong Kong would forever be an intrinsic part of China, come what may, or be destroyed by the Hongkongers themselves and absorbed into China like any Chinese city with no special rights after the violence is over. The Hongkongers have a choice, a practical one that would give them a better life as a part of China if they are willing to talk sensibly and work towards a happy ending, or ruin their future in a mindless pursuit of heresy.

 "If China is so stupid as to believe that they can do away with Hong Kong and they don't need an international financial centre, then of course there's nothing which one could do to dissuade them to do otherwise,"  Dennis Kwok, a pro-democracy lawmaker in Hong Kong, told a US-based audience on Friday that the territory's opposition forces appreciated US efforts and urged continued vigilance, voicing fear for police crackdowns in the coming days. CNA

I would say this, if the Hongkongers are so stupid to believe that Hong Kong is indispensable as a financial centre to China, then they should go on and knock their heads against a wall. My view, the Hongkongers should not think too highly of themselves. China can lock down Hong Kong and the rest of China can continue life as normal. China would go to war with the Americans on Hong Kong and Taiwan. Would the US be prepared to go to war with China on these two territories of China? To China these are core national interests, to the Americans these are peripheral interests, good to have to stir shit without being hurt. No Americans would sacrifice their lives for the Hongkongers or Taiwanese. And this is not a limited war but would lead to nuclear destruction of both China and the USA.

PS. Sedition laws and laws against subversion and threats to national security are basic to every country. Even repatriation laws are common among states to punish criminals. Protest against such laws is lunacy, protesting for the sake of protesting or to create social unrest.

American and western support for Hong Kong is a pretence. They are using Hong Kong as a tool to destabilise China for political and strategic objective, nothing more, nothing less.