
Covid19 - More than 30m cases in USA, first case could be as early as mid 2019

I wrote a piece giving the real reason why Trump was dragging his feet and acting stupid in not testing enough and not procuring the test kits for testing. And remember the first batch of test kits that his administration sent to the governors for testing were found to be faulty? At that time people took it at face value that it could be the fault of the manufacturer. But the picture is getting clearer. It was intentional, not meant to work, and not supposed to tell the true picture of infection in the USA.

Now we have another piece of evidence that Trump had no control over with, the anti body test conducted by Andrew Cuomo in New York. The preliminary findings in the first phase of testing showed that 13.9% of New Yorkers already have the antibody around 20 April. This means that 2.7m New Yorkers had already been infected by the virus as on this date instead of nearly 243,000 confirmed cases reported. Cuomo said this meant that many New Yorkers were already infected maybe as early as February.  This is just a ballpark figure.

Statistics lie and often been used by politicians to lie. But statistics when used correctly and objectively, can also tell the truth and reveal a story that is very frightening as in this pandemic. With the data collected by Cuomo, they could trace back when the first case of infection hit New York state.

It took 50 days for New York to confirm 243,000 cases of infection. How many days would it take to reach 2.7m confirmed cases? What is the relationship between the number 243,000 to 2.7m in terms of days of infection? I am sure the statisticians or mathematicians would have a formula to work this out.

From a layman's point of rationalisation, if 243,000 cases take 50 days, 2.7m cases would take 2700000/243000 x 50 = 556 days. Of course this is an over simplification. Another way to look at it is to use the estimated percentage of increases and work backwards. The Americans are reporting an average increase of about 6%, lower than the average of other countries. Singapore is seeing nearly 10% increase daily recently.

Can someone work out the number of days needed to move from 1 case to 2.7m cases in New York?  My guesstimate is that it would take at least 200 days to do so or the fastest 150 days or 5 months.  Between 150 days, 200 days or 556 days, it would mean that the first infection in the USA could be 5 months ago in November 2019, 7 months ago in September 2019 or as early as 1 and a half years ago in January 2018.

Whatever, antibody test conducted by Cuomo, it is telling a truth that Trump does not want the Americans or the world to know, that the Covid19 virus already infected the Americans way before it was planted in Wuhan, China. The population of the state of New York is about 8% of the USA. This means at least 30m Americans across the country have already been infected as at 20 April.

This is a truth that is slowly revealing itself despite all the delay tactics and pretences of Trump and his CIA operators under the guidance of Pompeo. No testing, no need to test, not enough test kits. There is no point in testing or lockdown as the infection is too widespread. Just open up, it has already washed across the country.

What do you think? How far is this from the truth that Trump and Pompeo are desperately trying to hide and trying to pass the blame to China? The normal testing of infected cases were obstructed by Trump in his fake ignorance and incompetence. But the antibody test by Cuomo is something he did not expect to come so soon. And this is only for the state of New York alone. More testing will reveal more numbers and the secrets of this pandemic will be exposed for the world to see.

The truth shall surface in a matter of time.

PS. Yahoo News reported ' Dr. Osterholm: “The FDA has all but given up its oversight responsibility for the tests we have on the market. Many of them are nothing short of a disaster. ” pic.twitter.com/MAXySI9q5D— Meet the Press (@MeetThePress) April 26, 2020

Blood tests for coronavirus antibodies are viewed by many public health experts as a potential key for assessing the reach of the virus, determining potential immunity in individuals who have recovered from COVID-19, and ultimately reopening the country.

But officials have sounded the alarm about the efficacy of tests currently on the market, criticizing the FDA for greenlighting the products too quickly. The federal government temporarily stripped some of its regulatory barriers after it was scrutinized for its slow rollout of diagnostic tests....

During an earlier interview on “Meet The Press,” Dr. Deborah Birx, an infectious disease expert on the White House coronavirus task force, said the country needs a “breakthrough” in testing.
“We have to have a breakthrough innovation in testing,” she said. “We have to be able to detect antigen rather than constantly try to detect the actual live virus.” 

With the cat out of the bag, the FDA finds it pointless to control and suppress the testing of antibodies and could only dispel the accuracy of such tests. Not reliable... as the results could be very damning.


UN getting more idiotic by the days

GENEVA: Taking advantage of the coronavirus pandemic to erode human rights would be unacceptable, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said Thursday (Apr 23), unveiling a new report on the issue.

As governments around the world implemented extraordinary measures to deal with the outbreak, activists have increasingly warned of strongmen regimes using the crisis to roll back rights.
Rights groups have called states out for everything from violence, threats to press freedom, arrests and smartphone surveillance implemented to fight the wave of infections.

"Against the background of rising ethno-nationalism, populism, authoritarianism and a pushback against human rights in some countries, the crisis can provide a pretext to adopt repressive measures for purposes unrelated to the pandemic," Guterres said in a statement.

"This is unacceptable."

He called on governments to be transparent, responsive and accountable.  CNA

Is this what Guterres thought is important to him and the UN? What about the human rights of people in Iran, Venezuela, Cuba, Nicaragua, North Korea and those countries under ridiculous sanctions by the evil regime in Washington and now suffering from Covid19, and the Evil Empire still refused to lift its outrageous sanctions, not allowing medical supplies and equipment to these countries? Do the people of these countries deserved to be treated as human beans and their human rights respected?

What is the UN going to do about other than talking nonsense and making noise but unable to do anything meaningful and useful to the people of these countries victimised by the Evil American Empire? Why is the UN not passing a resolution to lift those obsolete cold war antics to set these people free from the clutches of the evil and wicked Americans?

This is the time for the UN to stop the American nonsense in the name of human rights and humanity, to pass a resolution to lift all the sick sanctions dictated and imposed by the Evil Empire.

The UN must have the gall to do something useful to save lives and sufferings and break away from years of haplessness and shame while eking a living in the shadow of the Evil Empire. Abolish all the wicked sanctions once and for all.

With nearly 1m people infected by this agent of God and more than 52,000 killed, and standing at the top of God's Ladder of Punishment for evil doers, the Americans have not learnt anything, unrepentant and continue to commit evils and spoiling for wars and more sanctions on other nations, many for more than 50 years or more, their people suffering from poverty and misery. God must punish the evil Americans more until they go down on their knees to beg for mercy.  More Americans shalt die in the hands of God. No country can deal with the Americans, but He can.


Covid19 - Why Pompeo so sure virus hit Wuhan in November?

'WASHINGTON: US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo charged on Thursday (Apr 23) that China may have known of the new coronavirus as early as November, renewing accusations that Beijing has not been transparent.

"You'll recall that the first cases of this were known by the Chinese government maybe as early as November, but certainly by mid-December," Pompeo said in an interview.

"They were slow to identify this for anyone in the world, including the World Health Organization," he told conservative radio host Larry O'Connor.'  CNA

The above statement used to attack China also revealed what Pompeo knew from the start, that the virus was planted in Wuhan in November or earlier, likely during the World Military Games by American soldiers. This is really the main reason why he is so cock sure that the virus infection started much earlier, he ordered it, and thus knew that China informing the WHO on 31 Dec 19 was too late.

The point about how slow or how fast is relative and subjective. Given the circumstances, a totally knew virus, it would take time to infect a big enough population to gain notice. It would then take more time to investigate, identify and confirm that it is really a new virus. The Chinese too would need to know how serious and how infectious this was before reporting it to the Chinese leadership. How much time would all these processes take?

China was not given a day of advance notice. The virus hit China like Japan hit Pearl Harbour. There was no time to react and China struggled to get back on its feet on its own. China reacted too slow? China gave the rest of the world 2/3 months notice to prepare for this virus it did not have. Not enough, how much time do the mischievous Americans need to be enough? These shit stirrers are out spoiling for war with China, a war that would be inconceivable in terms of the carnage and destruction of human life.

Very likely this virus would come to notice in the second half of November and confirmation would take at least a month or more. For China to report it just after one and a half month of discovering this virus and with insufficient information and not a really big spread, many would be thinking China was crying wolf. Trump even called it a hoax one month after China informed the WHO. That was what actually happened.  Many would not believe that this was really a serious problem.

So what is the problem with this mad dog and liar Pompeo for biting and not letting go? Is is because he needs to push this to China to deflect any attention on him and the Americans that planted this virus? This is a thief shouting thief. He wants all attention to be focused on blaming China and forgot about the real origin of this virus, the Americans.

Below is another quote from CNA on this virus infection in the USA that suggested the infection there was much earlier and more widespread than thought. This could be the reason why Trump and his administration did not want to do the testing earlier, to avoid spilling the beans that the virus were already in the USA before it hit Wuhan. It was an American virus planted in Wuhan, China and blaming China for it. The more they delay the test, the more suspicion it would be that they are hiding something real bad.

Maybe the presence of antibodies in so many Americans could be investigated and scientifically proven that these Americans were actually infected very very much earlier.

'REUTERS: New York Governor Andrew Cuomo said on Thursday (Apr 23) a screening of 3,000 people found nearly 14 per cent tested positive for antibodies for the novel coronavirus, suggesting that 2.7 million residents across the state may have been infected with the disease.

Cuomo noted that the survey was preliminary and had limitations, including the possibility that New York, like California, would find the coronavirus was circulating and killing people earlier than previously known.

He said the testing targeted people who were out shopping, meaning that they may be more likely to have been infected than people isolating at home.'  CNA

Remember this clearly. Trump and Pompeo and those in the know would not want to do more tests.  Fauci not in the know and still insisted on more testing and testing.  This is the key to this whole dastard pandemic, it was started by the CIA and Trump and Pompeo knew. No testing, any testing would be nominal and for show only! This deliberate refusal to test more is very revealing, something very sinister is behind this. There is a very serious reason for Trump's reluctance and apparent incompetence to conduct more testing. He could use the defence law to ramp up production of test kits but he refused to do so.

According to Yahoo News, ' Gov. Newsom has ordered autopsies dating back to December to understand 'when this pandemic really started to impact Californians'. Why stop at December, why not earlier to Oct and Nov? Checking anything earlier is taboo? Cannot check earlier because it would reveal that the virus were already in the USA and killing Americans?


Covid19 - Statistically speaking, Singapore

From what was reported in the news, here are some numbers that were reported, foreign workers about 300,000, number of test taken daily between 2,000 to 2,500 and the number tested positive about 1,000 daily in the last 4 consecutive days.

Assuming 2,000 tests were administered on the foreign workers daily, to complete testing 300,000 workers would take 150 days or 5 months, or another 4 months given about one month is over.

With 1,000 positive cases out of 2,000/2,500, it means easily 40% of the tested workers were infected. Extrapolate this to the 300,000 FWs, Singapore can expect an eventual number of infected cases from this group to be around 120,000.  This number sure looks frightening and high. Be conservative, say 20% is infected, then the number we are looking forward to is 60,000 when all the FWs are tested in 4 months time.

Another big group that is not in the radar yet is the foreign maids.  So far so good, have not heard of any maids being infected. There are something like 250,000 maids here, my guesstimate.  Assuming 10% is infected, that is another 25,000 potential confirmed cases.

Put the numbers together, going forward, it is foreseeable that the final score in the next few months could be way above 60,000 conservatively speaking.

Is there a plan to test all the maids in the island? Perhaps not since not many maids are infected. If this is true, well, all is good. If significant number of maids are infected, this would be a very serious problem as they lived among us, in the homes of Singaporeans and PRs.

Statistically speaking, the picture is not pretty. The cheapest ticket to join the top 20 countries infected by Covid19 at this moment is 16,000 cases.  With 11,178 cases now and a daily increase of about 1,000 cases, Singapore will be qualified to join this esteemed group of 20 countries in the world in a week's time. Singapore will be infamous as the smallest country with the least population of less than 6m but with confirmed Covid19 cases way above its weight.

Will it or will it not happened? Can Singapore avoid joining the top 20 countries? One way to avoid this is to follow Trump, deliberately not testing or testing as few as possible. Trump did that by controlling the acquisition of test kits and not making them fast enough. As long as they don't test, the numbers will not go up. But this is lying, cheating and only Trump and Pompeo are good at this, their cheating ways.  Cheating is second nature to them.


Covid19 will not destroy the USA, but Trump's big lie would

Covid19 will not destroy the USA, not directly but indirectly as an agent to the folly of Trump and his gangsters in the White House. What would destroy the USA are lies, lies and lies of Trump and his administration.

The biggest lie of Trump and the most sinister, is to tell the American people that he is doing a fantastic job in testing, testing the most people in the world, no other country has done that. Statistically this is a big lie. In absolute terms yes, but in relation to the 330m population of America, it is miniscule. The USA has barely tested 1% of its population when at least a 10% or 20% rate would be necessary to give a good picture of how widespread Covid19 is affecting the Americans.

Trump is spreading this lie to give the Americans a false sense of security that they are hitting the peak and the infection rate is coming down. It is not. The number is now shooting to the roof because there is a deliberate attempt to test as little as they could, aided by the lack of test kits, intentional or otherwise. By not pushing to purchase or make more test kits, the number of people tested is going to be low and inadequate.

Our CNA chart of God's Ladder of Punishment yesterday showed that the infected cases of the USA was 825,000. Just read an American report that it was only 810,000 with an increase of only 25,000. The increase should be 40,000 on that day. Today the expected number as on 22 Apr could be as high as 860,000 or thereabout.

This is Trump's deception and many unthinking Americans and the hillbillies are falling for it and calling for a quick reopening of the economy. They think it is safe when it is not. If testing is done as recommended, the confirmed cases of Americans today would easily be near to the 2m mark. But this is not happening, by deceit and intent of the Trump Administration.

The other key reason why Trump did not want to test even in the early stages of the pandemic is to hide the truth, that the virus had actually infected many Americans way before the incident in Wuhan. It was obvious that Trump was playing delay tactics to avoid early testing that would exposed his sinister plot of planting the virus in Wuhan and China as where it all started. The fact was that it had already started long before Wuhan in the USA.

Trump is not that stupid to not thinking of doing something in January and February and pretended that all was well when it was not. His hands were tied. He knew what was happening and had to play along. He cannot be that dull to get to where he is to the extent of not doing anything in January and February. He just could not and must not do anything or the beans would be spilled.

Today, everything is set and nothing can change the cause of this virus spread in the USA. And for Trump and his Administration to continue to play this game, by not testing enough, they are going to kill many Americans that foolishly believed him and yearning, even protesting aggressively to open for business.

This lie by Trump and his Administration is going to bring the USA to its knee, and knowing how widespread is the virus in the US now, the death toll is going to soar into the millions. Yes, it is the big lie that allowed the virus to do maximum damage to the USA. Without the lie to conceal the truth, the virus could be arrested much earlier with maximum testing and mitigation that the Trump Administration is not doing, playing dumb and delay tactics, and the Americans are going to pay for it with their lives. The premature restarting of businesses will allow the virus to explode in many states that are seeing low numbers today.

Would America be great again after this?

PS.  Latest, CDC director DR Robert Redfield was made to retract his warnings of a worse scenario in fall when the flu season would hit the Americans together with the Covid19 at the same time.Trump only wants to lie about everything is fine, America is Number One. Anyone telling the truth would be chopped if the truth hurts. Lies and lies is the culture of this Clown President. And his right hand man is mad Pompeo, who bragged in Congress that he lied, he cheated and he stole with glee and pride.