
PAP so blessed with so many clever politicians

It was reported in thenewpaper on 19 Dec that another brilliant PAP Senior Parliamentary Secretary was smart enough to thwart a scam attempt against him. A scammer passing himself as CIMB group chief executive Zafrul Aziz, went through the standard Nigerian scam formula offering million dollar proposal to Amrin Amin without knowing that in the latter's position he would have know Zafrul personally and maybe even good friends. The scammer must have an IQ of 10 to want to pull off this sophisticated scam. And as expected, our brilliant Senior Parliamentary Secretary saw through the ruse and gave a cheeky reply by giving the scammer his email as zafrul_nigerian_s-cam@idiot.com.  This is better than my reply to such scammers offering me multi million dollar proposals to send me a $1,000 to prove that they were real and sincere in their proposals.

Amrin made his conversation public to educate the daft Singaporeans not to fall for such very difficult to detect scams as many have been reported to have lost milllions despite the daily announcement about such scams. Daft Singaporeans are difficult to teach and are renowned to be suffering from the Stupidity Has No Cure disease. Hopefully more clever politicians will step forward to teach the daft Singaporeans on how they are able to tell a scam from the real thing and how to tackle such attempts.

As for Singaporeans that have no money to be scammed, there is nothing to worry about as long as they are not daft enough to go and borrow money to give to the scammer. I think this episode should deserve a front page treatment so that more daft Singaporeans are aware of such silly scams and not to be cheated. But as the old Chinese saying goes, 姜太公钓鱼,愿者上钩, ie let the willing or gullible be hooked.

My Christmas wish, all daft Singaporeans would be as smart as our politicians. But this unfortunately cannot be or else every one of them would want to be politicians and want to be paid millions.


China US Trade Deals - Fake success and victory

'Though investors were relieved to see Sunday's threatened tariffs removed, US stock markets didn't appear to like the deal much.

Trade economist Mary Lovely said the deal could only be viewed as a "partial win" which "didn't move the needle very much."

The gains do not compensate for the damage to US farmers and businesses, she told reporters.

"President Trump is desperately trying to get back to where the economy was 18 months ago," before taking this "unilateral, brute force approach," Lovely said.'

Read more at https://www.channelnewsasia.com/news/asia/china-us-phase-one-trade-deal-agreement-tariffs-12183174
The news of the closing of the first phase of trade negotiation between China and the US did not move the market much though Trump and his merry men claimed victory, that they have scored a big success. Trump's comments in the above news said it all. The US economy is not what it was before the trade war. The farmers would never get back to what they did in sales to China. What the Americans got to pay for all the Trump meddling was more tariffs and taxes to pay for their goods from China.

It is a case of burning down a house and trying to rebuild a new one, a smaller one that would not be better than before and claiming victory and success. This is the gist of Trump folly. To him it is all just a game, you win some, you lose some, but claiming success and victory all the while when the American people at large and the farmers are the real losers.

Trump will continue to lie to the American people that he has made America greater again. What he has done is to make the average Americans poorer by have to pay more for their purchases and consumption of daily necessities. The dumb Americans, like daft Singaporeans, believe him.


When would mainland Chinese start to hate Hongkongers

The violent protest in Hong Kong continues unabated after more than 6 months of continuous mass protests and the beating up of mainland Chinese. The protest is not only about China taking over to rule Hong Kong. Deep inside the psyche of the Hongkongers is the hate against China, anything Chinese and against mainland Chinese. They have been brought up as subjects of the British Empire, read English literature, history and culture and think they are different from mainland Chinese. They are emotionally and psychologically more British than Chinese.

The last 20 years of One Country Two System did not change anything as the educational institutions were dominated by pro British teachers and lecturers teaching them Hong Kong is not a part of China and their loyalty is to the Queen of England. And the govt administration, including the civil servants and the judiciary systems are infested with foreigners ruling in the interest of the British Empire.

The Hongkongers hate China and Chinese and do not regard themselves as Chinese, or at the a big majority of the Hongkongers are from their participation in the mass protest. This cannot be taken lightly and would need at least a couple generation of reeducation to change the mindset of the Hongkongers. The Hongkongers of today, from as young as secondary schools, are already imbued with the hate China and hate Chinese mentality. It would need a major purging to change this mindset.

It is very surprising that despite the numerous violence encounters when mainland Chinese were attacked on sight, mainland shops and businesses being burned and looted, there is still no anti Hongkonger calls in mainland China. The mainland Chinese, 1.4b of them, have been reticent about the vulgarity, violence and stupidity of the Hongkongers against them. This hate China and hate Chinese movement has also expressed itself in many western cities and institutions of higher learnings.

I used the word stupidity to describe this low thinking mindset and behaviour of the Hongkongers is from the fact that a mere 5m of them have the gumption and thoughtlessness in hating and beating up 1.4b mainland Chinese. When the mainland Chinese decide that enough is enough and no more of the Hongkongers' nonsense and start to attack them on sight, there would be no place to hide and no place to run for the Hongkongers. This is like a few little boys running around trying to beat adults on sight. They would be trampled to bits and pieces.

If the Hongkongers do not rethink and stop their silliness, it is a matter of time when the mainland Chinese would turn to attack them on sight, in China, in Hong Kong and in all the cities around the world.


The Devil’s in the Details

The Devil’s in the Details

Both the law and power
are at your discretion.
Using both is no crime
Except for your obsession.
I write poems all the time –
an open confession.

Depending upon the time of day,
My inspirations ebb and flow.
The challenge of law’s a delight
To think about justice for the lay.
From an innocent child starting to grow
To a retiree who can laze, ponder and write.

At dawn, when it's still dark and unclear,
You’ll find me jogging with torch light lit.
At dusk, when the day's near its end,
You'll find me writing without hope nor fear.
At night, sitting in mediation is my habit,
Except during holiday and week-end.

The devil you cannot blame,
My muse you cannot thank,
When neither glory nor fame
Appears in my memory bank.
Yet my efforts are less lame
If our collective mind is not blank.

FOG - 16 December, 2019.

Genocide did not happen in America?

The Nobel Peace Laureate defended Myanmar’s military crackdown against the Rohingya in August 2017. She told the UN’s International Court of Justice (ICJ) her government was faced with an “internal conflict” and the military was called in to carry out a “clearance operation”.

Clearance operation or otherwise, she represented the military at ICJ whose operation that August had led to some 740,000 Rohingya fleeing neighbouring Bangladesh.

She said there was no genocide as alleged by the mostly Muslim Gambia lawyers who have brought the case to ICJ. It is said that ICJ will take a few years to come to a decision.

In any event, “Geno” means race or tribe and “cide” means to kill or exterminate. It is thus an extermination of a tribe or race like the Holocaust or the Tutsi slaughter. So, does the Rohingya qualify? Is it really an internal conflict?

The above are written by Michael Han in a post in the TRE in praising the Aung Sang Suu Kyi for her defence of her govt in their treatment of the Rohingyas. The West, masterminded by the Americans, are desperately trying to bring her govt down for not wanting to be the colony of the American Empire. After pushing her for a Nobel Prize, the Americans were disappointed that being a nationalist, she would think first for the good of her country and not the good of the American Empire. Now the Americans want to remove her from her office.

What is glaring in the above comment by Michael Han is the statement on genocide. Genocide is the wiping out or termination of a race or tribe. The Holocaust did not wipe out the Jews. The Tutsi slaughter too did not wipe out the Tutsi though came near to its definition with 800,000 Tutsi death in 100 days.

There is only one incident that befitted this definition of genocide, the wiping out of a race or a tribe. This was conducted by the white Europeans against the native Americans that occupied North America, their homeland. There were more than a 100m of them alive but now gone. Many tribes totally disappeared forever from the surface of the earth. That was genocide of continental scale. But the Americans and the Europeans would not want to mention it, not want to be reminded of it. The Asians, and Africans, fed by a diet of western media that would not want to report about this crime against humanity, would not  know. Even if they know, they would not want to speak about it as it is politically incorrect to talk about the crimes of 'white angels' they so admired and adored as the saviour of humankind, the protectors of human rights.

So, to many people, there is no genocide in North America. They did not know, did not want to know, but happily aping the Americans and the West to accuse other Asian and African countries of genocide. And if you remind them of this genocide, they would utter in shock disbelief, where got? And if shown the facts, they would get angry as it is against their belief, white people are angels, cannot be devils, cannot be that evil. They chose to believe in their belief, like believing in a religion.

Stupidity has no cure among the Asians and Africans. Your education is futile if one cannot tell truth from lies, cannot accept facts and chooses to accept facts selectively to appease one's belief.