‘Our very own Wu Sangui (Silence of Goh Meng Seng) who wants us to
kowtow to Xi because China’s a peaceful nation doesn’t know his Chinese
history because he doesn’t know how China was created: by emperors who
waged war. And he was from a Chinese-language school?’
The above was written by Cynical Investor rubbishing Goh Meng Seng for
not knowing Chinese history, implying that China was not a peaceful
nation and also implying that the American and European Empires were
peaceful countries. OK he did not write this last part but from where he
is coming, China is or was a belligerent state compares to the USA and
other European countries. He ended by asking this,
‘Or he is a lackey of Xi?’
Shall I ask Cynical Investor is he an American or western lackey? Did
he know the history of the USA and the western colonialists? Did he know
how the Europeans massacred the native Americans by the tens of
millions to take over their land? Did he know that the then Europeans
continued to conquer and took over the land belonging to the Mexicans
and other natives to make what the USA is today? Did he know that the
Americans have been on a war path since the end of WW2, fighting wars
everyday, Korean War, Vietnam War, wars in Middle East, in Eastern
Europe, in Latin America, in Africa, in Central Asia? Did he know
anything about the British Empire, the Dutch Empire, the Spaniards,
Portugese, the French and the Germans and the Japanese Empires?
As for China, after the defeat by the British in the Opium War in 1840s,
China was a disintegrated country until 1949, a victim of Western
colonialism and Japanese Imperialism? And until today, modern China had
only engaged in three defensive wars, in the Korean War to drive the
Americans from the Yalu River to the 38th parallel, the 1962 Sino Indian
Border War after the Indians attacked Chinese border positions to seize
Chinese territories, and the border war with Vietnam to force the
Vietnamese to withdraw from Laos and Cambodia at the request of Asean
countries, especially Thailand.
Some idiots are digging out the thousand years of
Chinese history to condemn China as a warring state. How relevant was
this ancient history of China to modern China against the warmongering
Americans and Europeans today?
Shall I call Cynical Investors our very own modern day Japanese traitor
stirring hatred against modern day Chinese and China. Did he want the
Chinese to kowtow to the Americans and the Westerners? Agree? Did he
know Chinese history?
From the Yuan Dynasty, the Qing Dynasty, China was actually invaded and
conquered by the Mongols and the Manchus, ruled by these foreigners. The
fact that these foreigners eventually were assimilated by the Chinese
Civilisation did not make their aggression and invasion of other states
an act of Chinese aggression and expansionism.
China was a victim of invasion and occupation by hostile foreign forces,
not the aggressor that these ignoramus made China to be. From 1271, the
beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, the Chinese as a civilisation was never
an expansionist people, conquering and invading other countries. This is
about 800 years of Chinese history, and longer if the Song Dynasty was
included, that China and the Chinese Civilisation was not the
belligerent state that the stupid want to make it to be.
Many parts of Chinese territories and islands are still occupied by the invading foreigners till today.
'Shashi Tharoor is author of “Inglorious Empire: What the British Did to
India.” He chairs the Indian Parliament’s Foreign Affairs Committee.
Below are some of this comments in the book.
“History,” Winston Churchill said, “will be kind to me, for I intend to
write it myself.” He needn’t have bothered. He was one of the great mass
murderers of the 20th century, yet is the only one, unlike Hitler and
Stalin, to have escaped historical odium in the West. He has been
crowned with a Nobel Prize (for literature, no less), and now, an actor
portraying him (Gary Oldman) has been awarded an Oscar....
Dealing with unrest in Mesopotamia in 1921, as secretary of state for
the colonies, Churchill acted as a war criminal: “I am strongly in
favour of using poisoned gas against the uncivilised tribes; it would
spread a lively terror.” He ordered large-scale bombing of Mesopotamia,
with an entire village wiped out in 45 minutes.
In Afghanistan, Churchill declared that the Pashtuns “needed to
recognise the superiority of [the British] race” and that “all who
resist will be killed without quarter.” He wrote: “We proceeded
systematically, village by village, and we destroyed the houses, filled
up the wells, blew down the towers, cut down the great shady trees,
burned the crops and broke the reservoirs in punitive devastation. …
Every tribesman caught was speared or cut down at once.”....
Churchill’s beatification as an apostle of freedom seems all the more
preposterous given his 1941 declaration that the Atlantic Charter’s
principles would not apply to India and the colored colonies. He refused
to see people of color as entitled to the same rights as himself.
Churchill must be one of the greatest western heroes of Cynical
Investor. I only hope Cynical Investor is not Indian, but I am sure he
is a coloured person.
American Arrogance, Aggression and Imperialism. Part 3
US president Trump is a devil incarnate. He has now surrounded himself with a hundred percent war hawks in his cabinet whose hawkish views on foreign policies are in sync with his. His latest addition, John Bolton is a racist and white supremacist who has no qualms showing his extreme views and has always been a devil's advocate on attacking China, North Korea and Iran. Trump may be setting the background for war with Russia, Iran, China and DPRK. The world is in a critical stage and may end up in thermonuclear war and armageddon for mankind.
The problem is too many ex-colonnial countries especially those in South East Asia or to be more explicit ASEAN countries like to sleep with the devil, the Evil Empire. Well, US has might, military might and to them they may equate might is right and so they think US has the right to do all the evil deeds against others and there shall be no question asked. Many of these ASEAN leaders have their own personal self interest and agenda and cannot think in terms of wider benefits for ASEAN and their countries.Their warped minds have been captured and enslaved by US subtle propaganda to think and follow the ways and decisions of Washington. By now they should have realised that US is and has been an evil aggressive and expansionist country that has been on a wild rampage for the last two hundred and forty years attacking, killing. conquering and taking over and annexing other people's lands practically with impunity. They should be more pro-active in their thinking to pre-empt US from turning South East Asia and the South China Sea region into a hot bed of strive and warfare concocted by US as it has done to the Arabs in the Middle East.
ASEAN politicians especially the leaders appear to be daft and ignorant of world history and politics. It is incumbent that they should ground themselves in world history and politics to get a better and true perspectives of the world.s present situation so that they can make a better judgement themselves and not be dictated by the likes and dislikes of US and Western imperialists.
There will never be peace in this world so long as the Evil Empire arrogates to itself the right and the power to control every country and to hold every country in servile obedience to American dictates and hegemony as what its predecessor and forbears imperial Britain had done. Let the ASEAN leaders and politicians listen and learn from the native American Indians, " Never trust whitemen, for they speak with fork tongues. "
Well, trust whitemen at your own peril. In the Middle East US plays on the narrow interest and mistrust among the Arabs religious bigotry of the Sunnis and the Shites and sow further dissension and deeper mistrust among them that they are easily manipulated by Imperial US to strive and fight among themselves not knowing that destabilisation , choas and wars ultimately suit the American agenda of taking full control of the Middle East and there together with the oil and other rich mineral resources beneath the Arab soil and seas. ASEAN countries must be wary of evil and insidious American manipulation in the South China Sea and not fall into the same fatal trap that the Arabs in the Middle East had fallen. ASEAN leaders and politicians must be more sanguine about the truth and history of Asia especially the South China Sea region and not rely on the Evil Empire's toxic propaganda whose aim is to plunge the region in permanent wars and turmoil among some ASEAN countries and China just as what is happening in the Middle East because of evil American plots and scheming.
China is not aggressive and expansionist which is the hallmark of imperialist US, Japan and the West. Just like all the ASEAN countries, China, India and all African and South American countries had been held in bondage for decades or hundreds of years. China has no soldiers or military bases outside China unlike US which has over one thousand military bases all over the globe. These American military bases will ensure all countries listen and obey American dictates or otherwise face destruction and regime change. America has fought more than two hundred and thirty wars of aggression and expansion since 1775 to pursue its aim and ambition of eventually conquering the whole world under US total dictates and hegemony. Since the end of Second World War in 1945 America has continually attacked, dismembered countless countries, killing millions of people , carried out assassinations of national leaders who did not listen and follow American dictates and brutally carried out regime change as seen in Iraq, Libya, Korsovo, Yugoslavia and Afghanistan. The Evil Empire intends to carry out regime change in Syria and North Korea or DPRK but has been stopped by Russia's intervention. The Evil Empire's next targets for regime change are some South American countries like Venezuela, Brazil, Ecaudor, Bolivia and Peru and some other African countries like Sudan,Somailia, Nigeria and Angola and also may be Cambolia, Philippines, Malaysia and Thailand in South East Asia.
It is timely to warn ASEAN countries not to be taken in by American toxic propaganda and go into unnecessary permanent strive and wars among themselves or with China. The Evil Empires's aim is to pick up the pieces after the war torn countries have sapped their energy and strength and rule over everybody as an overlord and thus enrich the Evil Empire with all the wealth and resources under its total control and hegemony.
Friday, 23rd March,2018
The problem is too many ex-colonnial countries especially those in South East Asia or to be more explicit ASEAN countries like to sleep with the devil, the Evil Empire. Well, US has might, military might and to them they may equate might is right and so they think US has the right to do all the evil deeds against others and there shall be no question asked. Many of these ASEAN leaders have their own personal self interest and agenda and cannot think in terms of wider benefits for ASEAN and their countries.Their warped minds have been captured and enslaved by US subtle propaganda to think and follow the ways and decisions of Washington. By now they should have realised that US is and has been an evil aggressive and expansionist country that has been on a wild rampage for the last two hundred and forty years attacking, killing. conquering and taking over and annexing other people's lands practically with impunity. They should be more pro-active in their thinking to pre-empt US from turning South East Asia and the South China Sea region into a hot bed of strive and warfare concocted by US as it has done to the Arabs in the Middle East.
ASEAN politicians especially the leaders appear to be daft and ignorant of world history and politics. It is incumbent that they should ground themselves in world history and politics to get a better and true perspectives of the world.s present situation so that they can make a better judgement themselves and not be dictated by the likes and dislikes of US and Western imperialists.
There will never be peace in this world so long as the Evil Empire arrogates to itself the right and the power to control every country and to hold every country in servile obedience to American dictates and hegemony as what its predecessor and forbears imperial Britain had done. Let the ASEAN leaders and politicians listen and learn from the native American Indians, " Never trust whitemen, for they speak with fork tongues. "
Well, trust whitemen at your own peril. In the Middle East US plays on the narrow interest and mistrust among the Arabs religious bigotry of the Sunnis and the Shites and sow further dissension and deeper mistrust among them that they are easily manipulated by Imperial US to strive and fight among themselves not knowing that destabilisation , choas and wars ultimately suit the American agenda of taking full control of the Middle East and there together with the oil and other rich mineral resources beneath the Arab soil and seas. ASEAN countries must be wary of evil and insidious American manipulation in the South China Sea and not fall into the same fatal trap that the Arabs in the Middle East had fallen. ASEAN leaders and politicians must be more sanguine about the truth and history of Asia especially the South China Sea region and not rely on the Evil Empire's toxic propaganda whose aim is to plunge the region in permanent wars and turmoil among some ASEAN countries and China just as what is happening in the Middle East because of evil American plots and scheming.
China is not aggressive and expansionist which is the hallmark of imperialist US, Japan and the West. Just like all the ASEAN countries, China, India and all African and South American countries had been held in bondage for decades or hundreds of years. China has no soldiers or military bases outside China unlike US which has over one thousand military bases all over the globe. These American military bases will ensure all countries listen and obey American dictates or otherwise face destruction and regime change. America has fought more than two hundred and thirty wars of aggression and expansion since 1775 to pursue its aim and ambition of eventually conquering the whole world under US total dictates and hegemony. Since the end of Second World War in 1945 America has continually attacked, dismembered countless countries, killing millions of people , carried out assassinations of national leaders who did not listen and follow American dictates and brutally carried out regime change as seen in Iraq, Libya, Korsovo, Yugoslavia and Afghanistan. The Evil Empire intends to carry out regime change in Syria and North Korea or DPRK but has been stopped by Russia's intervention. The Evil Empire's next targets for regime change are some South American countries like Venezuela, Brazil, Ecaudor, Bolivia and Peru and some other African countries like Sudan,Somailia, Nigeria and Angola and also may be Cambolia, Philippines, Malaysia and Thailand in South East Asia.
It is timely to warn ASEAN countries not to be taken in by American toxic propaganda and go into unnecessary permanent strive and wars among themselves or with China. The Evil Empires's aim is to pick up the pieces after the war torn countries have sapped their energy and strength and rule over everybody as an overlord and thus enrich the Evil Empire with all the wealth and resources under its total control and hegemony.
Friday, 23rd March,2018
More power to the police to stop people anyhow take pictures
A new law is being tabled in Parliament to forbid the public from taking
images, video or still, of serious incidents aka like terrorist
attacks. Under this new Communication Stop Order law, it says as
reported in thenewpaper, ‘the commissioner of police when authorized by
the home affairs minister’ can invoke this law.
I hope I am reading this correctly, ie, the home affairs minister must authorize first, then the commissioner of police can give the order. If not, any police officer on the spot can suka suka stop anyone from taking video/pictures using their mobile phones or anything in hand. Is this correct? I can still remember a police officer arresting a photographer, I think a reporter, from taking pictures of a flood, or was it something else, ponding?
And some MPs were raising the issue of abuse of power in Parliament. I think this would not be the case. Singaporeans are born with a special DNA and abuse of power would never happen to them. You can never find a single case of abuse of power in the history of Singapore. Everything is done legally. How can there be abuse of power when things are done legally, eg ministerial salary, compulsory CPF insurance schemes? Please don’t accuse the govt of abuse of power to do anything. It is just not in their DNA. They are also Singaporeans and have this exceptional DNA in them.
The CSO is to prevent ‘irresponsible communication’. Actually if this is the case, taking pictures and videos should be alright as the intent is to prevent people from communicating irresponsibly like fake news. Tiok boh? Let people take lah, just make sure they do not anyhow post it to shame anyone for irresponsible behavior like anyhow park or anyhow shit or shit anywhere should be good enough. Tiok boh?
Ok, get the intent and purpose of this CSO right from the start. What is it supposed to prevent? Irresponsible communication? I read this in thenewpaper. ‘Mrs Teo said this is not its intention as it is meant to stop “irresponsible communication” when asked about forbidding people from taking pictures. So if people take pictures and videos but did not communicate or communicate responsibly, like passing them to help the police to work on the case must be ok right? And if passing to the police is ok, then they must be allowed to take right. If cannot take how to pass to police to help the police? You tell me lah.
So what is the real intention, to prevent people from taking images or to prevent people from communicating irresponsibly?
PS. I was thinking of including incorruptibility as part of Singaporean’s exceptional DNA. But on second thought, this one is conditional, that they be paid out of this world’s salary or else. So this Singaporean exceptionalism no count.
I hope I am reading this correctly, ie, the home affairs minister must authorize first, then the commissioner of police can give the order. If not, any police officer on the spot can suka suka stop anyone from taking video/pictures using their mobile phones or anything in hand. Is this correct? I can still remember a police officer arresting a photographer, I think a reporter, from taking pictures of a flood, or was it something else, ponding?
And some MPs were raising the issue of abuse of power in Parliament. I think this would not be the case. Singaporeans are born with a special DNA and abuse of power would never happen to them. You can never find a single case of abuse of power in the history of Singapore. Everything is done legally. How can there be abuse of power when things are done legally, eg ministerial salary, compulsory CPF insurance schemes? Please don’t accuse the govt of abuse of power to do anything. It is just not in their DNA. They are also Singaporeans and have this exceptional DNA in them.
The CSO is to prevent ‘irresponsible communication’. Actually if this is the case, taking pictures and videos should be alright as the intent is to prevent people from communicating irresponsibly like fake news. Tiok boh? Let people take lah, just make sure they do not anyhow post it to shame anyone for irresponsible behavior like anyhow park or anyhow shit or shit anywhere should be good enough. Tiok boh?
Ok, get the intent and purpose of this CSO right from the start. What is it supposed to prevent? Irresponsible communication? I read this in thenewpaper. ‘Mrs Teo said this is not its intention as it is meant to stop “irresponsible communication” when asked about forbidding people from taking pictures. So if people take pictures and videos but did not communicate or communicate responsibly, like passing them to help the police to work on the case must be ok right? And if passing to the police is ok, then they must be allowed to take right. If cannot take how to pass to police to help the police? You tell me lah.
So what is the real intention, to prevent people from taking images or to prevent people from communicating irresponsibly?
PS. I was thinking of including incorruptibility as part of Singaporean’s exceptional DNA. But on second thought, this one is conditional, that they be paid out of this world’s salary or else. So this Singaporean exceptionalism no count.
All that glitters is not gold
By now, most Singaporeans would have read how the maverick artist in our midst had been thwarted yet again in her bid at self-expression. I am talking about Miss Priyageetha Dia of the golden staircase fame of course. A year ago, Priya, then a final-year Lasalle fine arts student, covered the staircase on the 20th floor of her HDB block with gold foil and sparked a debate on whether it was art or vandalism. Whatever it was, she had to remove it after the town council deemed it “unauthorised” and “not permissible”.
Last Sunday, she was back at it again. This time, she hung gold coloured sheets on the outer walls of her block using flag hooks on the corridor ledge --
and met with a similar fate for a similar reason. She had to remove the sheets after the town council said she did not seek their permission prior to hanging them up. To be fair, they were acting on residents’ complaints but one wonders if they would have said yes even if she had asked for permission and there were no complaints.
Obviously not everything she touches turns into gold but you can’t fault the girl for not trying. Asked why she did not first seek permission, Priya said: “I wanted to execute the project without modifying it to the town council’s guidelines. I wanted it to be raw and original.” Spoken like a true artist. And for some out-of-the-box thinking that the Government so craves, let’s hear it from her again: “I want to create an intervention with the HDB space. The hooks along the corridor are only for the national flag, I want to provoke its functionality by hanging another material.”
Compare this with some of the residents’ complaints - “The sheets look like incense paper” & “they are very noisy when blown by the wind” - and you have a fair idea of the ocean of conformity and groupthink that poor Priya is marooned in. The problem is not only confined to the citizenry. It extends to the political leadership as well. At a forum on political succession on Tuesday (20 Mar), ex-NMP Eugene Tan said there are no standout candidates because none has left a deep impression. More ominously, the panel felt that regardless of who the next prime minister is, “it will be more of the same, with the new leader unlikely to veer from the tried and tested ways”. Rubbing salt into wound, another ex-NMP Zulkifli Baharudin opined: “While people want a leader who is daring and transformative, we have inputted our own conservative attitudes in choosing the next generation leader. So we are not going to get it.”
I am hoping against hope that he is wrong. Singapore needs nimble, innovative and out-of-the-box people. We need more - not less - people who dare to question conventions. People who dare to ask “why not?” Most of all, we need a PM who dares to take on this eternal conundrum of Singapore society - how to maintain a highly ordered and disciplined society without imposing rigid conformity or frightening every potential Van Gogh, Steve Jobs and Priya back into their mother’s womb. Will we have such a PM?
Indranee - Male police officer to search female suspect terrorists
Again my initial shock to this suggestion was unfounded after careful consideration and thinking about all the positive things that could come out from this change in our law. Many conservative males would be aghast at the thought of men searching women and their hands groping all over the female torso and private parts. But hey, think positively and there are really many good things from this crazy and demeaning idea. Sorry woman, if a woman minister can suggest it, then it must be ok.
First, a terrorist needs no sympathy, not even if it is a female terrorist. A terrorist, male or female, is very dangerous and deadly. So a man would definitely do a better job searching a female suspect. What if the suspicion is unfounded? Just too bad, better to err on the side of safety, so they said. Be safe than be sorry.
And didn't you people know that it is very difficult to recruit female police officers? Maybe this could be a contributing factor for this change. Also the police is finding hard to recruit male officers but with this change I am sure it would be a great incentive for men to want to join the police force, to grope, oops, I mean search female suspects. They would say, with pleasure Sir. You can imagine how motivated the male officers assigned to do this job. M'am, strip please, I am just doing my job. Many would volunteer for the job. One slight drawback is that there will be a big jam at the airport checking counters as the females lined up for checks could be exceptionally long. And pretty and sexy looking women may find themselves picked for body search. There is nothing personal or the male officers picking on the pretty ones. The terrorists would definitely choose the pretty ones for such tasks as they would look pretty and harmless. And the male officers would prefer to use their hands instead of machine, thus a great savings from having to buy expensive high tech machine.
Even if the local men still refuse to join the police force it would not be a problem. The foreigners, especially those from the third world, would line up for the jobs and the queue could run from Kallang Immigration Centre to JB. They would not bargain for more pay when a job comes with pleasure.
The most direct benefit from this new law would be that no female terrorist would want to try their luck in Singapore anymore as they would not want to be searched by men police officers. Ok, there would be exceptions. The thought of it would terrorise any potential female terrorist from coming here. And Singapore would be safe from this angle and the only terrorist that would come would be the male ones. It would make the job of searching focused mainly on the male suspects. Even then, I suspect the male officers would still be diligently searching the women coming through our immigration checkpoints. You would never imagine how motivated these male officers would be, conducting their search duties, with pleasure and with glee.
Now, who is still against such an excellent idea? I definitely support as it would make Singapore so much safer. When a woman minister said it is ok, it must be ok. And when a PAP minister said it is ok, all the PAP ministers and MP would definitely vote for it.
First, a terrorist needs no sympathy, not even if it is a female terrorist. A terrorist, male or female, is very dangerous and deadly. So a man would definitely do a better job searching a female suspect. What if the suspicion is unfounded? Just too bad, better to err on the side of safety, so they said. Be safe than be sorry.
And didn't you people know that it is very difficult to recruit female police officers? Maybe this could be a contributing factor for this change. Also the police is finding hard to recruit male officers but with this change I am sure it would be a great incentive for men to want to join the police force, to grope, oops, I mean search female suspects. They would say, with pleasure Sir. You can imagine how motivated the male officers assigned to do this job. M'am, strip please, I am just doing my job. Many would volunteer for the job. One slight drawback is that there will be a big jam at the airport checking counters as the females lined up for checks could be exceptionally long. And pretty and sexy looking women may find themselves picked for body search. There is nothing personal or the male officers picking on the pretty ones. The terrorists would definitely choose the pretty ones for such tasks as they would look pretty and harmless. And the male officers would prefer to use their hands instead of machine, thus a great savings from having to buy expensive high tech machine.
Even if the local men still refuse to join the police force it would not be a problem. The foreigners, especially those from the third world, would line up for the jobs and the queue could run from Kallang Immigration Centre to JB. They would not bargain for more pay when a job comes with pleasure.
The most direct benefit from this new law would be that no female terrorist would want to try their luck in Singapore anymore as they would not want to be searched by men police officers. Ok, there would be exceptions. The thought of it would terrorise any potential female terrorist from coming here. And Singapore would be safe from this angle and the only terrorist that would come would be the male ones. It would make the job of searching focused mainly on the male suspects. Even then, I suspect the male officers would still be diligently searching the women coming through our immigration checkpoints. You would never imagine how motivated these male officers would be, conducting their search duties, with pleasure and with glee.
Now, who is still against such an excellent idea? I definitely support as it would make Singapore so much safer. When a woman minister said it is ok, it must be ok. And when a PAP minister said it is ok, all the PAP ministers and MP would definitely vote for it.
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