Iraqi PM Haider al-Abadi declared victory over ISIS in December 2017.
According to a Peter Vanburen, an ex staff of US Statement department,
‘there is nothing to celebrate’ for the Americans despite the victory.
The new Iraqi govt is pro Iran and would strengthen the power of anti
American Arab coalition in the region which brews more trouble for the
USA. The ISIS may have been weakened, but the Americans would not leave.
The propaganda position of the Americans is to ensure that ISIS would
not rise again. The unofficial position is just the opposite, to feed
and nurse ISIS to live for more trouble for Iraq and the region. The
Americans decided that they should stay in Iraq, with or without the
consent of the Iraqi govt and Iraqi people. They are treating Iraq as a
semi American colony, colonized after the invasion on the excuse of WMD.
The Americans claimed to have spent US$60 billion fighting the ISIS. And
that is not all. The total cost to the Americans, still counting, is
4,500 Americans dead, many wounded, and trillions of US dollars for the
invasion of Iraq. And the USA, after destroying Iraq to gain control of
it as another American colony, ‘does not intend trying to pay for the
reconstruction of Iraq’. This is how great the Americans are today. Ok,
according to the same Reuter report, the US did contribute US$265
million for reconstruction since 2014.
This is like after destroying the country and killing hundreds of
thousands of Iraqis, turning their lives into hell, the Americans simply
pat their backside and walked away.
But not to worry, the Jekyll and Hyde relationship between the USA and
China would come into play. China has started to come in to offer to
reconstruct Iraq, to rebuild Iraq from the destruction of the Americans.
And you can expect the Americans and western media crying foul, that
China is taking advantage of the Iraqi people and constructing buildings
for no use and building roads to nowhere, or robbing Iraq of its oil.
Now who have been stealing Iraqi oil since the invasion and the fall of
Saddam Hussein?
Wherever the Americans conduct wars of destruction, the Chinese will be
at their heels to clean up the mess and to rebuild the destroyed
countries. This is the Yin and Yang relationship of the USA and China, a
destroyer and a builder, a warmonger and a peacemaker, one destroys the
other builds.
Who is the bigger devil? China of course, that is the lie the West and
the Americans are creating for the daft of the world to read in and to
believe in.
PS. In today’s news the Americans again are spreading another lie that
the Syrian govt may be developing new types of chemical weapons, to
justify keeping their forces in Syria and another invasion of Syria.
American Arrogance, Aggression and Imperialism - Part 2
The root source of all Western / American arrogance, aggression and imperialism lies with its militant religious doctrine and its white supremacist doctrine. White men first made use of the Doctrine of Christian Discovery to justify their conquest of the two American continents and their massacre and genocide of the native Americans. The Doctrine of American Manifest Destiny and the Doctrine of Exceptionalism show their arrogance and aggression at it height when USA launched endless wars from 1820s to the present time in its conquest of Mexico and across the Pacific Ocean to occupy Hawaii, the Philippines and Guam.
In the 1930s the doctrines of the Neo-Conservatives was founded by a cohort of American Jews. The founding members were Leo Strauss, Irving Kristol, Daniel Bell, Seymour Martin Lipset and Nathan Glazer. Leo Strauss was a German Jewish American political philosopher and his students include Paul Wolfowitz, William Kristol, Alan Bloom, John Podhoretz and many more others. All of them were Jews. The Neo-Cons political movement became active in the 1960s and played a role in Ronald Reagan's administration . The administrations of George H.W. Bush, William Clinton and Bush Jr in the 1990s became a hotbed of Jewish Neo-Con operatives where they occupied most top strategic positions in the defense department, foreign office, CIA, the Pentagon, Wall Street, banking and finance.
The Neo-Cons are extremely arrogant and hawkish . They are white supremacists and can be found in both the Democrat and the Republican party. Their new doctrine is Unilateralism and New World Global Order. In the 1990s with the fall of the Soviet Union they feel vindicated of their policies and they proclaimed that the 21st Century will be an American Century and in their Manifesto they pronounced a "Project for the New American Century." The chief exponent of "Unilateralism' and "New World Global Order " is Paul Wolfowitz - a Jewish military strategist and a Deputy Defense Secretary in George W. Bush presidency in 1990s where Dick Cheney ( a Jew ) was the Vice President Ronald Rumsfeld ( a Jew ) was Secretary of Defense. This new doctrine became known a the Wolfowitz Doctrine.
The main characteristics of "Unilateralism" and "New World Global Order" is that it has the tendency to see the world only in its own view of Good and Evil. It has very low tolerance for diplomacy and has a readiness to use military force. It lays strong emphasis on unilateral action. It consists of eleven or more articles with each article emphasizing a specific or fundamental objective.
Below are some of Wolfowitz arrogant and gingoistic doctrines.
1. To prevent the emergence of a rival that poses a threat to US dominance and power,
2. To prevent any hostile power from dominating a region whose resources would under consolidated control be sufficient to generate global power.
3. USA fundamental goal is to deter or defeat attack from whatever source.
4. To preclude or prevent any hostile power from dominating a region critical to USA interest and also thereby to strengthen barriers against the re-emergence of a global threat to the interest of USA and its allies.
5. USA must convince potential competitors that hey need not aspire to a greater role or pursue a more aggressive posture to protect their legitimate interest.
6. In non-defense areas USA discourage other advance industrial nations from challenging USA leadership or seeking to overturn the established political and economic order. USA must maintain the mechanism for deterring potential competitors from even aspiring to a larger regional or global role.
7. Unilateralism : The doctrine downplays the value of international coalitions . USA will maintain that the World Order is ultimately backed by the USA which will be an important stabiling factor.
8, Pre-emptive Intervention
USA will have the right to intervene where it is believed to be necessary to address those wrongs which threaten USA's interests or those of its friends or allies.
9. The Russian Threat
The doctrine highlighted the possible threat posed by a resurgent Russia. Russia remains the strongest military power in the world with the capability of destroying the USA.
NB: President Trump has added China as a threat in his first State of the Union address.
10. The Middle East and South West of Asia
USA must remain the prominent outside power in the region and preserve USA and Western access to the region's oil. USA must prevent a hegemon or alignment of powers from dominating the region . USA must continue to play a role through enhanced deterrance and improved cooperative security.
11. On Israel
USA is committed to the security of Israel and must maintain the qualitative edge that is critical to Israel security. USA-Israel strategic cooperation contribute to the stability of the entire
These Neo-Conservatives Doctrine endorsed USA military action in the Vietnam War from 1965 to 1975. It was the deciding factor in USA invasion of Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and Syria. It played a decisive role in overthrowing President Sukarno of Indonesia in 1965 and the installation of USA puppet Suharto who with CIA and Pentagon's support killed and murdered more than a million Indonesians of Sukarno's supporters. Its next target now is to topple the present government of Iran. However it failed miserably in its plot against Russia in the Ukraine where Putin got the upper hand and annexed the territory of Crimea. It also failed miserably in its clandestine operations in Central Asia whereby the Central Asian states of Ubekistan, Tajhikstan and Kajakhstan joined Russia and China in the solidarity Shanghai Organisation . However the Neo-Cons is now trying to create wars and instability in the South China Sea region by sowing seeds of dissension and mistrust among the littoral states and China.
The Neo-Conservatives are very determined to subdue every country and bring the whole world under American total control and hegemony. All the more the whole world must unite and defeat the Neo-cons and American facism, dictatorship and hegemony.
Friday, 2nd February, 2018
In the 1930s the doctrines of the Neo-Conservatives was founded by a cohort of American Jews. The founding members were Leo Strauss, Irving Kristol, Daniel Bell, Seymour Martin Lipset and Nathan Glazer. Leo Strauss was a German Jewish American political philosopher and his students include Paul Wolfowitz, William Kristol, Alan Bloom, John Podhoretz and many more others. All of them were Jews. The Neo-Cons political movement became active in the 1960s and played a role in Ronald Reagan's administration . The administrations of George H.W. Bush, William Clinton and Bush Jr in the 1990s became a hotbed of Jewish Neo-Con operatives where they occupied most top strategic positions in the defense department, foreign office, CIA, the Pentagon, Wall Street, banking and finance.
The Neo-Cons are extremely arrogant and hawkish . They are white supremacists and can be found in both the Democrat and the Republican party. Their new doctrine is Unilateralism and New World Global Order. In the 1990s with the fall of the Soviet Union they feel vindicated of their policies and they proclaimed that the 21st Century will be an American Century and in their Manifesto they pronounced a "Project for the New American Century." The chief exponent of "Unilateralism' and "New World Global Order " is Paul Wolfowitz - a Jewish military strategist and a Deputy Defense Secretary in George W. Bush presidency in 1990s where Dick Cheney ( a Jew ) was the Vice President Ronald Rumsfeld ( a Jew ) was Secretary of Defense. This new doctrine became known a the Wolfowitz Doctrine.
The main characteristics of "Unilateralism" and "New World Global Order" is that it has the tendency to see the world only in its own view of Good and Evil. It has very low tolerance for diplomacy and has a readiness to use military force. It lays strong emphasis on unilateral action. It consists of eleven or more articles with each article emphasizing a specific or fundamental objective.
Below are some of Wolfowitz arrogant and gingoistic doctrines.
1. To prevent the emergence of a rival that poses a threat to US dominance and power,
2. To prevent any hostile power from dominating a region whose resources would under consolidated control be sufficient to generate global power.
3. USA fundamental goal is to deter or defeat attack from whatever source.
4. To preclude or prevent any hostile power from dominating a region critical to USA interest and also thereby to strengthen barriers against the re-emergence of a global threat to the interest of USA and its allies.
5. USA must convince potential competitors that hey need not aspire to a greater role or pursue a more aggressive posture to protect their legitimate interest.
6. In non-defense areas USA discourage other advance industrial nations from challenging USA leadership or seeking to overturn the established political and economic order. USA must maintain the mechanism for deterring potential competitors from even aspiring to a larger regional or global role.
7. Unilateralism : The doctrine downplays the value of international coalitions . USA will maintain that the World Order is ultimately backed by the USA which will be an important stabiling factor.
8, Pre-emptive Intervention
USA will have the right to intervene where it is believed to be necessary to address those wrongs which threaten USA's interests or those of its friends or allies.
9. The Russian Threat
The doctrine highlighted the possible threat posed by a resurgent Russia. Russia remains the strongest military power in the world with the capability of destroying the USA.
NB: President Trump has added China as a threat in his first State of the Union address.
10. The Middle East and South West of Asia
USA must remain the prominent outside power in the region and preserve USA and Western access to the region's oil. USA must prevent a hegemon or alignment of powers from dominating the region . USA must continue to play a role through enhanced deterrance and improved cooperative security.
11. On Israel
USA is committed to the security of Israel and must maintain the qualitative edge that is critical to Israel security. USA-Israel strategic cooperation contribute to the stability of the entire
These Neo-Conservatives Doctrine endorsed USA military action in the Vietnam War from 1965 to 1975. It was the deciding factor in USA invasion of Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and Syria. It played a decisive role in overthrowing President Sukarno of Indonesia in 1965 and the installation of USA puppet Suharto who with CIA and Pentagon's support killed and murdered more than a million Indonesians of Sukarno's supporters. Its next target now is to topple the present government of Iran. However it failed miserably in its plot against Russia in the Ukraine where Putin got the upper hand and annexed the territory of Crimea. It also failed miserably in its clandestine operations in Central Asia whereby the Central Asian states of Ubekistan, Tajhikstan and Kajakhstan joined Russia and China in the solidarity Shanghai Organisation . However the Neo-Cons is now trying to create wars and instability in the South China Sea region by sowing seeds of dissension and mistrust among the littoral states and China.
The Neo-Conservatives are very determined to subdue every country and bring the whole world under American total control and hegemony. All the more the whole world must unite and defeat the Neo-cons and American facism, dictatorship and hegemony.
Friday, 2nd February, 2018
Beware of lightning strike
When the govt says it wants to help the people, be frightened, be very
frightened. There is now another compulsory scheme to force the people
to buy Eldershield Life Insurance using the people’s life savings. The
concept is good but watch the small prints.
Chaly Mah, the review committee chairman said, ‘We want Eldershield to be a social safety net, and we all have a collective responsibility to take care of those with disabilities.’ Well said. But who is the ‘we’ and who ends up paying for the safety net, the govt or the people? I also have a grand plan to save the people of the whole world. I want to provide them with a life insurance, a safety net, so that they need not worry about no money. The only way for this to work is to make it compulsory for the people of the whole world to buy my life insurance, they pay of course. See, I also know how to help the people of the whole world by putting my hand into their pockets. But I must be wary of lightning strike if my scheme is to rob the people of their money to benefit me while giving the impression that I am helping them.
The govt is going to help you, be grateful, be very grateful. We have very honourable and benevolent people everyday scheming, cracking their heads, to help you with their great plans. They have your interest at heart and also your CPF savings. Trust them, they are planning and scheming to help you to take care of you with your own money in the CPF.
Lily Neo was asked what she thinks of the govt overseeing the scheme and she said, ‘ If it were you, wouldn’t you feel safer knowing the govt is taking control of it rather than have it in private hands?’ Do I trust the govt with my CPF money that the govt has full control of it and I have none? I am asking myself this question everyday and shaking my head.
One Chan Chia Lin, chairing the govt administration sub committee said, ‘The feedback was that being a national scheme, it should be administered in a non profit manner.’ Is this compulsory Eldershield scheme going to be the same as the other compulsory CPF schemes, profit making? Who is going to benefit from the profits made from compulsory acquisition of the people’s life time savings in the CPF? Why is the compulsory Eldershield scheme, and other CPF compulsory schemes profit making but the profits did not go to the CPF members who are paying for it when they are supposed to help them? Who is benefiting from the profits made?
It would be a different story if the govt were to say that since they are benefiting from investing the people’s CPF money they would now plough back some of the profits to pay for such schemes, using the profits to benefit the people whose money were used to generate the profits. Tiok boh?
Chaly Mah, the review committee chairman said, ‘We want Eldershield to be a social safety net, and we all have a collective responsibility to take care of those with disabilities.’ Well said. But who is the ‘we’ and who ends up paying for the safety net, the govt or the people? I also have a grand plan to save the people of the whole world. I want to provide them with a life insurance, a safety net, so that they need not worry about no money. The only way for this to work is to make it compulsory for the people of the whole world to buy my life insurance, they pay of course. See, I also know how to help the people of the whole world by putting my hand into their pockets. But I must be wary of lightning strike if my scheme is to rob the people of their money to benefit me while giving the impression that I am helping them.
The govt is going to help you, be grateful, be very grateful. We have very honourable and benevolent people everyday scheming, cracking their heads, to help you with their great plans. They have your interest at heart and also your CPF savings. Trust them, they are planning and scheming to help you to take care of you with your own money in the CPF.
Lily Neo was asked what she thinks of the govt overseeing the scheme and she said, ‘ If it were you, wouldn’t you feel safer knowing the govt is taking control of it rather than have it in private hands?’ Do I trust the govt with my CPF money that the govt has full control of it and I have none? I am asking myself this question everyday and shaking my head.
One Chan Chia Lin, chairing the govt administration sub committee said, ‘The feedback was that being a national scheme, it should be administered in a non profit manner.’ Is this compulsory Eldershield scheme going to be the same as the other compulsory CPF schemes, profit making? Who is going to benefit from the profits made from compulsory acquisition of the people’s life time savings in the CPF? Why is the compulsory Eldershield scheme, and other CPF compulsory schemes profit making but the profits did not go to the CPF members who are paying for it when they are supposed to help them? Who is benefiting from the profits made?
It would be a different story if the govt were to say that since they are benefiting from investing the people’s CPF money they would now plough back some of the profits to pay for such schemes, using the profits to benefit the people whose money were used to generate the profits. Tiok boh?
Old World Order OWO versus New World Order NWO
The Old World Order, OWO, was created by the American Empire post WW2.
The key elements of this OWO is all about an Empire and either you are
with the Empire or against the Empire. The Empire also believes in war
as the main solution to international relations and has been expanding
military gangsterism using the guise of military alliances. War instead
of diplomacy is the guiding principle of the American designed OWO. War
is also the means to create instability and dependency on the Empire’s
military might. Thus, war becomes more and more prevalent and widespread
in the world under the OWO. War is also driving the major industries of
the American Empire, the weapons and war machine industries, the most
profitable industries but without contributing anything good or
benefiting the people of the world except destruction and loss of lives.
And for war to be relevant to the Empire, enemies or demons must be
created to justify war. It is all about creating a state of constant
tension and conflict between the Empire and their demonized states.
The New World Order, NWO, led by China, is about economic growth, trade and cooperation for the good of the people of the world. In pursuit of this new reality, China has embarked on a major initiative in infrastructure development all over the world by injecting trillions of dollars into several international and national banks to finance these developments and to promote trade. War and conspiring to build military alliances to conduct war are furthest in their policies and agenda. Many developing countries have benefited from the Chinese initiatives and enjoying higher rates of economic growth through trade and infrastructure developments. Without the Chinese pumping money into these countries, many would register low economic growth or negative growth.
In spite of the economic progress that China is bringing to the rest of the world, in Africa, Central Asia, Latin America and SE Asia, while the American Empire is conducting wars all over the world, destroying the economies and lives of many in the war torn countries, China is branded by the western media as a belligerent and warlike country while the warmonger American Empire is trumpeted as a peace loving country. The saddest part of this tragicomedy is that many silly leaders and their people still believe in the American lie, in the OWO that is plagued with constant warfare, and refuse to accept the new reality created by China. They refused to see the economic growth that China is bringing into their countries and still want to join the American formula of military alliances and provoking and fighting wars.
The Philippines under Duterte has seen through the American lies and is turning to China for economic cooperation and development. So is Malaysia and Thailand and to some extent Vietnam and Indonesia. The Americans are getting wary and suspicious of the Philippines and have sent James Matthis, the war hawk, to try to get the Vietnamese and Indonesians to join them in their military gangsterism. They would not want to leave SE Asia in peace. They would not go away. They want to sow more discord and division and to plant the seed of war in SE Asia.
They want to maintain the OWO with American primacy and to be the ruling Empire of the world. Would the Vietnamese and Indonesians be lured by the evil Americans and join the world’s number One gangster to be enemies of China, their number One trading partner? Malaysia and Myanmar have seen the evil hands of the American Empire messing with their domestic politics, trying to create instability and even to do regime change against their interests and are keeping the evil Americans at arms length.
If the warmongering Americans succeed in what they are trying to do, to keep a tight grip on the OWO, the world will be in a constant state of incessant warfare and the war zones shifting from one region to another. Which country would be the next target of the American Empire is as good as anyone’s guess. There is no neutrality, it is either becoming a stooge member of the international gangster or be its victim. The Americans are relentlessly recruiting more countries to become international gangsters.
For the NWO to establish itself, to replace the OWO, countries of the world must see through the American hypocrisy and evil ploys, the warmongering, the military threats, and resist any attempt to recruit them to be part of the international mafia. Trade and economic development are the ways for peace and prosperity for humanity, not war, not military gangsterism. The OWO must go and be replaced by a peaceful and prosperous NWO. Wherever the Americans go, there will be military alliances and war. Instead of peace, the Americans create tension and instability, start war. Wherever the Chinese go, there will be investment, infrastructural development, trade and economic growth.
The choice is clear and obvious, but not to those who are suffering from stupidity has no cure. China was a major victim of the OWO and western colonialism and imperialism. China has seen the obsolescence of the OWO and war. War must not be the norm to conduct international relations. The future is about peace and development, interconnectivity, trade and cooperation. The Americans still cling to the old belief that war is everything and war is the only thing they know. They have been threatening everyone with war while claiming that they are for peace. The wars in modern history and today are all created by the Americans and more to come if they have their ways.
The New World Order, NWO, led by China, is about economic growth, trade and cooperation for the good of the people of the world. In pursuit of this new reality, China has embarked on a major initiative in infrastructure development all over the world by injecting trillions of dollars into several international and national banks to finance these developments and to promote trade. War and conspiring to build military alliances to conduct war are furthest in their policies and agenda. Many developing countries have benefited from the Chinese initiatives and enjoying higher rates of economic growth through trade and infrastructure developments. Without the Chinese pumping money into these countries, many would register low economic growth or negative growth.
In spite of the economic progress that China is bringing to the rest of the world, in Africa, Central Asia, Latin America and SE Asia, while the American Empire is conducting wars all over the world, destroying the economies and lives of many in the war torn countries, China is branded by the western media as a belligerent and warlike country while the warmonger American Empire is trumpeted as a peace loving country. The saddest part of this tragicomedy is that many silly leaders and their people still believe in the American lie, in the OWO that is plagued with constant warfare, and refuse to accept the new reality created by China. They refused to see the economic growth that China is bringing into their countries and still want to join the American formula of military alliances and provoking and fighting wars.
The Philippines under Duterte has seen through the American lies and is turning to China for economic cooperation and development. So is Malaysia and Thailand and to some extent Vietnam and Indonesia. The Americans are getting wary and suspicious of the Philippines and have sent James Matthis, the war hawk, to try to get the Vietnamese and Indonesians to join them in their military gangsterism. They would not want to leave SE Asia in peace. They would not go away. They want to sow more discord and division and to plant the seed of war in SE Asia.
They want to maintain the OWO with American primacy and to be the ruling Empire of the world. Would the Vietnamese and Indonesians be lured by the evil Americans and join the world’s number One gangster to be enemies of China, their number One trading partner? Malaysia and Myanmar have seen the evil hands of the American Empire messing with their domestic politics, trying to create instability and even to do regime change against their interests and are keeping the evil Americans at arms length.
If the warmongering Americans succeed in what they are trying to do, to keep a tight grip on the OWO, the world will be in a constant state of incessant warfare and the war zones shifting from one region to another. Which country would be the next target of the American Empire is as good as anyone’s guess. There is no neutrality, it is either becoming a stooge member of the international gangster or be its victim. The Americans are relentlessly recruiting more countries to become international gangsters.
For the NWO to establish itself, to replace the OWO, countries of the world must see through the American hypocrisy and evil ploys, the warmongering, the military threats, and resist any attempt to recruit them to be part of the international mafia. Trade and economic development are the ways for peace and prosperity for humanity, not war, not military gangsterism. The OWO must go and be replaced by a peaceful and prosperous NWO. Wherever the Americans go, there will be military alliances and war. Instead of peace, the Americans create tension and instability, start war. Wherever the Chinese go, there will be investment, infrastructural development, trade and economic growth.
The choice is clear and obvious, but not to those who are suffering from stupidity has no cure. China was a major victim of the OWO and western colonialism and imperialism. China has seen the obsolescence of the OWO and war. War must not be the norm to conduct international relations. The future is about peace and development, interconnectivity, trade and cooperation. The Americans still cling to the old belief that war is everything and war is the only thing they know. They have been threatening everyone with war while claiming that they are for peace. The wars in modern history and today are all created by the Americans and more to come if they have their ways.
American Arrogance, Aggression and Imperialism : PART ONE
In the early 1830s the Western countries of England, France, Russia and America forced China to open up her country for trade by using Gun Boat Policy. Using force of arms to open China to unfair illicit opium trade confirmed the Chinese belief that the Caucasians were basically uncivilized, savage and wild. The white men had nothing good to offer to China except opium and that they exploited it to the full dimension.
China, not only had to pay millions of silver dollars for the illegal opium trade but also had to pay hundreds of millions of dollars as war indemnity to England, France, Russia and America for the wars they imposed on China. These Opium Wars not only impoverished China but also brought down China's self respect and dignity and almost destroyed the Chinese, heart, soul and spirit.
In the 1910s to the 1940s European countries, USA and Japan fought two world wars largely because of unfair terms related to international trade. After the Second World War they still believe China could offer them a huge lucrative market for their trade and commerce. USA quickly seized the opportunity in the 1970s when the honourable Chinese supreme leader Deng Xiaoping opened up China for international trade. Hundreds of USA countries set up offices and factories in China . The USA government and its commercial and trading companies make huge profits of thousands of billions of dollars and smile happily to the bank.
The American companies in China export the products they make in China to America. Soon the American government found the balance of trade is largely in favour of China to the tune of hundreds
of billions of dollars per year. They began to cry foul and accused China of unfair trade.
China as a member of WTO- World Trade Organization, is trading under all the rules and regulations of WTO which are largely dictated by USA. USA cannot beat China in a fair and open trade due to its inefficiency, less productive workforce and spending beyond its means.
USA surely cannot expect people to believe its accusation that China indulges in unfair trade. This will be an embarrassing contradiction to earlier USA proud statement of Alfred Thayer Mahan who in 1880s saw China as a vast land and contended arrogantly that "The Chinese were not entitled to control their own country . Imperial USA will take over China and develop it into a new country to serve USA and The West."
Indeed President Trump is making a fuss and a mockery of Alfred Thayer's arrogant statement when he and his government accused China of unfair trade though in the light of what America wants , isn't China now serving the needs of America and the West.
USA must not expect special deals just because others are more efficient and productive. However, though the benefits of the China trade largely go to the one percent American elites but the ninety-nine percent masses also benefit from cheaper and affordable Chinese goods otherwise the disparity of their income to the one percent elites will make their life miserable.
President Trump and his government should stop making false and fake accusations against China as it does not reconcile to USA's arrogance both past and present.
Wednesday, 31st January,2018
China, not only had to pay millions of silver dollars for the illegal opium trade but also had to pay hundreds of millions of dollars as war indemnity to England, France, Russia and America for the wars they imposed on China. These Opium Wars not only impoverished China but also brought down China's self respect and dignity and almost destroyed the Chinese, heart, soul and spirit.
In the 1910s to the 1940s European countries, USA and Japan fought two world wars largely because of unfair terms related to international trade. After the Second World War they still believe China could offer them a huge lucrative market for their trade and commerce. USA quickly seized the opportunity in the 1970s when the honourable Chinese supreme leader Deng Xiaoping opened up China for international trade. Hundreds of USA countries set up offices and factories in China . The USA government and its commercial and trading companies make huge profits of thousands of billions of dollars and smile happily to the bank.
The American companies in China export the products they make in China to America. Soon the American government found the balance of trade is largely in favour of China to the tune of hundreds
of billions of dollars per year. They began to cry foul and accused China of unfair trade.
China as a member of WTO- World Trade Organization, is trading under all the rules and regulations of WTO which are largely dictated by USA. USA cannot beat China in a fair and open trade due to its inefficiency, less productive workforce and spending beyond its means.
USA surely cannot expect people to believe its accusation that China indulges in unfair trade. This will be an embarrassing contradiction to earlier USA proud statement of Alfred Thayer Mahan who in 1880s saw China as a vast land and contended arrogantly that "The Chinese were not entitled to control their own country . Imperial USA will take over China and develop it into a new country to serve USA and The West."
Indeed President Trump is making a fuss and a mockery of Alfred Thayer's arrogant statement when he and his government accused China of unfair trade though in the light of what America wants , isn't China now serving the needs of America and the West.
USA must not expect special deals just because others are more efficient and productive. However, though the benefits of the China trade largely go to the one percent American elites but the ninety-nine percent masses also benefit from cheaper and affordable Chinese goods otherwise the disparity of their income to the one percent elites will make their life miserable.
President Trump and his government should stop making false and fake accusations against China as it does not reconcile to USA's arrogance both past and present.
Wednesday, 31st January,2018
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