
The Truth Behind American Aggression In The Syrian War

The horrendous war atrocities committed by US in the Middle East starting with the indiscriminate mass bombing of Afghanistan, and followed by similar attacks on Iraq, Libya and now Syria are war crimes against humanity.

Of course American war crimes against humanity is nothing new. Ever since its independence from England it has never ceased to attack, invade and kill endmass the populations of the countries it conquered. Eighty-five million native Americans were genocided and their lands annexed by US. Mexico was attacked and invaded too from 1840s to 1890s and subsequently lost 1.65 million square miles of Mexican land to US after much resistance and lost of hundreds of thousands of Mexican lives. Hawaii was attacked and invaded in 1895 and suffered more than two hundred thousand patriots death in fierce resistance to American invasion. Other American atrocities were committed in Central and South American countries. Further the South American countries were constricted in their freedom of sovereignty and independence under the American imposed Monroe Doctrine.

American war of aggression in Syria has the background motive of subverting Russian economy. Accomplices with the Americans are the coalition of European countries UK, France, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Kuwait and Bahrain.

Russia sells most of its oil to European countries. America wants to build a oil pipe line from Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain and Saudi Arabia and then across Syria and Turkey to Europe to supplant and undermine Russia's oil business. Syria did not agree to have the Arab-American ( Aramco ) oil pipe line traverse across Syria to Turkey and then Europe. Syria did not want to be a party to the insidious American plan to subvert Russia's economy

Syria and Iran and all the Arabian countries are muslims. Syria and Iran follow the shite denomination whereas Saudi Arabia and the rest are all sunni muslims. There is a strong divide between the sunnis and the shites. US exploits this divide to suit its economic geopolitical agenda. It is purely divide and control strategy of the wicked Americans.

America and Saudi Arabia would not allow Syria to be a stumbling block to stop the Aramco pipe line to Europe. So America and Saudi Arabia planned to take Bashar Assad down. They would organize a proxy war to help anti Assad Syrians to take over Syria.

In 2007 Bush started clandestine operations to destabilise Syria followed later by 'Arab Spring'. US and Saudi Arabia provided funding and together with Turkey, France UK, Gulf dictators like Qatar, Kuwait and Bahrain they mapped out war plans to topple Assad. US prepared the Muslim Brotherhood to instigate violence to impose regime change in Syria.

Syria under Assad practices religious freedom and respect every faith and women's rights and is friendly to all nations.Saudi Arabia was determined to topple Assad and impose Sharia law on Syria. It wants to get rid of Christians and other minorities and end religious freedom and women's rights forever.

In 2011 US via Pentagon and CIA planned to topple secular governments in Middle East. US helped Saudi Arabia' s Wahabists to overthrow Middle East secularists and intend to impose brutal sharia law in Syria after its occupation. At the same time in 2001 NATO commander Wesley Clark disclosed US plans to overthrow seven Arab countries which include Syria, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Lebanon and Sudan. In 2006 US embassy in Damascus published plans to instigate a revolution in Syria in 2011. Thus in 2011 CIA plans for wars of aggression and covert operatives were set in motion in their deadly plans to invade Syria and topple Assad.


In Hama US backed violent rioters attacked Christians and burnt down their homes. Seventy thousand Christians fled to Damascus to seek Assad's protection. US and France ambassadors met rioters led by Al Qaeda operatives and promised them full American support and turned the bloody demonstration into a revolution. In Daraa and other Syrian cities Al Qaeda snipers shot and killed both demonstrators and police and then put the blame on Assad.

In 2011 CIA. UK and France ousted Libya's colonel Gaddafi and had him brutally murdered. All captured Libya's arms were sent to Syria to overthrow Assad. Hillary Clinton was drunk with blood thirsty excitement and boasted, " We came, we saw , he died ". US plans had ignited the flames of war across the Middle East causing millions of death and suffering.

US through Turkey supplied hundreds off anti tank missiles to Al Qaeda and ISIS in Syria. In June and August 2013 Turkey used sarin poison gas to murder 1300 Syrian civillians and then put the blame on Assad. US and UK then used the sarin gas attack as an excuse to launch direct attacks on Syria.

Western countries- US, UK and France promote terrorism in Middle East to serve their interest and agenda.They funded, trained, armed and organized jihadist terrorists from 60 foreign muslim countries to invade and destabilise Syria. They conduct a filthy war against Syria - " A crime against humanity ."

The US led coalition against ISIS is a complete sham. They pretended to bomb ISIS which they never did. Instead they always bombed the Kurds and Assad's army camps killing hundreds of Syrian soldiers.

Against the grand US led coalition Assad was helpless. He was forced to turn to Russia to help stem the tide against him. Putin's intervention was legal and unexpected by US and its coalition members. Russia unexpected intervention was a major embarrassment to the US led coalition. Russia meant business and it launched all out genuine attack on Al Qaeda and ISIS terrorist positions. Fortunately US and its coalition partners dared not confront Russian intervention directly. Russia's intervention was timely and it helped Bashar Assad to regain control of Syria.

The wheel of regime change via American military intervention has been stopped in its tracks in Syria. However, US has not given up its intention of overthrowing Bashar Assad. They have only put Syria in the backburner for now. In the meantime the Evil Empire will look for alternative weak spots to exploit like the Philippines, Malaysia, Thailand and the South China Sea. Nevertheless American attempted regime change in Syria had failed. This gives hope that American imperialism can be stopped and defeated.


NUS ranks the top 4th in the world

This is posted in the statestimesreview, ‘Singapore’s government university, the National University of Singapore (NUS) has been ranked by Times Higher Education at fourth position for having the most international presence in the world. Ranked by anonymous “international scholars”, the survey ranked NUS by the number of international students it accepts, international staffs it hires and international publications made. It is understood that NUS’s rule of reserving a minimum of 20% of its places for foreigners as a major factor behind the survey’s strong standing.’

Is this something to be excited about, something to be proud of, something silly to be craving for? More foreign students means lesser places for our children and more parents have to empty their saving banks or sell their homes to send their children overseas. More foreign staff means lesser Singaporeans are employed and in the long run the emptying of Singaporeans in the academia. Are these good for Singapore and Singaporeans?

Why is the govt spending so much money on foreign students, many on scholarship and big money to pay the foreign academic staff? Is public money being applied responsibly and in the best and efficient way to benefit Singaporeans? Is Singapore turning itself into a Santa Claus to foreign students and foreign academic staff?

What is more important, educating our own students, ensuring that Singaporeans become eminent academics or feeding the foreigners and educating the foreigners?

In a modern cosmopolitan city in the 21st Century when transportation and communication are so convenient, is there a need to have so many foreigners here just to expose our students to foreigners as if they are living in little remote villages and never seen or knew a foreigner before? So there is this compulsion to bring foreigners here to integrate will our hillbillies or kampong kids or they will become ignorant of foreigners and their cultures and thinking?

What should be the priority for spending taxpayers’ money?


Trump living up to my expectations

Trump is exactly what he is, a disruptive cock in the Year of the Cock. And his performance so far is meeting all my expectations, and my confidence in him is growing a few more notches. In his American First policy, Trump is roughing up  allies and breaking ties with everyone, friends or foes. The staunchest American ally, the European Union, is now as much an enemy as China and Mexico. Trump even abused Nato as a useless, out of date and dysfunctional organization.

The European countries are in a state of shock. They could not believe in what Trump is saying and doing. The confidence in Trump’s America is taking a big knock. Britain’s PM May’s visit only served to confirm that Britain is not an ally unless it serves the interest of America First. Britain and Europe are now scurrying for new trading partners. They are seeing the impending breaking down of the existing world order and free trade system. They are looking for someone to take the lead as the new leader to protect the existing world order.

The irony of it all is that Communist China is presenting itself as the leader of choice given the challenge posed by the Americans to dismantle what the Western countries have built since WW2. And Xi Jinping is looking like a good candidate to fill the vacuum. There is no doubt that European countries would want to keep the free trade system and world order as it is. There is no doubt that China is benefiting from the same system and world order and Xi Jinping’s call for globalization and free trade are genuine, for the good of China and countries of the world. European countries are now looking towards China as a new friend and new leadership.

Trump’s attack on the Arab and Muslim world is going see a backlash that is more than what he could expect. The Arab/Muslim world is turning against Trump and his America.  They would not sit idle and let Trump slap them left and right. They could and would retaliate, unless they are so daft and dumb. The fear of terrorism and the war against terrorism could see America taking the ISIS and related Muslim terrorist organizations alone.

Trump is all out to make Mexico another enemy of America with his Great Wall of Trump and finding all ways to tax the Mexicans to pay for it, including sounding out an intention to raise import tariffs by 20% across the board with no exceptions to allies and non allied countries. What this means to the Europeans is less trade but at the same time demanding that the European countries pay for American military protection. The combination is rattling the minds of EU and Nato countries. Unbelieveable, but they got to believe it. This is Donald Trump, the man or American dictator in the making that would do what he thinks is right.

Peter Goodman in a Reuter report filed this, ‘Some allies are shifting focus to other potential partners for new sources of trade and investment, relationships that could influence political, diplomatic and military ties. Many are looking to China, which has adroitly capitalized on a leadership vacuum in world affairs by offering itself — ironies notwithstanding — as a champion for global engagement.

“We’ve always said that America is our best friend,” Jeroen Dijsselbloem, president of the Eurogroup — comprising finance ministers from countries sharing the euro currency — said in an interview with The New York Times …“If that’s no longer the case, if that’s what we need to understand from Donald Trump, then of course Europe will look for new friends.”

“China is a very strong candidate for that,” he added. “The Chinese involvement in Europe in terms of investment is already very high and expanding. If you push away your friends, you mustn’t be surprised if the friends start looking for new friends.”


Trump’s ban good for Asean and Singapore

Air Asia boss Tony Fernandez is reported to have said the ban on Arabs/Muslims to USA is good news to Asean. It would be good to lure all those banned from the USA to visit the region and boost trade and tourism. Why go to the USA when you are not welcomed when Asean is opening its arms widely, and Singapore openly its legs widely welcoming them here. This is the time to cash in, a lot of money to be made.

Singapore must not miss this golden opportunity to bring in all the rejects from the USA. Trump may not want them Singapore wants them. Singapore must quickly put up advertisements in those banned countries telling them to come here. Singapore has places for a few millions migrants, depending on whether it is using the 6.9m or 10m numbers as reference. It would definitely help in Singapore’s economic growth, to boost its economic growth Singapore needs more people here.

They can come not only as tourists but also come looking for jobs. Jobs Singapore has plenty and Singapore is restructuring and need all the talents that it can find overseas. Any one with a pair of legs and is a foreigner will be welcome as talents. Better still with good degrees, even from degree mills, as long as the degrees are genuine and of good quality, from good quality degree mills would be ok.

Singapore would get its 6.9m population fast this way and this would be translated to higher GDP numbers. Singapore can max up to a new level easily.

Trump behaving like a disruptive cock

Trump fired acting Attorney General Sally Yates for betrayal. Yates had issued an order to ‘government lawyers not to defend his executive order banning entry to the United States for people from seven Muslim-majority countries and refugees from around the world’. Yates claimed in a memo that she was not convinced that Trump’s executive order was lawful.

There was division and chaos within the Trump camp over the decision to ban Muslims from entering the US. Many were not informed of the executive order formulated in secrecy. The rest of the Republican lawmakers were just as unhappy. Trump is behaving like a disruptive cock, like a dictator in the world’s most powerful democracy.

The world is witnessing how true democracy is working, when righteous individuals would throw away their career to challenge unlawful orders from the executive. They would defy the President of the USA when they believed that something is not right. They believe in the rule of law and in principles. No one is beholden to the President and no one would be bullied by the President. No one would be held in ransom for fear of losing their jobs and their salary.

Trump is furious and standing firm, like a dictator, and yes, be with me or out you go. That is the message coming out from his radical camp in Washington. This is not democracy that the Americans were used to. More to come from this biggest Cock of the Year, sit tight.

There is an air of rebellion in the capital city. The Americans are not going to follow Trump’s order blindly without question. The Americans are saying no to Trump, but Trump thought he has a blank cheque after being elected and could do as he pleased. The whole of the American institutions of govt is likely to stand up to this cock. A rough and tough battle is in the making.