
Terrex Incident – What a lonely feeling

When Aquino was provoking China with his kangaroo court rulings on the SCS island claims, Singapore was quite vocal about Asean unity, that Asean should stand together as a grouping and take a common stand. Singapore’s policy is for a united Asean to face external threats and issues. Singapore’s support for Aquino’s claim on Chinese islands need no further elaboration. Several Asean countries too were behind the Aquino govt, including Vietnam and Malaysia, both claimant countries. Japan and the USA and the western countries too were parroting that the kangaroo court rulings were legal and binding. These supports gave the Aquino govt a false sense of victory, that the western world was behind the Filipino claims. There was strength in numbers. At least Aquino did not feel alone.

Singapore is now having a little problem with China, a good friend according to Vivian Balakrishnan who said he could sleep well over the Terrex Incident.  More than a month has passed and the armoured personnel carriers are still in Hong Kong with no further news. The Hong Kong/China side was silent and no one knows how long this matter would drag.

What is surprising is that no country, or at least that was what I have read in the media, has come out in support of the Singapore govt, to give encouragement and moral support to Singapore, a show or unity and solidarity. No Asean state has spoken out on the issue in favour of Singapore or to put pressure on China. Where is the Asean unity and solidarity? Anyone thinking he is the leader of Asean and mustering the Asean states to go against China? Should not one or two Asean countries be calling for Asean countries to unite behind Singapore? There was or were leaders herding the Asean states against China in the SCS claims and the kangaroo court rulings. Where have they gone to? Maybe the Terrex Incident is a different issue that does not need Asean unity or Asean to front out for Singapore, to speak for Singapore, to put pressure on China.

What about the USA and Japan, staunch allies and friends of Singapore? Did they say anything and give some moral encouragement? Are the Americans and Japanese going to sail their navies into Hong Kong as a show of force? Did any of these big powers make presentation to China to help out Singapore?

Somehow I got this lonely feeling that Singapore is in this all alone. Where are Singapore’s friends? Where are the western media that thought it was their responsibility to lambast China on the SCS island dispute and daily blasted at China on the side of the Aquino govt? The western media have been exceptionally quiet about the Terrex Incident. It is all Singapore’s problem. Or all of them think Singapore can handle this alone. Maybe they believe Singapore govt can punch above its weight and Hong Kong/China would soon return the armoured personnel carriers without undue delay, without the need for them to blow their trumpets?

Is Singapore being left on the lurch, alone, to deal with the problem? Have they abandoned Singapore? What a lonely feeling. A friend in need is a friend indeed. This is a time when Singapore needs all its friends to stand up or to speak up, and the voices of the western media to blow up the issue.

Are you lonesome tonight? Oh, what a lonely feeling.


President elect Trump & Peter Navarro have sinister motives in accusing China of unfair trade.

President elect Trump and Peter Narvarro have sinister motives in accusing China of Unfair Trade.

First let's examine America as a country of its history. Before 4th July, 1775, there was not even a country called US to speak of. The whole of North America belongs to several native American tribes numbering several millions of them. Then in 1600s with the arrival of the aggressive French and British invaders native America soon lost its peace and tranquility. France and England fought for total control of the North American continent. England emerged victorious and became the only supreme European power to rule the land. The native Americans fought bravely against the British invaders hoping to evict them from the continent. Soon they found out fighting the Europeans with bow and arrows and wooden spears were no match against ther enemies' guns and cannons. The natives were mercilessly slaughtered and as time rolled by it became an almost complete genocide.

With being the only supreme and sole conqueror of the continent England was free to encourage millions of British and later other white Europeans to emigrate to North America.. The conquest of North America by England through force of arms and military might had rendered British and European rule illegitimate.

By the 1700s there were over one hundred million British and other white European settlers in the land. In 1770s many British settlers were dissatisfied with strong arm rule from London. They agitated for self rule and independence. Thus in the war of independence they prevailed and on 4th July, 1775 the revolutionaries declared independence of a new country US which then comprised the thirteen states of about six hundred thousand square miles fronting the Atlantic Ocean.

The large remaining areas from Canada to the Gulf of Mexico and north of Mexican California were still under direct British rule. However the British did give the various native tribes some sort of self-government in the central plains and west of the continent up to the coast of the Pacific Ocean

The native self governing states were not to last long when the US of the breakaway thirteen states decided to march west and conquer all of them. Though the natives fought hard and bravely against the invading US army it was inconsequential. The white Americans of US were even more wanton and brutal than the British in the killings and slaughter of the natives. It was a case of the worst and most brutal genocide of natives that ever occurred.By the turn of 1890s not more than ten or twenty thousand native Americans were left out of the original native population of about eighty-five millions.

Thus the present US is an illegitimate country built on brutal genocide of the entire natives of the American continent and subsequently the brutal use of enslavements of negro slaves from Africa to provide the toil and free labour for its development. Its railways and other infrastructures were built on exploited Chinese labours in the 1800s to 1880s.

Now let's examine American present perspective in its norms of behaviour and conduct in international affairs especially vis-a-vis China. There is no doubt US is an illegitimate country built on terrorism and its conduct has never shown it as otherwise. It is very bellicose and gingoistic throughout its barbaric history. US is even more evil than you think. US organizes and trains different groups of Islamic terrorist organizations like the Taliban, Alqaeda, Isis and many others and release them to create choas, instability and civil strives in countries US decides to overthrow a regime or governments which it considers unfriendly and not toeing US dictates. In short USA was, is and will continue to be the world's biggest and most evil terrorist country.

At present in the economics, politics and military America , more than any other country has built up colossusly to awe and threaten the whole world. And yet to the Anglo-Saxon Americans everything is never enough unless its ultimate objective of world hegemony is achieved.

The tremendous wealth of USA does not benefit the vast majority of Americans but only the one percent of the elites ruling class encompassing the bankers, stock brokers, business tycoons, hierachy of top politicians, and top military personnels in the Pentagon and CIA as well as perhaps about ten percent of the middle class. The whole country is actually controlled by a handful of top notch crooks, rogues and scoundrels in the powerful demonic organisation of the Anglo-Saxon Jewish Zionist cabal under the centralise Rothschilds Illuminati and Free Masons absolute total control.

President Donald Trump is a member of this group. He is blaming China for all the ills of America, He and Navarro claim that half of USA deficit is caused by China's unfair trade with America. He and Navarro accuse China of manipulating the Chinese Yuan and subsidising exports.

China's trade with other countries and USA is based on the rules and regulations of the World Trade Organisation in which both USA and China are members. China's international trade has so far benefitted all other countries including USA. No one has ever complained against China of unfair trade except USA. The fact is that America's businessmen and industrialists take advantage of China's vast pools of cheap labour, so they shifted their productions to China to enhance their high profits.

As an example a pair of Nike shoes make in China may comprise labour cost of say $2, materials $3 and overheads like transport and production cost $3, making a total cost of $8 for a pair of Shoes. The American company sells the shoes in China for around $25 and in USA and other countries for around $45. Obviously the company makes such huge unthink of profits, will it want to move out of China. In the meantime US government gains by taxing on the shoes

The colossal profit of goods make in China by American businessmen goes back to the company and USA and benefits American consumers. If at all the pair of shoes were to be made in USA the cost price per pair would be in the region of about $80 to $100 per pair. Then American consumers may have to pay $150 to $200 per pair. Thus America, from the company to the people and the state benefit all round from manuafacturing their products in China. Therefore this shows what Donald Trump and Navarro is talking is absolutely utter rubbish and mischievous. When they are unable to compete with China in fair trade they utter frivolities in such hues and cries.

However the tremendous profits make by American companies do not so much as benefitting the people, the employees because it is creamed off by the greedy and rapacious directors and CEOs of the listed companies who never hesitate to pay themselves sinful salaries and perks worth tens or hundreds of millions of dollars.

Therefore it is really wrong and mischievous for Trump and Navarro and the American politicians to blame China for all its economic ills. They are just trying to pull the wool over the American peoples' eyes for all the greed and extreme corruption of their ruling elites , the crooks, rogues and scoundrels in the Apex of society. Just imagine how Trump himself managed to avoid paying tax of hundreds of millions of dollars for many years though his company is valued at several billion dollars worth.

Trump and Navarro are great liars and conmen to accuse China of manipulating its currency and foreign exchange. The value of the Chinese Yuan depends on market forces independent of Chinese control . On the other hand US rigged the value of the American dollar to swindle the whole world . Whether it is pushing the dollar up or down it intends to profit both ways depending on the appropriate situation beneficial to US.

America has a total debt of about twenty-one trillion dollars comprising both internal and external debt. Its currency is a fiduciary issue with no tangible intrinsic backing by gold or resources. How then can US now push the dollar to such high value except to con and cheat other countries of their foreign exchange and to do damage to their economies. Third world countries who succumbed to America's currency rigging and foreign exchange manipulation and who are induced to borrow and owe America huge debts are subjected to US control and blackmail. As an example US will demand the installation of military bases in third world countries which can't pay off their debts to US.

Trump and Navarro may think they can play dirty with China. They may be shocked their evil schemings may rebounce back on USA .


Wednesday,28th December,2016

The world must set the agenda, not the Americans

The Americans with the help of biased western media, have been setting the agenda and the unthinking and mindless world just gobbled them up as the right and proper thing or message. The Chinese are moving missiles into the SCS and this is bad. The Americans have 400 bases surrounding China and the western media did not utter a whimper. The Americans are sending their THAAD missiles to South Korea, this too is a normal and acceptable thing, just like the nuclear bases in Okinawa, in Guam, in the Marshalls, in Diego Garcia.

And Kim Jung Un is a mad man, not George Bush, not Tony Blair, not Hillary or Obama that set the Middle East ablaze, killings millions of Arabs in the process. And I quote a few paragraphs from Andre Vitchek,

'In New York City and Paris, in Buenos Aires and Hong Kong, the then consensus was almost unanimous: “Chavez was a vulgar populist, a demagogue, a military strongman, and potentially a ‘dangerous dictator’”.
In South Korea and the UK, in Qatar and Turkey, people who could hardly place Venezuela on the world map, were expressing their ‘strong opinions’, mocking and smearing the man who would later be revered as a Latin American hero. Even many of those who would usually ‘distrust’ mainstream media were then clearly convinced about the sinister nature of the Process and the ‘Bolivarian Revolution’.
History repeats itself.
Now President Rodrigo Duterte of the Philippines is demonized and ‘mistrusted’, ridiculed and dismissed as a demagogue, condemned as a rough element, mocked as a buffoon.
In his own country he is enjoying the highest popularity rating of any president in its history: at least well over 70 percent, but often even over 80 percent.'

Now they are getting the UN to conduct investigation against Duterte for murder. When is the world going to pursue the murder of hundreds of thousands of Iraqis and the killing of Saddam Hussein by the Americans under false fabricated charges of possession of WMD? When is the world going to prosecute Bush and Blair for these killings and also the killings of Libyan and Muammar Gaddafi?

Why is the UN thinking it is the right thing to investigate Duterte but not Bush and Blair? By setting the UN on a wild goose chase it makes the world body forgot about the crimes against humanity of Bush and Blair. Russia and China and other nations in the UN must not let this crime against the Arabs and Arab nations go unpunished. They must set the agenda, grab the UN by the collar to press charges against these two criminals and their accomplices for genocide and the invasion of nation states under flimsy and false charges.

There many crimes and despicable things being committed by the US and the western nations that should be brought up against them, charge them, make them answer for their crimes and violations. The rest of the world must take the initiative to set the world agenda against the Americans and the west and their crimes.

Would Asean be united behind Duterte against the attacks by the Americans and the west?


Medishield Life and CPF Life, profit making schemes?

I have raised this point many times and if I am not mistaken, no one thinks this is important enough to be raised in Parliament. I have read Leong Sze Hian post in TRE where he quoted the data from the media that since 2002, $90m was paid out under the Eldershield scheme. And his estimate on the premium collected was $3 billion. No need to think too hard to see the billions collected in excess. Where do these billions go to? Why are the billions not returned to the contributors to reduce their premiums?

Now we also have Medishield Life and CPF Life and the sum of premiums collected is mind boggling. And how much is being paid out and how much is the excess, the equivalent of profits being kept by the govt from these schemes? Why is so much money kept as profit, making profit from the people when the two schemes are basically for protection and not meant to be profit making? I am saying, that these are not profit making schemes as the people do not expect the govt to turn these compulsory schemes into profit making schemes. It is morally not right, ethically not right for the govt to implement compulsory insurance schemes with profit making in mind.

Would the govt want to clarify on these schemes, whether they are profit making schemes and if not, explain to the people how the excess billions are being used to benefit the people, to reduce the premiums paid, not to be used for some other things unrelated.

The MPs, forget about the PAP MPs, but the opposition MPs should ask this simple question, are the Medishield Life and CPF Life insurance schemes meant to be profit making and if yes, they must oppose this motive. Asking question and getting an answer is not the end. When the answer tells a bad story, they must demand that the moral of the story be changed to be morally and ethically right, not legally right.

How many of you think there is nothing wrong for the Medishield Life and CPF Life Schemes to be profit making schemes? Is profit making the main objective, and acceptable even if it is incidental?  How could the govt make profits from such insurance schemes? I stand corrected if the govt clarifies that these are not profit making schemes and the excess billions collected will be returned to the people to lower the premiums paid like what similar schemes in mature countries are doing.

PS. If these two schemes become profit making schemes, the people's life savings in the CPF will be in jeopardy.


Japan is cooked

This is the link to the full documentary of John Pilger's The Coming War with China, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2kyM8uQQc_w, you would have to copy/paste this link to watch the documentary. Watch this in conjunction with this article I have written to get a real feel of the impending destruction of Japan should war starts between the USA and China.

Japan will be the first country to be cooked in the event of a war between the US and China or Russia. The simple reason is that Japan has been turned into the front line of defence and offence for the Americans. The Americans have more than 100 military bases and more than 50,000 soldiers in Japan alone to defend America and to launch attacks against China or Russia. The American troops in Japan has nothing to do with the North Koreans. The Japanese Self Defence Force is more than able to deal with the North Koreans.

What would the military strategists in China or Russia do when they know that the American forces in Japan would be the first to be used to attack them? The answer is so obvious. They cannot allow these bases to operate at their doorsteps to launch attacks against their mainland in China or Russia. The military strategists would ensure that all these bases would be taken out at the first sign of hostility. The outcry of 1000 missiles aiming at Taiwan was a PR exercise but not real. There will be missiles aimed at Taiwan, but China does not need to do that for obvious reasons. Taiwan is insignificant and incapable of doing real damage to China.

In the case of Japan, the danger of an American strike is formidable. The fire power of the American bases is incomprehensible, with nuclear weapons hidden under secrecy though official claimed to be not there. There will be several thousand missiles both from China and Russia and North Korea aiming at all the military bases in Japan, Americans and Japanese, for sure. And these are priority targets number one. And for safe measures, all the civilian airports and sea ports would also be targeted as they could be used for the military in times of war.  So, to say a few thousand missiles aiming at Japan is not unreal.

Did Japan ask for it? I doubt the proud and nationalistic Japanese would want any American bases in their soil in breach of their sovereignty and humiliating their national pride. Japan is more than able to defend itself. It was a superpower in WW2, overrunning the whole of Asia and SE Asia. They do not need to be protected by the Americans. The Americans just imposed their will on the Japanese, demanding to have their soldiers in Japan, as front line troops against China and Russia. Japan's national security just got compromised for the interest of the Americans defending their empire.

Japan not only took on the Americans but declared war on the world. What is this nonsense that Japan needs to be protected by the Americans and with more than 100 military bases in Japan alone? The South Koreans are in the same fate. They too would be cooked in the first sign of war with the Americans.

Would Trump do the inevitable, by demanding for a ransom to station troops in Japan and Abe simply said Japan could not pay and please Americans go home? Trump's ignorance of geopolitics would be a gift for Japan to break free from the clutches of the Americans. When come to the push, Trump may have to pull back all the American troops if Japan refuses to pay, and with the Japanese smiling behind his back. Japan would then achieve real independence and no longer be a semi colony of the American Empire, to be first to fall when the Empire declares war on China or Russia.

This is a round of poker game between Abe, the nationalist and imperialist that want Japan to be great again, as an independent nation and Trump who also wants to make America great again but not as an Empire. Who would be forced to show hand and be cleaned off his chips on the table?