
Kelvin Cheng – a plea to support the govt

Below is a statement by Kelvin Cheng posted in the TRE.

‘I wish Singaporeans would rally behind the Government instead of criticising them re our recent issues with China.

Partisanship is for domestic politics. On the international stage, we must all be loyal Singaporeans.

And on this note, I also urge my fellow business people who do a lot of business in China to stop getting intimidated into lobbying the Government to appease the PRC. This is precisely what they are trying to do.

Yes our businesses and wallets are important, but our country is more important.

Be strong. Chins up. Have some pride. If we become doormats, nobody will respect us even as business people, and nobody does business with doormats.’

 Kelvin Cheng

The need to put up such a plea is telling. It is a sign of desperation and calling on the people so abused and taken for granted to support the govt facing a row with China is the lowest it can go. Let me remind Kelvin Cheng and his fellow Channel 5 people that the Channel 8 people is a majority vis a vis the Channel 5. Rubbing up China the wrong way would not be seen in the same way as the Channel 5 people.

And the response and reactions, if what were posted in the comments to Kelvin Cheng’s plea in the TRE is a measure of the sentiments on the ground, some people is going to get a rude shock.

This guy is still having the mentality of punching above our weight and want to take China head on, stare them in the eyes, don’t blink, chins up, and China will shy away, wither and melt down. Nothing to worry if we are brave.

The divide between the govt and the people is so stark and Kelvin knew it if you read his comments carefully. He knew that the govt has been harsh on the people domestically but is calling the people under such harsh treatment to put their differences aside to back the govt in an international dispute. And he believes the people will go along.  Are Singaporeans really that daft?

Someone must explain to him what is the meaning of ‘khong cum’.

Below are a few samples of the comments in TRE.

  • Uncle Lim:

Rally behind a petty tyrant and a police state? He is crazy.

On the international stage must be loyal? But on domestic stage get bullied by SPF by the Scrooge it is ok is it?

The ruling PAP doesn’t deserve our support at all.

If it has been sincerely serving the people, no need to preach to us. We will support the Govt but not this repressive regime.

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  • Jim:

So typical of papigs and all dictators
When they could not justify their action, they called for blind loyalty and support
When our leader do stupid thing on world stage, we must not be afraid to criticise
He is already an arrogant dick

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  • Ho Lee Sheet:

When pap treated singaporeans like doormats, this idiot often took the chance to stamp and wipe his dirty shoes on the doormats and then grinned like a monkey. Now he wants singaporeans not to be doormats just coz his beloved pap has offended a big giant? This lackey sure knows when to lick his bosses b@lls.

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in the first place, have you or your Chief Idiot any scant respect for fellow Sporeans?
by importing FT in tons, by appointing officers who are not held accountables to failures, by not resolving problems of transportation, housing and cost of living? by embarrassing spore with silly jokes all over the international areana?
finally by changing our constitution of electing EP by race and thereby reserving the pending Ep candidancy to Malay, to preserve your party’s secrecy n survival despite strong objections from Sporeans?


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The fate of ISIS is sealed

ISIS is going to be history soon with Russia and the Arab states going in for the kill. How did ISIS lasted so long, grew from strength to strength when the world’s Number One super power was ‘attacking them, bombing them’? Or was the world’s Number One super power feeding them and nursing them to strength to be the most destructive force in the Middle East, to bring down popularly elected govt? Why is it crumpling now, into bits and pieces when the Russians moved in?

The fate of ISIS is like other terrorist groups in other countries, like the Abu Sayyaf in the Philippines, with the American forces there to ‘destroy’ them but never able to do so? Is this strange? The world’s Number One super power everywhere, with their best trained Special Forces and best elite units fighting them but never seem to succeed?

What is the truth? These terrorists organizations so clever that the Americans could not deal with them, could not defeat them, could not destroy them? Or is it the same story, the Americans, their Special Forces and elite units were just there to help them, train them, armed them, to be used against govts that the Americans want to overthrow, regime change?

Now Duterte has seen the truth and wanted to get rid of the American Special Forces before they turned the Abu Sayyaf into another ISIS. ISIS would be destroyed, not by their mother, the Americans, but by Russia and the other Arab govts.  Duterte can only destroy the Abu Sayyaf if he got rid of the ‘mother’ that is there to feed and nurse them, like all the terrorist organizations all over the world, seem to be undefeatable and would continue to grow in strength. Who is behind the scene supporting and growing these terrorist organizations, like ISIS?

If the Russian/Arab joint forces did not get the job done, Trump’s new team of Mike Flynn, a 3 star general fired by Obama for opposing his support for ISIS, will finish the ISIS for good. Read below how the Americans were so thick in its conspiracy with the Muslim Brotherhood to create unending wars in the Middle East and the rest of the world. This is America’s strategy to control the world through wars that many silly Asians refused to look at and in a state of denial that the Americans were the real devils behind all the troubles around the world.

‘In this article I’ll look closely at Mike Flynn, the former 3-star general who will be the all-important Trump National Security Advisor, sitting in the White House. Normally perceptive bloggers and analysts have greeted the Flynn appointment with cheers of joy. They cite his opposition to US covert support for ISIS and Islamic terrorist groups such as Al Qaeda’s Al Nusra; he is on record that the 2003 Iraq invasion was a “strategic mistake.” Moreover, Flynn is opposed to stirring up war with Russia and instead calls for waging war against ISIS and other radical terrorist organizations. In fact Obama fired Flynn as head of the Defense Intelligence Agency when Flynn opposed the Obama decision to prioritize the anti-Russia war over the anti-Jihad war, and called for cooperation with Syrian President Assad to that end.

Flynn’s position on war against ISIS and presumably also against the Muslim Brotherhood so beloved by Hillary Clinton and the Obama Administration, is not one of a man of peace. Rather it is one of a cold, calculating military professional, a military professional who favors working with the Likud of Netanyahu to advance the global agenda of war.

Flynn’s statements on Assad and ISIS and Iraq must be interpreted not in a vacuum but in light of a military intelligence specialist who sees that the decades-long CIA and Pentagon policy of training Muslim Brotherhood and other fanatic Muslim-origin terrorists to wage surrogate wars of empire have backfired badly. Not only the CIA’s July 15 failed coup using networks of Turkey’s Fethullah Gülen, but rather every CIA-backed Jihad war from Secretary of State Clinton’s war against Mubarak, against Gaddafi, against most of the Islamic world to try to impose US-backed Muslim Brotherhood terror regimes loyal to Washington, has failed. The gross effect has been to drive much of the world away from Washington and their constant proxy wars.’
F. William Engdahl is strategic risk consultant and lecturer, he holds a degree in politics from Princeton University and is a best-selling author on oil and geopolitics, exclusively for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook.”


What One China policy means to China Singapore relations?

The Terrex incident could be over with China returning the vehicles according to international shipping law. No big fuss. It was a matter of documentation and proper papers. What is important is the new China Singapore relationship following the protest or representation by the Chinese Foreign Ministry following this incident, that Singapore must abide by the rule of law and the One China policy. This means that Singapore, for recognizing that there is only one China, cannot have govt to govt or official relations with Taiwan.

What does this mean to Singapore? If Singapore wants to abide by the One China policy, Singapore would henceforth have to terminate all training and official contacts with Taiwan. This is indeed 伤脑筋。It is not easy to dismantle the training facilities and equipment in Taiwan and to relocate them elsewhere if Singapore is to abide by this One China Policy requirement. Singapore has converted every bit of land into housing estates and nothing is left for the military and to conduct their training. Singapore is now beholden to countries that could offer us land for military training and to house our military hardware and soldiers.

With the land constraint, a self inflicted wound for wanting to grow the population recklessly, would Singapore play it tough and take a diplomatic U turn by not recognizing the One China policy to keep its training facilities in Taiwan? But by doing so it would have to cut diplomatic relations with China which means all official contacts and govt to govt businesses in China would be terminated except people to people or non govt businesses.

China is giving Singapore a choice, an ultimatum. Singapore would have to decide which way to go. It can’t have the cake and eat it this time unless it can come up with a legal interpretation that Singapore did not violate the One China policy by having military training facilities in Taiwan and official relations with the Taiwanese govt.  The legal expertise of Shanmugam would be very handy in this case. How about the one who interpreted that inside the centre is not within 200 metres from the centre? Or maybe can go to the Tribunal at The Hague for an interpretation that is legal and binding. If The Hague can call an island as big as Taiping a coral reef, I am sure they would know how to interpret the One China policy to favour Singapore. And once again Singapore can tell China to abide by the international ruling of the court that is UN backed and legal and binding.

Another way out is to quote the USA. The USA also recognizes the One China policy but has a defence agreement to defend Taiwan. This American fork tongue behavior is also called American Exceptionalism. Could Singapore use this exception to justify its use of training facilities in Taiwan? Can Singapore also call itself an exceptional country like the Americans and can do anything it wants?

This new development would need a Uniquely Singapore solution but not sure if it works in the context of international relations and whether China would lamely accept such an interpretation and situation.

How is Singapore going to wrangle itself out of this conundrum?  Would Vivian with the help of Shanmugam, come up on top and dismiss the Chinese protest or representation as baseless and life goes on as normal, with SAF training unaffected in Taiwan?

The bottom line, Singapore must now choose between China or Taiwan.  Take it or leave it, no buts.


China officially protests to Singapore’s relations with Taiwan

For more than 40 years, Singapore Armed Forces have been training in Taiwan under the codename Starlight. This was an open secret without any party making an issue out of it. China could have protested but chose to close an eye and over the years everyone seemed to take this unusual relationship for granted.

Today, arising from the landing of Terrex armoured vehicles in Hong Kong and now impounded for not having the proper papers, the issue has escalated. China is now making an official protest to Singapore’s relationship with Taiwan on the ground that those countries recognizing one China should not have official govt to govt relations with Taiwan. Now what?

This is the first time that China has rebuked Singapore openly demanding that Singapore observed the rule of law in its relations with China under the One China Policy. Before this, Singapore enjoyed a very special relationship with China, carefully crafted and nurtured under the skilful hands of Lee Kuan Yew. This special relationship allowed Singapore to have very close ties with the Americans, the arch enemy of China and persistently trying to contain China and creating trouble for China, and also Singapore’s nebulous military training in Taiwan. All was good when relationship was kept at an even keel.

Things started to change when the Americans took an aggressive stand towards China in the South China Sea. Working hands in gloves with Japan and instigating the Aquino govt to take China to The Hague Tribunal and to make matter worst, turning the permanent arbitration court into a kangaroo court against China.  All this got nothing to do with Singapore until Singapore started to take the side of the Americans demanding that China accept the dubious rulings of the court, that China must abide by its rulings, and kept repeating that China must obey the rule of law, abide by international law as if China was not. Many other sordid events followed suit culminating in some unnecessary remarks at the Peru APEC Summit.

Why would a little Red Dot think it is its duty and right to keep telling China what to do and think that China is hapless and would have to tolerate its demands?  Though the Chinese govt did not say anything officially, the social media and other semi official media were rife in their attacks against Singapore for being on the side of the Americans and being anti China.

The writing was on the wall. Singapore did not see it coming? With its top diplomats making unfriendly comments, claiming to be speaking in their personal capacity as ‘ordinary citizens’ and brushed aside as non events in Parliament unchastised, did not go unnoticed.

Now the climax of this saga, 9 or is it 12 Singapore made Terrex armoured vehicles landed in Hong Kong port, carried by American President Line. Why did the vehicles landed in Hong Kong when they were not supposed to be there, on transit from Taiwan to Singapore? There is absolutely no reason for the armoured vehicles to be unloaded on to Hong Kong port. How did it happen, who did it and on what purpose? What is the agenda, or is there an agenda?

The APL or its employees cannot be so stupid to do such a thing. Armoured vehicles are weapons of war, prohibited unless proper documentations are done, often with diplomatic clearance. But why, why were the armoured vehicles in Hong Kong when they were bound for Singapore? Did someone intentionally unloaded them and then tipped off the Chinese authorities to create a tiff between the two countries?

Another big question, these are military weapons. Were they secured, were there guards to protect them from mischief? Were security protocol in place to keep terrorists or trouble makers away from the armoured vehicles? It is unbelieveable and shocking that such weapons are left to commercial shippers without being accompanied by military guards and treated like scrap cars, leave them wherever also can.

What’s next? How would this strange episode be resolved now that Lee Kuan Yew is not around and Hsien Loong has not been too friendly with his comments on China?  Could Singapore punch above its weight against China? Or would the Americans and its cronies be egging the Singapore govt to stand up to China just like the Aquino govt? Would there be another Hague Tribunal, backed by the UN to rule against China and the rulings be legal and binding?

With the Philippines not wanting to be the barking dog for the Americans, are the Americans looking for a replacement in Singapore to provoke China and raise tension again in the region? If so, would Singapore willingly accept this and play the role? Looks like Vivian Balakrishnan has a job cut out for him to excel. And he would pass with flying colours with his team of super talents in the MFA.

When leaders received bad counsels and cannot tell the difference, the only way to go is down.


The silence of the intelligentsia in Red Dot

Anyone notice that there is not a word coming from the intelligentsia about the issues and problems facing the little Red Dot for quite a number of years? There could be many reasons to this. Maybe there is no problem, no issue in the Red Dot. Or maybe there is no more intelligentsia left in the Red Dot. Or maybe….

These assumptions are unlikely to be true. How can there be no issue and problem in the Red Dot? The withholding of CPF savings from their rightful owners, income inequality, millions of immigrants, PMETs losing jobs, Elected Presidency and the creation of special privileges to a ‘bumiputra’ class, high cost of living, economic decline, million dollar incomes for the elite, etc etc. There are numerous problems facing the people in the little Red Dot.  Unless the above mentioned are not problems or the intelligentsia did not think so then that is another of looking at things.

Who and where is the intelligentsia? The academics, the thinkers in the universities, the thinkers and professors in the Lee Kuan Yew and Rajaratnam Schools, the professionals in the professions are the people that made up the intelligentsia. There must be many thousands of these elites out there. Why are they not saying a thing about the issues and problems the people are facing, the country is facing?

Or maybe the intelligentsia mainly comprises foreigners, foreign talents that do not care a hoot about the problems here as long as they got their jobs and good pay here, not to open their mouths and risk being thrown out of the little Red Dot. Where is Tan Khee Giap? No more Singaporean intelligentsia left? Cannot be right?

Why is the intelligentsia sealing their lips, especially the Singaporeans, so quiet?  They don’t have anything to add, to say, no views, unthinking like the masses? Isn’t this strange, the silence of the intelligentsia?