Many people are familiar with Maslow’s four levels of needs Theory. The normal progression of normal human beans is from one level to the next.
After observing recent developments in our society, I will take liberty to offer a couple of variations to this great social theory. The theory states that once a person has attained all this needs for Recognition in level 3 he will proceed to level 4 when Self Actualisation becomes a natural thing. Here many will want to do what he enjoys doing just for his own enjoyment, with no care of money or other factors. As long as he is happy, he will just do it. So some will just want to spend time travelling and see the world, play with grandchildren or become karaoke singers or chefs to cook for family and friends.
There is one variation to this. Of course there could be many variations. To my observation, some can be stucked in level 3 and unable to move out of it. They will continue to seek wealth, power and recognition and be intoxicated in these preoccupations. They forgot that there are better things to do in level 4. The theorists may argue that their level 3 and level 4 actually merged. Or they haven’t had enough of recognition and rewards. They are happy to continue to do what that makes them happy, be it acquisition of more wealth and more recognition and power. These could explain why some refuse to stop working and enjoy working till they die. They don’t find pleasure in their grandchildren, or lesser pleasure than what they are doing, they don’t like singing or travelling, they don’t like to smell the roses. They may look silly to those who don’t understand them. Some may condemn them as the Shylock of Shakespearian fame, living for money and nothing else.
Another variation is the propulsion or double promotion from level 3 to level 5. Instead of Self Actualisation, they ended in a state of Self Delusion. Some may start to imagine they are infallible, they are immortals. Some may believe that they are indispensable and without them the world will collapse. Such grandeur in their thinking could have negative consequences. On their own, if they remain in a sanatorium, things will be manageable. If they continue to live in society and be mentality and economically active, they may make demands that will appear insane to normal people.
The state of Self Delusion or Level 5, my addition to the Maslow’s Theory of needs, borders very closely to the state of Insanity. A very thin line dividing the two. In this state, people no longer understand that their behavior is queer, overbearing and abusively intolerable or unacceptable to the normal people. They could not understand why they have become so nauseating and difficult to be with, that people don’t agree with them any more.
But what to expect when they are in self delusion? How could they be knocked back to consciousness and which level will they find themselves in when it happened? By then they could not even remain in level 3, where there is recognition. They would be rejected by society and would not be able to command the respect and value for what they will be doing. It is like hitting the head of a snake in a snake and ladder game and the fall could go down deep, like falling from grace.
Maslow’s Theory can be quite interesting look at the new variations.
The inconvenient truth
Monday is a big battle day in Parliament. 25 MPs will take to the floor to discuss the recommendations of the Ministerial Salary Review Committee headed by Gerard Ee.
The agenda has been set. They will be discussing about the recommendations for future salary for primarily political appointment holders. The salary for MPs is more or less accepted as reasonable and may at most received a cursory mention.
How meaningful and relevant will the discussion be will be affected by the presumptions that the MPs have in their mindset. Many are still clinging to the notion that political office is an employment and must come along with the whole gist of annual increments, bonuses, performance evaluation, etc as normal. There is also the assumption that political appointment is a great sacrifice, tangible and intangible, with monetary loss as the main factor. And the compensation package is always a discount from what the politicians are getting if they were to remain in the private sector.
The dichotomy between a political appointment and employment need no further discussion. They are completely two different animals. Not many countries can politicians take for granted that they will be elected elections after elections and can see it as a job with a big amount of certainty. Thus career development, and annual increment and bonuses become very important. When being elected is no longer a guarantee, all these factors may become superfluous and may not even be discussed, and they will turn to a different compensation package that is more relevant towards the uncertainties of political office.
The great sacrifice of monetary loss is only meaningful maybe to a handful of professionals. Maybe 80-90% of the politicians will not see any sacrifice at all. Many could be laughing all the way to the bank with their new political appointments with income they cannot even dream off in their whole life. So far there is no serious attempt to provide the statistics to show how many really took a pay cut and how many were quietly congratulating themselves with the windfall from entering politics.
And the subsidy or getting a discount from their peers in the private sector is another bull or myth that has been perpetuated for too long and will continue to be if no one stands up to challenge this myth. Where on earth can anyone earn $5m or $10m to shake hands with strangers, posed for photographs and looking good and wearing a perpetual smile? The latter is probably the most stressful of all the job requirements. Where on earth would one be paid a million bucks just to be a time keeper in Parliament which probably sits for less than 30 days in a year? There are many very well endowed positions that are paid handsomely that would not be tolerated in the private sector without the shareholders screaming foul.
Unless these assumptions are challenged, they will be taken for granted as truth and real, and will form the basis for the recommendation on how much the politicians shall be paid. And when that happens, the final results will be just as misleading and hazy as before.
While the agenda has been set to discuss about the future package, would the inconvenient truth of what and how much the political appointees really were paid under the existing package see the light?
The agenda has been set. They will be discussing about the recommendations for future salary for primarily political appointment holders. The salary for MPs is more or less accepted as reasonable and may at most received a cursory mention.
How meaningful and relevant will the discussion be will be affected by the presumptions that the MPs have in their mindset. Many are still clinging to the notion that political office is an employment and must come along with the whole gist of annual increments, bonuses, performance evaluation, etc as normal. There is also the assumption that political appointment is a great sacrifice, tangible and intangible, with monetary loss as the main factor. And the compensation package is always a discount from what the politicians are getting if they were to remain in the private sector.
The dichotomy between a political appointment and employment need no further discussion. They are completely two different animals. Not many countries can politicians take for granted that they will be elected elections after elections and can see it as a job with a big amount of certainty. Thus career development, and annual increment and bonuses become very important. When being elected is no longer a guarantee, all these factors may become superfluous and may not even be discussed, and they will turn to a different compensation package that is more relevant towards the uncertainties of political office.
The great sacrifice of monetary loss is only meaningful maybe to a handful of professionals. Maybe 80-90% of the politicians will not see any sacrifice at all. Many could be laughing all the way to the bank with their new political appointments with income they cannot even dream off in their whole life. So far there is no serious attempt to provide the statistics to show how many really took a pay cut and how many were quietly congratulating themselves with the windfall from entering politics.
And the subsidy or getting a discount from their peers in the private sector is another bull or myth that has been perpetuated for too long and will continue to be if no one stands up to challenge this myth. Where on earth can anyone earn $5m or $10m to shake hands with strangers, posed for photographs and looking good and wearing a perpetual smile? The latter is probably the most stressful of all the job requirements. Where on earth would one be paid a million bucks just to be a time keeper in Parliament which probably sits for less than 30 days in a year? There are many very well endowed positions that are paid handsomely that would not be tolerated in the private sector without the shareholders screaming foul.
Unless these assumptions are challenged, they will be taken for granted as truth and real, and will form the basis for the recommendation on how much the politicians shall be paid. And when that happens, the final results will be just as misleading and hazy as before.
While the agenda has been set to discuss about the future package, would the inconvenient truth of what and how much the political appointees really were paid under the existing package see the light?
3 aircraft carriers in the Gulf of Hormuz
This is really unprecedented and the US is denying that it has anything to do with bullying or intimidating Iran. USS John Stennis, USS Carl Vinson and USS Abraham Lincoln will be waltzing in the area very soon. This amassing of forces is more than the two carrier groups in the Western Pacific Ocean during the tense confrontation between China and Taiwan a few years back.
All the indications are that a blow up is going to happen. And why not when the Americans can hit Iran and the Iranians cannot hit back? Those who want to see justice may hope that the Iranians have been supplied with Chinese or Russian anti ship missiles that could sink one of the aircraft carriers before it be blasted to oblivion. The collateral damage this time is going to be hundreds of times more than in Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya combined. Millions of civilian lives in Iran will be at stake and at most an aircraft carrier with 4000 men and aircraft to go with.
No one thinks it is important to step in to moderate and allow the American some face saving excuse to quit the chicken game. No one is complaining that it is the aggressive evil Empire that is intimidating the Iranians and forcing them into a corner.
When the Americans say that Iran or any country is a threat to their security, it must be true. The Americans can go around the world pointing its finger at any country as a threat to their national security and no country would dare to dispute it. This is how obnoxious the Americans are today. And the indoctrination of its soldiers is so intense that they hated all their enemies to their bones. Silly unthinking American soldiers filled with hatred for the Talebans that they would even pee on their dead bodies. What Geneva Convention and treating the enemy soldiers decently? It is Third World behavior from a First World country.
I really hope the Iranians have it to sink one of the aircraft carriers to put the evil Empire in its right place that going around starting wars can have its consequences. The nuclear weapon threat is the biggest irony. It is exactly the lack of nuclear weapons that is putting Iran or any country at risk of being attack by the Americans. Once the weapon is at hand, the threat of being attack will be greatly reduced. An alternative to counter this unprovoked attack is for Iran to tell the Americans that when attacked, they will unleash chemical weapons inside the US, in the big cities. That should put some fears into the reckless Americans, and hopefully hold them back from their aggression. And it could be easier done than delivering a nuclear warhead to the US.
All the indications are that a blow up is going to happen. And why not when the Americans can hit Iran and the Iranians cannot hit back? Those who want to see justice may hope that the Iranians have been supplied with Chinese or Russian anti ship missiles that could sink one of the aircraft carriers before it be blasted to oblivion. The collateral damage this time is going to be hundreds of times more than in Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya combined. Millions of civilian lives in Iran will be at stake and at most an aircraft carrier with 4000 men and aircraft to go with.
No one thinks it is important to step in to moderate and allow the American some face saving excuse to quit the chicken game. No one is complaining that it is the aggressive evil Empire that is intimidating the Iranians and forcing them into a corner.
When the Americans say that Iran or any country is a threat to their security, it must be true. The Americans can go around the world pointing its finger at any country as a threat to their national security and no country would dare to dispute it. This is how obnoxious the Americans are today. And the indoctrination of its soldiers is so intense that they hated all their enemies to their bones. Silly unthinking American soldiers filled with hatred for the Talebans that they would even pee on their dead bodies. What Geneva Convention and treating the enemy soldiers decently? It is Third World behavior from a First World country.
I really hope the Iranians have it to sink one of the aircraft carriers to put the evil Empire in its right place that going around starting wars can have its consequences. The nuclear weapon threat is the biggest irony. It is exactly the lack of nuclear weapons that is putting Iran or any country at risk of being attack by the Americans. Once the weapon is at hand, the threat of being attack will be greatly reduced. An alternative to counter this unprovoked attack is for Iran to tell the Americans that when attacked, they will unleash chemical weapons inside the US, in the big cities. That should put some fears into the reckless Americans, and hopefully hold them back from their aggression. And it could be easier done than delivering a nuclear warhead to the US.
Tin Pei Ling
I have abstained all this while from making reference to her directly with due respect to all parents, husbands and brothers and sisters of every young person. She is after all someone’s daughter, somebody’s wife and sister. It is not very kind to be so harsh in our comments on her. Many do not know her and made remarks based on the few things or comments they heard or read about her in the media.
She is just like any other young person, chasing her dreams, wanting to serve in her best capacity in her chosen endeavour. She has accepted the challenge to go into politics. Whether that is a right or wrong decision, it varies with individuals. If there is anything wrong with that, it must be the people who selected her and put her in the deep end.
Is she good enough for the job? The problem of Tin Pei Ling at the moment is more of PR and the image that the public perceived her. She is young and looked young, and that became a disadvantage. In politics, it is better to look matronly, with more girth and more meaty to look more substantive yah? Can she carry the responsibilities as a MP, to take care of her constituents, to discuss national issues in Parliament? Only time will tell.
When the perception of her is so wrong from the start, everything negative comes together to make things even worst for her. People are not happy that she is getting the huge MP allowance that was designed for super talent which people think is very excessive for someone that they think is still too young for it.
It is no longer about logic, about abilities, but about emotions and personal biases. And this is making life very tough for Tin Pei Ling. Every little movement from her will come up for criticism. I think this is grossly overdone. The rice has been cooked. If the people are unhappy, go after the people who cooked the rice. It was never her fault. She saw an opportunity, she seized it and thought she can do it. No one can fault her for this. For putting her on the high pedestal as another super talent, for thinking that she is good enough and that the people would embrace her, now looks like a bad judgement call from the people who made the decision to field her.
Tin Pei Ling is paying a very heavy price for the mistakes of others. She may blossom later and prove others wrong. For the moment, the public perception is that she is just not ready for political leadership. And the constant attack on her is not graceful and very unkind. Let’s be more graceful and let her have some peace and get on with life.
I say again. It was not her fault. She is just like any other young person starting out to work, to take the challenge in life. Let’s not make her life miserable and to pay for other people’s mistake. After the day is over, it may not be a mistake after all. No one knows better. People should refrain from attacking her at every opportunity. She did not create GRCs to get into politics.
She is just like any other young person, chasing her dreams, wanting to serve in her best capacity in her chosen endeavour. She has accepted the challenge to go into politics. Whether that is a right or wrong decision, it varies with individuals. If there is anything wrong with that, it must be the people who selected her and put her in the deep end.
Is she good enough for the job? The problem of Tin Pei Ling at the moment is more of PR and the image that the public perceived her. She is young and looked young, and that became a disadvantage. In politics, it is better to look matronly, with more girth and more meaty to look more substantive yah? Can she carry the responsibilities as a MP, to take care of her constituents, to discuss national issues in Parliament? Only time will tell.
When the perception of her is so wrong from the start, everything negative comes together to make things even worst for her. People are not happy that she is getting the huge MP allowance that was designed for super talent which people think is very excessive for someone that they think is still too young for it.
It is no longer about logic, about abilities, but about emotions and personal biases. And this is making life very tough for Tin Pei Ling. Every little movement from her will come up for criticism. I think this is grossly overdone. The rice has been cooked. If the people are unhappy, go after the people who cooked the rice. It was never her fault. She saw an opportunity, she seized it and thought she can do it. No one can fault her for this. For putting her on the high pedestal as another super talent, for thinking that she is good enough and that the people would embrace her, now looks like a bad judgement call from the people who made the decision to field her.
Tin Pei Ling is paying a very heavy price for the mistakes of others. She may blossom later and prove others wrong. For the moment, the public perception is that she is just not ready for political leadership. And the constant attack on her is not graceful and very unkind. Let’s be more graceful and let her have some peace and get on with life.
I say again. It was not her fault. She is just like any other young person starting out to work, to take the challenge in life. Let’s not make her life miserable and to pay for other people’s mistake. After the day is over, it may not be a mistake after all. No one knows better. People should refrain from attacking her at every opportunity. She did not create GRCs to get into politics.
The Chip Bee Asian Asshole Incident
There is a big battle between Asian Assholes and East European Professor in Chip Bee Estate. The trouble started when the professor had parties one too often and making too much noise to irritate her Asian neighbour. So the latter reported to the police and even recorded their jokes and adulterated conversations with phrases like Asian Assholes.
The professor has now made an apology for the noise and disturbance. Not sure if she has apologized over the asshole remark. I think there is no need to over react. Asians have always been assholes to the Westerners and love every bit of it. They love all the names the Westerners have been calling them right in their faces or behind their back. So this apology, if there is, for calling Asian Assholes is unwarranted. It is a fact.
Just get together and have a few orgies and be friends. The Assholes just love to be screwed by Westerners. Come on Assholes, be gracious lah. This is not the first time or the last time Asians will be called Assholes or more fanciful and endearing terms.
The professor has now made an apology for the noise and disturbance. Not sure if she has apologized over the asshole remark. I think there is no need to over react. Asians have always been assholes to the Westerners and love every bit of it. They love all the names the Westerners have been calling them right in their faces or behind their back. So this apology, if there is, for calling Asian Assholes is unwarranted. It is a fact.
Just get together and have a few orgies and be friends. The Assholes just love to be screwed by Westerners. Come on Assholes, be gracious lah. This is not the first time or the last time Asians will be called Assholes or more fanciful and endearing terms.
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