Terrorists were foreign talents
The terrorists were foreign talents and it was reported that some were hiding in Taj Mahal Hotel as trainee chefs! Wonder how many of them were hiding in other establishments that were kind enough to offer them employments and suffered the deadly attacks. Anymore in hiding and waiting to hit the second wave or third wave?
They should have scrutinised their foreign talents more thoroughly. But on second thought, it is difficult for an open economy that welcomes foreign talents to do so. They could even forged their certificates and country of orgins.
Malaysia connection? Just a ruse.
Instant counter strike force
The speed in which the terrorists struck and the killings that followed demands the response of an instant strike force to be always ready to counter attack in 10 minutes or less. Once the terrorists are in and open fire, the only thing to do is to take them down as quickly as possible with a ready trained force. Any delay will only cause more lives and destruction.
The privilege of intelligence gathering and border checks, coast guards etc is only a first line of defence. Once broken, it is all decided on the ground, the battle field.
Do we have the capability of mounting special counter strike forces at the press of a button and be at the scene in less than 10 minutes?
Relentless attacks on Tan Kin Lian
There is increasing momemtum in cyberspace to run down Tan Kin Lian. The attacks and biased questioning of his intent and his integrity appear to be quite coordinated. It is relentless and will get wilder if no one is putting a stop to it.
I do not know Tan Kin Lian nor have met in socially. But from what I have seen and heard, he is no better and no worst than the best politician we have today. Just like in hollywood, Richard Gere, George Clooney, and who else, are the perfect screen idols that the media is churning out. Do you know the other side of the story? Everyone has many facets in their lives, the good and the not so good, and the warts.
Let the one who has not sinned be the first to cast the stone. Human beans shall not pretend to be as white as gods, no blemishes. And small people shall not be used to go around tarnishing other good men with small blemishes. Your gods may have warts the size of a mountain.
At this stage of our political development we need more able and good men to stand out to serve the people. The last thing we want to do is to run everyone down just because he is not one of us. A little graciousness is the order of the day. Those who are ungracious shall not talk about graciousness.
Let the thugs be thugs and good men be good men.
Greed and irresponsibility
'Too few bankers challenged the wisdom of lending poor people more money than they could afford to buy houses that were over-priced. As for those who did best out of capitalism, too often they flaunted extravagant lifestyles. No wonder the public has turned on them with a vengeance now that capitalism has gone off the rails.'
The above was quoted from The Telegraph and posted at TOC. It succintly tells the same story around the capitalist world of greed and profit at all cost, without morals and responsibility. Bankers just want to lend as much as they could for profit. Developers just build and build to sell at ever higher prices. And everyone singing, oh so clever. Profit is good. No one, including the bankers, bother to ask whether it is value for money. Sell the properties as high a price as one can get. To be able to get suckers to buy is a great talent. The suckers can die later, doesn't matter.
Abusing Hong Lim Park
Tan Kin Lian's gathering at Hong Lim was affected by an Indian Cultural Event staged at the same venue. And the attendance to Kin Lian's talk was dwindled to 200. Surprisingly many still chose to turn up despite a call to cancel the talk.
Why should a cultural events be staged at Hong Lim when approval for such events should come quite easily anywhere? Hong Lim as it is reputed for, is for the airing of social political issues that cannot be done anywhere else. Community and cultural activities organisers should bear this in mind and hold their events at other more appropriate venues.
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