
Streets of Shangri La - A pictorial essay


Streets of Shangri La, a little paradise in the remote region bordering the Southern Tibetan Plateau and Yunnan Province where the people live in peace in place forgotten by the world. Click to enlarge pics.
The drizzle did not dampen our spirit while we roamed the old town of low two storey wooden and concrete houses.
Lights and colours everywhere with a mood of festivities, far away from the maddening crowd. There was a sense of security and peace from the trouble world of violence and instability.
No skyscrapers here. The only sky scrapers are the natural snow capped mountains.

The street in this old town in Shangri La was fully decorated and lighted up. Unfortunately it was raining, but not heavy enough and the tour went on.
There were many little alleys of shops and foodstalls to explore and experience.
These two must be tourists dressed up in hired native dresses and having their photo shoot on the streets.
Tourists on the Jade Dragon Bridge before dark.
A wider view of the area. Both sides of the river were flowing with people, and plenty of shops.


Virgo49 said...

Wow Mr RB.

Your one week holidays can go to so many places?


Must try one of those customised one that arranged with the special villages Chiefs of some real remote beautiful scenery home stays that actually they have for limited numbers of persons that are NOT on the travel agencies itineraries.

Their huts or dwellings are for the Tourists.

Then their special Tribes Cultural shows.

Unseen special scenery of waterfalls and mist and rivers around their village

Once in a lifetime experience

Usually arranged by some private operator who knew CHINA contacts.


Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

This trip left it to the Tour Agency to do everything. So just kept moving, one day a few places.
Special tours have different itinerary and experiences.
Next trip would just be free and easy on our own time.