
Syria - Terrorists supported by Satan attacked Aleppo and Idlib

 The flare up in fighting in Syria is another sign of how the Arabs are being made to fight each other, to destroy their countries and people. It is so sad that after centuries of being manipulated and incited by foreigners to fight and fight among themselves, the Arabs are still as dumb and daft as before, still fighting and killing each other without knowing why except for the egos of a few ambitious leaders and personal interests.

The big rapprochement between Saudi Arabia and Iran was a good sign and model for the rest of the Arabs to wake up and make peace with each other and save their countries and people. Unfortunately, some are still being used by foreigners, armed and funded by foreigners, to fight and kill each other for the foreigners to divide and rule them and to keep the Middle East to be in an endless state of war.

Syria is now the new war zone in the Middle East. Count the number of foreign soldiers and mercenaries behind this flare up. Ask who would benefit from more wars in Syria. Perhaps it is a diversion tactic to shift the attention from the Genocide in Gaza. 

Until the Arabs wake up and make peace with each other, their fate would be endless wars among themselves, their people killed and countries destroyed and forever under the control and rule by the Americans and the West. And if they are not careful, they will all be swallowed up by the Israelis and become part of Greater Israel.

PS. US and Israel ‘coordinating’ jihadist offensive in Syria – Iran

The terrorists’ foreign backers aim to weaken the country and sow sedition across the region, Tehran claims

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