
The days of the Anglo-Saxon White supremacy and superiority is finished

 The days of the Anglo-Saxon White supremacy and superiority dictating to non-Whites are over. That era is gone, finished. This is no mean propaganda. It is something we are seeing with our own eyes.

The Whites can keep on denying the obvious and try to prevent it happening but look at the Africans giving the Whites their middle finger and chasing them out of Africa today. They are taking a leaf from the Chinese, throwing the Anglo-Saxon Whites out of China in order to maintain peace and progress, despite all the attempts to sabotage the reality.

The Whites do not lead in every sector today that they monopolized in the past. Their century is over, and this is the Asian century, with China spearheading the innovations that are giving the West a run for their money. The Whites are not happy that they are losing the competition and are using all the underhand tactics to hold on to their fading supremacy and edge.

After the Asian century of domination reaches its peak and plateaued as all dominating forces have to go through, it will be Africa's turn to rule the roost. Never try to look down on Africans just like the Whites looking down on the Chinese, proclaiming they are only fit to be chefs and laundrymen. The Chinese now made them eat their own words.



Anonymous said...

Another Boeing airplane just crashed at an airport in South Korea's Muan County upon landing, after its landing gear malfunctioned. Boeing plane's landing gears have been facing problems after they were allowed to fly with the ending of COVID restrictions. The plane was reported to be a Boeing 737-800. The plane carried 175 passengers and 6 crew members, that took off from Thailand. Latest report puts the death toll at 67, with casualties rising.

That was not the only bad news for Boeing ending a disastrous 2024. Another plane, also a Boeing 737-800, crashed landed at Torp Airport in Norway, with no casualties reported. It skidded on its belly, the cause of which was not disclosed.

The destruction of Boeing is happening right before our eyes. Airlines are unhappy with Boeing's inability to deliver planes that are desperately needed to cater to travel demands. On the other hand, Boeing is trying desperately to solve inherent problems with its quality control now under scrutiny by the FAA. Airbus is undoubtedly benefitting from Boeing's trouble, and these two crashes adds another layer of doubt in the minds of passengers and airlines distrust of Boeing. But getting rid of inherent prejudice is difficult for some after decades of brainwashing, just like the mindset of those who did not visit China and basing their judgements on what is reported on MSM without having been there or trying it out.

Meanwhile, China's Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China Ltd, (small they call it) is doing well supplying planes for its domestic carriers. Some airlines, frustrated with all the delays in taking delivery of planes from Boeing, are said to be moving to secure planes from China's COMAC, which is a small step and a big leap for aviation. The USA and the West will try to put hurdles behind the certification of China's COMAC planes for the international market. Let them continue to do so, by neglecting its own plane maker slowly going down the gutter.

Virgo49 said...

Understood in one video report that the Boeing so called engineers are from India.

No wonder ah!

They are only good for chattkitty chitty yak yak and also in Air cond jobs that they ursuped from the Dafts.

Today in the UAss That Mask oops Musk defended that they must have the Indian Talents and one Top post given to an Indian.

One CON-gress woman exclaimed that she fears this person shall have their whole village down.

That daft Musk bottom line capitalist like Sinkies Papies and Employers poohed poohed her as Nonsense.

Not to worry, expect more Boh Eng planes crashes and Rockets to the Sun in firesworks Glories.

Virgo49 said...


Wow a dozen of Boeing Whistleblowers DEAD.

UAssA Land of the Free and Human Rights ah?


Anonymous said...

Latest update cited only two survivors.

Anonymous said...

Cannot say like that. Do not criticize India, which is a superpower now. Palki Sharma will be very angry. The Indians will run amok in Little India.

Anonymous said...

In the West, whistleblowers have short lives. People already knew that during the Clinton era where people just vanished into thin air. Those skeletons found in barrels of cement in those lakes after the water receded were probably the remains of those victims.

Now, it seems whistleblowers and persons of interest either disappear or often met with mysterious accidents. Even inside prison cells under close monitoring.

Anonymous said...

The Malay saying - Mati tidak apa, style mahu. Die die must fly Boeing, the best plane in the world.

Virgo49 said...


The folly of the Americunts going to be the vassals of.the Indians.

Likewise Sinking Land.

Virgo49 said...

From the video seen that plane landing at such fast speed.

Usually when touch down the plane with their supposed flapping brake wings landing gears used to slow their speed to a halt

Think that the pilot also handgunned one!

Also what's nonsense birds flight disruptions?

Airport authorities should have known these pests and taken action to disperse them.

Also have the pilot NOT to land in these circumstances.

Aiya South Koreans with their useless and daft Americunts Pie President Incompetent lah!

Somemore with Boh Eng cable lugs attachments save costs planes.

Sure Castastrophe!

Virgo49 said...


Landing gears NOT attempted

Pilot handgunned?

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Think the hydraulic system failed. Landing gear, flaps, air brakes etc all not activated. Pilot did a perfect landing in those circumstances, touched down quite early in the centre of the runway, landing safely without slamming the aircraft on the runway, but could not do much else, could not even raise the nose of the aircraft to slow it down.

Anonymous said...

They are blaming the birds. The birds may have affected the engine, but what do the birds have to do with the landing gears I wonder. Planes losing one engine have been able to land safely before. Boeing is trying to pull a fast one.

The touchdown looks normal, but the plane's landing gear did not appear to have been operational to provide hold for the plane sliding on its belly on the runway. And then there is the mystery of the wall at the end of the runway, which many are asking.

Anonymous said...

There was in fact another Boeing plane that landed on its belly due to landing gear problems at Sandefjord Airport, and fortunately no lives were lost.

Another Boeing plane caught fire at Halifax Airport while landing Airport, Nova Scotia, Canada, also due to landing gear problems.

Three in a row is frightening. People may be asking who is next.

It looks like Boeing is building planes with toufu landing gears, which some social media morons are gloating about China's bridges being built of toufu as well and collapsing. Well, who is having the last laugh?

Anonymous said...

Boeing is truly ending 2024 with a bang!

Anonymous said...

The pilot did a perfect landing and many lives could have been saved if not for the solid wall in its path, and the absence of an arrester net at the end of the runway that could cushion the impact.

Anonymous said...

Whatever, the real cause is the landing gear failure. In other words, Boeing must take the blame. Not the birds, which some analysts are not convinced that really caused the belly-landing crash.

Anonymous said...

How to account for the other two mishaps - one also a belly-landing and the other catching fire, all days apart.

Anonymous said...

First, they blamed the birds. Now talking about issues with the airport. No one seems to talk about the landing gear. Of course that will be blamed on Boeing. No?

Anonymous said...

Biden is giving all the help to South Korea. But first, don't blame Boeing.

Anonymous said...

The Wall had been there for ages. If the landing gears were working, the plane should not have slammed into the wall. They are bringing in experts to sell the narrative that the wall was responsible for the death of the 179 people, not the landing gear malfunctioning.

Anonymous said...

No landing gear means no brakes. No brakes mean cannot stop. Don't blame the wall.

Anonymous said...

To quote Bruce Lee - Boards do not strike back. I do.

Therefore, safe to say that walls cannot fight back. Boeing will.

Why wasn't the question of the danger of the wall being there brought up by pilots of planes until this crash?