
J-20 - 5th generation stealth combat aircraft from China


Some photos of China's main air superiority stealth combat aircraft, the 5th gen J-20s. Aren't they impressive! The J-20s will give the F-22s a run for the money. F-35s are no match to the sophistsicated J-20s with the latest more powerful engines developed by China. F-15s, F-16s are obsolete.

This kind of aircraft design has not been seen before, and the Americans must be wondering how the Chinese could come up with such an advanced aircraft. 20 years ago China was still relying on Russian made aircraft. The American liars are going to claim that China stole the design from them even when they have nothing coming near to it. China is mass producing the J-20s as their main combat aircraft. Soon it would also be available for sale to friendly countries. Can you imagine the Saudis and Iranians flying these aircraft against the Americans!

At the moment China is only selling the 4th generation J-10Cs on top of the joint production fighter jet with Pakistan, the JF-17s. China is planning to offer the J-10Cs to the North Koreans to thwart the daily provocations by the South and the Americans. The South Koreans would be shitting in their pants with only 3rd generation aircraft from the Americans.


Virgo49 said...

Good morning All

The UK aka United Karang Guni tried to launch their what's satellite but failed miserably.

Now the West all hand guns can only do them in the toilets.

Cannot beat the Chinese brains except the Overseas Bananas Chinkess who still pretended to be smarter than the PRCs.

Our OCBC aka Orang China Bukan China behaved as though he is the Sextary Mongrel of ASEAN and spokesman that can talked unashamedly that ASEAN would not trade with just One Superpower meaning CHINA?

Two Superpowers? Through UAssA Is now the Sick Man of the World!

Anonymous said...

Soon the J-20 will be tested in a real war:

'The top Marine Corps General for Japan this week issued some very revealing statements in an interview focused on countering China in the Financial Times.

The US and Japanese armed forces are rapidly integrating their command structure and scaling up combined operations as Washington and its Asian allies prepare for a possible conflict with China such as a war over Taiwan, according to the top Marine Corps general in Japan.

It's no secret that Tokyo has been more and more openly siding with the US stance on arming Taiwan over the past year, also abandoning its historic post-WWII neutrality by drastically ramping up defense spending.

Of course, as applied to Ukraine itself the comments are highly revealing, given the casual admission that US defense planners were busy inside Ukraine years ago "earnestly preparing" for war with Russian, even down to the "pre-positioning of supplies" and readying the battle space.

Link to article:

Anonymous said...

Looks like Robert Kuok did not do a good job in educating this baba about the evil West invaded and destroyed China and forced the forefathers of the babas to flee to SE Asia to eke out a living.

Anonymous said...

End of Unipolar World:

'2022 ended an era: the final breaking point of the “rules-based international order” established after the fall of the USSR.

The Empire entered Desperation Row, throwing everything and the kitchen sink – proxy war on Ukraine, AUKUS, Taiwan hysteria – to dismantle the set-up they created way back in 1991.

Globalization’s rollback is being implemented by the Empire itself. That ranges from stealing the EU energy market from Russia so the hapless vassals buy ultra-expensive US energy to smashing the entire semiconductor supply chain, forcibly rebuilding it around itself to “isolate” China.

The NATO vs. Russia war in Ukraine is just a cog in the wheel of the New Great Game. For the Global South, what really matters is how Eurasia – and beyond – are coordinating their integration process, from BRI to the BRICS+ expansion, from the SCO to the INSTC, from Opec+ to the Greater Eurasia Partnership.

We’re back to what the world looked like in 1914, or before 1939, only in a limited sense.'

Link to article:

Anonymous said...

Warfare today is a totally different ball game. In the first phase of an open war, it would all be missiles lobbing. Japan being a strip of islands, only 10 nuclear bombs would wipe out the whole population of Japan. I am sure the Japanese also realise this eventuality.

The Americans can plan and talk anything they like with Japan as the front line of a war with China or Russia/Korea. Japan would be finished off in a matter of hours while the Americans in far away USA would still be safe and sound.

The red lines in a modern war, Japan nor the Americans would dare to attack the Chinese mainland as that would invite an attack on Japan and American mainland. China can attack both countries without the need for a single soldier to set foot on Japan or American soil. The Japanese have only the Pacific Ocean to run to. Can they afford to fight a war with China today? Don't forget Russia and North Korea would also join in. Maybe South Koreans also would be on the side of China to attack Japan. You just won't know.

The only dangerous game the Japanese and Americans can dream of is a limited war in the sea. In this area, China has full control of all the seas east of China up to Guam. Chinese missiles from land, air and sea and under the sea would sink every single ship of the Americans and Japanese when war starts.

China mainland is out of touch, don't ever consider bombing Chinese mainland and cities. China's retaliation would sink Japan and Guam for a start.

American generals planning to sacrifice Japan? Sure they will. Japan and Japanese would be the gun fodder, the sacrificial lamb of the Americans.

Anonymous said...

The USA cannot claim China stole their fighter jet expertise from them, as they had already banned China for decades, from even getting close to smell or even being able to participate in the development of the fighter jets from the USA. This is the same modus operandi they used to push China down from ever being able to undertake, like the International Space Station and other technologies they banned China from even getting close.

If China had been participating with other countries in jet design and development in the USA or the West, they would long ago capitalised on this, and be making claims that China stole their fighter jet technology. Trump even claimed that China stole their jobs, but they now realised that it is the robots that really stole their jobs. Thank God, the USA and the West have nothing of credit to claim regarding China's military development. Now the USA and the West have no clue of how advanced those fighter jets are, and what they are capable of doing. It is a blessing in disguise for China and have the USA to thank for.

On another topic, the USA and the West are now busily resurrecting and rearming the neo-Nazis in Europe, while coaxing the militarisation of Japan, using Taiwan as an excuse. The Japs are struck in more than two decades of rut, and getting worse with no way out, Abenomics or Kishidomics notwithstanding, and aiming to start a war to rebuild their tattered economy now in deep freeze. Japan must realise this is not Russia or China in the past, where they can just run over them at will, knowing China and Russia were weak and with China facing civil instability.

Japan faced the same predicament during the previous two World Wars, after facing santions by the West and with survival at stake, sided with Nazi Germany and Italy against all others, aiming to control the world, with Germany and Italy in Europe and Japan in Asia. History is repeating itself, with the rise of the neo-Nazis in Europe and Japan's military ambition. Will they again come together for another big resurrection? It that the reality? Think about it!

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Talking about Japan, Japan was the best in:

Consumer electronics, tape recorders, video recorders, walkman...
Refrigerators, aircons, washing machine, microwave ovens, electric kettles...
Mobile phones, TV sets, computer games...
Automobiles, motorbikes...

Now all these are history. What is left of Japan? Japanese motorcars, ICE, would be history soon. All future cars would be EVs. ICE cars would only be collectors' item, to be kept in the garage or occasionally taken out to sun.

What is left of Japan when the automobile indusry is also gone?

Anonymous said...

While China's consumer electronics have not made game changing news on the world market, just remember that their dependence on China's domestic market is quite enough to sustain their survival.

Even today, the West is already planting gloom and doom about China's commerical plane, the C919, and downplaying its sales on the global market, saying demand will be nought. The point is that there already exists a huge domestic market for this plane in China alone, and this means Boeing and Airbus will lose a substantial market in China going forward, with each having more than 45% share each of the Chinese Market. What does all this mean for Boeing and Airbus? Think about it!

Remember the C919 this is only the first commerical jet developed by China, and we can expect more in future, with better safety features and definitely cheaper in competing with Boeing and Airbus. Friendly countries will buy them.

As in other Chinese made products, like Mobile Phones and Electric Vehicles, the Chinese were able to upend the market by producing quality stuff at cheaper prices eventually for the global market and also dominate. So successful were the Chinese in those areas that the USA and the West need to suffocate them with atrocious claims about security issues that existed only in their warp minds.

So, dare to bet that China made aircrafts cannot follow the same trend. Don't bet against it. The day will come and I would expect they would come up with the same fallacious and ridiculous claims about security issues regarding Chinese planes in order to keep Boeing profitable.

Anonymous said...

Japan now only has motor vehicles production to speak of. They lost the consumer electronics market share to South Korea, and even Vietnam is rising fast in that area. And I believe they were caught standing in the Electric Vehicle revolution and failed to dominate like the contemporary fossil fuel version.

How is Japan going to move forward if they lose the motor vehicles stranglehold? I believe they want to follow the USA and create sole dependence on a 'war economy'. But that is if they can survive the coming war.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Chinese consumer electric and electronic goods are replacing the Japanese products in the US, especially wallmart.

As for the planes, they used to have monopoly of certification. Indonesia former president Habibie once produced a small transport aircraft but was killed by the Americans because of certification to fly. The Americans tried to do that on the C919, but China could ban Boeing from flying into Chinese market if they did that. The Americans always played dirty when they can't win.

Huawei is a good point. And so are the chip industry. Unfortunately they underestimated the ability of the Chinese to go it on their own to come up with better and cheaper products. Huawei is going from strength to strength, not just in mobile phones. AI, EVs, 6G are conquering the world as number one. Mercedes, BMW and Audi are using Huawei AI in their EVs.

The Americans and the West are lagging behind and unable to compete with Huawei in these respective areas. China's EVs are flooding the world market in private cars, commercial vehicles, trucks, buses and SUVs. And China is number one in electric car batteries able to travel more than 1,000 km per charge, better than ICE cars. Tesla, the only competitor would soon be like Nokia and Ericsson in mobile phones.

Virgo49 said...


Singapore had Ericsson as the 5G Operator going back to 3G and 2G?

Anonymous said...

The USA Government is going after Elon Musk after the twitter fiasco and his revelations. The stand made by Musk in readmitting Trump is not going down well with the Democrats in Washington and they want to make life difficult for him. His downfall will be followed by Tesla ending in oblivion.

Would he follow in the footsteps of Julian Assange for revealing the dirt and be imprisoned or gets suicided in prison like Jeffrey Epstein? Musk himself already had this prediction and tells everyone that he is not suicidal, so do not believe when his suicide happens in a cell.

Anonymous said...

South Korea's anti-epidemic measures against Chinese travelers are "insulting" and that "checks are only targeting Chinese people." In addition to the fact that Chinese passengers who were refused entry were taken to "a small dark room" for detention, the conditions of the self-paid quarantine sites were very poor, even without beds and hot water. The most striking matter was the "yellow card" issue. Many Chinese passengers said that when they got off the plane, they were issued a yellow card and had to hang it around their necks, and were taken to designated areas "like criminals."

Anonymous said...

Virgo, not so bad lah. Ericsson not 2G or 3G. Now they are slightly better, 4 and a half G packaged as 5G. My home 5G always got weak signal, no better than 4G.

The South Koreans under the new President is behaving like an American colony, letting the Americans telling them what to do.

China should use this bad behaviour and close down some Samsung factories and see how they feel. Now siding with their former barbaric colonial master, Japan, to want to kill their North Korean brothers and sisters.


Virgo49 said...

Hi Anon 12.43

Wonder if I use my Maxis Hotlink Sim Card from Matland and pay RM3.00 for roaming a day whether I can get their 5G Speed of Huawei?

HP shown Sing &Tel/Maxis at 5G. Now blue changed from Green as Green is Star & Hub colour.

Don't mind paying so if have faster speed.

But Sing&Tel their counterpart here using Ericsson so don't think can have 5G facility.

Last time tried to propgrate eco system with Green Logo and kena took down to blue now.

Maybe Star&Hub protested.

Who the Minister of Communications who vouched for Ericsson?

Oh that One ah?

Ya know but forget his name.

Virgo49 said...

Hi Anon 11.18

Why PRCs wanted to go to all these humbug countries when they can see all and better sceneries in their own country?

Virgo49 said...


Anonymous said...

Why pay for 5G and get 4 1/2G?

Anonymous said...

When is China going to close its market to South Korea?

Virgo49 said...


Another failed project.

Support lah support lah your crony Aussies and Whites and West.

Mostly half bucket shits.

CHINA don't want!


Anonymous said...

Just cannot understand why mainland Chinese wants to go to South Korea, when China vast country has so many places that are promoted by Westerners living there. I still remember Wally Buffet, if you remember him, talking about Lijiang and its attractions. Lucky guy!

China is so big and travelling around China is so convenient with all the high speed trains. Why go to South Korea or other unfriendly countries to support their hotels, tourist attractions, shops and restaurants and get unfriendly treatment, albeit like criminals. Silly is the word.

Anonymous said...

BYD is the world's top selling EV, beating Tesla to second place.

Plug-in car registrations in Q1-Q3 2022 (vs previous year):

BYD: 1,175,668 and 17.3% share (vs 7.7%)
Tesla: 909,042 and 13.3% share (vs 14.7%)
Volkswagen Group: 545,542 and 8.0% share (vs 12.3%)
SAIC (incl. SAIC-GM-Wuling): 520,887 and 7.6% share (vs 10.9%)
Geely-Volvo: 389,996 and 5.7% share
Top 5 total: 3,541,135 (50.0% share)
others: 3,274,147 (48.0% share)
Total: 6,815,282

Virgo49 said...

Hi Anon 3.11

Lijiang- wow Quelin one of the most beautiful place of Mountains and Lakes and Rivers and the old Town of Equiste Old Arthrcultutal Houses that clinged onto the Hills and Mountains

Said to be one of the Seven or Eight Wonders of China or the World.

Yang Yi Mao's Cultural Lijiang Show incorporated into their Lake and Mountains Natural Scenery.

A Mountain Village Stay with Bamboo Huts on stilts near the WaterFall Mouhtains with morning mists all around and see the water flowed down onto the Valley below.

Their Tribe Village Cultural Show for a night as performed by their Tribe.

Also a short only Flight with no jet lag as just next or across the Vietnamese HaiLong Bay.

So many Picturesue sights to see why go Japan and Korea?

Theirs more beautiful.


Anonymous said...

So many Picturesue sights to see why go Japan and Korea?

Nicer people!

Virgo49 said...

Don't be naive!

Japs courtesy and politeness are mostly hypocritical and charades.

Once in their Airport, a young Red Army Upstart Immigration
Dud stared hard at me and my Supposed to be World's Number Two so called Internationally Welcome and Recognized Passport and thought that I am from China.

With a scorn and a stamp he threw the passport back to me rudely.

So much for their nicer people.
When they are in a group also like chripping birds all talking at same time very noisy.

They had a scorn for Chinese if you are not daft to notice it.

Also so Proud of NOT be local guides to serve the Daft Tourists as they thought that these are Servile Jobs. Not for them and they needed the Tourists Dollars so desperately as their economy is tanked for decades.

So our Tour Agencies have to make do with our own that most just gasak buta in their yak yak of their description of the tour. Just parrots rote talking.

Also in South Korea one early morning our group of Sinkies enterning a mall were shouted by a Screwety Guard for no know what's sort of damn reason that he is not happy with.
Our guide was a Natuarised Korean cun Chinese and maybe he thought that we are from China which he hated the PRCs in helping the North Koreans in fighting against them.

Aiya, they are a wild and rough people who raised their voices in talking to you as these are in their usual mannerisms.

So much for their nicer people!

You must be very prejuiced against the PRCs and must have never ever meet any of.them been nicer and wonderful people before.
Doubt you ever step a foot into China as you must be a banana.

Little sparrow still living in your coocons as daft and small minded Sinkies, pampered and spoilt as useless beans.

Virgo49 said...


WHO specially picked China to be another so called deadly infected source of infections whereas their own the Whites with millions of Deaths and infections no whimper about them been also a Red Flag dangerous area?

Poor China and the PRCs always must be scapegoats for the World's woes and misfortunes.

Maybe many or their surnames are "Lai" that is "Blame" in Cantonese!

Virgo49 said...


Just listened and see this George Galloway's MOAT show of how the West and the UAssA demonised China.

Anonymous said...

Why WHO not working with the Americans with 100m infected, 1m dead? Why not working with the Japanese, South Koreans or Australians when the virus is spreading like wild fire?

China should tell WHO to FO.

Anonymous said...

Japanese are basically hypocrites. I know, because I had the opportunity to work in a Japanese enterprise many years ago. I doubt that they have changed today. They can be obnoxious in behavior, although appearing very gentle on the surface and bowing all the time, and even the Manager and President calling lower staff by surname, with the suffix 'San'. Not nice people to deal with actually.

Going back to WW2, while their ambassadors were in Washington negotiating with the USA, they carried a pre-emptive attack on Pearl Harbour, even when negotiations were still going on. That is how sneaky the Japanese are.

Therefore, with Japan's push towards militarisation, with the obvious blessing of the USA, China must be very careful and watchful of the Japanese. Japan is the most dangerous enemy of China that most people are saying, and I do not think they are wrong. A leopard can never change its spots.

Anonymous said...

World bodies like the UN, WHO, ICC, IMF, World Bank are all stooges of the USA and the West.

There is really nothing good or even close to that to be said about them - nothing credible, nothing positive, totally bias and all purely hypocritical organisations.

When a new multipolar world emerges, with new global reserve currency and settlement system, it will be time to get rid of all these pest and evil doers of the USA and the West.

Virgo49 said...

Now that Little Brit Indian PeeAyam and that Jap PeeAyam joined hands in Miltary Pact to contain Great China allowing both Forces to each other territory

Looking for their graves.

Ate too full don't know how to wipe their backsides with shits down their arses and wanted to fight China.

Cantonese saying "May Sek Kor" aka have not seen Deaths yet.

Anonymous said...

These advanced fighter aircraft are built by people condemned by the white men as no talents, good only to be cooks and laundry men. Now the 'cooks and laundry men' are going to kick the asses of the white men with these machine.

And as usual, the white men would accuse the Chinese of stealing their technology when they could not build such planes, did not have such aircraft, like did not have 5G and 6G.