
American rules based order overrides German rules based order

Addressing the chancellor in the German parliament on Wednesday, Bystron argued that Scholz would “go down in history” as a leader who had negated the “never again” tenet long espoused by Berlin. According to the AfD lawmaker, this principle was taken to mean, among other things, abstention from weapons exports to conflict zones.

He went on to remind fellow MPs and the chancellor that Germany bears special responsibility for the victims of World War II, including those in the Soviet Union.  RT

In the interest of the Americans, rules based order can be applied selectively. The mischievous Americans would based on their own rules to dictate to other countries what the Americans can do under their questionable rules based order. They simply passed a law, like the Taiwan Relations Act, without the need to consult or the consent of Taiwan, to interfere into Taiwan's domestic affairs, claiming this law authorises them to defend Taiwan.

In the above example, the Germans have a law that forbids them from exporting weapons to conflict zones. Why didn't the Germans used this law to say they have to abide by their own laws? Or why didn't the Americans respect this German law? The Germans must have told the Americans about it. Actually the Americans could have a part in drafting this law after defeating Germany and turning it into a semi colony of the American Empire, just like Japan's Pacifist Constitution. Anyway, the Germans are sending their Leopard tanks into Ukraine against their own laws, to follow American rules based order.

In Japan's case, the Americans happily support the remilitarisation of Japan and the violation of Japan's Pacifist Constitution. This is American's rules based order, as long as it suits the American interest, the rules can be applied or ignored. Together with the Americans, Japan has been beating the war drum about coming to the aid of Taiwan. Both the Americans and the Japanese have been ratcheting for war using Taiwan as a scapegoat. And after raising tension in the region, the warmongering Japanese is using this tension, caused by them, to remilitarise, to return to the WW2 days as a military power. The latest, the peace loving Americans, never invade countries, never bomb any allies, are going to start a war with China in 2025. Not to worry, China would be waiting for the Americans. Just don't make the Chinese wait too long.

Japan can initiate and use this excuse to remilitarise. China, Russia and the Koreas are waiting for this excuse to terminate Japan to dust, forever. And this is all China, Russia and the Koreas need. Period.

The Americans are escalating the war in Ukraine to a point of no return. WW3 is as good as has started. A war over Taiwan would be next. And if the Taiwanesse are stupid enough to go along, they would be quashed like Ukraine. The Americans and Japanese would be no match to the combined force of China, Russia and the two Koreas. All the centuries of colonial debt and war crimes committed by Japan would be settled once for all. The three countries having suffered under Imperialist Japan would not hold anything back should war breaks out. There will be no mercy against the cruel and barbaric Japanese.

The Americans are dragging the two WW2 monsters, Germany and Japan, into WW3. And both are willing partners. The German Nazis can reconnect with the Ukrainian Nazis in the Azov Battalion and turn it into a Nazi division to start another holocaust. The Japanese have forgotten about the blood debt of Hiroshima and Nagasaki and can combined with the Americans to attack China, Russia and the Koreas, to recolonise the Koreas. The wish of Japan would be granted by China, Russia and the Koreas.

Below are comments from RT

Declarations not to re-arm have been ignored by Germany before, likewise Japan. No repercussions because the USA/UK want to use them against the rising opposition to the Zionist bloc.

Chad Loeven
Abbie Hoffman, Oh Abbie. You are so close. You've almost got it. Yes an autocracy attacking a democracy is an attack on all democracies. And we all unite to defend against terror and unprovoked war. Hey Iran's not a democracy in case you were wondering.

'' This, however, was solely the result of “Russia attacking Ukraine,” according to the chancellor. He accused Moscow of waging an “imperialist war.” He must not know that Merkel spilled the beans on the filthy deceit of the sham Minsk treaty, and the 8 years of slaughter of 14,000 ethnic Russian's, the West wrote book on Imperialism, history is nothing but Imperialist propaganda.

The majority of people dont want this part in the conflict. The majority wants PEACE talks, but many politicians are completely blood thirsty to escalate the conflict further and further. They think they look "tough" , but all the women are pathetic and incapable to be anywhere near a battlefield, these politicians sell out the country and run it into the ground. Real German people dont want war with Russia, especially in eastern Germany, Russian are our brothers and friends, people learned Russian in the school and they have only good relationships with Russians .. its the disgusting political elite from the west (and western Germany) that somehow believes Russia is the devil incarnate and they will sacrifice their people (not themselves) to push the conflict till it hurts them specifically.


Anonymous said...

The coming US vs China war:

'RAND coming out and saying that the US has already lost the war in the Ukraine and should just surrender is basically the biggest thing that has happened since the invasion.

Since US/NATO said flatly that there would never be any negotiations in March of 2022, we’ve kinda just been watching a machine process, where no one is really making any decisions. It was all just cruise control. The top war think-tank saying “okay let’s wrap this up and move on” creates a situation where something really could finally happen.

The fact is, “we need these resources for a war with the Chinese” is an argument that is actually going to resonate with a lot of people in Washington.'

'Of course, it’s important to understand the context: these people are much more concerned about China than they are about Russia, because China is the real superpower threatening Western/Jewish dominance.'

Link to article:

Anonymous said...

To the savages, it is one war after another. Now war with Russia, next with China. Then there are Iran, North Korea, Venezuela. War with Syria is still on going.

Would Saudi Arabia be next?

Anonymous said...

The question now is whether the USA and Nato are going to wind down the Ukraine War and pivot their attention to confronting China.

It looks very likely, with Japan showing its militant desire to once again trying to rise from the ashes. I say ashes, because Japan today is already sunk if it goes on like it is today. With a falling population, debts that goes well beyond its GDP, losing the economic competition to South Korea and China, unable to pull itself out of the rut of more than two decades despite all the stimulation, Japan is trying to reinvent itself as they did after WW2. The reality is it would not be that easy with a strong China and with Russia looming in the background and North Korea looming large. All are enemies of concern for Japan.

But Japan thinks that with the blessing of the USA and its protective umbrella, they will prevail. They are gambling on a fantasy trip. Who in Asia supports Japan today? Countries in Asia will never forget the atrocities they suffered under Imperial Japan during WW2. Even close ally South Korea, worshipping the same USA God of destruction, has not forgotten the debt of WW2. They and other Asians are not as forgiving as the Japanese towards the USA, after being destroyed with two atomic bombs and still worshipping the USA as their God.

Some are saying the Japs are just bidding their time for that revenge, and being able to militarise is a blessing in disguise for them to fulfil their dream. Well, left to be seen, as the Japs are still as sneaky as a Ninja, which they already are famous for.

Anonymous said...

Japan's problem with China is its blood debt for massacring millions of Chinese during its invasion of China. It owed a similar debt to the Koreans for invading and colonising them and the cruel rule during their occupation of Korea.

In the case of the USA, the Americans owed a debt for the two atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki and the hundreds of thousands of Japanese killed and maimed. This is a debt that the Japanese would not forget and is always lurking in the corners of Japanese minds.

There is also the humiliation of imposing war crimes on Japanese generals and the ruling of Japan as a colony till now. Japan has yet to become a normal country and in a way still a colony of the Americans.

They are bidding their time and will settle these debt with the Americans one day.

Anonymous said...

Why is Germany's atrocities against the Jews largely forgiven and Japan's atrocities still unforgiven? Well, Germany came to terms with their crime, admitted their wrongs and were forgiven generally. The Germans repented and the Jews largely accepted. But I may be wrong about the Germans change in thinking today, looking at the Ukraine War.

Japan is different. They refused to admit their atrocities, even attempting to rewrite history. They are still adamant that those atrocities were a collateral part of their grand plan to create a 'Greater East Asia Co-prosperity Sphere' with them in total control of course. And despite all the opposition to their worshipping of their war criminals entombed in the Yasukuni Shrine, year in and year out, by many Asian Countries, they still tried to whitewash the crimes of the war criminals by such worshipping stance. That means they are not prepared to repent at all.

Actually, it will be easy for Japan just to place the remains of those real war criminals at a different location, which would certainly pacify lots of Asian countries, and they can continue worshipping their war dead without opposition. But they refused to do that, yet another indication that they do not want to repent for their crimes.

So, when I say, Japan is the most dangerous enemy for China, this is why I continue to say so. The mentality, the cruelty, the sneakiness and the ambition to return to control Asia is still not out of their thinking. Shinzo Abe was the perfect example of the Japanese samurai or war mongering tribe, pushing Japan into adopting remilitarisation. His ambition is now being carried on the shoulders of Fumio Kishida, no less warlike than Abe, judging from his stance about remilitarisation of Japan.