
Terrorist attack on Capitol Hill - Michael Moore: The Terrorist Attack Is NOT Over.



 Michael Moore: The Terrorist Attack Is NOT Over. | Rumble with Michael Moore podcast | EP. 153

Watch this podcast by Michael Moore revealing the complicity and conspiracy of the plotters of this invasion of Capitol Hill, who were complicit, who were the people that let the mobs in....

The revelation exposed a lot of people were involved in this attempt to steal the ballot boxes and destroy them.

It is indeed sad that the Americans, the white Americans were the terrorists against their own country, against the democracy they were so proud of.

It was so lucky that the senators and house representatives were safe and not was killed. They could be killed on that day. The planning and attack were an inside job.

Watch it!  This is a very serious podcast. Listen the Mike Moore's message in the last 10 minutes. The white supremacists are planning to strike across the whole of America 3 days before Biden's inauguration. A civil war is about to start. But before that, some may be killed, assassinated. Mike Moore could be on the hit list. Biden is definitely there.

When Trump told his white supremacists to take back America, he is saying taking back America for the whites, a white America.

Who would be lynched? Nancy Pelosi?


Anonymous said...

In the USA they called that a 'terrorist attack'.

In Hong Kong they called that 'democracy fighters'.

Can someone tell me the difference?

Anonymous said...

Singapore: 42 imported new COVID-19 cases, highest in 9 months. What does the Health Ministry has to say?

Come out with clever replies again?

Anonymous said...

The Experts must be sleeping or resting, or taking it easy now that vaccines are available?

Or merely resting on past laurels.

Something must be done. This cannot go on and on, by the days, unchecked.

They think it is alright to keep importing new cases from foreign countries everyday?


Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

You need only 1 case, mismanaged it and you can have 21m cases.

1984 George Orwell said...

COVID-19: While UK Is Learning From Earlier Mistakes, Singapore Loves Making More Mistakes

While the UK leaders are very worried, Singapore leaders are taking it easy, earnestly, relentlessly and happily keep importing new Covid-19 cases everyday as if there will be no tomorrow.

"Flexing the coronavirus lockdown rules could be fatal," the UK Health Secretary warned his people and government, as UK hospital admissions soar.

Matt Hancock did not rule out strengthening current restrictions and told the BBC's Andrew Marr the NHS was under "very serious pressure".

It comes after almost 60,000 new cases of coronavirus were reported in the UK on Saturday and the number of deaths after a positive test passed 80,000.

Scientist Prof Peter Horby warned that the UK was in "the eye of the storm".

Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer said the rules were tough but "may not be tough enough" and called for the government to hold daily press conferences to avoid "mixed messages".

The UK recorded another 563 deaths on Sunday and 1,065 deaths on Saturday.

And Singapore's stupidly has no cure, gangho and ostrich mentality, happy-go-lucky millionaire ministers are happily relaxing the restrictions and asking for troubles before troubles come a-troubling.

Sunday's 42 new cases are all imported - the highest in 9 months, since March 2020. And no ministers or opposition leaders bother to voice any concern.

Everyone only worried about the economy. Economy no good. So import more new Coronavirus diseased people from India and Europe means good for the economy? What type of logic is that?

The 4G leadership is really out of this world, with out of this world happy-go-lucky, "gagi-buta" salary and bonuses.

Sad. More sad than USA Riots At Capitol Hill.

Anonymous said...

The writing is on the wall. If you choose not to be vaccinated, Lowren said that you need to be tested more often. On top of that I think they will enact rules to prevent or make it inconvenient for those not vaccinated to go about their business, leisure or access to some public places.

The fact that laws can be changed, like police accessing information on those trace tokens just by changing the law to suit the circumstances, is a case in point.

Anonymous said...


You can be paranoid about the vaccine. You can opt out. You can refuse vaccination even by coercion. But you cannot escape the NET!

Anonymous said...

Now they are asking the question of why there were so few policemen around when it was already well informed that thousands of protestors are converging on Washington DC, after Trump's instigation. That needs further investigation whether the police advertently allowed the protestors to force their way into the premises.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Capitol Hill Police Force has a strength of 2,300 men. Only 500 were on duty on that day. National Guards and other police forces nearby offered to send reinforcement but turned down by the Police Chief of Capitol Hill.

Why? Why, when they have been forewarned of this threat? the Police Chief quickly resigned after the attack. Why, why?

Anonymous said...

When Trump alleged that the votes were illegal, he was saying all the black votes were illegal. To him the blacks have no rights to vote. He only wants to count the white votes, to him the legal voters.

Anonymous said...

Had Nancy Pelosi been lynched, Trump would have his second term under martial law. Knowing that the involvement of the National Guards would surely preempt the motive of Trump, his plotters and the rioters, the police naturally would not want them involved in their plans. The police were complicit in the attempt to make the coup successful.

During the BLM protest, Trump was adamant in his protection of the white police, so they are returning his favour this time.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Ali Soufan, former FBI agent, wrote a book about the new threats to the world, 1, white racism, 2, white nationalism, 3, white terrorism.

He said this is only the beginning.

What happened on 6 Jan and Donald Trump confirm what he has been warning the Americans about these threats.

SSO said...

Trump will continue to cause troubles to the Biden Democrats Administration even after he steps down as US President. This psychopath has to be put behind bars for good. Otherwise, there will be no end to more Trump created criminal political activities in the US of Ass.

Anonymous said...

Would anyone be surprised that the head of KKK is the President of the USA?

Anonymous said...

The problem is there are more of them in the USA in the mold of Trump. White Supremacist intent on subjugating the rest of the world. Look at that 'fat piece of lard'. Put him in the White House and he will do what he can lie about. It is in their genes. Where they cannot do it alone, they make use of allies to do their dirty work. And the poodles will stupidly follow and do it for them.

Anonymous said...

Nancy Pelosi, infamous for calling the Hong Kong riots, 'What a beautiful sight to behold' was trembling in fear during an interview on the attack on Capitol Hill. She knew how close she came to being killed, or lynched.

She and Pence were primary targets of the rioters. They came for the two of them and they knew where their offices were. The rioters went straight to them, having been briefed on the layouts of Capitol Hill.

Would they came for her a second time? Would she call the invasion of Capitol Hill 'What a beautiful sight to behold?'

Anonymous said...

The FBI warned of arms revolt on the day of the inauguration. That is why Trump is running away and thinks he will not be blamed. Trump may have realised by now that the terrorist are out of control and the consequences would be catastrophic, should arms be out on that day.

Anyway, it will be a sight to behold! As entertaining as the Iraq War brought to your small screen in the comfort of your home. Would they give a live broadcast I wonder? I mean the shooting, not Biden's inauguration!

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Possibility of civil war is very high. Many of the white supremacists are in the armed forces and police force and in Congress.

Anonymous said...

Today, till Trump is removed from office, Democrat senators and representatives, especially the senior members, must be protected by the secret service for fear of being attacked and killed by Trump's violent supporters.

They cannot move around in American homeland freely and are fearing for their lives. Even the media reporters and journalists could be in the hit list as well.

America is going through a very dangerous phase with violence in everyone's mind and people, political and military leaders, could be killed on the streets of America or in their homes or offices.