
Americans dying like flies, hospitals cannot cope, clown Trump spends time banning apps...and more


'In Los Angeles, where packed hospitals have been turning away ambulances, medics were Monday instructed not to transport adult cardiac arrest patients if they cannot be resuscitated in the field.

The county's Emergency Medical Services (EMS) agency also issued a directive for ambulance crews to save oxygen supplies by only administering to patients with severely low levels.

Local EMS agency head Marianne Gausche-Hill told CBS that medics were "not abandoning resuscitation" in the field, but that transporting patients with "very poor outcomes" who cannot be resuscitated could "impact our hospitals."....

"Many hospitals have reached a point of crisis, and are having to make very tough decisions about patient care," said Los Angeles County director of health services Christina Ghaly.

Firefighters trained as paramedics have been temporarily called up to assist hospital staff, while army engineers were drafted in to bolster straining oxygen delivery systems at six hospitals.

"We're likely to experience the worst conditions in January that we've faced in the entire pandemic -- and that's hard to imagine," Los Angeles County public health director Barbara Ferrer said Monday.' Yahoo News

American hospitals in crisis because of mounting hospitalisation and death due to Covid19. Hospitals running out of beds, running out of oxygen. Trump does not care. He is busy telling lies to his supporters that Biden cheated and stole the election from him, without any proof, claiming all kinds of rumours as justifications that he won the election. Not only that he is busily encouraging his daft supporters to rebel, he spends his time banning apps and Chinese business in America. 

Trump is totally oblivious of the Covid19 crisis and the death of Americans. He would not lift a finger to do anything. Americans die are their own business. He has not time or interest to care about them.

This is the kind of president the daft Americans voted into the White House. The Americans deserve to have him and dying because of him.

Not only that, he staged a coup, an insurrection to stop Biden from becoming the President, ending in the lost of 4 American lives and the ransacking Capitol Building, forcing the senators and people's representatives to run for their lives. 

The biggest worry for Americans and the world is a false flag incident by staging an attack on American forces and using it to launch a war with Iran.  Americans and the people of the world must be wary of this unscrupulous gangster and his equally bad Pompeo, to start World War 3 in the next 12 days of his Presidency. 

No country in the world, including Iran or North Korea, would be mad to want to attack the evil Empire to invite their own destruction.  Any such attacks in the next few days are pre planned by Trump and his evil men and equally evil allies to commit war crimes. 

Would the Americans be able to stop this from happening? Would they be able to remove this clown from the White House before he starts World War 3?

MAGA  Make Americans Grieve Again!


Anonymous said...

They are talking about removing Trump from office. What kind of a joke is that when his term is already ending in two weeks?

They are also reports that many Republicans and staff are resigning from Trump's administration in the wake of the protest that turned ugly. Is that news to us? Those are basically rats jumping ship knowing it is sinking fast.

The Trump administration is already ending and Biden will restock the swamp with his own species. Talking about those resignations because of their disagreement with the handling of the protest is a moot point. What were they doing during the four years of Trump rampage.

What were those Republican senators doing when Trump was running amok? They were complicit in Trump's mad behavior. What are they trying to show now by resigning? That they do not agree with Trump? Isn't it too late to close the stable doors when all the horses have bolted?

Everything sounds like a joke to me! Enough said!

Anonymous said...

Trump is now talking like a sane person, pleading with his supporters to stop protesting and that he is against the violence. Why do this after the event, when all along he had been instigating the mob to converge onto Washington DC, all the while accusing Biden of stealing the election without a shred of proof?

This man is pure evil, now trying to be saintly to avoid treasonous charges. Perhaps the CIA assassination squad is on his tail.

Anonymous said...

Never trust the evil Americans.

Anonymous said...

Trump is doing all this banning of apps from China basically to divert attention away from the COVID19 situation in the USA. It is now beyond control and more deaths will follow, knowing that spreading becomes an important element of human rights. It matters more importantly than death itself.

He is, as they say, cutting his nose to spite his face by sanctioning the three telcos from China. Sanctioning the three telcos from China will cause heavy losses to USA investors in those telcos. It hurts the USA more than China, just like the trade war. China is still growing strongly despite the trade war and COVID19. Who is hurting who only the warp mind of Trump can figure out.

Anonymous said...

Trump is still going to delist the 3/4 Chinese telco companies from NYSE. The American investors have US$1 trillion invested in these Chinese companies and some are going to lose their life savings.

China should start to ban Trump and his daughter/Son in law business in China.

Anonymous said...

China should freeze all Trump's assets in China as well as all his relatives and close friends'.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Chris Hayes called Trump a clear and present danger and must be removed removed immediately. Nancy Pelosi also called Pence to invoke the 25th Amendment now to remove Trump or Congress would act.

Pence the Trump servant would not budge. Now it is up to Congress to remove Trump because he caused a bigger crisis. All those not willing to remove him are Trump's accomplices and if a war or civil war starts, they are equally guilty and accountable for it.

Anonymous said...

They knew Trump would come to this with all his inciting and blatant support for the protest and they did nothing. Pelosi was at one stage even unwilling to mention impeachment.

Now, with two more weeks to go, these people are just putting on a show called 'much ado about nothing'.

Anonymous said...

Can you imagine what would happen if the rioters got into the chamber and attacked the senators and reps and some got seriously wounded or even killed?

Just think of that. What his evil man and his accomplices were prepared to do to stay in power.

Anonymous said...

Don Trump must be arrested and thrown into jail and the key thrown away.

Anonymous said...

Anyway the coup failed and Trump, the conniving con-man, is speaking a new language of peace and co-operating with the transfer of power. That is what he is saying today. Tomorrow may be another day and another story.

Anonymous said...

Don Trump is a Mafia Chief that penetrated into the US Government as its highest official and the Commander-in-Mischief.

Those rioters and hooligans must have been on his payroll.

Anonymous said...

From CNA:

"Singapore's Senior Minister Teo Chee Hean said he hopes for a "peaceful" end after protesters stormed the US Capitol on Wednesday (Jan 6), seeking to force Congress to reverse President Donald Trump's election loss.

In a Facebook post, Mr Teo, who is also Coordinating Minister for National Security, said: "Have been up, watching shocking scenes in the US Congress where protesters have entered the Chamber, stopped proceedings and forced members to flee.

"Law officers with drawn guns were unable to stop them. Police in full riot gear are now gathering to try to restore order. The Washington DC Mayor has declared a curfew.

"We hope this ends peacefully. It’s a sad day."

To Teo Chean Hean, the spectacular sights at the Capitol Hill is a sad day.

To most of us, commoners, it is a delightful day. Only happens once in 247 years.

The twain shall never meet. Either he has lost touch with the ground, after staying up at cloud nine at his ivory tower for too long, or we are totally a different breed from his kind. The gap is truly glaringly too wide apart.

It's time for a change of guards. We need new champions, not old horses that easily get sad at the wrong thingy.

Anonymous said...

These are some of the evidences discovered.

1. The National Guards were in a way stood down, not to be involved.
2. The Washington Police were ordered not to use force against the mobs.
3. The mobs were told of the above and no need to use too much force as only minimal police force were on duty.
4. Trump's cabinet were told to do nothing, say nothing and hear nothing.
5. Calls to the Defence Secretary were not answered, or the Secretary busy.
6. No one is to order the National Guards to take control of the mobs.
7. Trump's cabinet knew exactly what was going to happen in the storming of Capitol Building.

Anonymous said...

All the people involved, who knew and condoned the storming are resigning. They know what is in store for them. Anyway, rats are the first to abandon a sinking ship. Some may have already left the country, fearing persecution. Pence is said to have plans to leave as well. Nothing surprising.

Anonymous said...

If Trump commit suicide in office now, he can still get a State funeral.