
Entrepreneurship in PHV and food delivery with degrees and diplomas


It is apparently a fake promise of PAPi dreamland, purposefully drag over a long time of 1 year to quell public unrest over the unemployment situation in Singapore, clearing the street off the unemployed while unabashedly collect their sky high salaries with no shame.

If the educational system in Singapore have failed those poly-students who have wasted so many years of their time ending up taking further another more year just to be a “hawker”, then the question is why should anyone not doubt or be trusting the system anymore?

There is no reason unless those poly students are made so dumb as to not able to think for themselves. I don’t think so.

Who said “FT creates more good paying jobs for Singaporeans”? Hawkers? Food Deliveries? Taxi drivers?

Time for Change.

Pap has the mandate:

Stinkaporeans have just screwed themselves, instead of moving up the ladders they are descending downwards, why waste your years in primary school, secondary school, ITE and Poly and then go and be a hawker, start early and work in the hawker from primary school. Wait, PAP Government is going to make mandatory to have degree or Poly dip to be the criteria for being a hawker…LOL Stinkaporeans remember you get what you voted for…lol..Stinkapreans are a bunch of yellow pansies and suckers.

Pinky is useless anyway:

The plan is to grow GDP and let foreigners rule Singaporeans, this plan was hatched more than 20 years ago. I saw it coming and told all my local friends. As usual, all brushed off and told me I was over-reacting. Today, many of these peers now driving PHV or doing menial jobs.

Foreigners coming to Singapore landing PMET jobs will end up at the higher rung of society and ruling locals. As the numbers get bigger, locals become poorer group while new citizens enjoy the pay and rank where locals once have. Some locals may still enjoy life but these are the few who outshined and survived but majority will be relegated to second tier.

The plan has been on for more than 20 years, it is like cancer in 4th stage, there is no way to recover. Local bornts need to make up their mind to vote them out to slow down the cancer growth. The new party will at least stop this nonsense and perhaps revert CPF to the old scheme.

61% of the voters consists of die hard, scared of everything and new citizens. These people are one accelerating the immigration. So if they dont have jobs or their kids cannot find jobs, it is all their votes. New citizens will have the same fate once they become citizens, karma will come back to haunt them, already found a lot of them driving PHVs too.


I feel compelled to borrow a few FAMOUS WORDS from MP TIN PEI LING to express my feelings.

* I dunno wat to say*!

From hawkers’ sons to PMEs n DOCTORS back to being HAWKERS?!



Elites screw Singaporeans:

Once the OLD BASTARD said that if “Opposition parties were to be in power our women folks will be maids in neighbouring countries “
The HARD TRUTH is if the reverse is true.If PAP is still in power our youth will all be hawkers, food delivery drivers, security guards and PHV drivers.All the good jobs will be taken over by FOREIGN TRASH who have questionable qualifications.SINGAPOREANS ARE ALREADY SECOND CLASS CITIZENS IN SINGAPORE.
Why should our youth give two years of their lives protecting Singapore while these foreign ASS HOLES come and steal our lunches while our youth become hawkers!!!
If PAP is still in power after the next elections the prediction old OLD BASTARD LKY a will become true.Our women folks will become maids in neighbouring countries and our men will be coolies.


Above are just a few comments in TRE to an article about the new and promising diploma course in Hawking.  Did anyone sense any signs of despair, regrets, or pains and disappointment?

Let me put a positive spin to it. There is opportunity when one looks at the bright side, looking for the silver lining in a dark cloud.  Do not despair, be positive. 

On this note I want to be a bit more proactive and entrepreneurial. I want to be ahead of time. Now that the diploma for hawking course is a reality, I am thinking of setting up a private school to conduct diploma courses for PHV drivers and delivery man. Also a diploma course in table and dish cleaning.

What do you think?  This is progress right?  I am trying to think like million dollar talents. Thinking of the unthinkable and doing the unthinkable. It takes a genius' mind to think out of the box. This is the new entrepreneurship.  Born a hawker's son, spent thousands to get a degree cum diploma in Hawking to become a hawker. Born a 'pah hong chia' son, get a degree cum diploma in PHV driving to drive 'pah hong chia' or now nicer term, PHV. 

There could be a flourishing of the education industry with more private schools being set up to cater for the demands for degrees for hawking, PHV drivers, delivery men, security guards, table and dish cleaning.


Anonymous said...


no point kpkbsssssssss.....

what for.....waste time.....

what can you do now.......

the govt YES! by a massive 61% recently.....

this is SG....

the masses will only kpkbsssssssssssssss....

but come to voting......pap.....

this is SG!


1984 George Orwell said...

Should make all the ministers become hawkers and hawkers become ministers. How about that for a change?

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Hawkers become ministers, also a return to the 60s when chee cheong fan hawker became MP.
Everything coming full circle.

Anonymous said...

In the grand plan of the PAP 4G elites, if Singaporeans don't become hawkers, who's gonna cook to feed the foreigners?

Anonymous said...

Above all this, not much has been said about the escalating high cost of living. Eating at hawker centers is no longer cheap. This is to be expected, if we continue to lure well educated people to be trained as hawkers. Maybe in time to come even Phd's in hawking will be a course at the Universities. Cooking at home is not cheap either with cost of ingredients equally costly.

Those who do marketing or shopping at supermarkets will realise how things have gone up in price by leaps and bounds. Strangely, not much noise is heard about this issue as well. I guess life is so good that most Sinkies can afford such increases without batting an eyelid.

Welcome to the third world of gambling, pirate taxi driving and hawking. We have arrived!

Anonymous said...


Soon, when hawkers with Phds are in place, maybe hawkers in Parliament is not so far fetched.

Not many today are aware that we had hawkers and chee cheong fan sellers as MPs in Parliament in the 60s.

So, even if we have hawkers in Parliament after today, some will say, what is the big deal? We had that in the 60s! It is back to basics.

Anonymous said...

More import of foreigners to Singapore means an increase in population. This would mean there will be more people eating in foodcourts and hawker centres. See, importation of FTs does create jobs for Singaporeans who will graduate from ITE as hawkerpreneurs,

Anonymous said...

Wow, the opportunities are endless. Degrees in Hawking, PHV, Grabbing (aka deliveryman), Healthcare (aka table and toilet cleaning), Agriculture (aka gardening). Can use Skills Future Fund or not?

I don't know which one to choose leh!

Anonymous said...

sure can use Skills Future Fund. Why not? This is call upskill and retraining.

Anonymous said...

Careful. Hawking was outlawed at one time and hawkers have to 'chau tee goo' or run from raids by 'land cows'. Their stuff were all confiscated. I do not know what they did with seized goods. Probably the 'cows' benefited.

Careful. Driving Pirate Taxis at one time also outlawed. That was when NTUC comfort first started operation.

1984 George Orwell said...


Below is a joint statement on "Fair Hiring and Employment Practices" issued by 29 Trade Associations and Chambers (TACs) under the TAC Alliance.+ on Tuesday, 19 January 2021.

"Under the aegis of the Singapore Business Federation, 29 Trade Associations and Chambers (TACs) under the TAC Alliance joined forces today in a show of solidarity to collectively pledge support for a joint statement on fair hiring and employment practices.

The Covid-19 pandemic has resulted in an unprecedented time of economic disruption for businesses and their workforce. As businesses welcome the new year and prepare for recovery and growth, the joint statement is an important call by the TACs to encourage their member companies to remain committed to recruiting candidates fairly based on merit and to developing their workforce.

The Joint Statement is aligned with the Fair Consideration Framework (FCF) and the Tripartite Guidelines for Fair and Progressive Employment Practices (TGFEP), which underline employers’ commitment to preventing discrimination at the workplace and encouraging businesses to adopt progressive human resource (HR) practices, provide guidance for TACs and their members companies to abide by the principles of fair and equitable hiring of employees, so as to develop a strong Singaporean core.

Together, the 29 TACs represent the diversity of Singapore’s business community, across different industry sectors and spanning Multinational Companies (MNCs), Large Local Enterprises (LLEs) and Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs).

The 29 TACs have come together to declare their belief in the following core principles:

1. Promote Positive Workplace Relations: Work is a collaboration between employers and employees, and among teams of employees, and diversity of employees is important for businesses. Both employers and employees have a role to play in co-creating a positive workplace environment, where diversity is celebrated and individuals are respected, trained and developed on an equal opportunity basis.

2. Practise Fair Hiring: Be committed to fair hiring in compliance with the FCF and TGFEP and hire the best-fit candidate for every job based on merit. Candidates may be qualified employees within the company, external candidates based in Singapore, or international candidates if there are no suitable local candidates. Ensure that there is diversity within the global talent hired, in order to bring the best perspectives, experiences and support for long-term success.

3. Provide Development Opportunities: Employers should support the learning and development of employees to acquire relevant attributes and skills, facilitate the transfer of niche or business-critical skills to local employees to develop local talent, and consider suitably qualified current employees when seeking candidates for leadership roles in the company. On their part, employees should actively undertake development opportunities offered by employers, including overseas work assignments to broaden experience and acquire new skills.

The full joint statement and list of supporting TACs are in the Annex A

Mr Lim Ming Yan, Chairman of SBF, said, “The Singapore business community plays a vital role in our economy in fostering an inclusive and diverse workforce. This joint statement underlines the importance for businesses to embrace fair hiring and employment practices and provides sustainable pathways to building a strong workforce for successful business in Singapore. We encourage more TACs to come on board and push forth these practices as valued aggregators and multipliers in our business eco-system.”

1984 George Orwell said...

BELIEVE IT OR Not? - Comments

1. This statement was made in the Trade Associations' websiteaand was copyrighted. That means it cannot be republished without permission. That means it is not intended for widespread distribution freely. That means it is meant for only a limited number of people to read, e.g. the Government.

2. Why did they felt the need to gang up together as a large body in a concerted effort to make such a statement? Is it because unity is strength? The larger they are the more people will take their words seriously? Or is it because they ganged up together as a force to challenge the government and the people?

3. Words are cheap. Especially words coming out of business people's mouth and from business people's brains. Actions speak louder than words. They claimed that 99% of them have abide by the fair hiring and employment practices and only 1% of businesses are the culprits who are unfair. Can any person with a little bit of common sense honestly believe that?

4. The fact that many, too many, Singaporean PMETs and graduates have lost their jobs to foreigners cannot and must not be brushed aside, trifled and trampled with. We all not only know but can really feel that many Singaporeans have been unfairly perceived, assessed, treated and sidelined by employers over the last ten years, at least. There is no need to use statistics to prove otherwise.

5. If the employers are truthful and sincere to treat Singaporeans fairly, there is no need to come out and make such a statement. Words will spread by mouths of your employees and people will know automatically.

6. In fact, by coming to join force and make such a statement, it only proves that employers fear a backlash coming and therefore are trying to pre-empt it by making a strong collective statement. Not only that. Such a statement is counter-productive to what the employers are trying to achieve. Because people can see that it is merely a political window-dressing exercise.

Think harder, think deeper.

1984 George Orwell.

Anonymous said...

What are trade associations for? To protect the interest of members of course. Banks, Goldsmiths, Coffeeshop Owners, Petrol station owners etc have associations, not to look after customer's or employee's interest but to make sure they can increase prices in tandem and not to undercut each other.

They may look like competitors, but behind closed doors they are brothers in conspiracy. Call them cartels if you like.

Anonymous said...

Singapore Minister Declares Pfizer Vaccine Safe But China Urges Caution

Singapore Deputy PM Heng Swee Keat received his first dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech Covid-19 vaccine Wednesday morning and declared: " The vaccine is safe and effective, even for former stroke patients like myself. "

Currently, only the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine has been approved for pandemic use by the city state's Health Sciences Authority (HSA).

Meanwhile, China is advising countries giving the green light to Pfizer-BioNTech's COVID-19 vaccine for use in elderly people to suspend their approval procedures, and to wait for the result of the investigation that the World Health Organization (WHO) and Norway are conducting on the deaths of 23 elderly Norwegian people soon after they received the vaccine.

( .. )

SSO said...
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SSO said...

The experimental Pfizer vaccine is still experimental in all aspects.

Whether it is safe or not is too early to tell. By just taken your jab does not qualify anyone to declare that the vaccine is "safe", even if he is the Ultimate Supreme Emperor of the World.

Whoever says that the Pfizer vaccine is safe after taking his first jab (one more jab to go in 21 days time) is showing his stupidity cannot cure. Period.

Throwing all cautions to the wind seems to be the modus operandi for this 4G leadership right from the very beginning of this Covid-19 Pandemic.

We all can still remember very vividly this stupid advice given across the whole country repeatedly, everyday, everywhere, like a mantra:

"Don't wear a mask if you are not sick. Wear a mask only if you are unwell!" Or words to that effect.

Anonymous said...

What is Mr. Heng trying to tell us when the vaccine he had has not even evoke a response from his body. Jumping the gun like Mr. Cow may backfire. Of course, being a 'Heng' probably is loaded with luck.

Anonymous said...

Yes, luck must be the reason he got through his stroke. But luck almost deserted him when he scraped through in East Coast GRC by a whisker!