
Abuse of power and the media to maintain dominance

The Evil American Empire has been abusing everything under the law, with their superior military power and control of the western media and media of little USAs to accuse, demonise and attack their enemies just to hold on to their position as the unchallenged dominant world power.

The strategy is very simple, just keep on accusing the enemies, demonise them using the main media, and attack them with their superior military might to destroy their enemies. These are the things the Americans are doing. The world's biggest war criminal, killing hundreds of thousands all over the world, but accusing every country they regard as enemies of war crimes, in Eastern Europe, in Africa, in Sri Lanka, in Myanmar and in Latin America. They also accused all these countries of violating human rights when they were the one that were the worst violator of human rights in the past and in  present times. And sickeningly they awarded themselves under the slightest pretext with Nobel Peace Prize while conducting wars, escalating wars, and starting wars.

They blame other countries of militarisation, like China in the SC Sea when they set up more than 1,000 military bases all over the world, militarising the Indian Ocean and the Pacific Ocean with nuclear bombs and sending warships, warplanes and Special Forces to threaten other countries. They accuse others of currency manipulation, of money laundering, when the American govt and American banks were the biggest culprits of such criminal activities.

They accuse China of settling Asian and African countries with debts when they were the ones that were doing so and with higher interest rates than China through IMF and the World Bank.

For decades they have been conducting world wide espionage, spying and eave droppings of communication lines, and cyber attacks and accused others of doing it as if they are innocent of such covert operations.

They support, finance, arm and train terrorist organisations and accused others of doing so.

They coerce, pressure, threaten countries all over the world with military invasion, regime change, trade sanctions and everything you can name of but accused other countries of doing so.

They meddle and interfere with the domestic affairs and politics of every country but accusing others of meddling with American domestic politics.

They conduct smear campaigns against countries and their leader when they and their leaders were the worst scoundrels, groping women, sexual harassment, sexual violation, misconduct, blow job in the White House, violence etc etc.

I could go on and on. The main purpose of this dirty strategy is to attack and keep the enemies busy defending and have no time to hit back or to expose the dirt and shit of the Americans. The enemies would be so bogged down trying to clear their names and have no time to attack the Evil Empire on all their crimes against humanity, abuse of power, disregarding the rule of law and using the media to spread fake news and false news and disinformation about their enemies.

The Evil Empire is the Evil Empire and it is a matter of time before the wheel of fortune turns against them and bring them down on their knees. You can bluff some people some of the time but not all the people all the time. When the Evil Empire loses its power, it is a matter of when, they will pay for their abuses of power and media and for crimes against humanity.


Virgo 49 said...

Send warships to SCS and when the Chinese warships confronted them, yelled that the Chinese conducted dangerous manouveres that likely to cause accidents.

They arw a Nation of War mongering Aggressive Mad Bastards and Bitches.

Yet, one Shits Times Chinkee Correspondent wrote that the Americunts should continue to send warships and also the ASEAN and Asian Nations in joint conjunction with the Americunts to send their navies to the SCS to slow and show China our joint powers.

This is the product of WOGs Chinkee Sinkee who had swallowed too much Western Shits that they are first class Traitors just like the PAPies.

Xi had in their Armed Forces Day proclaimed to their Forces to be prepared for WARS.

This time round they gonna teach all a lesson that they regretted been born.

All be at the starting line with the mmillionaire PAPies scavenging for food with the peasants.

Anonymous said...

Redbean and his anti-American sentiments are getting tiresome. USA is not all that bad. Getting bored of all your anti-American posts. Writing something else please. Singapore is one of USA strong partners in SEAsia so be nice to our friend.

Anonymous said...

Trump is making America great again. The rest of the world has been left struggling. Especially the emerging markets such as China. Singapore, as a semi-emerging market (we depend a lot on EM), is also not spared. US growth now is damn solid, can easily last for another year. Even if US economy eventually slow down in 2020 & US stocks go down 30%, China's stocks will collapse over 60%, even 80% is not out of the question.

Even after 10 years of easy money policy & near-zero interest rate, Shanghai stocks still can't even smell the 6000 level of 2007. It's now still at 2700 level & will likely go down to 2500 level soon. Singapore STI will likely break the 3000 level first before any chance of sustained recovery.

People in China who bought properties in the last couple of years are now demonstrating & fighting against developers who have recently slashed new property prices, in order to sell the flats & survive. Not the first time this is happening. Happened before in 2010-2011 and in 2015 too. Dunno why they bother since there is practically no resale property market in China --- nobody is interested to buy 2nd hand flat, even if you lelong.

Anonymous said...

If China sacrifices one Chinese citizen for one American citizen, there will still be more than one billion Chinese standing.

Virgo49 said...

Right Anon 9.14

One Quotation: If China were to have a Third World War with the Rest of the Human Creatures, it will be the Rest be charcoal and the Chinese be half the number.

Hopefully, the balance half not the self deserving Sinkee Chin Chin like the Papies.


Anonymous said...

//If China sacrifices one Chinese citizen for one American citizen, there will still be more than one billion Chinese standing.//

And how is that going to help you or your children???

Singapore's economy is going to slow down for the next few years. We're likely to get recession by the 2nd half of 2019.

Now is the time to be prepared for possible retrenchments & joblessness.

Instead of sticking your head in the sand & TKSS .... and then getting the chop 1 year later and KPKB to your MP for job or NTUC vouchers to feed your children.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

@ butt-hurt culture losers:

Although the USA does alot of bad shit, I tend to give them a pass. My main reason is that when Unle Sam does it, he does it in STYLE. The "entertainment value" is usually off the charts, only to be copied and given a boost by Hollywood---which has total domintion in terms of distribution...American cultural content is consumed voraciously on a global scale. Even Asian intellectual property pirates know this, hence the LUCRATIVE black market for American content.

"American culture" is probably the most dominant of all western culture, and we have evidence of its dominance. The most glaring FACT:

Every shithole and previously-shithole cuntry STRIVES to be "more westernized", be it in politics, economics, financial systems, FASHION, the embrace of unhealthy "fast food"...and so on, even at the expense of the DEMISE of certain aspects of their own ancient shithole cultures.

Here's the kicker:

With the exception of food, no western culture and definitely American culture wants to integrate ANY ASPECT from ancient shithole cultures.

Examples: China, India and the rest of Asia embrace more and more US culture churning out millions, perhaps billions of BANANAS and COCONUTS (B&Cs). Many of the B&Cs even colour their hair blond, wear blue contact lenses, and even slang-slang in varied efforts to be American white, or worst still, American BLACK. No one slang-slangs like an American Chinese or a British Pakistani....unless they're telling a racist JOKE. 😜

America is the crucible for "new ideas". Granted not all of them are good...I for one hate consumerism, and the debt it encourages people to take on. But I am one voice...and REALITY doesn't give a shit about my opinion.

Civil rights, human rights, children's rights, women's rights, the legalization of marijuana, freedom of speech, "self-help & New Age" (vomit)...etc. etc. Whilst not all these ideas originated in the USA, the USA is where they were given heft and the power of influence.

Upcoming big cuntries like China and India have an uphill battle because the world doesn't give a flying fuck about their cultures nor do they have any influence on culture, with the exception of food like "dim sum" and "curry".

The self-help & New Age movements stole ancient ideas from Buddhism and other ancient Asian philosophies which have been around for 5000 years. The Americans (the USA being a CRUCIBLE for ideas to brew and develop) turned this ANCIENT BULLSHIT into a multibillion dollar industry, aided in part by "super influencers" like Ophra

In cuntries opposed to US dominance, their youths can't get enough of American culture, causing many govts (including China) a big headache as their own cultures are DECIMATED by American dominance.

American already won lah. The US military is there just in case people forget who is BOSS. 🤣

To a young, easily influenced person, becoming a banana or coconut is IRRESTIBLE. Because CULTURAL WARFARE is a battle played out in human minds...and American culture is SEDUCTIVE.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

@ clutching desperately to your ancient shithole culture:

Check ou the 4 Asian Tigers: Singapore, Hong Kong, South Korea & Taiwan.

Now ask yourself how "banan-ified" are these cultures? I contend that without "bananification"---i.e. the INTEGRATION of certain aspects of post-renaissance western culture into their own cultures---they would not be the Tigers they are today.

Every top entrepreneur in China and India, and their companies are bananified and coconutized. Every single one of their CEOs speaks good English, and many have western university degrees.

So you ancient culture barbarians better get your banana and coconut on...or get left behind. 🤓🤡

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Hi Virgo, the shit you mentioned is a PR if I am not mistaken, either from Msia or HK. He has been attacking China like his ancestors were white men.

How successful and great is Trump making America can be judged by which way Singapore is turning to for economic growth.

The western Hollywood culture has been dominant for decades and it is very difficult to change this. There is a nascent new trend emerging among the young, the Jpop and Kpop that would mixed with Cpop from HK and Taiwan to form a new trend of endearment for the millennial.

The millennial would not be so banana or coconut if this new trend continues to gain strength and is likely to do so with Asian culture and fashion becoming the in thing. The old hags are all so set in their thinking and are unlikely to change much.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

@ RB

"Fashion" and broad "culture" can only go so far. Anyway these aspects go to the west and become "bananified", returning to Asia with a definite western bias.

Certain traditional dress is more resistant to change...like sarees for Indian ladies, or cheongsams or Japanese geisha clothing.

But onece a white or American black chick appears in ancient traditional dress and it flies around the world on Instagram, that's it! It becomes "westernized".

The term social scientists call this phenomenon is "cultural appropriation", which to me is silly. All cultures "appropriate" from each other. Americans consume Chinese food in certain ways. Chinese consume western food in certain ways---each culture adopts, adapts and integrates. We are a creative species.

IMO the culture which has integrated and used western influences in the most effective ways is the Straits-born PERANAKAN culture, of which we are ALL a part of.

We are all, to varying degrees, bananas and coconuts. 🤡

Titiana Ann Xavier said...

Uncle Sam is a hypocrite. Acts unscrupulously and shamelessly. Its gory history is filled with blood of its own natives and others. Uncle Sam can never shed its ugly image no matter how Hollywood tries to embellish and gloss over its egregious conduct. Just like all former white colonialists, the Evil Empire of Uncle Sam will meet the same fate. Justice always prevails.

Whoever said...

China needs annother Cultural Revolution. This time round it shall be the REVERSE of the last Cultural Revolution of the Red Guards. This time round shall be the Cultural Revolution of the Yellow Bananas - adopting all the Decadent Cultures from the West.

Thereafter, India shall follow suit to have s Cultural Revolution of the Coconuts!

And Singapore should have a Cultural Revolution of OWNING Freehold HDB flats, jnstead of LEASING HDB flats for 99 years! Good idea?

Virgo49 said...

Matilah is trying to say that it's the Perkanans, half breed Chinese and half breed Malays that built up Singapore.

Perkanans like GKS,LKS and the likes of LKY and his one cent cut into four pieces Hakka tribes.

If these Perkanans do NOT have the Chinese traits of hard work, perseverance and cultural noblemen qualities of magnanimous and piety, you think they can built up Singapore???

If they have fully the Straits Settlements Malay traits, they be still called Straits Settlements of Kampong huts.

Anyway, do not be too arrogant of been a Perkanan. Pure Chinese called them Baba Siow. Boh Lean Chor for most are WOGs aligned more with the Chiap Cheng and looked down on Pure Breed Chinese.

Titiana Ann Xavier said...

Uncle Sam is known to run the largest and most pervasive illegal hacking of telecommunications across the entire globe. Whistle-blower Edward Snowden has provided irrefutable evidence of Uncle Sam's perfidy and transgression. The Trump regime has accused its domestic opponents of witch-hunts and contriving fake news. The same reprehensible tendencies are also shown towards China and Russia. Trump's madness is beyond reason. His regime is pushing the world down a dangerous path which may lead to WW3.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

I don't like to comment too much about Peranakans and their culture. The Peranakans are an aberration. The Peranakans have been hyping about how great this mixed culture is but all the noise is but a storm in the tea cup, only heard like echos in a small hollow chamber. The Peranakans would soon disappear, just like the Mongols and the Manchus, absorbed and dissipated by the main culture unless the trend of mixed marriages gains momentum. You don't hear of Mongolians or Manchus in the main stream of Chinese culture in China today. They just become Chinese. The trend of mixed marriages would not be Peranakans but kopi susu culture. There are just too few Dutch, Portugese or Angmohs to make the difference to keep the Peranakans culture alive.

Like Matilah said, the main stream dynamic cultures would triumph and any subculture that is inferior would fade away, losing support from the masses.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

@ Virgo:

It doesn't matter what epithets (which are just opinions) people sling. If you are born or grow up in the Straits area, you are Peranakan. "Chinese" has many different dialect groups, India has a few too. And of course there's Malay, Indonesian, Boyanese, and indigenous cultures like Sakai, and other lesser known tribes scattered all over the area.

The point I'm trying to make is that, Peranakan culture is not limited to ONLY just a Chinese-Malay integration, although we know that is quite common. Western "Christian" culture is also widely integrated.

We see it from aspects of language unique to the Starits: "lui" (money) from Malay word "duit".

"Makan time"---Malay + English. "Aiyah, very pai seh lah"---English + Chinese dialect + Malay.

e.g.: "Wah the gur very chio. I belanja her kuah midnight, maybe can dapat kongkek". 😄

Unless you are familiar with the Peranakan culture of our region, the above sentence would sound like gibberish. It contains words from English, Chinese, Malay and Indonesian.

Peranakan culture is largely responsible for the development of the Straits region...not just Singapore.

Virgo49 said...

Most Perkanans had the advantage after the WWII over the Immigrants Chinese.

Been more Educated and Wealthy no know thru what's means.

So they tend to scorn and looked down on the Peasants Chinese.

That's well LKY called his fellow counyrymen peasants and like dogs need to be leashed and trained with his iron fists.

Little does they know that the Hard Breed Pure Chinese are the Ones who supported and built up this Country.

China Ready for War with U.S.


Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

@ RB

Perankan culture is no abberation. It is ver real and ALL of us exhibit aspects of it everyday in our actions and interactions in this part of the world.

Consider the simple everyday event for many people across our region: going to get a cuppa:

"Come, we go to kopitiam. I want kopi siew tai" Again it is English + Chinese + Malay, just for the simple mundane act of having a coffee break.

The thing about culture is that it is so "automatic" in the brain, it is NOT NOTICED by its practitioners. It is very noticeable to any OUTSIDER who doesn't in their own mind possess any of the CULTURAL MEMES of the culture they are new to and observing.

Ref: Richard Dawking on the "meme theory of cultural transmission"

P.S. There are very few "pure breeds". In fact, every race on earth except for the tribes shielded from the world are of MIXED GENETICS. You can have your DNA tested and find out your linage.
Another piece of molecular genetic evidence: we all started off as AFRICANS. However practically none of us resemble what a typical African looks like today.

Science at work folks!

Your "characteristics" are more determined by CULTURE than by GENETICS. Anyway culture and genetics WORK TOGETHER. That is why an ABC looks Chinese, but behaves like an American, for example.

Anonymous said...

US and China contention is all captured in US vice president recent speech. His speech even got Lu Xun quotes to get his message across to his mandarin speaking audience in China. Speech was translated into mandarin on the spot. Did his speech catch people's attention
because of the quotes?

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

@ Virgo

That's doesn't means that all the Chinese Sinkies are Perkanans. <<

Ok. You're getting mixed up here. You're confusing self identification (I'm this, I'm that...) with broad cultural classification.

Let's stick to Chinese since we're all familiar with that. For simplicity, let's ignore dialect differences.

You self identified as Chinese. But your CULTURAL CHARACTERISTICS from the way you communicate, to how you dress, what you eat, how you interact and evaluate the world IS DIFFERENT FROM what an American or Aussie or Brit or even mainland China or Taiwanese Chinese. The differences might be slight, but they are OBSERVABLE.

Those Chinese from other places are not "integrated" with the cultures of our region. Straits born Chinese are very very different. They are comfortable with their inherited culture, the integrated culture of the region AND Western culture even though they SELF IDENTIFY as "pure Chinese" (no such thing if you use GENETICS as the OBJECTIVE standard. Everyone is mixed like chap chye 🤣)

Self identification is not objective. It comes from within the individual. To be impartial and make a reasonable assessment is to be an outside observer. When you self evaluate, you can't do it ACCURATELY because we all have cognitive BIASES.

Anonymous said...

Mike pence speech in YouTube alreadyhas almost 4000 comments in over a few days. Some people say his speech signal tougher policy stance towards China. Cold war is inevitable ?

Cognitive bias sure got one whether it is China or US. Nobody is going to back down then how. The other party is always wrong in my world view.

Anonymous said...

@Virgo, @RB, @All others...

Be aware that overseas Chinese, such as our local Singapore citizen Chinese, are not viewed as pure or totally "Chinese" by both Beijing as well as PRCs.

Sure, everybody will bring out the common (or at least similar) race, culture, language when it's all fun & games, and when everybody wants to develop good relationships and business contacts & contracts.

But at the end of the day, there is no love lost between the China Chinese & the other Chinese in other parts of the world, especially those 3rd generation and beyond. China will treat overseas Chinese as any other foreigner, unless there is some way to utilize them for China's benefit e.g. their money, investments, 5th column sympathizers, espionage, transferable skillsets.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

The Americans and American biased only think that they can take tough stance against other countries, including China and Russia. They did not think others can take tough stance against them. Not in the past but no longer in the presence. Russia and China are starting to take tough stance against the Americans. India just told Trump to fuck off with his sanctions because they are going to buy cheap Iranian oil, sanction or no sanction. So would China and EU countries.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

@ 149:

>> Be aware that overseas Chinese, such as our local Singapore citizen Chinese, are not viewed as pure or totally "Chinese" by both Beijing as well as PRCs. <<

BAZZINGA! Exactly. "Self-identification" is highly inaccurate and non-objective.

You might think you are a certain way. But to outside observers---the "feedback" that they will give you is that they do not accept your claim for themselves. You can identify however you choose, but that doesn't mean others will AGREE with you.

Virgo49 said...

Hi Anon 1.49

How to have the PRCs have loving relationships with the Banana Overseas Chinese who sees themselves more of being a Superior Class been associated with the Mirage Superior Class of Whites.

Even our banana Leaders still have Great Pride to celebrate the 100 years of Slavery by the British.

The Mininnenial Generation Sinkies thinks that they are a class up on anyone in the universe.

With one NTU undergraduate penned love Singapore and even surrendered her CB to the PAP.

They thought that they had arrived with just better pronunciation of their Eng Kok and everything will fall in place for them.

Little do they know that they are been override by the Rest and be Sick Men And Women of Asia soon.

Our Leaders can make fun of them thinking that they are from the Unis of the West. Now even one China Uni beats all Sinkieland unis Hollow.

The Strawberry Generation of Sinkieland who boh lean chor and proud to be called What's Perkanans or Pena Sais or Straits born Chinese different from China are going into disaters zones soon.

Yes, they are different from the Chinese of Mainland China for they had been diluted with all the Shits of the decadence west.

They do not process the Grit, Determination and Perseverance of true blue Chinese as in their undiluted Cultures.

That's the difference between the Chaff and the Rice.

Jack Ma had made enough and he giving back to his Country with his time and wealth.

Sinkies Chinese will follow his example? Till now we still have the immigrant idea that we survive on our own.

Crying and whinning that they are not paid enough to be a Minister.

Chinese Sinkies and what's their proud Pernankan culture will be chaffs as blown away by the wind.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

@ RB

Although someone has to do it, telling a egotist like Trump to "fuck off" is a very bad idea, because he will go out of his way to "get back".

At the moment India's arse is bleeding from the enormous amount in US-denominated debt they've taken on.

Trump's daily routine is to find out people he can fight with. So he is used to fighting many adversaries at one time. Even if he doesn't "win", his fucking meddling can fuck them up...expensively. They eventually have to bear the cost whilst the USA sits nice and pretty with its "boom" and USD-dominant strength.

I'm betting the Iran sanctions thing is going to get uglier. Trump's an asshole, and he'll say and do stuff most people would consider "too extreme".

Before he leaves office, I predict this fella is going to do very expensive damage to many cuntries, including his own America....on multiple fronts: economy, society, politics, race-relations, women's rights...fuck. The guy is TOXIC lah.

Anonymous said...

Is this article about Culture or what? I am totally confuse. Are we supposed to comment on RB’s article or comment on readers comments? Is RB’s article being hijacked?

Titiana Ann Xavier said...

Uncle Sam's Vice President Mike Pence spoke at the Hudson Institute and accused China of interfering in elections to oust Trump. The slanderous accusation has earned a strong rebuke from China calling the charge ridiculous. The corn-belt of Iowa, Idaho and Illinois were crucial to Trump in the 2016 presidential race. China tariffed farm products from these states as retaliation in the trade war. The farmers were merely collateral damage.

Anonymous said...

According to Taiwan media, Taiwan and Japan are buying tonnes and tonnes of excess yellow beans after China decided not import those beans. They are helping US farmers.

Whoever said...

Taiwan buys the excess soya beans at dirt cheap price and then sell to China for a profit. Same as Japan. This is a game Trump has played himself out.

Anonymous said...

Next month a major show of force in south China seas the usual suspects. 12 nautical miles off they go.

UG said...

If I buy Apple product but assemble in China, than how? Lucky got Donald Trump okay. No world war 3. If Ang Moh dont bomb Japan, China and Singapore will how? China should thank America okay. Donald Trump find prostitute pay money one hor. Shaw also. MAN. Ex MP Ong find people wife? ST Editor find intern? From PAP camp? Old leaders are joke. Scared of find prostitute, scared got aids, dont want pay money? You ay pi, you ay qih, you ay tua liap ni? Throw 6 smoke bomb sack already? PAP got MAN a not? When is the Singa the Cartoon character legal to PU lah already? That one male or female? Sometimes I wonder why I like that? The Feng Shui on top trickle down to me?

Anonymous said...

Russia, China, EU, Iran, Syria, Turkey, South America will be using Euro as an alternative currency trade settlement soon. This direction is getting clearer.

UG said...

LKY Iron Fist? LHL Lampa Cancer? Why? Feng Shui issue? Next PM can be a woman from LKY family?

By the way, the police jump into the long kang, the leg never break? Within the area, got life buoy?

Anonymous said...

"Before he leaves office, I predict this fella is going to do very expensive damage to many cuntries, including his own America....on multiple fronts: economy, society, politics, race-relations, women's rights...fuck. The guy is TOXIC lah."

And I predict he will be assassinated because a lot of people want him dead. He has too many enemies --- TOXIC Enemies far, wide and deep.

Anonymous said...

How many people armchio when Pence said US not involved in China 100 years humiliation history.

Read this wiki

'American involvement

Following the pattern set by the great powers of Europe, the United States took on a protectionist stance, built up its navy, and tried to create a mercantile empire. The United States was one of the leading signing "treaty powers" in China, forcing open a total of 23 foreign concessions from the Chinese government. While it is often noted that the United States did not control any settlements in China, it shared British land grants and was actually invited to take land in Shanghai but refused because the land was thought to be disadvantageous.[3]wiki

Anonymous said...

BREAKING NEWS: Singapore came in 149th place - among the bottom 10 countries.

The Commitment to Reducing Inequality Index, compiled by developmental charity Oxfam and non-profit research group Development Finance International, ranks 157 governments across the world based on extent to which they are tackling the growing gap between rich and poor in 3 key policy areas - social spending on public services such as education and health, progressive taxation and labour rights.

Singapore came in at 149 out of 157 !!!

Whoever said...

The top 10% earns 70% of the total income and accumulated 90% of the total wealth in the country.

Though income inequality (unfairness) is already bad enough, the wealth inequality is frightening. This is the main factor that caused China to turned Communist. This is the main factor that led to revolutions and bloodsheds. This is the main factor that measure the ineffectiveness and incompetency of a government, especially thaose of a centralized or authoritarian government.

There is no excuse for any government with full unfettered power to let the country going down this road.

If a country with an authoritarian government faces such a situation, it is by design, deliberately planned and executed, not by fluke, not by nature, not by market forces.

UG said...

Where did those crazy rich Asian get their money from? Singapore? Hong Kong?

Which country those crazy rich Asian belong? Singapore? Hong Kong? China? Malaysia? Myanmar? Thailand? Indonesia? Vietnam? India?

Got crazy rich Ang Moh?

Japan also got many different groups? Fight Fight Fight? So when America bomb Japan, some group happy? Some group not happy?

Fight Fight Fight?

The war ended in 1783 with the United States becoming the first country to gain independence from a European power. United States never suffer before?

So why is it United States Ang Moh problem? They should follow what our old parents say, dont kpo? Keep to them self? Dont tell people they got Google, IBM, Apple and etc? Than no debt?

Go tell Japan for what? Come tell Singapore mah. Goondu. Will Japan, China, Singapore citizen blame United States bomb Japan? Why Apple assembled in China? Come assemble in Singapore mah. Goondu. We serve 10 years reservist leh.

Quick dump leh.

Unknown said...

Matilah said:
//Before he leaves office...//

Trump is probably going to win 2nd term. We'll continue to enjoy his show until 2024.

Those who need their jobs better make sure your job can survive.

Those like me who have retired with enough assets get to enjoy more reality program. And cheaper prices & property during the recession in 2020-2023.

UG said...

China peasants assembled Apple in China, do you all have minimum wage? Is housing expensive? Blame Obama or Donald Trump? United States is in debt leh. Got see Americans no money? Make America Great Again? Donald Trump trade war for fun? Blame Xi Jin Ping? His salary very high? Where the money? Donald Trump is PAP A Team? Xi Jin Ping is WP, PAP B Team? Whose Asian is very rich? Bill Gates Children or Warren Buffet Children got show off their sports car a not? Who ah? Who? Our power plant sell to China, Malaysia, Japan? Play monopoly, got electricity, water and railway leh. Power plant very important in monopoly leh. Money leh? Old people collect cardboard is exercising? Money leh? My problem still not solve after email PM Lee leh. But I serve 10 years reservist. Is Donald Trump Goondu? Or Ang Moh scholar goondu? Or China, Japan, Singapore peasant is goondu? Who is the goondu? It is so fun. Let create a TV show in America, Who is the Goondu? Obama check birth rights? Donald Trump impeach? Singapore alliance with US, serve 10 years reservist, no job, old people collect card board? Clap clap clap. So smart? USA dare to use our soldiers? Any China people inside as officer?

UG said...

British still got Brexit? We last time got Dutch economist help us? Why dont sell power plant to America, British and Dutch? I am confuse. What is our old leaders doing all this while? Where is the values? Should we not thank those who help us? That why we people below boh tua boh shui? Is a Feng Shui problem trickle down from on top? Why no Ang Moh minister that serve USA army and gone thru wars? Find some people who never serve army be minister? When is The Singa The Cartoon Character Legal to PU LAH? That one male or female ah?

Anonymous said...

Singapore's crazy rich top one percent !

Anonymous said...

Got Crazy rich angmoh?
Got, Anton Crazy. He thinks he is rich.
Now don't know if got job or not.

UG said...


Whoever said...

Nikki Haley Has Enough OF Pussy-Gropping Trump

Through the revolving door of the Dirty Trump Administration out goes another high-level departure: US Ambassador to the United Nations, Nikki Haley,

She is by far the most high-profile woman in the Cabinet, and an Internationalist who's done much to protect the United Nations from Donald Trump's anti-globalist wrecking canon ball.

She was a strident critic of Russia and Syria at the UN, and also fiercely critical of what she claimed was the global body's anti-Israel's bias.

She supported shutting off US funding for the UN's Palestinian refugee agency and revelled in defending the Trump Administration's decision to move its Embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem in the face of an acid shower of international criticisms.

She was also instrumental in pressuring China to support a tough sanctions regime against North Korea.

However, her style very often offended other UN Ambassadors. Her aggressive and repeated warnings about compiling a list of countries that didn't back the United States inflamed even the close Allies. Yet it's often said that the UN's biggest peacekeeping mission is directed against the Trump White House, and Nikki Haley was seen as a valuable help to the UN in that sense.

A former governor of South Carolina, she's a talented politician who's widely spoken of as a future female US president. Though she has ruled out challenging Dotard Trump in 2020, it is likely she may run for a seat in the Senate because of the Kavanaugh's issue.