
Terrex Lesson - Kicking a hard ball

The ball looked pretty, like a football, very tempting. Someone went ahead and kicked. 'Ouch, it's a hard ball', so hard that it almost broke his leg. This practically sums up the Terrex Incident. Any lesson learnt, or anything good came out from it?

Going back to pre incident day and just read the media and the numerous and almost daily anti China articles would tell a story. Then there was the Rajaratnam School lashing out at China on the South China Sea issue and the chest thumping that Singapore was going to punch anyone regardless of size and power.

Read the news today and the glorious reporting of China's economic activities and infrastructure development in the BRI and compare the difference. Incidentally when one reads about China, it is all about trade, economic activities and infrastructure development. When one reads about the USA, it is about wars, threats of wars, sanctions, warnings and selling of weapons of mass destruction, etc etc. The bankrupt evil Empire has nothing else to contribute to world peace except wars.

The media is also bustling with news about how good China Singapore relations are, a stark contrast to the pre Terrex days when Singapore was snubbing and rubbing at China all over the place. No?

It looks like Singapore has sat down and took a relook at its strategic position and reviewed its policies towards China and how it should go forward. The policies of snuggling closely with the Americans continues and allowing the devil to compromise Singapore’s neutral position could not be the same anymore. The Americans did not need to manipulate or pressure Singapore to be nice and good to the Americans. That is what Sun Tsu's highest state of the Art of War. No need to fight the enemy, the enemy willingly surrender itself, prostrate itself to be screwed.

Singapore's policies towards China has taken a dramatic turn for the better, hopefully, at least that is what you read in the media and what the ministers are saying. How true is this, only time will tell. What is real is that Singapore cannot advance and grow economically without China. Being left out in the cold by China is an economic disaster for Singapore. No country could give Singapore a lift economically other than China. This is the positive outcome of the Terrex Incident.

The Terrex Incident has forced Singapore to start thinking again after falling into complacency that all is well with or without China. After putting everything down to brass tack, Singapore's teeny weeny economy that has no growth engine other than raising property prices and dumping the island with more foreigners will go into depression if it does not tag along with the Chinese economic train. The biggest economic growth engine today is China. Running foul with China is a no go.

Hence today we are seeing a 180 degree turn in Singapore China relations. The so called think tank schools that were walloping China thinking that they could behave like backlane gangsters have been asked to shut up. At least that is what I think is happening. No more cocky and thoughtless remarks of a school boy bullies wanting to challenge China to a fight.

Something good did come out from kicking a hard rock in the Terrex Incident. It jolted Singapore from its snoozing to realise the world has changed and it is time to wake up to face the reality. The big question, has enough damage been done that it is too late to change the direction of a ULCC.

The current visit to China by Hsien Loong and his team and the high level reception, the meetings with all the who’s who in China is telling a story that China wants to put everything aside and start anew. This is a new moment of truth. Would Singapore squander it again? It is does, there will be no return road.

What would follow in Hsien Loong’s meeting with Trump is interesting to watch. Trump is going to pressure Hsien Loong to do his will. Would Hsien Loong buckle or continue to be a willing partner to the evil Empire and its evil deeds of inciting wars, provoking wars, threats of wars and conducting wars? Would Trump twist Hsien Loong’s hands in Singapore’s relations with China or would Hsien Loong be telling Trump that Singapore would not be pressured by external powers, including the USA, to do what is not in the interest of Singapore?

China would be watching the visit very closely.


Anonymous said...

China Xi a magnanimous to Ah Long of Sinkieland. Xi did not make the matter blown out of proportion on the red dot Toy's R us Story. This is wat a great nation is. China Xi & Li & their henchmen r all beware of the double-headed snakes hypocrites dishonourable Ah Long (after all the negative reports of Ah Long's deeds & doings on his then farther's will & treatment of his siblings etc..)..China will never entrust any important critical trades & economic relations to Sinkieland, as the collateral damaged r done & can never be repair ( as wat the Chinese proverb says 覆水难收 破镜难重圆。。).China-Sinkies relations is as good as 'gone case'...

Anonymous said...

The current visit to China by Hsien Loong and his team and the high level reception, the meetings with all the who’s who in China is telling a story that China wants to put everything aside and start anew.


Because the timing now is also tiok for a win win situation for Sinkieland and China.

Just like the timing now is also tiok for a "Indian father but considered as Malay by PAP" Sinkie lady President.

Ngam ngam ho. (just nice and in time)

Anonymous said...

Talk is cheap!

Will Singapore plaYs a starring roles in the OBOR?

Or a ke-lay-fei role?

Or own OBOR.....Own Belt Own Rosd?

We shall see.

Anonymous said...

Hope Lee Hsien Loong and gang have learnt their lesson and repent for the good. It's never good to be pro-India and pro-US and anti-China. Luckily Xi granted junior Lee an audience !

Anonymous said...

This audience could be the beginning of a new chapter of good relations or be the last audience for him.

Anonymous said...

Abe and Modi would be inviting him to join and build an Indian Japan OBOR to counter China's BRI that would go as far as East India to West India.

Anonymous said...

Probably China shud know, never trust a betrayal & backstabber of Long Ge of the Little Red Dot ( be it defense, trade, financials or others) lest u kena bitten.To be bitten once is a mistake but to be bitten twice is no more excuse, China taken note & beware of this Double Headed DN Pinky of Sinkieland..

Anonymous said...


you think they have learnt?

hope so

hope china see this pee sai up

see our leaders up.....especially the 4th G

look at the massive massive investments by China in other asean countries

too late? what is left for us? hahaha........

what say you?

Anonymous said...

Karma will punish those evil doers ... that's why they are so paranoid and they know that they are hapless when the messengers from hade visit them to pull their soul away from their shell

Anonymous said...

"Lee Hsien Loong is just not as skilled as his father in controlling the risks and striking a balance between China and the US" - Global Times

Lee Kuan Yew is viewed globally as a visionary figure full of political wisdom.

Anonymous said...

Deputy Prime Minister Tharman Shanmugaratnam said on Wednesday night that he himself would have preferred a contest "like most people" for the recent presidential election. Why didn't he voiced his objection before Halimah was installed as President? Why did he kept quiet? Why? Why? Why?

Anonymous said...

He allowed fait accompli to happen first then open his mouth. This does not reflect well of his character.

Anonymous said...

Tharman is trying to align with the majority to score political points after the porridge is cooked . . .

Anonymous said...

RB .... you don't meh?!?! Singapore is a prostitute ... opening legs to whoever can gives the highest price.

Today it's US & China...

By 2050 when India overtakes China to have the highest GDP, Singapore will also open legs to Indian customers.

Anonymous said...

@ Anonymous September 21, 2017 11:22 am
"RB .... you don't meh?!?! Singapore is a prostitute ... opening legs to whoever can gives the highest price."

This ahgualand is a shame?

Ahguamen are laughing stock of the world where it has the only army in this world whose soldiers are exempted from doing any pull up?

This is most likely due to indiscriminately excessive mental masterbedtion (aka pcc during young & immoral, despicable ema &/ or multiple boats with each leg)?

Ahgualand thus ended up a gigomous loosely gapping promiscuous slutty whore infecting many inhabitants with similar hell-condemned immoral sins?

One expurt Hong Kee fortune teller specially highlighted that pple with a chinese numerical character shaped eye brow are the worst DOM on earth and sikver serpents under such pple from top down are likely to live and practise such decay and decadent livestyle, thus sowing, growing and multiplying muktitudes of immoral sins unabated with no light at the end of tunnel?

Ahgualand is destined to doom when no light and only darkness covers the land?

How can goodness emerge from darkness?

Immorality galore (in ahgualand) leads to nowhere but hell, dungeon and darkness?

Anonymous said...

Singapore's fundamentals have not changed. How can there be any change by China's side. China's leaders are seasoned people and highly skilled in diplomacy. President Xi has to show his positive side to the world in front of everyone. But what is going on behind the scene, nobody knows.

Singapore has not make a simple mistake once or twice. But deliberately, adamantly and arrogantly hammered China again and again, at least four times in a row and in foreign ground (in the US and in Japan) and in Asean and in Non-aligned Movement. Moreover, Singapore has just recently expelled a pro-China "Agent of Influence" Professor from the LKY School of Think-Tank.

Not only the fundamentals for a rapprochement have not changed. In fact, it has been further aggravated by the installation of an Indian-Muslim masqueraded as Malay-Muslim, with clear small-boy-also-can-see blatant manipulation of the Constitution and the Election Process, without the decency, ethical and moral standing, short-changing the voters by depriving them of a rightful election. Such an act may signal to China as a direct defiance and arrogance that Singapore is not Chinese or Chinese-controlled.

In addition, the recent proud reports of joint military exercises with India, US and Japan, the 'enemies' of China, are also sore points that cannot be easily be discarded by sensible people in China.

If there is any sincerity to make amends, then an unreserved apology is in order. No more show of arrogance and defiance but be humble and sensitive, not foolishly and bullishly callous like a spoil-brat small-boy devoid of any caution and awareness.

To conclude, it all depends on the behavior of LHL. How he behaves next, when he meets Trump, Abe and Modi.

Anonymous said...

The most sincere reconciliation with China that Singapore can show is to invite China to establish a naval base in Singapore next to the US base.

Anonymous said...

This is diplomatic U turn caught headlines. In 2015 June. An Asean meeting at Yuen nan had an unique closing meeting. The meeting was chaired by a lone Wangyi. The Asean side co chaired sinkie fm already flew home, according to hk media. Months later before a whitehouse dinner, sinkie pm voiced support for pinoys fake international tribunal court judgement. When sinkie pm met pinoy pm, (after sinkie pm met with japan pm, both confirmed support for pinoy s tribunal judgement: ownership of south china sea islands was illegally held by china) pinoy president went against the judgement. Pinoy president got lots of trades and loans from chinese.

In 2015 November, sinkie and china signed chongqin govt "demonstration initiative", a project between 2 govts. The project worth 20 billions USD for developing flights, traffic flows, and finances to support 1b1r in western china.

Reading Xinhua s 20 sept 17 report, Presi Xi only touch on Chongqin project. He requested to enhance the project. Nothing else was given. In contrast to pinoy president s visit to china, sinkie pm s visit was a good show only. Viewing on china s generosity to neighboring small countries, sinkieland did not get much real things excepts talk and dinners. Sinkieland in return, voiced support for one china and anti Taiwan independence. Also hot air to Chinese hosts. To chinese, the Changi US base is a potent force against the chinese most powerful weapon: submarines hiding in South China sea against the fleets floating on top.

One important event happened was sinkie/chinaguests were greeted by Wangqs, a white collar crime fighter in china. This man was out of sight for year and re appeared only last month. There are facilities on sinkieland like casinos, and properties for china criminals to wash dirty money to clean money in the past. There were cases rumored where Chinese brought brief cases of cash to buy properties. What was the concern was not clear. Sinkie had sent home a chinese criminal nos 2 on interpol. There are lists of china criminals similar to the lists held by indonesia.

Another event was meeting with the ex china pm Changdc. This man is head in charge of HK and Macau affairs. HK has concluded a 4 year talk with Asean on free trade agreement. It put HK at equal footing with sinkieland on trade with Asean. Therefore, much businesses might somehow flow to HK. Chinese firms are more comfortable to do borrowings and IPO on HK side. Asean 1b1r projects financing will naturally flow into HK market.
Sinkieland s position with china is not a plus point in the past.

How sinkies spoiled their own rice bowls is the story voters must learn. Sinkieland s U turn is the first step to reach out the top Chinese. What can happen? It will not be like the past where criminals are allowed to buy properties. By next year US tax department will have free share of bank info from mas. That will trigger: "where do u get so much money?". China crime fighter Wang will get more legal aid. President Xi is not giving more to sinkieland.
It was reported in cna that China pm Li was to visit sinkieland. It did not happen as predicted.
From Chinese response, the status is stagnant.

Anonymous said...

@ Anonymous September 21, 2017 11:22 am
>>>>>RB .... you don't meh?!?! Singapore is a prostitute ... opening legs to whoever can gives the highest price. Today it's US & China... By 2050 when India overtakes China to have the highest GDP, Singapore will also open legs to Indian customers.<<<<<

The Chinese has a saying:

"What happens at the top happens below"

Every week many young za bor drink themslves silly in clerk key watery holes and then some end up making out with several strangers they nvr knew before under drunken state and cannorlt remember what happen after their hang over sexcapade?

For older sluts and loose itchy cunts, they purchase gigomous green berets during office hours on a regular basis (without any shame and still dare to hold their heads high at home in feont of their children, family members, relatives, frens etc)?

Their cockleagues have no shame too pret3nding not to see (cos they are equally gulity)?

What and how will such society end up in?

No rocket scientists can figure it out cos it is common s3nse?

The kantoniece say "no ice to si" ...?

Anonymous said...

The least Singapore should have done was to replace the Foreign Minister immediately so as to take responsibility for the screw-ups in Singapore-China relationship.

And also the replacement of the Defense Minister who opened his big mouth too arrogantly and too fast, and employing the SAF to actively support and operate with the US Forces, besides allowing US aircraft carriers and submarines to operate from Singapore Changi Naval Base to threaten China's strategic and national interests, and using Paya Lebar Airport to launch US spy planes to spy on China. These are the key issues that are still going on. How can China swallow this obvious actively anti-China stand.

Anyway, China has already set in motions her strategic plans to create, open up and protect her trade routes, and logistical life lines, through Malaysia, Indonesia and Thailand, plus Myanmar, by-passing PSA.

Anonymous said...

China's short, medium and long-term trade with Singapore will be reduced progressively throughout the next ten years.

China's tourists will be limited in terms of cash flows to Singapore.

China's investment in Singapore will be shifted to focus upon buying up strategic assets, rather than residential properties.

Militarily, China will set up a Naval Base in Batam-Bintan to counter Changi Naval Base.

China will help Malaysia to set up Air Defence capabilities to counter RSAF fighter planes, and radars to serve as early detection of RSAF activities. There is also a plan to help modernize the Malaysia's Armed Forces with special training and artillery and tanks. In the long-term, China will set up military bases in Malaysia and Thailand.

Anonymous said...

No need real war lah?

Just the economic measures (alone) from the US can bring many to the knees (bended)?

Get ready (to) buy one "container" load of popcorn and watch "fireworks" (gg off and many bankruptcy and business failures etc etc...)?

Anonymous said...

The US $4.3 Trillions QE1, 2 & 3 between 2009 & 2014 have led to bubbles everywhere including ahgualand?

Plus the ECB €3 trillion+ LTRO 1 & 2 in 2010 to 2012 and the ECB QE since Mar 2015?

Now besides raising interest rates 4 times in Dec 2015, Dec 2016, Mar 2017, Jun 2017, the US CB (Central Bank) is pulling back and unwinding this US$4.3 trillions QE next month?

Anonymous said...

Cyclical unemployment likely to "implode" over next few years?

Anonymous said...

ARABS 1246pm

Based on your fortune telling, Singapore is going to be very siong leh!

Like that Singapore has no belt and no road...NBNR!

Very siong very siong!

No more SG69?

Anonymous said...

This is reported this year in Jakarta.

Indonesia has already an airbase at Naturna island. One island that is near to Malaysia and sinkieland. The airbase will control flights from sinkieland.

And Indon airforce is asking Batam Hang Nadim airport to let its airforce use part of the space.
Batam is only 20km from sinkieland.

Jokowi had ordered airforce to take over the aircontrol on Riau airspace. Currently the control is by sinkie changi side.

Sinkies air space activities will be monitored when Indon airforce find a place to land or start another airbase.

If China has a base at Batam as 1 post said it, Changi s US activities will be monitored closely.

b said...

Is wp better replacement for pap? Is russia or china better replacement for usa? Unless there is a better replacement, better stay with the current situation. \

Sg can become a state of usa. Capitalism is better than marxism. History shown Marxism killed people , including own, massively. In the world of Marxism, there is little democracy and freedom.

b said...

China have already chosen Malaysia. It shows how sincere they are in helping chinese dominated Sing which was kicked out by mayalsia for the same reason.

patriot said...

Sin is bless with a Mathematician cum Master Tactician as its' CEO.
His Strategies have got Sinkies affluence which neighbouring citizenries can only envy.
Sinkies can afford $20 Ramen, in neighbouring countries, many have to scavenge for left-overs and thrown aways. You know?

What is others when Sin has has the Best and Most Advanced Weaponries, the Best Trained Fighters and Most Capable Commanders that earn us the Title of Israel of the East?
Do appreciate the Safe and Good live that the Dear and Great Sin Leadership provides.

The Only Worry and Concern of Sinkies as it stands now is:

What say You?


Anonymous said...

Wah Wah Wah!

Based on the comments here Singapore is very very the siong.

Not only no future, we are surrounded.

Was this why PAP got 70%?

Some predicted 80% at the next GE.

Anonymous said...

Birds of a feather flock together.

Those with devilish intentions will always sleep with the devil and work for the devil.

Will China trust red dot?

Anonymous said...

@ Anonymous September 21, 2017 4:02 pm

@&$*$£÷^@//Some predicted 80% at the next GE. //#@$×^#%#^


Wooden block?

Ownself predict (based on thin air)?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous September 21, 2017 4:23 pm
》》》Birds of a feather flock together.《《《

The Chinese have a similar saying (but only for devilish intent):

"Snakes Rodents in same den" ...

When angels work under the devils, the outcome is devils?

Same same good ahguapple work under evil ahguamen and ahguagenerals?

In the end, nothing good is left in ahgualand?

Only evil ahguaeunuchs and ahguamorenut?

Anonymous said...

When u are led by wrong pple, the harder u work, the deeper the shit u sink into?

Anonymous said...

When many are sick of ahgualand but stay due to various reasons, how bright can the future be?

When the only way to win a race is to get rid of all other runners with two complete legs, how good can the future winner be?

When the future winner can be so sick to do such things, how proud or confident can u be (of the future)?

Anonymous said...

With the latest macro policies in the US, many currencies are gg to "suffer"?

The first casulties may be in Latin America?

Companies and individuals wise, those highly leveraged especially with maturing bonds and properties mortgage above their necks could be first in line?

Anonymous said...

The next twelve to twenty-four months could be "roller-coaster" moments for many others throughout the world ...?

How fast would the US move the interest rate towards the buffer zone of 4% over next 12 to 36 months?

How fast would the US CB aka FED unwind their bloated US$4+ trillions balance sheet?

How would happen to the US interest rate?

And isn't ahgualand monetary policy an interest rate taker?

So USD up, ahgualand also relatively up vs other currencies?

More cheaper holi in matland in the short term?

But US exports a small fraction of gdp?

Net exports -ve 2.5 to 3.5%?

Ahgualand total trade 400%?

Exports 210%?

Ahgualand up means exports revenue down in higher proportion unless waste reserves intervene?

So overall means (gg to be) bad like in 1984 to 1986?

The speed and scale of the US contractionary OMO (open market op) will impact the speed and scale of interest rate rise?

Can properties swim against the interest rate current or tide and not get swept away?

Coming up soon before year end is ECB tapering or ending of their latest €2+ trillion QE since Mar 2015?

How is that one-two punch gg to affect emerging economies and small floatsam in the oceans ... oops sampan ...?

Anonymous said...


"Who predicted 80% at the next GE' unquote

If ownself can check ownself

Ownself predict is not shameful lah!

After all, like in a race, they got rid of all opposition, so they will come in first. That is the prediction and it should have been 100%.

Not my prediction ok!

Anonymous said...

Ha ha ha

A race in front of an empty stadium?

Even XO Ji Fan much less "la si ni ma" cannot feel up 1% of the seats?

Way to go?


Jia You ...?

Anonymous said...

The kantonese has an idiom call "no ice to si" ...?

Anonymous said...

Oops typo

*cannot fill up 1% .....

Anonymous said...

AnonymousSeptember 21, 2017 7:31 pm
>>>After all, like in a race, they got rid of all opposition, so they will come in first. That is the prediction and it should have been 100%.

Not my prediction ok!<<<

Anon 7.31

U sound like typical JLB utterLi useleess?

Like that where need to predict when it is walkover?

No contest still need to count 70% or 80% or 100%?

Where is your useleess jlb churned out asshole brain?

Have or not?

Anonymous said...

If so confident of 80% like wooden block ownself bluff ownself so popular, then (have) contest lah?

Anonymous said...

7.31pm //After all, like in a race, they got rid of all opposition, so they will come in first. That is the prediction and it should have been 100%.//

If yew get rid of all competing runners and race against crippled who can barely standup, yew are still so proud and feel humbled by yewr success?

Shame on yew?

Yewr hide is so thick it even make Kim Jong Un nuclear ballistic weapon hide in shame?

Anonymous said...

Old fart and old guards efforts now becum worldwide laughing stock and joke?

Anonymous said...

Legacy of LKY and all the Old Guards washed away by South China Sea Tsunami. No Heaven nor Earth can help now.

Anonymous said...

A dishonorable son as pee-m. A dishonorable daughter as pressed-see-done. Who can trust a dishonorable cuntry?

Anonymous said...

It is only natural that a cuntry led by a cunt will end up like a smelly cunt.

It is only natural that a people led by screwed up leaders who keep screwing other countries will end up being screwed.

No help. Too little too late now.

Anonymous said...

3 words to sum up:

"Sounds Quite Bad"?

Anonymous said...

Lets look at Ah Long's talent beside a Mathematician & son computing skills. Long's talent r aplenty like: joker, backstabber, monies suckers, squeeze his political opponents until pants drop, sue & sue, promise after promise or lie after lie, invented reserved presidency, give u one drumsticks take back one whole chicken, may act faint spell in speeches to gain sympathy & many unknown ones...

It's so sad that the people of Sinkieland elected him with characters flaws (though human r imperfect but no excuse) in his GeeRC to become the PeeAm..

Anonymous said...

8.42 //...give u one drumsticks take back one whole chicken,...//

In Economics, it is verli inefficient to subsidise during erection and give goodies then tax back via water tax etc cos result in net loss?

Waste resources which could have been diverted to productive gains?

What kind of productivity attained in the process to give pple money with left hand then take back with right hand?

Anonymous said...

What kind of future can next generations have if these types of Economics and ownself bluff ownself practices?

At every round of such games, there is net loss or leakages?

In the end, (Mathematically) it will tend to nothing after n rounds?

Anonymous said...

Ah Long or Promo After Promise or PAPaya r well trained in 'pork barrel' politics & silencing their political opponents & dissidents...
The cuntry goes down the drain bcos of one Loony ah gua man..it's too bad for Sinkies ..as wat KJ said u got that Loony parties tat u deserves serve u right Sinkies..

Anonymous said...

So some think they are sooooooo fortunate to be born in ahgualand?

All these propaganda propagated during old fart time?

It is (actually) 10 gazillion life times misfortune to be born in ahgualand?

Anonymous said...


Look at old fart son, daughter in law and even favourite grandson?

Openly admitted frens asked him faster run rd (from ahgualand)?

Anonymous said...

EveLi able ahguaman needs to uprot himself from his himeland and run rd?

To start all over again in foreign land?

Do yew call that fortune or misfortune?

Anonymous said...

Even under the British colonial masters or even the beast type cruel Japenise invaders the old guards need not run rd?

But in the end, able ahguamen need to?

If old guard old times need to run rd, got the later ahgualand?

Anonymous said...

If able ahguamen in the end need to run rd, yew think ahgualand still got future?

Can imagine old guards need to run rd last time?

They din thats why got the later ahgualand but after old fart, able ahguamen in the end need to, so got future or not? Yew tell ahguamen lah?

Anonymous said...

Some siao ting tong jlb IB so pappy and happy next erection 80% or even 100% when yew tied up the legs and hands of competitors and race against them?

So proud and humbled to win against crippled who can barely stand and other runners hands and legs tied up?

Yewr skin thicker than world class german made leopard TANKS?

Anonymous said...

The trip to China is again a show of arrogance, without remorse nor repentance. Still continues to maintain the same posture as before. Boastful of deliberately bringing along an Indian and a Malay to represent Multi-culturalism. What crabs? You go there for what purpose? To show off your defiance and arrogant attitude again?

Stupidity has no cure.

Anonymous said...

“We had some issues to deal with last year. But this year, there have been many exchanges. That there will be issues from time to time is to be expected. Partly, it’s because we are two different countries, and never will you see interests perfectly aligned.”

Sinkieland PM also said that he deliberately brought two non-Chinese appointment holders – Minister Vivian Balakrishnan and Parliament Secretary Amrin Amin – to deliver a strong message to President Xi of China directly, first hand:

"So for us to take advantage of that cultural affinity, and at the same time to be able to maintain the distinct identity and be quite clear that we are multi-racial and that we are NOT a CHINESE society, I think that is something which we will have to continue to manage, and CONTINUE to have to try TO MAINTAIN IN CHINA. To that end, I have always tried to include non-Chinese ministers or appointment holders when we visit China to visibly show that we are different but friendly.”

Such a great speach from a vwise man! China now has no choice but lan lan. Chinese leaders better give some business to the US stooge otherwise when he meets Trump next month,

Top Geo-political Exponent at work. China sure jia lat liow. Don't play play with Sinkieland okay?

Anonymous said...

He brought the pro-India foreign minister to meet the Chinese leadership !

Anonymous said...

So did Lee Hsien Loong bring home any multi-billion dollar investments from China like Malaysian PM Najib skillfully did ?

007 said...

The Constitutional Manipulator came home, after spending three days in China, with a hot air balloon, which can explode in mid air any time. That is how skillful his diplomacy is.

Chinese leaders are not so stupid that they are unable to see through his motive - going there to personally sized up Chinese leaders' position with regard to US threats and then go and tell Trump how he sees China when he visits USA next month.

What would anybody expect a US stooge do? Two words sum up the whole opera:

"James Bond".

Anonymous said...

Some peple r very gd in using
Others strength to helps ease it own task.

Anonymous said...

12.24am //Chinese leaders are not so stupid that they are unable to see through his motive - going there to personally sized up Chinese leaders' position with regard to US threats and then go and tell Trump how he sees China when he visits USA next month.//

Many Chinese policies like housing according to several sources and writings came from old fart suggestions?

Like using inflated properties prices to ramp up GDP values?

This trip may be a property bubble tour too?

When the US CB (FED) printed US$4.3 trillions between 2009 and 2014, China CB (PBOC) probably printed huge amount too just by looking at this two currencies pair rate?

The stock market bubble since DD presidency erection in 8 Nov 2016 has gotten much more "exciting & entertaining" (some expurts likened it to 1929)?

Outgoing US CB chairwoman JY and vicechair SF are convinced they must partially deflate that bubble else the "detonation" might be devastating?

How is China going to react when USD and interest rate keep going up?

The last time it happened since end 2013 when they announced their QE tapering many Latin American countries and even China suffered serious withdrawal symptoms?

Brazil, Peru and many Latin American economies went into tailspin, their currencies and BOP lao sai like shit in 2014, 2015 ...?

Latest macro policies means many Latin American economies may be permanently "camping" in the icu?

China's PBOC macro policies could be walking a tight rope in mid air like acrobats in a circus?

Lawyer turned economist old fart economic model could be sorely tested whether it is sustainable or could implode and permanently RIP forever?

Anonymous said...

As for ahgualand, when US int rate up, being a int rate taker since MESS practises a non-independent int rate MP, ahgualand int rate also up?

To ensure many properties owners who greedy highly leveraged wont bankrupt so fast, cooling measures starting from the ABSD, SSD could be rolled back (in panic?) to also ensure banks do not suffer too much NPL from both property as well as maritime, O & G sectors etc?

But who can catch "falling knives" in a bear property mkt?

Anonymous said...

In ahgualand, many recently signed property OTP may be "burst" as potential buyers probably rather forfeit 25% of their deposit than see an "instant 10% -ve" in property value?

So in the immediate term there could be some hardship on the ground as agt "jiak chao" cannot fill the stomach and also cannot give their sch gg children pkt $$$?

So in the near term, many agt could "flee" the property sector and flood the ride hailing sector with supply of pte hire rising steeply, benefitung commuters as recent peak hours price surge models make many pte hire commuters "see red" at per trip between around $30 to $50 just to get to work (in the morning) or home (in the evening) to avoid MRT break down? Ahguamen especially the masses are "box-in" with all kinds of pierce poking holes in their pockets in 30% water tax, food and drink prices in coffeeshops & fdcts etc all shot up, electricity tariffs up, and soon to be sugar tax and whatever goods with inelastic demand that can be taxed (to raise garment revenue to fill some "limitless & bottomless black holes"?)? Ahguamen going fwd Jin Jia Cham in ahgualand (no wonder "no balls" contest, walkover?)?

Anonymous said...

One interesting piece of data to watch gg fwd is the re-registration or renewal rate of agt during this period?

By Jan 2018 the numbers could be out and it might not be surprising if the media might report alarming decline?

Next in line are the property agencies? What goes up must come down? How many agts kena owned commission for donkey months, some even years still cannot touch, see or even smell their rightful hard earned sweat blood $$$ which some even financed their operating expenses with loans from licensed lender one arm one leg interests and also some from "sharks" (which is even worst)? Cannot say hardship on the ground is unfounded? Even recent gjost month getai performancers on stage hint hint kpkb recent years taking down down down? Surplus disposable income (& savings) mostly in casinos le and garment papiggy bang? KJ (privately) in his cinatown (party) office or Landon arm chio the 70% ahguamen deserve the taxes and hardship they voted for? Even several pawn shops bosses recently overheard talking in kopishop said many ahguamen not much jewellery (left) to pawn le cos many lo(oooo)ng gone liao since casinos open in 2010? No spending power so private consumption spending Per Capita in GDP figures (from singstats.gov) keep going in past few years? Headline nominal (price) inflated GDP edging up but std of leaving (SOL) falling cliff-like in recent years? No wonder recent days came across some grassrot talkjng among themselves said old fart since passed away ......... (keep shaking heads and letting out loud sighing ... hai hai hai in despondency and resignation?)?

Anonymous said...

Oops typo ...

"No spending power so private consumption spending Per Capita in GDP figures (from singstats.gov) keep going ..."

Should be:

"No spending power so private consumption spending Per Capita in GDP figures (from singstats.gov) keep going DOWN ..."

The word "DOWN" missing ...

Anonymous said...

Oops ... some more typo ...

"Headline nominal (price) inflated GDP edging up but std of leaving (SOL) falling cliff-like in recent years?"

Should be:

"Headline nominal (price) inflated GDP edging up but std of LIVING (SOL) falling cliff-like in recent years?"

Standard of Living (SOL) [original text wrong spelling] ...

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Welcome to the blog 007.

Anonymous said...

Trump's awaiting Hsien Loong's China advance scout report !