Team captain Jason and Andy Foo, our sponsor and our beautiful guide from China
In the stadium for the opening ceremony
The other teams
The Chinese team
Carrying the Singapore flag after the swearing ceremony
4x100m relay - Paul passing baton to Kim Seng at the last leg
Ansgar on his way for a silver medal
Lawrence running in the same event as Ansgar
4x400m men above 70 bronze medal winners Kannan and his team
PS. Unable to post more pics due to technical faults.Will try to post more.
Looking at the pictures of the gallant oldies, it makes one think about the (wimpy) millenial generation ...
Many are unable to settle down on their own and even when they do, unable to have offsprings or struggling to raise even with one ...? Those who can manage with 2 and above are the small minority than the norm ...?
For the oldies, they still have the (sandwiched) Gen X to watch their backs ... For the millenial gen growing up under the education system helmed by one JLB minionster after another, the end products are loads and loads of strawberries and no plucky durians or tough like nuts hard to crack coconuts ...? Wimpy (but garguantan excessive overpaid) JLB Ahuguaminionsters churning out wimpy ahguageneration strawberries ...? There are many 30-yo and beyond still punking, partying, holidaying around as if there is no tmr ...? Do a bit of work (only) then need go holiday here holiday there? Cant eveb eat a little bit of "bitter"? Little bit of hardship like going to die already? Work a bit (only) then lunch time must go here eat, go there eat and 1 hour lunch break becomes double? If this is not strawberry, what is? 3 cheers to the ahguaminionsters for helming an education system since 1990 that churns out tons of strawberries ...? Hooray! Way to go (down) for ahgualand ...?
..uncle RB, these r all very precious & memorable moments of our Seniors Masters Athletes in action. Though we don't have any live telecast on TV, we miss those live actions , we viewed these pictures as if we were there witness these exciting moments of our seniors. Their efforts & hard training lets not forget them, Salute to these Masters Seniors Athletes..U made us proud & standing tall!
Mr RB, how many Nations took part in this Sporting Event??
The Chinese Home ground Team had a large contingent.
Our Uncle Kor able to clinch the Gold in the 10,000 Meters beating them.
Thought the PRC seniors are robust and stronger than our Seniors.
As a rejoinder for Anon 7.32, an oldie friend told me decades ago that the PAP is nurturing a Generation of Monsters be seen and felt in the Present circumstance.
For an example, the so called Educated Couple who harassed the old gentleman by not sharing a common table with him and even assaulted him.
Have to agreed with you completely. The PAP churned out a generatio of Monstrous Greedy Lot with not even a grain of humanity towards their fellow beings just like them.
Fifty odd years of Nation Building goes to waste. At least the young Hong Kongers though not self rule with history as long as Sinkieland are more political aware of their existence.
Virgo, this is Asian Masters for the whole of Asia, including Southeast Asia.
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