Playground of a public housing estate in Singapore
SEA Game - A picture is worth a thousand words
I just have to post this for all to see. Video credit to Mothership.SG
During the round-robin match, Singapore’s Nur Syaheeza Muhd Jefri appeared to have been hit in the head with a hockey stick by a Malaysian player as she backpedalled to defend her goal.... Singapore’s hockey team manager Tan Siu Hua told The Straits Times on Saturday that she was keen to move on from the incident, calling it “part of the game”.
When you are small and cannot punch above your weight, just find an excuse to move on when bullied or got whacked intentionally. What else can you do? September 03, 2017 10:01 am
Singapore’s hockey team manager Tan Siu Hua told The Straits Times on Saturday that she was keen to move on from the incident, calling it “part of the game”.
Typical of majority kiasee Sinkies. Poor kena whacked Sinkie player!
No wonder PAP always win, because Chee Soon Juan kena whacked hard hard by PAP is considered “part of the game” by the majority Sinkies.
And as if that was not enough, majority Sinkies also whacked Chee Soon Juan hard hard by making him always lose election. Poor Chee Soon Juan!
Singapore’s hockey team manager Tan Siu Hua told The Straits Times on Saturday that she was keen to move on from the incident, calling it “part of the game”.
Will Tan Siu Hua be keen to move on from the incident, calling it “part of the game”, if she herself is the one who kena whacked?
I think her boss should ask her this question first, and then sack her.
It's okay lah. Singaporeans are used to being bullied. Singaporeans will always support the bullies.
My teenage son pointed this out to me a few weeks ago. I'm so used to it, I did not even see it for so many years. Even though I kpkb for so many years.
The behaviour and conduct of the Singapore's hockey team manager left much to be desired. She shows poor leadership and uncaring for the injury of her team-maids. She should be sacked forthwith, without delay. After that she can move on to Mars or Hell if she wants.
But as for now, she must be held accountable to the people of Singapore for showing such disgraceful conduct and poor leadership.
Singapore’s hockey team manager Tan Siu Hua told The Straits Times on Saturday that she was keen to move on from the incident, calling it “part of the game”.
From this episode, Sinkies should now roughly know what kind of bosses and leaders they have.
This mentality is even typical in companies. The boss will try to avoid more work and trouble for them by "bochap" (don't care) their staff if they can. They treat their staff as just digits to do work, not as a human being with needs, concerns and care.
So any wonder why majority Sinkies are unhappy with their bosses in HR surveys?
Straits Times' Warren Fernandez in today's(Sunday) ST column said "the best that can be done under these difficult circumstances, in my view, would be for the committee to accept that there is only one candidate who qualifies under the present rules spelt out by Parliament. Madam Halimah might then be declared elected into office unopposed on Nomination Day."
It says: "Second quake detected in North Korea. A statement on the China Earthquake Administration’s website said the second quake, measured at a depth of zero kilometres, came eight minutes after the first quake, which it said was a “suspected explosion”. The coordinates of the two quakes were almost identical, according to figures provided by the administration."
But from other professional news sources: "South Korea Meteorological Association says there's no sign of 2nd earthquake"
Singapore’s hockey team manager Tan Siu Hua told The Straits Times on Saturday that she was keen to move on from the incident, calling it “part of the game”.
Typical Singaporean. True or not, you tell me lah.
After losing billions of dollars investing in foreign banks' shares; Singaporeans are keen to continue voting for PAP, calling it “part of the game”.
After suffering years or MRT breakdowns and delays; Singaporeans are keen to continue voting for PAP, calling it “part of the game”.
After years of collecting cardboard boxes for "exercise"; Elderly Singaporeans are keen to continue voting for PAP, calling it “part of the game”.
After years of driving taxis for a living; Singaporean PMETs are keen to continue voting for PAP, calling it “part of the game”.
After years of waiting for the return of their CPF money as cash; Elderly Singaporeans are keen to continue voting for PAP, calling it “part of the game”.
Despite looming homelessness when the 99 year HDB lease expires and the HDB flat is taken away by the HDB; Singaporeans are keen to continue voting for PAP, calling it “part of the game”.
There is no cure for stupidity among Singaporeans. It's a life long disease that will eventually result in poverty, unemployment and homelessness.
This is pure foul play. Solution: Sg should be a state in USA. This will solve south china sea dispute and stop others from bullying sg. Many pros few cons.
/// Singapore’s hockey team manager Tan Siu Hua told The Straits Times on Saturday that she was keen to move on from the incident, calling it “part of the game”. /// September 03, 2017 1:09 pm
Tan Siu Hua should just say: "It happened. What to do? Lan, lan bo pian lor."
Please lah.Dun be childish. This is sportsmanship.Besides saying it's part of game and move on what can Ms Tan do. It doesn't imply that she/he is not a good leader but shows our magnanimity and graciousness . Know your game well and foresee the possible risk if want to play games. Our neighbouring Garmen will feel bad to see this too.Will be called up for voluntarily causing hurt. Let's not let this isolated incident cause further unhappiness.
Not being to avoid cement truck is my failure to foresee's my shallow minded,no contingency plan so blame myself. Learn a lesson. And anon 6.28 A good leader should not be too petty over such trivial matter else no great achievement. 做不了大事。 I see this leader has potential:-)
In the face of a calculated, deliberate violent assault with the clear intend to cause grievous hurt to the head of our own sports woman, the least a leader worth his/her salt would do is to stand up for his/her team member and see to it that justice is done. If need be go all the way to the World Hockey Authorities.
Only a coward would quickly find excuses to avoid trouble and take the easy way out by moving on.
If Singapore pioneer leaders had behaved the same cowardly way, irrespective of sports or politics, Singapore would have succumbed to external pressures long ago.
It is very sad to see, that on the one hand our ministers have been trying to punch above their weights when dealing with China's disputes with neighbouring countries, which is non of Singapore's business, yet in this case, one of our girls have been deliberately attacked in full view with evidence recorded, we have idiots who tried to twist the facts in order to bow out under the guise of sportsmanship, magnanimity and graciousness.
Moreover, with twrsted logic, the coward has the audacity to cast aspersions upon other commentators who are of opposing views, and further turned around to say that the manager concerned has potential. What kind of credibility does such a coward has upon such assertion?
The whole world, including Malaysia must be laughing their hearts out???
Better to be a living coward than to be a dead hero . Only khongcum leader will act ,retaliate,get agitated or gather the whole team to hit others just becos a team member was hit. Only TengAhgee will make a scene with whatever authority at a foreign land.Talk easy mah.
以退為進,aggressor will now feel guilty or prick by conscience ,where got time to laugh? Go learn from Uncle Virgo lah.
Pathetic to see those who appear to write well but come to strategy,kosong.Want to have their own countrymen to be sack becos of this.In Hokkien,we call TurNow.Whats the big deal of a gold plated metal in sports? That's why I say Sinkies are sookoo,fated to be boss around . But what to do?Many leaders are oso khongcum,that's why khongcumers deserve khongcum leaders to lead them.
@ Anonymous September 03, 2017 12:54 pm //////Singapore’s hockey team manager Tan Siu Hua told The Straits Times on Saturday that she was keen to move on from the incident, calling it “part of the game”.////////
Another glaring empirical evidence to SHOW it is NOT WORTH fighting anything (including sports, national slavery etc) for ahgualand with many self-serving self-centred ahguapapergenerals who WILL SAY anything nice when they NEED U but WILL LEAVE u to the wolves, lions, hyenas etc when U NEED THEM?
Ahgualand wan dan le?
The days are numbered?
Who wants to die for ahgualand & its ahguapapergenerals?
Virgo49September 03, 2017 12:12 pm >>>The Malaysians, especially the Bumis for years under the Mat Hater who is more Indian in origin had poisoned their minds to hate Sinkies. Sinkies, especially the naive and young who are there are unaware of their predicaments should anything happen to them. ... To stay and have holidays in Matland, you must be streetwise not to antagonize their Big Bro sentiments.<<<
Sinkies are plain kongcum. Spend hours stuck in gridlock matland custom jam, go there spend $$$ to boost jawhore's and matland's economy and save matlanders' pathetic livelihood but 25-yo undergrad kena run down by their drivers and passed away last week, sportsgal kena blatantly whacked by hockey stick but still keep going to jawhore & matland in droves. Sinkies deserve it if they are not discerning and continue to be suckers and kum lan. The lousy food in jawhore are NOT CHEAP anyway. Curry fishhead many places and even coffeeshop in sinkieland has but kongcum sinkies simply like to waste their precious time to queue for hours along jln whore ah fuck just to eat some silly overhyped curry fishhead. Same for the pananacake at jln tan bo nee. Queue there for hours just to buy super expensive silly pananacake and let the matlanders laughing at the sinkies kongcumness as well as ALL THE WAY TO THE BANK. Likewise the super expensive bakuteh where there is NO TRANSPARENCY in the bill and just suka suka charge. At Geyland lor 11 & lor 15 junctions got the similar bakuteh at $5 per claypot no need fight tooth and nail in jawhore custom 5 hours gridlock jam to est some over expensive over hyped bakuteh, curryfishhead and pananacake.
Human do and God watching. Retribution will come one day. That's why, I am not impressed if someone were to say to me that he is god religious follower.
Philippines President Duterte has invited Indonesia and Malaysia to fight Religious Extremists. He is even allowing the Said Asean Members to pursue the Extremists in the Philippines.
Will the Joint Efforts by the Three Asean Members result in extremists seeking refuge in Sin???
Extremists are more affordable than average Sinkies.
For safety, even if it is just temporary, Sin is an ideal place. lt is hard to identify unarmed extremists who carry no evidence on themselves. And there is nothing much the Authority can do without evidence. There are advantage that the Extremists can bring to Sin too. Head counts as a tourist statistic, spend whilst in transit or staying for a period etc. It could be a blessing if the Extremists do no damage but spend and spend whilst here.
Could it be that the Philippines, Indonesian and Malaysian Leaders have great confidence in the Ability of Sin to deal with Extremists or they perceive that Sin is not targetted by extremists, such that Sin is not invited to be with them. Or could there be other reason? Leaving Sin out nevertheless, gives a sense and sign of isolation. However, since Brunei, an Islamic Nation, is also not in the Fight, isolation of Sin by Member Nations may not be the Case.
They always believe Sin is not targeted by extremist, and let's hope it stays that way.
Over confidence is never a good thing. Over confidence can bring disaster if you do not watch your back because they strike without warning. And never brag or boast about how safe and secure the country is. You never know what kind of elements we have been letting in over the years.
But, of course, they will tell you when it happens, it can only happen once in 52 years. Problem solved, questions answered, lets move on.
During the round-robin match, Singapore’s Nur Syaheeza Muhd Jefri appeared to have been hit in the head with a hockey stick by a Malaysian player as she backpedalled to defend her goal....
Singapore’s hockey team manager Tan Siu Hua told The Straits Times on Saturday that she was keen to move on from the incident, calling it “part of the game”.
So like that how? Sua sua?
When you are small and cannot punch above your weight, just find an excuse to move on when bullied or got whacked intentionally. What else can you do?
So if our player dies, it is part of the game ? What are the duties of a hockey team manager ? Very sad with mentality.
When you are small and cannot punch above your weight, just find an excuse to move on when bullied or got whacked intentionally. What else can you do?
September 03, 2017 10:01 am
Go to Hong Lim Park to kpkb?
So if our player dies, it is part of the game ? What are the duties of a hockey team manager ? Very sad with mentality.
September 03, 2017 10:03 am
So if our Opposition politicians gets bullied, it is part of the game ?
What are the duties of a Singaporean citizen?
**This is very very very very SERIOUS!
What are the duties of a hockey team manager ? Very sad with mentality.
10:03 am
Complain to her boss. Ask boss to sack the manager and do something for our player who kena whacked.
So if our Opposition politicians gets bullied, it is part of the game ?
10:07 am
Complain to the 70%. Ask them not to vote PAP next election.
Reminds of Sinkies kena whacked by the 2 million foreigners deliberately let into Singapore by the PAP to compete for jobs . . .
Singapore’s hockey team manager Tan Siu Hua told The Straits Times on Saturday that she was keen to move on from the incident, calling it “part of the game”.
Typical of majority kiasee Sinkies. Poor kena whacked Sinkie player!
No wonder PAP always win, because Chee Soon Juan kena whacked hard hard by PAP is considered “part of the game” by the majority Sinkies.
And as if that was not enough, majority Sinkies also whacked Chee Soon Juan hard hard by making him always lose election. Poor Chee Soon Juan!
Would it ever occur to them to bring the video as evidence to lodge a complaint to the world Hockey Association?
Reminds of Sinkies kena whacked by the PAP who deliberately let into Singapore 2 million foreigners to compete for jobs . .
And as if that was not enough, majority Sinkies also whacked Chee Soon Juan hard hard by making him always lose election. Poor Chee Soon Juan!
Exactly, just like some IBs'comments here.
Singapore’s hockey team manager Tan Siu Hua told The Straits Times on Saturday that she was keen to move on from the incident, calling it “part of the game”.
Will Tan Siu Hua be keen to move on from the incident, calling it “part of the game”, if she herself is the one who kena whacked?
I think her boss should ask her this question first, and then sack her.
It's okay lah.
Singaporeans are used to being bullied.
Singaporeans will always support the bullies.
My teenage son pointed this out to me a few weeks ago.
I'm so used to it, I did not even see it for so many years.
Even though I kpkb for so many years.
Tan Siu Hua Should Be Sacked!
The behaviour and conduct of the Singapore's hockey team manager left much to be desired. She shows poor leadership and uncaring for the injury of her team-maids. She should be sacked forthwith, without delay. After that she can move on to Mars or Hell if she wants.
But as for now, she must be held accountable to the people of Singapore for showing such disgraceful conduct and poor leadership.
Exactly, just like some IBs'comments here.
10:24 am
Tiok. Anyone who mention Chee Soon Juan here is a IB, or rather a PAP IB, and/or a paid IB.
Anybody who attack Hsien Loong is a member of a Sinkie opposition party.
Any animal which quack like a duck is a duck.
Do you think we should ask the Malaysian player to declare her innocence in the Malaysian Parliament?
Malaysia must be very proud of that player and may award her a datukship for bravery and heroic action beyond the call of duty.
So disgusting.
Singapore’s hockey team manager Tan Siu Hua told The Straits Times on Saturday that she was keen to move on from the incident, calling it “part of the game”.
From this episode, Sinkies should now roughly know what kind of bosses and leaders they have.
This mentality is even typical in companies. The boss will try to avoid more work and trouble for them by "bochap" (don't care) their staff if they can. They treat their staff as just digits to do work, not as a human being with needs, concerns and care.
So any wonder why majority Sinkies are unhappy with their bosses in HR surveys?
The fox has finally revealed its tail !
Straits Times' Warren Fernandez in today's(Sunday) ST column said "the best that can be done under these difficult circumstances, in my view, would be for the committee to accept that there is only one candidate who qualifies under the present rules spelt out by Parliament. Madam Halimah might then be declared elected into office unopposed on Nomination Day."
Straits Times reporting fake news?
It says: "Second quake detected in North Korea. A statement on the China Earthquake Administration’s website said the second quake, measured at a depth of zero kilometres, came eight minutes after the first quake, which it said was a “suspected explosion”. The coordinates of the two quakes were almost identical, according to figures provided by the administration."
But from other professional news sources: "South Korea Meteorological Association says there's no sign of 2nd earthquake"
Singapore’s hockey team manager Tan Siu Hua told The Straits Times on Saturday that she was keen to move on from the incident, calling it “part of the game”.
Typical Singaporean.
True or not, you tell me lah.
After losing billions of dollars investing in foreign banks' shares;
Singaporeans are keen to continue voting for PAP, calling it “part of the game”.
After suffering years or MRT breakdowns and delays;
Singaporeans are keen to continue voting for PAP, calling it “part of the game”.
After years of collecting cardboard boxes for "exercise";
Elderly Singaporeans are keen to continue voting for PAP, calling it “part of the game”.
After years of driving taxis for a living;
Singaporean PMETs are keen to continue voting for PAP, calling it “part of the game”.
After years of waiting for the return of their CPF money as cash;
Elderly Singaporeans are keen to continue voting for PAP, calling it “part of the game”.
Despite looming homelessness when the 99 year HDB lease expires and the HDB flat is taken away by the HDB;
Singaporeans are keen to continue voting for PAP, calling it “part of the game”.
There is no cure for stupidity among Singaporeans.
It's a life long disease that will eventually result in poverty, unemployment and homelessness.
The fox has finally revealed its tail !
12:58 pm
Aiya, Sinkies already know it is a fox, so no need to reveal its tail lah.
Which fox don't have tail?
Which smart Sinkie don't have money?
Aiyoh, got money so what?
In the end also either six feet underground or ashes in an urn.
There is no cure for stupidity!
This is pure foul play. Solution: Sg should be a state in USA. This will solve south china sea dispute and stop others from bullying sg. Many pros few cons.
/// Singapore’s hockey team manager Tan Siu Hua told The Straits Times on Saturday that she was keen to move on from the incident, calling it “part of the game”. ///
September 03, 2017 1:09 pm
Tan Siu Hua should just say:
"It happened. What to do? Lan, lan bo pian lor."
Please lah.Dun be childish.
This is sportsmanship.Besides saying it's part of game and move on what can Ms Tan do.
It doesn't imply that she/he is not a good leader but shows our magnanimity and graciousness .
Know your game well and foresee the possible risk if want to play games.
Our neighbouring Garmen will feel bad to see this too.Will be called up for voluntarily causing hurt.
Let's not let this isolated incident cause further unhappiness.
@ September 03, 2017 4:35 pm
agongkia kena hit and run by a cement truck.
- lies critically ill
- will be paralyzed for life
"It happened. What to do?
Let's move on.
Lan, lan bo pian lor."
Wishful thinking only hor.
It will never happen in real life.
Magnanimity and graciousness is the hallmark of a good leader?
That certainly does not fit the behaviour of some leaders.
In any case the hockey stick hitting looks far too intentional rather than accidental!
Not being to avoid cement truck is my failure to foresee's my shallow minded,no contingency plan so blame myself.
Learn a lesson.
And anon 6.28
A good leader should not be too petty over such trivial matter else no great achievement.
I see this leader has potential:-)
Teacher had sex with pupils in Canada, but ended up at prestigious Chinese school
In Singapore, how many of the 2 million FTs working here have undetected questionable backgrounds?
In the face of a calculated, deliberate violent assault with the clear intend to cause grievous hurt to the head of our own sports woman, the least a leader worth his/her salt would do is to stand up for his/her team member and see to it that justice is done. If need be go all the way to the World Hockey Authorities.
Only a coward would quickly find excuses to avoid trouble and take the easy way out by moving on.
If Singapore pioneer leaders had behaved the same cowardly way, irrespective of sports or politics, Singapore would have succumbed to external pressures long ago.
It is very sad to see, that on the one hand our ministers have been trying to punch above their weights when dealing with China's disputes with neighbouring countries, which is non of Singapore's business, yet in this case, one of our girls have been deliberately attacked in full view with evidence recorded, we have idiots who tried to twist the facts in order to bow out under the guise of sportsmanship, magnanimity and graciousness.
Moreover, with twrsted logic, the coward has the audacity to cast aspersions upon other commentators who are of opposing views, and further turned around to say that the manager concerned has potential. What kind of credibility does such a coward has upon such assertion?
The whole world, including Malaysia must be laughing their hearts out???
Mrt break down is signalling problem, let's move on ...
A Gazillion Quadrillion JLB Fan Tong PARASITIC COW
A JLB COW has been certififed a horse. Lets move on ...
Certified by,
CONmittee of Ownselves Tao Nao PCC Ownselves
Better to be a living coward than to be a dead hero .
Only khongcum leader will act ,retaliate,get agitated or gather the whole team to hit others just becos a team member was hit.
Only TengAhgee will make a scene with whatever authority at a foreign land.Talk easy mah.
以退為進,aggressor will now feel guilty or prick by conscience ,where got time to laugh?
Go learn from Uncle Virgo lah.
Pathetic to see those who appear to write well but come to strategy,kosong.Want to have their own countrymen to be sack becos of this.In Hokkien,we call TurNow.Whats the big deal of a gold plated metal in sports?
That's why I say Sinkies are sookoo,fated to be boss around .
But what to do?Many leaders are oso khongcum,that's why khongcumers deserve khongcum leaders to lead them.
@ Anonymous September 03, 2017 12:54 pm
//////Singapore’s hockey team manager Tan Siu Hua told The Straits Times on Saturday that she was keen to move on from the incident, calling it “part of the game”.////////
Another glaring empirical evidence to SHOW it is NOT WORTH fighting anything (including sports, national slavery etc) for ahgualand with many self-serving self-centred ahguapapergenerals who WILL SAY anything nice when they NEED U but WILL LEAVE u to the wolves, lions, hyenas etc when U NEED THEM?
Ahgualand wan dan le?
The days are numbered?
Who wants to die for ahgualand & its ahguapapergenerals?
Pls kee chiu?
Virgo49September 03, 2017 12:12 pm
>>>The Malaysians, especially the Bumis for years under the Mat Hater who is more Indian in origin had poisoned their minds to hate Sinkies. Sinkies, especially the naive and young who are there are unaware of their predicaments should anything happen to them. ... To stay and have holidays in Matland, you must be streetwise not to antagonize their Big Bro sentiments.<<<
Sinkies are plain kongcum. Spend hours stuck in gridlock matland custom jam, go there spend $$$ to boost jawhore's and matland's economy and save matlanders' pathetic livelihood but 25-yo undergrad kena run down by their drivers and passed away last week, sportsgal kena blatantly whacked by hockey stick but still keep going to jawhore & matland in droves. Sinkies deserve it if they are not discerning and continue to be suckers and kum lan. The lousy food in jawhore are NOT CHEAP anyway. Curry fishhead many places and even coffeeshop in sinkieland has but kongcum sinkies simply like to waste their precious time to queue for hours along jln whore ah fuck just to eat some silly overhyped curry fishhead. Same for the pananacake at jln tan bo nee. Queue there for hours just to buy super expensive silly pananacake and let the matlanders laughing at the sinkies kongcumness as well as ALL THE WAY TO THE BANK. Likewise the super expensive bakuteh where there is NO TRANSPARENCY in the bill and just suka suka charge. At Geyland lor 11 & lor 15 junctions got the similar bakuteh at $5 per claypot no need fight tooth and nail in jawhore custom 5 hours gridlock jam to est some over expensive over hyped bakuteh, curryfishhead and pananacake.
Human do and God watching. Retribution will come one day. That's why, I am not impressed if someone were to say to me that he is god religious follower.
Philippines President Duterte has invited Indonesia and Malaysia to fight Religious Extremists. He is even allowing the Said Asean Members to pursue the Extremists in the Philippines.
Will the Joint Efforts by the Three Asean Members result in extremists seeking refuge in Sin???
What do You think?
patriot, Singapore is so expensive, they would rather go somewhere else.
Extremists are more affordable than average Sinkies.
For safety, even if it is just temporary, Sin is an ideal place.
lt is hard to identify unarmed extremists who carry no evidence on themselves. And there is nothing much the Authority can do without
There are advantage that the Extremists can bring to Sin too. Head counts as a tourist statistic, spend whilst in transit or staying for a period etc. It could be a blessing if the Extremists do no damage but spend and spend whilst here.
Could it be that the Philippines, Indonesian and Malaysian Leaders have great confidence in the Ability of Sin to deal with Extremists or they perceive that Sin is not targetted by extremists, such that Sin is not invited to be with them.
Or could there be other reason?
Leaving Sin out nevertheless, gives a sense and sign of isolation.
However, since Brunei, an Islamic Nation, is also not in the Fight, isolation of Sin by Member Nations may not be the Case.
They always believe Sin is not targeted by extremist, and let's hope it stays that way.
Over confidence is never a good thing. Over confidence can bring disaster if you do not watch your back because they strike without warning. And never brag or boast about how safe and secure the country is. You never know what kind of elements we have been letting in over the years.
But, of course, they will tell you when it happens, it can only happen once in 52 years. Problem solved, questions answered, lets move on.
The terrorist could be as innocent looking at this terrorist in the Hockey game. Strike you when you think she is safe.
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