
NDP theme – Honour every Singaporean

This year’s NDP theme is to honour every Singaporean. It has been a long time that being Singaporean is an important thing. After a couple of decades of honouring foreigners and foreign talents, finally someone starts to notice that there are Singaporeans that deserved some recognition.

A reader wrote to Today’s forum to honour our past and forgotten heroes. There were so many historical figures that fought and die for this country. This reader, Edwin Teong Ying Keat, recalled a Tan Chong Tee of Force 136, a military unit set up by the British and its soldiers were mainly locals, fighting against the Japanese that many SE Asian countries today want them to return to be our policeman. To remind the people of Force 136 is proper and important at this juncture given that most young people have forgotten about these heroes and the cruelties inflicted on our forefathers by the barbaric Japanese soldiers in WW2.

For those who are still harbouring on the idea of honouring the foreigners, now that everyone of them is claiming credit for building this island into an economic powerhouse, we have not forgotten them. Maybe next year our NDP theme shall be honouring every foreigner and foreign talent, the new migrants. And many Sinkies can also feel like them, shouting, ‘We are immigrants too!’, ‘We are also foreign talents before.’ And all Singaporeans can hug the new migrants and foreign talents like one people.

With such a theme, it would make the statement that Singapore belongs to everyone here, new or old, more meaningful. After all the Sinkies never believe they own this place. It is ok to share with the whole world, and welcome everyone, especially the talented, as Singaporeans. Singapore will be the country for everyone, everyone is welcome. Sinkies don’t own this place. Sinkies are foreigners too, albeit earlier migrants, nothing special.

How about that huh? A NDP theme to honour every migrant, new and old, with Sinkies calling themselves migrants and very happy to share or give away their country to foreigners? When a people do not even know that they are the masters of their land and willingly share or give it to foreigners, they deserve to lose it. The honour foreigners theme would level the playing field between new migrants and old migrants ie Sinkies. And Sinkies love that I think. Sinkies love a level playing field to compete with foreigners in their home country, or in a place they do not believe belongs to them. They too are migrants, forever migrants and very proud of it. And before every Sinkie forget they are migrants, let’s celebrate being migrants. Just hope they don’t end up as new migrants in other countries, after being chased out from this island they once owned and called home.

Be happy sharing your home country with the whole world. This island belongs to everyone here. Let’s hope this year’s theme of honouring every Singaporean is not the last time Singaporeans are honoured here.

Kopi Level - Yellow


Anonymous said...

So asked the cleaners (75K cleaners) the lowest wage workers, in the first world country, around $800 pay for years to borrow money from credit companies and Ah Long, so they can save more in CPF for retirement 65 to 70 then can take back a few hundred per month?

Why don't they volunteer to reduce their pay to that of the small population and advance countries to return people cpf at 55?

Anonymous said...

Honouring EVERY Singaporean?
Sure or not?
Ask Kenneth whether his father JB Jeyaretnam will be honoured.

Honouring the "correct" Singaporean.
This is more in line with PAP's way of doing things ... tiok bo?
After all, PAP's way is the way of 60% of Singaporeans tiok bo?

Anonymous said...

How about honouring my CPF money by returning it back to me.

I don't want any honours bestowed upon me by traitors.
Huk Pui.

Veritas said...

Force 136 was over-rated. Lim Bo Seng was a de facto level "platoon commander", promoted posthumosly to BG by -- KMT of China.

Force 136 was not even capable of minor sabotage, just some recon, and pretty soon, she got burst by Jap.

Force 136 was enshrine due to propaganda. The real force behind resistance of Jap is MCP, lead by Chin Peng.

The reason to elevate force 136 to crazy status because you could still find some banana there, and the unit is commanded by British at company level.

Even Lim Bo Seng is China FT, whose loyalty is towards Genmo Chiang, but union jack.

All these truth are not told.

Many now thing force 136 fought for British. No Chinese will fought for colonial British. They are not worth laying down your life. The cause of china has energize youth in Malaya against Japan, most joining MCP.

Fucking Peranakan in SG fake history.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Hi Veritas, you are right in your points. The military history of Singapore is all about small skirmishes and, like Force 136, recce missions. the Brits don't trust the locals, and would not want to arm them or train them to fight like real soldiers.

There were no real battles fought in Spore. The British were just running away. The locals got no weapons or military organisation to fight a war.

Lim Bo Seng is unlikely to command a sizable unit to justify a general rank. But definitely more than a platoon commander.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

How can you diagree with George Yeo? He is an intellectual and must have good reasons to want to erect a monument here to honour Chandra Bose. He must know his history to want to do something like that.

Anonymous said...

A little knowledge is very dangerous in the wrong hand. George Yeo is one of them, propounding big theories on limited historical knowledge.

Anonymous said...

Why need to honour every Singaporean, when Singapore already belongs to everyone?

Why need to ask for blog kopi, when remisier commissions are already so good?

Anonymous said...

Why George Yeo wanted to be minister or intellectual, when he can easily be headhunted to be Chairman of Asia’s premier logistics service provider?

Anonymous said...

But why is RB not honoured to have a better job than being remisier and blogger?

And did he apply for the vacancy created by Seah at the Matland The Star paper?

Anonymous said...

RB is waiting for the invitation to come. Think so easy to get RB to write for the Star?

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

>> This year’s NDP theme is to honour every Singaporean.

Meaningless drivel. I can't believe that there are people on full time salary (plus benefits) employed to think up useless shit like this.

In the meantime, I am preparing my guestrooms for my Singapore kakis who'll "chabut" to Perth for the National Day long weekend....joining the tens of thousands other Singaporeans -- automatically "honoured" this year, no less -- also on their ND long weekend spent AWAY FROM SINGAPORE! :-)

Anonymous said...

If PAP wants to honour Singaporean men?
Then stop accusing us of using our CPF money on Batam women.

What about PAP investment managers spending money on foreign bank shares?
This one not reckless and careless use of money meh?

b said...

If they do not honour the foreigners, how are they going to attract them by millions and beef up the housing price so that many sinkies can sell their worthless hdb and migrate to true first world county with freehold house and swimming pool?

Anonymous said...

Matilar, stop harassing RB lar and go write your books.

1) how to boast about sexual power when both tiny are missing
2) the art of incest
3) the guide on how to bull shits
4) how to irritate people and waste their time daily
5) learning to be thick skin and flameproof
6) how to tahan when your ass kena fucked
7) how to act as patriot when you are a traitor
8) how to act and look normal when you are actually insane
9) learning to speak when a cock is stuck in your mouth
10) how to con your sisters and daughters to continue having sex with you without reporting to the police.
11) How to develop multi tasking skill. Sharing of secret on Learning how to type on keyboard posting commentary on blog when there is a hard cock pushing in and out in matilar mouth.
12) How to cook two tiny to be delicious enough that the pigs would eat them.
13) How to brag about your intelligence when you have none and how to tahan when both mouth and ass kena screwed at the same time.

b said...

The real NDP theme is "mourning every singaporean". They have insulted themselves by keep voting for the pigs. Now they can only do bootlick, suckup, add curry to earn a living. Many sinkies gals have to sleep with those foreign trashs to get better grades, meet sale quotas, get jobs etc. Demise of the sinkies.

Anonymous said...

Redbean is a bigot. I have said that and I say it again. Stop encouraging hatred within the residents of Singapore. Without the foreign workers and the FTs Singapore would become a swamp it was 100 years ago. Be thankful the foreign workers and FTs are in Singapore.

Anonymous said...

So what are you? FT or foreign thrash?

Anonymous said...

Hey, bigot, 4.10pm, didn't you hear there's no place for a xenophobia nut like you here, go home if you think ft's made this island....go read up, stop being a donkey.
Red beans trash, makes more sense than all those earning a million and creating trash.

Anonymous said...

Hey just HONOUR YOUR WORD TO RETURN OUR CPF timely at 55 will do lah ....

Honour so much for F

Anonymous said...

Anon 4:10 is either a foreign thrash or a Sinkie traitor.