
The desperate cries of a pathetic 76 year old aunty

Hri Kumar did not bargain for it. He did not invite non constituent residents to his honest conversation on the CPF. But his resident, a 76 year old aunty, was there with a plate of genuine misgivings. At 76 year old, she belongs to the generation that should have withdrawn all her CPF savings when she reached 55 and has nothing more to do with the CPF. I think she chose to leave some savings in the CPF for safe keeping. She did not know that once left inside the CPF, her savings would be subject to the changes in CPF rulings, and now her money is treated just like other younger CPF members, locked up and cannot be withdrawn unlike the old terms. She did not bargain for it. CPF is the safest place on earth to keep her money. She trusted the govt with her money. And CPF did not fail her. Her money is very safe with the CPF but can only be withdrawn subject to CPF’s rules and regulations.

Hri Kumar did not bargain for her presence and her untold story of pain and struggle to get her money back from the CPF. She even revealed that her money in a local bank was withdrawn without her consent, to pay her property tax to the Inland Revenue. People are now questioning whether a bank has the right to take money from the depositors without the depositor’s consent and hand it to another govt agency.

The plight of this aunty is unusual and should not happen at all. Why must she be subject to the new CPF regulations? When she opted to leave her savings in the CPF, did the CPF explain to her that the money will be affected by new regulations? Or when new regulations came into force, did the CPF give her a chance to withdraw her money before it comes into effect, or it was too troublesome to do so? This is the same as the arbitrary transfer of money from the OA to the RA when a CPF member reaches 55. And the CPF did not bother to inform the members that once the money is transferred to the RA it cannot be used to pay for HDB mortgages. Should not the CPF inform the members as this is a major policy change and affects the finances of its members? Many members were caught by this unpleasant surprise and ended up having to fork out cash when they had more than enough money in the CPF to service their mortgages.

Why did the CPF think it not necessary to inform the members of such policy change? And why were there no CPF officers present in the conversation to answer any technical or specific question concerning CPF policies and regulations? This is a public conversation conducted by the govt or MP to answer the questions of the people. And the aunty rightly asked and expected CPF officers to be there to give her answers to her queries.

A public conversation is unlike a private conversation among friends. Many people have had many frank and honest conversations with their friends and did not need the presence of some authoritative figures around. They knew that their conversations were just talking cock sessions with no requirements to solve any issues or problems. Yes they were talk cock and sing song sessions. But the public and honest conversation on the CPF, organised by an MP, cannot just be a talk cock sessions, oops, my apologies, cannot be just a mere conversation. It was a serious conversation and if there were problems that needed to be ironed out, they must be done. And if there were questions to be answered, it would be best for CPF officers to be present to answer them. It is unfair to expect a MP to know the details of CPF policies even if he is a super talent that is supposed to know everything.

Would this 76 year old aunty get her CPF money back when the money should have been returned to her when she hit 55? It is so sad to see a dignified ex school teacher begging the Govt to return her life savings in the CPF. Can you believe that?

Kopi Level - Green


Virgo 49 said...

During the 1997 recession, my ex-colleague had her HDB mortgage deducted from even her Special account when her OA runs out of funds.

They will bend the rules to faster deduct before you cannot afford to pay.

If you have any oo tang any government agencies, your GST cash credits will also be deducted to pay before they give you the


Anonymous said...

Very very sad indeed, to beg the government which you trust to retunr your own money. Especially at a time that is near to your end of life.

Anonymous said...

Whislt it is true that no policy in the world is able to cater for 100% of the people, the agency that pulmugate such a policy should provide certain flexibility to cater for those who fell through the cracks by no mistake of theirs. Have a heart and do not use one bamboo pole to sweep everybody off the boat.

Anonymous said...

Anyone notice how arrogant and callous that woman in cheongsum behaved? It is this kind of people, the lack of compassion, even to a poor old lady, to suggest that she was mad.

When you have this kind of people in authority, the people's plight will been seen as the people's fault and the people deserved it.

Anonymous said...

The aunty suffered for her blind faith.

Anonymous said...

Bad policies and bad politics is a toxic mix.

Anonymous said...

Where got bad policies? Where got bad politics?

Anonymous said...

RB, we have millions of cpf members, I think to inform them takes too much time and cost. It's easier one rule sweep all and u die your business .

Anonymous said...

Good policies, or is it right policies, no need to ask or tell the people. Just do it and act like deaf frogs.

Anonymous said...

This kind of grassroot leader will cause PAP to lose a lot of votes. They see her as PAP, aloof, insensitive, conceited, unkind, cocky, haughty, arrogant.....

Anonymous said...

Will this auntie be sued by the banks?

Anonymous said...

If the banks dare to sure her, the people will bring down the banks. She is a victim of an uncaring system.

Anonymous said...

When the CPF annuity first started, they allow old folks to join in voluntarily. Many old people got CONvinced by sweet talks.

Even now, CPF is still given sweet talks without details. They don't even tell you how much you will get with CPF Life.

Trust me. Leave your money here. We will take care of you for life. Such sweet words.

Anonymous said...

Leave your money with me. Don't take out. You will live till 90. If you take out at 65, there will not be anything left. Trust me.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...


>> People are now questioning whether a bank has the right to take money from the depositors without the depositor’s consent and hand it to another govt agency.

It's not "another govt agency". It is Inland Revenue -- the Taxman.

It's also not a matter of "rights". It is a matter of LAW. If you hutang tax to the govt, the govt can just take from you. The bank has no choice.

>> I think she chose to leave some savings in the CPF for safe keeping.

WTF?!? Dumb bitch. Hard to find sympathy because she sabotaged herself. She had a chance to get free, and blew it.

Oh well, I guess you can't stop people doing stupid things. Handing over money for the govt to "look after" is one of the dumbest things you can do.

Got due diligence?

Anonymous said...

I saw a pic in TRS of KJ attending the discussion??

Anonymous said...

This 76 year old aunty should be invited to speak at Hong Lim on 12 Jul. Roy and Hui Hui, you listening?

Anonymous said...

The aunty only has a relationship with the bank. The tax man can go to any bank to take money from the customer's account?

True or not? Don't anyhow talk cock ok.

Anonymous said...

Is it true that iras can request the bank to debit from customer acct?? Can someone confirm or deny this fact.

Anonymous said...

Ask Matilah.

b said...

Aunty at 76 yo are very convincing and thus will be able to win hearts and souls of many out there. She should be enlisted into the alternative camp. Perhaps, she should form a party for those aunties above 60s yo, they will be a formidable force against the pigs. If can enlist help of catherine lim will be a sure win. They will be the pigs slaughterers.

Anonymous said...

Why should a 76 year old aunty be made to beg for the return of her life savings from the govt? The govt keeping her money for her own good? At her age she could say bye bye without prior notice.

How mean can people be to take advantage of an old lady?

Anonymous said...

Typical Pappies.
Bullies, self serving and soul-less.

b said...

This gov is heartless. Only know how to take very good care of themselves but treat the people like trash. They want to withhold the cpf so that they can screw them using ridiculous medical/ hospital bills or hold them ransom to any unjust tax that they fail to pay.

Anonymous said...

She has probably voted for PAP during her prime years and now that she is in need of the govt, they betrayed her. 60% voters, your time like her will come if you keep voting for PAP.

Anonymous said...

This 76 year old aunty trusted the PAP government when she was 55, 21 years ago. Maybe at that time it was a prudent thing to do for the best interest available at that time. If that was the case then she has benefitted from the interest she got from her CPF savings. Now, things are different and CPF minimum sum has gone up through the years. It must have crept up gradually, so why did she not ask for her money back when the limit was increasing over the years? I think she was just greedy for the best interest rates over the year. Now she is caught in this situation when she wants all her savings back. You cannot have a win win situation all the time. Sometime you win and sometime you lose. That is life. Tough. She does not get my sympathy if she was indeed greedy through these past years.

Anonymous said...

Is the unsympathetic woman in cheongsam a PAP member?
Is she typical of all PAP people?

In GE 2016, we better think very carefully.
If PAP can do this to a 76 year old aunty, what do you think they will do to you?

Anonymous said...

If 'cpf' is indeed still our hard earned money like someone said then we should be DEMANDING our money back, not making a request correct or not, having locked with by them for 30 or more years !

Anonymous said...

knnccb ...

neBer read article, not bothered to read article aNd highly unlikely will read it ...

BUT ... really knnccb;


and HOW WILL SHE BE voting FOR IN THE FUTURE if she be voting the next eRection?

knnccb .... limpeh lau uncle will not pity her even if waT she said are truth ... limpeh think she a hard core ball carrier of the papigs, "papigs do no wrong MeNtality" n alternative parties are a nuisance

huat ah .... lee hsien loong, did u chewed the chicken wings to pulp before feeding your old fart ... like a mother bird feeding her birdling?
be a filial son ....

Virgo49 said...

Hi Anon at 7.52

KNCCB (This is normal Good morning greeting)to you as spat by blue collar workers and the HongKies and Cantonese Malaysians when they met their kakis.

What you say is very true, true, true!!!

But actually hor, those in the 70s especially those civil servants are in the pensionable scheme what??

Their CPF very little unless they are conned into converting their pensionable benefits to CPF and gratuities scheme in the early 70s.

Also, at aged 55 able to withdraw all out what before the dreaded minimum sum scheme stepped in??

So wondering what balance CPF monies she got inside??

Medisave? That's definitely cannot withdraw!!

That's for the general pool of medifund when you DOA in hospitals.

The minimum sum scheme only in early 2000 so do not think she is affected what???

Yee tau moo shoow!!!

Anonymous said...

Hello Virgo49.....

Like my kakis... used to greet me;
" chin koo boh too tiok, chi bai hoe boh "

Like billy jean gestured during the CONversation... seow bang.

Now we know why my generations of local educated stinkapornang are called daft by old fart kuan yew in his holy book. And these people happily take it as a compliment.


Knnccb.... limpeh soon will be joining gecko, jbj, devan nair, otc... maybe will start an orchestra to welcUm old fart... well we shall see.

theonion said...


TOC just reported that the pitiful lady is living in a landed property and a nice big house.
So definitely very pitiful.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Hi theonion,

I have just written a post on how vile and despicable those people who ridiculed that 76 year old aunty and kicking her around like a political football. And they didn't feel a single sense of guilt and shame.

This is what this Sin City has degenerated to.