
Chin Peng, a commentary from an armchair expert

It is so easy to make comments on another historical figure with a little knowledge of the person and events. It is even easier to selectively choose information to fit into a construct that one chose to use. Chin Peng was a hero, Chin Peng was a freedom fighter, Chin Peng was a terrorist, a fanatic, a simpleton or a genius. Just take your pick. I can choose any one of these tags to write a story on Chin Peng and it would sound even more credible if I called myself an expert, a professor or add a Ph D behind my name.  Let me just give my 2 cents worth of what I know of this man from the history books, news and some self proclaimed expert knowledge on this man.

Chin Peng and his comrades were anti Japanese fighter first and foremost. In the 1940s, the timing and years are important as they defined who and what of a man he was. Both Singapore and Malaya were British colonies, not countries. No citizenship or rights of citizenship for the likes of Chin Peng. Their loyalty was to the Chinese civilization and an ancient China. They were also British subjects if I am not mistaken for being in Malaya.

There was a war of aggression in China conducted by the Japanese. Chin Peng fought under the Malayan People’s Anti Japanese Army. They were also part of Force 136 supported by and supporting the British. They were fighting on the side of the British when the Japanese invaded Malaya and Singapore. Up to this point Chin Peng and his men/women were on the right side of history, fighting an aggressor, the Japanese. He was a war hero and awarded the OBE by the British Empire. His men paraded at our Padang in a victory parade. His OBE was withdrawn when he took the side of the communist to fight an anti colonial war against the British. Chin Peng was a good man turned bad for fighting the British. If one is a member of the British Empire, Chin Peng was bad. If one was anti colonialism, Chin Peng was a patriot.

Communism in the early 1930s and 40s was favoured by the revolutionary Chinese over the corrupt Chinese Nationalist Party, the KMT. Chin Peng was a communist, so was bad and on the wrong side. He was good in the history books of CCP. How one looks at Chin Peng would depend on one’s political inclination.

The Malayan Emergency was not a war of terrorism but a war against the colonial master. Remember, 1948, Malaya was a British colony. The natives could be fighting for their freedom from colonial rule as well. Some fought, some chose to live with the colonial master, some simply did nothing, and some worked and conspired with the British against the CPM.

When the British outlawed the Labour Movement and started to arrest the communist elements, the MPAJA was changed to MPABA, an anti British Army. This was subsequently changed to the Malayan Peoples Liberation Army fighting for the independence of Malaya from the British Empire.

History would look at Chin Peng differently if they had won and gained independence for Malaya from the British. They lost that war and signed a truce in 1955 in Baling. Malaya only gained independence from the British in 1957. The CPM withdrew to the Thai Malayan border and kept a low profile. The fact that a Thai Princess and many Thai generals paid their last respect to Chin Peng spoke of a close and friendly working relationship between them, and that Chin Peng was not a nuisance or menace to Thailand. They regarded him as a friend.

Chin Peng was kept away from Malaysia more because of domestic political reasons than for his revolutionary past. He could have been welcomed back as a nationalist, a hero if he was a bumiputra. He was a soldier, nothing more and nothing less. For some joker armchair critics to put him in the same league as terrorists and the bombing of America is simply a wild and cheap shot. Ever since the end of the Malayan Emergency, Chin Peng and his men lived peacefully in Thailand and probably became Thai citizens.

These are my comments on this historical figure of the twentieth century, one of the last survivors of those turbulent times.


Anonymous said...

History is determined by victors. Losers must always be the bad guys.

Anonymous said...

Are you are sure that they live peacefully, after the independence...

Read the history books again

Anonymous said...

Chin Peng was a communist and wanted to create a China outside of China in Malay land after the Japs is gone.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

He can only create a communist Malaya, not a communist China, provided he could win the support of the majority of the people, esp the Malays. But this is only hypothetical and a non event.

Anonymous said...

Create a China outside of China? You know how big is China?

Anonymous said...

Anyway, we are seeing the fruits of victory over communism in both Singapore and Malaysia, is it GOOD???
Or is it a losing game, Chinese are leaving Malaysia, Singaporeans are not reproducing???
Both are producing a bunch of parasites that feed on the labour of others, the Bumi of Malaysia and the PAP of Singapore.... HAHAHAHA... WTF. the end is still the same.

Veritas said...

There is also one secret that elites do not want us to know why CPM is so hated, by Malaysian elites.

Chin Peng hammer the jihad kids in S Thailand. That is the reason Thai love him. I will further blog about it. When Chin Peng move to Betong Yala, he found many Jihad kids around that he initially thought could be an ally to go against Thailand.

But after that, the Jihad kids sucks so big time that even the Malay communist hate them. The Jihad kids engage in a lot of indiscriminate killings. Chin Peng cant take it longer and he wage war on them.

The MCP is a progressive party is transcend racial lines. When they go Betong, they install discipline. They punish theft and robbery. They make Betong one of the safest place in Thailand.

The Jihad kids want to create as much hate as possible. They want to make their own people poor so that they can continue preaching they are discriminated.

So MCP got a problem. When they found more and more people killed by Jihad kids, they decided to go after murderer. They Jihad kids then band up attacking MCP. MCP are good fighters and know the ground. They know exactly who is covering Jihad kids and they can make surgical attack.

In the end the Jihad kids lost the war and got kick out from Betong. They ran to cry before their supporter -- the Malaysia.

And Thai government are so please that they practically hand over Betong scurity to Chin Peng. They even supply Chin Peng with weapon.

Today, Betong is the most prosperous place in Betong. No one wage Jihad. The Malay in Betong got indoctrinated by Chin Peng that they know the importance of racial harmony.

Those S Thailand Malay who say Thailand persecute them, and make them poor, are afraid to bring up Betong. Yala Betong is booming whereby all other Yala is under shit.

In short, Chin Peng and gangs hurt the interest of Malay Islamist. Chin Peng bring peace to S Thailand.

Veritas said...

This part of history about MCP against PULO separatist is not so easy to find. I have managed to piece together from a lot of separate source. Below is from SinChew Malaysia.

There are books saying that Thai government arm MCP.



















Veritas said...

I would like to blog more about Chin Peng. The MCP is the most central portion of Malay Chinese racial relation history that all historian do not want us to know.

Malaya do not seen any serious anti Chinese discrimination until WW2. The Malay elites hate Chinese and while the Malay people do not really share these sentiment. Nevertheless the hate is growing because of Malay elites propaganda. The bad blood trace all the way to MCP.

MCP is anti Jap. The Malay elites are collaborators. The Malay police and MCP clashes many times under Jap occupation. The sectarian hate grows.

Immediately after Japanese surrender, MCP revenge against collaborators, not just Malay but Chinese and Indians. A lot get shit.

Also Malay elites got despise as the Malay people resent them facilitating the recruitment of slave labor call Romusha. The casualty of Romusha can be as high as 40-60%.

Nevertheless the Malay elites found an anti Chinese platform. The racist rhetoric of Malaysia lasted until today.

There are many elements of anti Chinese sentiment among Malay but MCP WW2 activities is the single most important origin.

I will blog about this.

Veritas said...

Our text book own Chin Peng his due credit. Chin Peng anti fascism has been longer and bigger than anyone else. He is non parallel. Chin Peng's MCP was the biggest anti Jap group in Malaya with around 10,000 by 1945. He started his anti jap efford on 1942.

Lim Bo Seng only landed on 1943. He work in Malaya for 1 year, then he was captured. In other words, Lim Bo Seng contributes insignificantly to the war effort.

Lim Bo Seng's force 136 did not really fight. She was commanded by a captain ONLY -- and not by Lim Bo Seng. Force 136 is about company strength, 2 company strength. So Lim Bo Seng in other words, is merely a platoon level commander. Force 136 is not designed to fight, but rather it work as a recce unit.

In comparison, Chin Peng is a command of 10,000 MCP. He is a divisional level commander. His MCP did 99% of fighting. How can we honored Lim Bo Seng while denigrating Chin Peng.

Our history books are so masturbated.

Lim Bo Seng is a small potato compared to Chin Peng.

And why honor Lim Bo Seng. Because our English educated banana can find no war hero among their tribe. Banana are coward, and if we dig into what they did in WW2, its mainly stooging or worse, collaborating.

Lim Bo Seng from RI. They need to make one hero out of RI.

So, the masturbate Lim Bo Seng into a war hero. Our history book make as though Lim Bo Seng fought for British. This is the biggest wet dream PAP created for us.

Lim Bo Seng is a KMT. He fought for the sake the greater Chinese war effort. He even visited Chong Ching, the war time capital of China.

We need to recover the real history and give due credit to the rightful person.

Veritas said...

He can only create a communist Malaya, not a communist China, provided he could win the support of the majority of the people, esp the Malays. But this is only hypothetical and a non event.

MCP taken over Malaya during Jap occupation is not entirely impossible. But with the defeat of Japan, the chances of victory drop to zero.

Very few people know that during Japanese occupation, the entire malaya has more Chinese than Malay. Reason being, Kedah, Trenganu, kelantan was being hive off to Thailand in appreciation of Thai support of Japanese.

Also MCP is extremely careful not to cause collateral damage to civilian.

Wikipedia put

MCP Killed:
1,346 Malayan troops and police
519 British military personnel
2,478 killed, 810 missing for civilian

MCP casualty is 6,710.

Some Malay commenter say MCP is Chinese terrorist who kill Malay, and more civilian are killed-- are bullshit and hate monger. The South Thailand Malay Jihadist are TRUE terrorist who even kill Malay Muslim. Killing more civilian and military target.

Also there are racial riot in Malaya where Malay attack Chinese villages. MCP could have wage ethnic cleansing against Malay when Japanese surrender. The British did not land until few weeks later.

The main British military units tooks month to arrive.

In fact, MCP took a lot of precaution not to harm the Malay.

Anonymous said...

There were Malay commanders and comrades in the MCP too.

Veritas said...

The 10th regiments are Malay. I am saying MCP is supra-racial. But because a lot of Malay are mata in Japs time, so that create a lot of hate to MCP.

Even the 10th regiments hate Islamist.

Anonymous said...

Communism is not an ideology based on race but on class struggle.

Anonymous said...

I am curious. Who the hell is the bloke behind that bear blog?

Abao said...

thats why we call history 'in retropect'

Veritas said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Veritas said...

Our minorities keep on attacking Chinese in blogs and comments. Worse many Chinese are too stupid, they even apologize...WTF.

Chinese here do not study history. They do not know that Malay has a anti Chinese sentiment, and this anti Chinese sentiment is the basis of Malaysia nation building.

When Malay bash Chinese here, goon agree, and even bash Veritas when I speak the truth.

The Indians are worse. The local Indians has few India knowledege. That is ok. The Malay has a lot of self victimization knowledge they get from UMNO and their Utasan. The problem of Indians lies in MOFOS FT Indians.

THey hate Chinese worse than Malay. The 1962 war see Mao China beat Indian coward imperialist and rapist army like nobody. I seen so much hate against Chinese on India and world largest newspaper TOI. Now everyone bash veritas.

I get crucified by my own tribe to protect them against racist. The Chinese need to learn more history, not just text books, but from original source. Then we will know that a lot of accusation against Chinese are lies and fabrication by hate mongers.

b said...

Almost every other race hated the chinese except the angmo. At least the angmo are tolerant to chinese. Many chinese are better treated in angmo countries (such as Oz, Uk, USA, Europe) compare to their own countries (China, Vietnam, Spore). Do not always say angmo people are bad. If this world is headed by other type, things will get much much worse. Of cos no one is perfect and that applies to every other races.

b said...

'The Chinese need to learn more history,'

- if they have studied history, they will realise that the chinese rulers killed or caused the death of much more chinese than any other races added together. the chinese has one enemy - it is their very own rulers. But that is the truth for every other races. The common enemy for all the suffering ordinaries in the world is the elites. It is never about the races, religions, borders which they invented to separate us into fighting some stupid games for them.

Veritas said...

Almost every other race hated the chinese except the angmo. At least the angmo are tolerant to chinese. Many chinese are better treated in angmo countries (such as Oz, Uk, USA, Europe) compare to their own countries (China, Vietnam, Spore). Do not always say angmo people are bad. If this world is headed by other type, things will get much much worse. Of cos no one is perfect and that applies to every other races.

You are wrong. Chinese are welcome in all over the world except probably Malaysia today. Indonesia now seems got no problem with Chinese.

Muslim are being wary all over the even in their own countries. Malaysia is shitting on their OWN Malay Shia and OWN Malay Ahmadiya.

There is a lot of resentment against Indian all over the world. Not only in white man land. There are carribeans and African whereby Indians are majority, The natives hate Indian. Today places like Suriname, Trinbad, Guyana (S America) are on verge on caste warfare. Mauritius has very serious caste problem.

S thailand has Malay Islam problem but Chinese Muslim(panthay) are well treated. Myanmar has Islam Rohingya problem but again Chinese Muslim Panthay are well treated.

Pinoys has Moro problem.....etc.

In fact, Chinese are well treated in all advance countries. Only backward countries hate Chinese. Even Philippines having problem with China spratly today has a Chinese mestizo president.

Thailand prime minister are Chinese.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Hi b, go and google wikipedia and find out how many red indians were killed by the Europeans.

Go google how many natives around the world were wiped out by the colonialists in the name of God.

Veritas said...

China has a total of 56 minorities. Only Uighur and Tibetan give us a bit problem and Uighur is Islam.

Malaysia Malay has problem with ALL minorities. They has problem with Chinese, Indian, Iban, Kadazan....etc

India Aryan has problem with even internal Aryan themselves. The Draidians now still have dreams of secession forming Dravidian land or Tamil Elam. Not to mention Kashmir, Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland and Tripura—and the Himalayan state of Sikkim....etc

USA has problem with their blacks.

Who can say Chinese racist?

Veritas said...

if they have studied history, they will realise that the chinese rulers killed or caused the death of much more chinese than any other races added together. the chinese has one enemy - it is their very own rulers. But that is the truth for every other races. The common enemy for all the suffering ordinaries in the world is the elites. It is never about the races, religions, borders which they invented to separate us into fighting some stupid games for them.

A lot of our rulers are bad, so is a lot of peasant rebel.

Anonymous said...

Veritas, you said thais are better, lol.lol......come stay here...........but first buy some insurance for your family, lol, lol.......

Veritas said...

Veritas, you said thais are better, lol.lol......come stay here...........but first buy some insurance for your family, lol, lol.....

I also say malay good mah. haha... Malay just need to wake up from the lies of their fake prophet...haha

Anonymous said...

When Chin Peng was alive, no one talked about him. Now, even if anyone claims he was a hero or angel; what use.
Can Sinkies talk about Chia Thye Poh,Lim Hock Siew and the Marxist Conspiracy Detainees?

Anonymous said...

We must organize a rally at Hong Lim Park to lobby for Chin Peng's ashes to be interned in Singapore. During the Emergency and during WW2, Singapore was part of Malaya. So, it is like bringing his ashes back to old Malaya. Anyone game? Redbean or Veritas, go for it. If you all really mean what you say, you should do it. If not, all this talk is just hot air.

Anonymous said...

bloody fucking bastard;

Chin Peng is a hero!!!

but my idol kuan yew is a fucking traitor!!! what was his role as an interpreter together with prata man for the japenis?

doubt he was there to gather info on his fucking murderous japenis masters

LONG LIVE KUAN YEW .... to see the departure of your beloved .

gee ... i destined for greatness in the holiday-resort-liked IMH

b said...

'Go google how many natives around the world were wiped out by the colonialists in the name of God.'

- maybe you should google about 株连九族. The chinese emperors and japs have more chinese blood in their hands than angmo. THe angmo never dislike the chinese. Maybe they dislike the indians etc but never the chinese.

Anonymous said...


Politicians are heros? Do not make me laugh off the chair.

b said...

'most Malay are ok, but their leader want to feed them with racism.'

- the same goes for every other race. the enemy has always been the elites. race, religion, borders are tools they used to manipulate people into fighting for them to protect their wealth.

Veritas said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Throughout history, the angmohs have been oppressing and discriminating against the Chinese to prevent them from competing with them. Go read all the anti Chinese laws in America. They were second to slavery.

Today they are still doing it against China, throwing all kinds of obstacles in their way. Why do you think the Southeast Asians hated the Chinese? It is because the angmohs have been using the Chinese as the strawmen to scare them and putting all the blames of their impoverished position as caused by the Chinese. The truth is that the angmohs robbed them of everything, colonised them and ruled them.

The Chinese were traders or labourers that came to work for a living, no grand plans to conquer and rule the natives but ended being the victims of hate planted by the angmohs.

Veritas said...

Chinese being use as middle man in SE Asian make natives resent us, especially in Malaysia and Indonesia.

One more thing I want to highlight is the above is just one factor. There is also a difficulty of Chinese in assimilating in Malay Muslim culture. The Malay Muslim culture is very different from China Hui Muslim culture that Chinese are more able to assimilate to.

The Chinese can assimilate very well into Thailand, so Thai are sinophile. The reason is Thai and Chinese are extremely similar in culture. Same as Vietnam. True that Vietnam did persecute Chinese in 1970s, but people also must look into the fact that many Vietnamese are fake Vietnamese, they are descendants of Chinese.

Also Chinese has less problem in Laos Cambodia and Philippines, but Thailand is where Southern Chinese feel most comfortable.

A proud Muslim culture that cannot assimilate Chinese, and Chinese control the economy is a recipe for trouble. Nevertheless, I think Bumi policy is not entirely bad because the Malay need to know how to run their own country. They cannot let Chinese take over. I hope it will be weaken.

b said...

'Throughout history, the angmohs have been oppressing and discriminating against the Chinese to prevent them from competing with them'

- not only the chinese, but also their own kind. Just google on european history and see how they also like to kill each other. But they have learnt and put in human right laws that benefit almost everyone.