
Hsien Loong - We are all in this together

How many of you believe that you are all in this altogether?

First, how much are you earning and how much is a minister earning?
Second, what kind of homes are you living in?
Thirdly, how many houses do you own?
Fourth, how many houses do you own outside of Singapore?
Fifth, how much do you have in your savings?
Sixth, what kind of jobs are you employed?
Seventh, where do you eat, hawker centre, food court or restaurant?
Eighth, where do you send your children to school?
Ninth, do you have to worry for your next meal?
Tenth, do you have to worry about your hospital bill?

Are we in this altogether? Other than worrying about providing for your family, do you have to worry about your children’s future?


Anonymous said...

"How many of you believe that you are all in this altogether?"

I think about 43% believe "they are all in this altogether".

Or else why would they vote for PAP even in a by election, where WP not ready to be govt is a non issue?

So PAP just need to convince another 17% more that "they are all in this altogether".

Think should be no problem lah. If PAP can do it in 2011, why not in 2016?

Anonymous said...

Between 2011 and 2016, there will be a lot of new citizens to replace those Sinkies who have emigrated, in particular some of the 40% who voted opposition in GE 2011.

But I don't think there will be enough smart Sinkies who will join WP or other opposition.

So PAP may even do better in GE 2016.

Anonymous said...

Have faith in me, trust me, vote for me. Please, faith, trust, vote for me. Sob..

Anonymous said...

We all are together, together, together....and you have high wages and the old and sick had no one to take care...and of course, our jobs are taken away by foreigners....

Anonymous said...

As for selling faith he is not even half as good as Kong Hee. Selling faith as the PM is an admission that all else have failed.

Anonymous said...

One for all and all for one - in dip shit. Just give us our money.

Anonymous said...

Anon 11.40 >>>

2016 election PAP = 80% ?

Anonymous said...

The many basic problems associated with increased population were not mentioned at all.
Anon August 19, 2013 12:29 pm

By not mentioning, perhaps PM Lee is indirectly telling you all daft and loser Sinkies to accept the problems lah.

Just as 60% Sinkies already accepted that PAP is still the best available party to be the govt, despite the many basic problems not mentioned in the rally.

Anonymous said...

The basic problem is that no other political party is even ready to be the government, let alone able to solve the many basic problems associated with increased population.

This is the most basic of all basic problems.

Anonymous said...

One man's problem is another man's solution.

So when talking about problems, must be clear which man.

Anonymous said...


It would be really exciting if we have an MP like Clare Darley, speak her mind in Parliament to Irish PM Enda Kenny of a war criminal?

Watch the PM face as he listens to Clare:


b said...


After 50 years of ruling, do u think pap is in a 'ready'mode? Just look at the mess. One do not need to be ready, one only need to be voted in to be government.

Anyway, he is a politician. No one expect him to tell the truth. A lot of bullshits here and there only. On the basis that a lot of people do not even earn 1% of his annual wages, framing his speech this way is just adding insults to the voters intelligence.

Anonymous said...

If we are all in this together, then I say, lets pool all our salaries together and share them equally.

You agree with this then we can talk otherwise you are just full of hot air.

Anonymous said...

My response to PM Lee's NDR speech?

Well done Opposition!
Well done Hougang, Aljunied & Punggol East voters!
You have slapped the driver awake.
All the credit goes to you.

I will work harder than ever to convert more voters for the Opposition.
GE 2016.
Vote Opposition for more good years .... for us Singaporeans.

Anonymous said...

Dear PM Lee,

No money ... no vote

Anonymous said...

Let me eat your drumstick then we can be together. Now I m only eating chicken wings but chicken wings got not enough flesh.

patriot said...

No need for them to share their fortunes with.
All the Rulers have to do is to share the State Asset Worth with us.
Why are we paying so much for shelter, utilities, healthcare and transportation???
The PM even expect us to be Ronaldo, after running us for 5 decades, have the Government nurtured any sport talent, IT talent, art talent, Nobel winner, any outstanding talent for the Matter.

Is there any talent in the Cabinet?

Is the PM himself a talent?


Anonymous said...

Is PAP ready to be government?
Even as we achieve record levels of dengue fever?

Is Lee Hsien Loong ready to be Prime Minister?

patriot said...

Lee Hsien Loong says he will grow our nest worth, the price of our 99 year lease HDB Flat. The higher the price of Public Housing to him means the richer we are.

With about $100, anyone can have Tera byte hard disk that could store all the complex knowledge in the World. Does that mean having one such hard disk makes one knowledgeable and qualified as professional?

What use is the high price of property other than making most having to struggle to own a pigeon hole? Does the PM even knows what he is talking about?


Anonymous said...

How cynical can you be ! Are you implying that only if the PM is as poor as you then you can believe him ?

Anonymous said...

" Are you implying that only if the PM is as poor as you then you can believe him ? "

A thousand times YES!

But since he is a Lee.
I have to ask for even more proof before I believe him.
A multi-million dollar salary is at stake.

Even poor people. The PAP gahmen demands proof of poverty by means testing before hospitalization into C class ward.
So why not also demand proof from the Prime Minister?

Anonymous said...

Mr Red Bean, Happy blogging and self-pitying with your fellow cynics !

Anonymous said...

Mr Annonymous, Happy blogging and group-thinking with your fellow PAPig cronies !

NDR 2013.
The no-change, change from PAPigs.
Should we have expected anything more?

Anonymous said...

Meaning of HYPOCRISY
The practice of claiming to have moral standards or beliefs to which one's own behavior does not conform; pretense.

dissimulation - double-dealing - insincerity

"We are all in this together"

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Anon 9:59, you are welcome to engage in the discussion and your views will be welcomed. But if you are here to attack the bloggers like some rabid dog that will run amok whenever someone disagreed with him, then it is better you disappear from here. If will not be good for the stress it is causing you.

Don't get stress up. Stay healthy or you will not enjoy the benefits of Medishield Life.

Anonymous said...

Is PAP ready to be government?
Anon August 19, 2013 6:34 pm

When a party can contest 100% of seats in a GE, for sure 60% Sinkies will believe they are ready to be government.

If WP can do that, they are also ready to be government. And for sure 60% or even more Sinkies will vote WP.

So let me tell all the opposition parties straight in their face.

Forget about even contesting if you cannot contest 100% of the seats as one party.


Because even if you can win a few seats, it doesn't matter. Just look at the WP. Do they really matter since 2011?

Why doesn't matter? Because PAP and the 60% Sinkies make it that way.

Anonymous said...

No, I am not in the same boat and many people are not in the same boat. You are in a luxury cruise liner, the average citizens are in half leaking sampans that can sink or be taken away anytime.

Please don't patronise us.

Anonymous said...

For those Singaporeans that are forbidden to buy a flat from the HDB they should simply show the middle finger to the govt and migrate. They are not in the same boat and not allowed to be in the same boat.

Anonymous said...

"Together" ???? It will depends..
"Flocks of feathers" perhaps!
The rest, you jolly sink on your own!!!

Anonymous said...

Anyone who understands a bit mathematics can tell you that the gov are just robbing you ten and giving you back one and you must be grateful for that. Unfortunately, we have a bunch of stupid voters who cannot calculate properly.

Anonymous said...

Mr Red Bean,

Ha ! Don't get too worked out just because someone came to your website to give a contrary view of what you are saying. By you advising me not to get too stressed up, I am afraid you are being stressed yourself.

I read your blog from time to time because you do write some sensible stuff at times - not being too cynical, making keen observations on happenings in Singapore and elsewhere, and offering good balanced views on topical issues [including criticisms of govt policies]. And some of your sarcastic remarks can be quite humorous.

But alas, you also often go on a tangential path, bordering to just rantings. And unfortunately, such posts just attract a swarm of anti-govt vultures who join in the rantings, hardly adding any value to your blog !

This latest posting is one such example. Hence, my gentle reminder to you not to let your blog degenerate into another "same same" blog - just another watering hole for cynics who are blinded by their anti-govt sentiments to come together to echo the same self-pitying tunes.

It is a friendly advice. Up to you if you would wish to pause and think about it.

Happy blogging !

AhKong65 said...

>> We are all in this together <<

How can it be .... over the years I can see our Singapore society being fragmented through various policies implementation . The rich and the poor has been drifting further apart .... the haves and have-nots .

During my days , people who earn $4000/- a month is considered a middle income in the society . They can well afford a five rooms HDBs , a car and some nearby holidays . Raising a family of 2 or 3 children is not an issue . Today , this category has to get housing grants to purchase an HDB ... how sad . The goal pole had shifted , they are now " lower middle " , cannot even afford an HDB without government grants .

>> Anonymous 3:10 <<

Agreed with you .

>> Are we in the same boat <<

Definitely not like RB said , the boat of the rich is a luxury cruise liner that can sail the high seas ... what's yours ??
They earn millions and you only earn thousands .

>> Anonymous 4:08 <<

So anyone who do not sing to the tune of the government ; to you is an " anti-govt vulture " . Can you take them as some " patriotic " Singaporeans like the 47,000 voices from the National Conversation ?
Where else do you think they can voice their views and concerns except to engage themselves in this blog discussions .

Not a government critic .

Anonymous said...

Red Bean takes it to stride as a singaporean, do u Anon 4.08 understand what the PM had said, do u know how many people finds it difficult to pay for health, like myself, it's not about self pity, its a feeling of frustration being a singaporean.
Have u ever go to bed hungry and wake up in hunger, can u imagine what it feels like, have u ever been sick with your hands trembling and shaking, with fever but still have to work.
No! Its not about self pity, its about what life is, its about what and who u trust, when u are in a wheel chair with all your money gone, write the same things as u did, if not just f※※k shut up.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Hi Anon 4:08, thanks for your advice. There are people who are happy with their situation, there are people who are not. There are people with high expectations, there are those who are easy to please.

What I can say very sure is that we are not in the same boat. We don't even eat under the same roof, in the table with the same food. The gap is like heaven and hell to many.

This Medishield Life thing is good on paper. Wait for the fine details. And housing has been so screwed up that it is a big burden to many average Sinkies. Now they have to contend with a 3 or 4 rm flat as the good thing, the good life.

Just 30 years ago, everyone is looking to 5 rm or better, including private properties. Today they know it is a fleeting dream to many.