
HDB for citizens only

This is about what Han Fook Kwang was saying in his latest article on the housing problems facing the citizens. I quote, ‘Making the HDB market - both for new and resale flats - exclusively for citizens is the best safeguard for the future to ensure that public housing prices will always remain within reach of the majority of Singaporeans.’

Increasingly the elite from the establishment are coming to terms with the plight of the average Sinkies and not brushing off the sources of their unhappiness. The housing problem, high cost of living, high medical fees etc etc are not new, did not fall down form the sky yesterday, but were simply ignored as noises for too long.

Han Fook Kwang is not alone to gradually shift his leanings towards Singaporeans and the good of the people. When one starts to remove the blinkers to face reality, the veil of ignorance that was self imposed will be removed for good. And the inequality and unjust happenings facing the citizens becomes real and immediate. They just cannot be wished away and slammed them right in the face every time they tried to talk them away..

This is a good sign and hopefully it will transpire upwards to those living in the clouds to bring them down to earth to deal with the real problems of the people. Hankering and appeasing to the foreigners, including PRs at the expense of the citizens will increasing be a political debt the govt will have to pay. The daft citizens have had their blinkers removed and the cotton buds pulled out from their ears. It is now the turn of the political elite to get those hideous things from their faces and ears.

It is time to really understand and take cognizance of the woes of the people and do some real work as the elected representatives of the people. So many policies can be tweaked to favour the citizens without needing the intellect of a top academic. They are simple commonsensical things to do. Boon Wan has started the ball rolling in housing. Where is Chuan Jin and his PMETs versus foreigners issue?


Anonymous said...

He just kenna hengtakaki ....... remember david ........ gg same way?

Anonymous said...

"This is a good sign and hopefully it will transpire upwards to those living in the clouds to bring them down to earth to deal with the real problems of the people."

Wah! RB, u so sarpork gahmen suddenly.

Been reading the right things and thinking the right things. Yacorpse must be very glad ........ way to go

Lead by examples!

Ladies n men, remember follow gd example.

Sarpork all the way! Landslide 80% ......

All will get their bones, oops wrong, get their healthcare package for listening to listen to listened voices translated packages. In short, means ........... all sama sama. Whatever blank u think of ...... hehehe

Anonymous said...

Can we have "Sinkieland for real Sinkie citizens only"?

If cannot, then how to have "HDB for citizens only"?

So does it matter what Han Fook Kwang, let alone Redbean, said?

What really matters is Low Thia said WP is not ready to be govt, he (Low) also has no ambition to be PM and PAP is a competent govt and which 60% also agreed.

Anonymous said...

If PAP govt wants to have a lot of foreigners, then no matter what, Sinkies will still have to suffer lah.

It's just a matter of suffer more, or suffer a bit less.

And not only suffer but also opposition will find it harder to win in elections if there are too many new citizens.

oldhorse42 said...

May be as a follow up, Boon Wan could tweak another HDB policy to restrict the resale of HDB flat to citizens only. That is to say PR can buy from citizen and sell to citizen.

Anonymous said...

It cost nothing for Han Fook Kwang to say what he had said, tio bo?

If I were Han Fook Kwang, I would even be saying like what Redbean said. At most, just ask to get retired only lah, tio bo?

Anonymous said...

If Singapore leadership can only "do the right thing" after Han Fook Kwang starts to understand the problem;
Then Singapore has very little hope for the future;
I prefer to put my trust in a strong Alternative Government;
A strong co-driver who can kick the driver out of the car if he turns out to be an incompetent driver.

To wait for small potato elites like Han Fook Kwang to speak for ordinary Singaporeans;
Too late already liao;
Because after tan ku ku for the small potato elites to see the light;
Then got to wait for the big potato to be convinced;
And then wait some more for the big potatoes to conduct yet another year long NatCon.

And then like the COE consultation exercise and the Marina Bay re-naming contest;
The winner .... the present COE system and the current name Marina Bay is still the best.

And how much do Singapore taxpayers have to pay for such talented work?
One million dollars every year in salary.

Anonymous said...

Malaysia long ago already have such a policy.
Malay Reserve land can only be bought & sold amongst bumiputra.

Take Han Fook Kwang 50 years to learn from Malaysia.
How much is Han Fook Kwang paid?
Another million dollar salary?

Anonymous said...

Don't be attracted by grants.

Be practical, take whatever grants you are entitled to, then go for simple living. Go for the right flat size, no need to follow the crowd for bigger flats.


Can you be assured that you have your job 10 from now? Even govt jobs are non iron bowl now!


Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

No wonder the Straight Times sucks dogs balls.

Anonymous said...

Anon 10.47am

YES, you are correct.

The income ceiling should be removed to allow citizens to purchase the size of flat they want, the size they are comfortable with..........

Why force citizens to buy bigger flats when a small serve best...........


Anonymous said...

With the govt cooling measures, recently introduced schemes and generous grants, together with a rising interest rates environment and the huge number of newly built units coming into the market from next year, the EXPERTS believed that there will be a downward correction of 20% - 30% in property prices in the next few years.

Private properties will be seriously impacted..........

Veritas said...

You need PAP so good. PAP has the econometrics seeing that Economics crisis coming. I bet property may crash 50% within 5 years.

I year ago, USD/SGD is 1.22, today its 1.28. Also, since 2008 economics crisis, India rupee has lost 50% against SGD and other major currency.

It appears that there is a capital flight across APAC. PAP got to wayang wayang or else, it got to bear the blame.

Anonymous said...

See red again! Bad luck follows. As always. Plague!

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Theoretically if the rupee has fallen 50% against S$, that means our investment in India assets and equities could go down 50% as well ie $2b becomes $1b. Or $100b becomes $50b.

How much have we invested in India and how is this fallen rupee affecting the value of our investments?

Anonymous said...

Ya rb u boss of this blog! Should ask pple change pic to green in colour. Red not welcome! Like dat stock and property mkt can see more green, not so often ocean of red. Pui!

Anonymous said...

@August 29, 2013 10:47 am

By the time you become old & senile.
And you everyday quarrel with your wife.
And your children cannot stand you anymore.
Your HDB flat will have to be as big as the Istana.
So that every family member can live under one roof without quarreling.

Maybe that's why LKY had to move to the Istana?

AhKong65 said...

No promotion for him if he is still dragging his feet to come out with something fast . How can our PMETS be made to compete with foreigners ... what level playing field and meritocracy.. , my foot . Like what RB said ; simple commonsensical things also cannot differentiate between right and wrong .

b said...

People must learn to vote for alternative party more and the people will see more things favoring the people being implemented. If you want the gov to listen, you must not give them too much power. Too much power will make them corrupted. If two or more GRCs fall into alternative parties hands, we will have more transparencies on the reserves as well as whereabouts of the coe, erp, stamp duties, levies.

Anonymous said...

"Where is Chuan Jin and his PMETs versus foreigners issue?"

Waiting for Chuan Jin is like waiting for George Yeo to reform PAP from within.
You want to reform PAP?
Then you must vote Opposition.
It's the only way.

Anonymous said...

Tweak is too late. I have quit sg when I find it so difficult to get one hdb flat for my family. Now, i live in a freehold house with a small garden with supermarkets and schools nearby in a first world country and driving a nice family car. There are three hospitals in this city of 200k residents. My wife does not work and she takes care of the kids full time. Of cos, we do not have a maid but we also do not need one.

Anonymous said...

Do not view the foreigners issue so hostile. When one door is closed, another will be opened. E.g. sg boys and girls can wake up learn to go out of their comfort zone and explore the world and they will find better places to live. Without the foreigners, I will probably still stay put in sg and feeling frustrated.

Anonymous said...

No need to feel frustrated in sg lah.
People who vote Opposition never feel frustrated because we are taking action to improve our lives.
Only people who vote PAPigs feel frustrated.
Because tan ku ku for good things to happen for them.
But never seem to happen.

Anonymous said...

Too little too late lah.
Singapore for long time Singaporeans.

HDB - long time Singaporeans
COE - long time Singaporeans
MP - long time Singaporeans

Not those quick new born Singaporeans.

If sinkies say this, it is XENO.
If pappies say this, it is very good.

Anonymous said...

Anyone suspect they are doing this to buy votes from new citizens?

Anonymous said...

I don't know why.

Everywhere I go I can feel that people are very frustrated and very unhappy in Singapore......why why why ......

Anonymous said...

Because every single basic and necessary thing run by the G is so expensive here in singapore.

Anonymous said...


I suspect the demand for resale flat is down cos the economy is down and then they will say their policies worked.

Anonymous said...

According to Veritas 11.42am above, property may crash by 50% within 5 years.......I don't think 50%....may be 20%.......

Anonymous said...

"U.S. Bank Legal Bills Exceed $100 Billion"

Source: Bloomberg

Do you know where Temasek has invested our money?

agongkia said...

Property will not crash lah.So many PR who are here for more than 3 years ready to buy resale.And increasing yearly .They can even change their colour of their IC to pink.
Belachian 's idea is just to appease Sinkies and daft Sinkies think prices will go down.
If prices go down Sinkies will be disadvantage and benefit the PR .Just wonder why are Sinkie so happy about this .
And daft sinkies start planning another protest on 6.9 and to propose to stop PR buying resale flat?
Walau Oy,no wonder they never beat MBT even its chicken to do it.
Even Wayang party oso keep quiet.
Be wise.Let our elderly Sinkie sell PR flat and benefit a bit.
Why you all so happy price crash?I very blur.

Anonymous said...

The government should tax foreigners profiteering from sale of HDB flats once they are no longer PR or citizen.

Anonymous said...

"The government should tax foreigners profiteering from sale of HDB flats once they are no longer PR or citizen."
August 29, 2013 11:04 pm

Or else what?
If gahmen don't do as you suggest, then what?
What are you going to do?
Vote Opposition is it?
I dare you.