
Fake and dysfunctional western democracy exposed

 Good morning All

Countries that embraced the BRITS WEST Minister or the UAssA NOT Brits but Bullshits Presidential DemoCRAZY System feared the Socialists or ex. So called Evil Communists System.

White DemoCRAZY system with their BS Metrocratic Best Men for their Jobs or Posts are screwed by their prejudiced own peoples favours and connections capitalists collaborations.

Only the TOP few percent are enjoying all the benefits and wealth whereas the Rest are slaves to their labour.

Thus, these Scoundrels are real afraid of the masses or countries going to Socialism which China is a FINE example that it works.

Socialism tried to level the disparity of wealth and welfare to all their peoples to a fair playing field.

Whereas the Capitalists System only had the top few that harvested all the wealth and the rest are just surviving on their pay checks and some scraps as thrown to them.

That's why the Dafts are been conned by their BS DemoCRAZY BS elections that are screwed by their own Group of Same Favoured Elites and Connections.

The World had seen the EVILs of these BS so called System of Free Elections of the White Men DemoCRAZY.

M.O.T. many shall slowly turned to the Socialist System.



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