
Audience member thrown out after calling for US-China co-operation

3 min of truth that the evil Americans would not want the world to know.


Anonymous said...

The blind believers would not want to believe their white gods are evil and responsible for all the wars and killings in the world.

Virgo49 said...

Wow thats was a good one 👍

Imbeciles Hillbillies Americunts so damn stupid calling themselves First World Donkeys.

All neeed to be send to the Mental Institutions that Cuckoos flew over that Bidamn's Pubic Stagging Nests.

Virgo49 said...

Best way just machine gunned in mass graves.

Virgo49 said...

They believed that their White God is the only true God and that they are already saved to Heavens once they just simply said We believed in HIm.

That's the worst catch that they could go on raping, killing murdering and all evil deeds and still go yo Heavens.

That's why they had imbeciles like that Pompeii that proudly declared We lied, we cheat and we stole and we still guarantee goes to Heavens.

HELL you go you Bastards.

Anonymous said...

That protestor was speaking the truth, not a word is false. And they cannot handle the truth.

This is the country that touted itself as having freedom of speech. What a baloney! They are not just deceptive, but they are liars sitting and lying to the audience.

Anonymous said...

Evil people: Americans , Brits , Israelis !

Anonymous said...

Trump scared of Xi? Trump caught on camera saying: "Can you imagine that guy (dementia Biden) dealing with [Russian President Vladimir] Putin? And the president of China – who is a fierce person. He’s a fierce man, very tough guy."

Anonymous said...

Trump already lost to Xi in the trade war he started in 2018, otherwise how could China still be rising to the chagrin of the USA? Biden tried to add salt to the wound with his technology and chip sanctions against China and is now also floundering. China not only won the trade war, but it is also widening the gap in space exploration, EVs, renewable energy resources, domination of raw materials and supply chains and giving the USA a run for its money in semiconductors.

What will Trump do if he wins in November? More absolute hubris that sounds like music to his supporters with mantras like 'Make America Even Greater Again'? More tariffs likely, more sanctions on the cards, which China is going to retaliate, as with his earlier trade war. Trump has nothing new in the USA playbook he can use that Biden had not already used.

Sanctions against China only makes people laugh. Sanctions have never been known to work, not with Cuba, North Korea, Iran, Venezuela and Russia. Sanctions on China will only hasten the demise of the US$ hegemony. That is a given. Sanctions against Russia was the tipping point and sanctions against China will be the final nail in the US$ coffin.

Trump had already proven that he could not handle China's rise during his first term, so he is more circumspect in his words concerning the handling of China if he wins in November. Biden had earlier claimed that he will not let China overtake the USA during his watch. Tough talk, but as they say, the spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak, and it looks like he himself is falling down before China does.

Will Trump suffer the ignominy of being the one to end the USA unipolar status? Let us wait and see.

Virgo49 said...


Karma explosion of UAss Weapons Factory.

Live by Wars Die in Wars

Greatest News!

Anonymous said...

Ukraine and Israel are nervous with the General Dynamics Weapons factory explosion.

Who will they blame after investigation? Easy, blame Putin or Xi with sabotage.

India's stampede resulting in 121 deaths have been blamed on climate change by some sources. What a joke?