
No need to create more jobs

You listening, there is no need to create more jobs as long as we can keep productivity up. The rational is simple. We have more than 1 million good jobs in the city filled by foreigners. This is a very good buffer. In fact we have created nearly 2 million extra jobs for foreigners. If productivity can be improved without having to flood the island with more foreigners, the govt could work out a plan to slowly replace the foreigners with citizens. In the meantime let them hold on to the jobs for our citizens. We can calibrate how many more foreigners we need not because they can replace our citizens by presumingly being a bit more qualified or ‘talented’ than our citizens or faking it.

Our TFR only produces about 30,000 or 40,000 job seekers each year. We are actually over creating jobs but also creating unemployment problems caused the jobs didn’t go to the citizens. With 40,000 new job seekers, how many new jobs need to be created? If we plan to maintain a strong Singapore core, not a core of Trojans, we could gradually, slowly replace a small number of foreigners at a time to keep our fresh graduates fully employed.  At this rate, with 40,000 annually, it would take 50 years to replace all the 2m foreigners, assuming a static position, while keeping a lid on population growth.

There is no need to go on the crazy 6.9m run just to create growth for the sake of growth. No need to keep building and building smaller and smaller flats. No need to build to high heavens or down to hell. No need to beg for more foreign investments indiscriminately. No need to keep telling the people they cannot afford to own cars as we have space constraints caused all the space must be turned into concrete for more businesses and more buildings.

What do you think?


Anonymous said...

TCSS ...

now low income jobs left for singaporean;

- salary are so depressed that out of job citizens are forced to accept .... simply need an income to survive (fuck lee hsien loong et al)

- it's like MLM, every level take a cut from placement (off course, the top level take the cream)

- will be interesting to know who are these successful entrepreneurs

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Let me post a sequel to this.

Anonymous said...

RB, I agreed lar but any use or not for both of us to agree. U tell me lar. Knn I also get very tire kpkb everyday and have to say that I admire u for the stamina lor

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Don't just admire. Just buy me kopi kau will do : )

Anonymous said...

@Don't just admire. Just buy me kopi kau will do : )

omfg .....

hope the stock market is not in a pathetic state

or the economy in such a dire state

or .... just a friendly gesture

neBer mind ... fuck papies; KNNCCB!!!!

b said...

It is easier to migrate and than own a freehold house and car than to own a car in this island.

b said...

Even if locals become super productive, they only need one mobile subscription. The gov owned telco still cannot increase profits. This is what they do not want or see.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

It is very eaasy for any government to solve unemployment problems.

Using the present figures for illustration:

Number of job seekers: 40,000

Easy solution -- can implement by tomorrow morning.

Employ 20,000 workers dig medium to large holes in the ground.

Then employ other 20,000 to fill up the holes, whilst the 1st crew of workers goes on to dig more holes..., which are subsequently filled up by the 2nd group.

Implement this and keep it going. Result: 100% employment.

Problem solved. Government-style. No market required.