The last-ditch attempt by the Biden administration to pour more aid into Ukraine is money laundering, Sen. Mike Lee has suggested....
Above are the headlines of two articles appearing in RT. The first article is a warning about the American's $36 trillion dollar debt and the risk of defaulting. The second is about the spending spree of the Biden/Blinken Administration, throwing more money to finance a losing war in Ukraine. In all, hundreds of billions have been poured into Ukraine to fight a war of military expansion to bring down Russia.
The warmongering Americans have all the money to start wars and fights wars everywhere and every day, spending $1 trillion on their defence budget, spending $1.5 billion on its propaganda machine to fabricated and publish lies about China without a care of overspending. And Yellen is crying and banging her chest that American is going bloke!
What is real? This is the biggest fakery of the Americans, one moment crying no money, the next moment throwing money like Santa Claus to finance war. Obviously starting and fighting wars are more important than financing the administration of the country.
The truth, the Americans have plenty of money with their special rights to print and print endless amount of money to do as they please. And there is no need to repay the debt. The crying is such theatre. Just raise the debt ceiling to $40 trillion, and then to $50 trillion, and go on printing and printing and printing more monopoly money to finance more wars.
The American Empire will be here forever. This is what the clowns in Washington and the hillbillies think so, believe so.