
Jeffrey Sachs lectured the EU to grow up and take charge of their own future

Jeffrey Sachs, one of a few rare clear thinking professors left in the western world, schooled the EU parliamentarians like school children for one and a half hours. And they sat there quietly listening to his wisdom and painful truths and nodded their heads in agreement. For so long, they castrated themselves and willingly let the American terrorists dragged them naked across the streets, threatening them, bullying them, and forcing them into wars, and the infamous bombing of the Nord stream pipeline, their livelihood depended on it. And the children in the EU dared not breathe a word, still have to accept all the fabricated lies the Americans made when they knew fully well the Americans were the culprits.

Trump is now breathing down their necks, Vance calling them stupid and refusing to admit that the Ukraine War was started by the Americans against the Russians. Vance in a straight face, told the Europeans it was their problem for making Russia their enemy and they had to wipe the shit themselves.

Now Sachs is telling them without holding anything back. The Americans have their own plans all worked out to control the world as the only superpower and the plans include destroying all adversaries like Russia and China... and Europe. Sachs also disclosed how the Americans were fighting the wars for Netanyahu to take full control of the Middle East, including provoking a war between the USA and Iran. But would the foolish EU children, oops, they are supposed to be the leaders of Europe, behave differently, to stand up to the Americans? They are looking more stupid by the day.

Throughout the whole lecture and discussion, not once was the mischievous gangster catchphrase 'Rules Based Order' ever mentioned by anyone present. Jeffrey Sachs repeated at least a few times on International Laws. Rules are what gangsters used to bully weaker countries. Only American cronies and ball carriers think it fit to mention Rules Based Order, to want to live by American gangsters' rules, when there are international laws to abide and live by agreed upon by nation states under the UN Charter.

Ukraine War - The real devils owning up

 When Boris Johnson told Zelensky not to sign the peace treaty with Russia, the impression was that Boris was an American emissary and America was the real devil behind the war. Nobody then would have thought that the real devil was the Brits. No doubt the Americans were the main devil to bankroll the war then. 

Today it is clear that the Brits were not just a secondary player tagging along. The Brits were an equal partner in pushing for war against Russia. This evil ex empire still think they still got it to start wars and fight wars when their economy is about to collapse. Now that Trump wants out, the Brits immediately step in to take over the lead role by Starmer's warm welcome for Zelensky after the latter was booted out of the White House. And Starmer immediately offered Zelensky a US$2.8b war fund to stay in the fight. Never mind if this sum may at most last for another month before drying up.

The French, Germans and Italians are just as eager to want to keep the war going. Weren't the Europeans meek American puppets being dragged into the war unwillingly by the Americans? Not at all. With the Americans wanting out, the sneaky Europeans are forced to the front to take on the Russians. They cannot play the role of unwilling collaborators anymore. It is now Russia against the European devils. No more pretences. With Trump and Putin not wanting to fight each other, Putin would have an easier task dealing with the European devils. Let's count which other European devils would stand out to join the Brits, French, Germans and the Italians to fight Russia. These four devils had all invaded Russia in the past, Italy during its Axis with Hitler in WW2.

This is a good thing for Russia. It would now see clearly who their real enemies in Europe are and who should deserve a few tactical nuclear warheads to teach them not to be silly.  It is another replay of Mickey Mouse trying to take on a superpower. The counting starts now. And Trump and Putin would be watching them closely.

One thing is confirmed, the white savages have not changed over the last century. They are still as warlike and primitive as before and war is in their blood and hating Russia, wanting to destroy Russia is also in their blood. Putin and his Russians must have no more delusion that the Europeans would leave them alone. Let the show continues and let Europe burns. Putin has no reason to be nice, to want to sell cheap oil and gas to Europe anymore, and to think he can have peace with Europe. The four evil European imperial powers of the last century have stood up to be recognised.

Trump has done a big favour for Putin, to let him know who wants to destroy Russia other than the Americans.  It is not Napoleon alone, not Hitler alone, not England alone, but all together, including Italy and maybe Poland.  And there is clown Zelensky eagerly wanting to win this war.

We have watch them on TV with our pop corns. Let them fight.

D grader Trump furious that Xi refused to talk to him and started to act like a mad man

 Trump may be thinking he is going all out to punish China. He knows what he is doing alright, but he does not know what the consequences will be like. He is just taking a big risk trying to start a massive trade war with China. He will fail miserably.

Now, as many political watchers have said, China is more well prepared to take on the USA today than at any time in the past. This is a reality that Trump has not considered, and he thinks everything is going to work the way his warped mind thinks. China is too big, too advance, too big economically to fall to the USA. And China has very pragmatic leaders able to figure out solutions to counter USA moves.

Why do we think China is able to move away from buying USA agricultural produce like corn and soya bean? It is not a move that China can just make on the spur of the moment. It is a well calculated move over many years of cultivation of new sources of supplies. In addition to this, China is revitalizing desert areas and using them to add new land for agriculture, which is already producing fruitful results. All along we miss the real reason as to why China is reclaiming desert areas, and it was certainly not just to beautify the landscape. When China does something, there is an underlying reason for doing it.

China now also produces 40% of global aquaculture demands like fish, crustaceans, molluscs etc. China is even breeding the sturgeon fish to corner the world market for caviar and is now the biggest producer as well. How did China managed to do all this? By thinking ahead and walking the talk, not fixated with bringing others down so that it can stay on top.


American hillbillies still spreading lies about China stealing their obsolete technology or technology they did not have

 And they USA claims that everything China is able to come up with is stolen from them. How can those be stolen when the USA and its allies like Japan are keeping out China from participation in cutting edge technologies for decades.

Did China steal their Space Station and therefore the USA has to continue to use the outdated Russian International Space Station as its own. Can we safely say that the USA stole the ISS from the Russians? Now, that is a death trap for astronauts wanting a long holiday in space.

China stole their high-speed rail which is why the USA has no high-speed rail of any proportion left to boast of. How could a country that have no such capability to show off its achievements have anything worthwhile to be stolen?

China must have copied their moon landing model of the sixties, which is why China could land on the moon and send a probe to Mars. These space explorations are critical technologies, out of bounds to China's participation, so how could China have stolen them, knowing that they are totally obsolete technology. Moreover, the USA itself today is having problems with another moon mission, not to talk about rescuing two astronauts stranded on the International Space Station for more than 9 months. They are trying to spin the narrative that these two astronauts are enjoying their extended holiday on the ISS. What a sick joke? Why would China want to follow the USA with its failing space monopolization?

One day, the USA would accuse China of copying the USA in eating, talking, breathing, bathing, sleeping and wearing clothes. As someone pointed out, the USA had copied the scientific achievements of the Europeans before them, innovating and moving ahead. The Japanese also did the same in the past, copying, innovating and overtaking the Europeans and the USA.


Trump's delusional US$5 million gold card visa

 Trump has come up with another serious outbreak of delusion. He claims his US$5 million gold card visa is going to attract people like crazy. Can you honestly believe that?

Earlier, Trump's MAGA silver coin with his portrait crashed 35% after his election win and left many people licking their wounds. That was a massive scam. Those who bought the coin did not remember that Trump was and is a habitual conman, who had already conned many victims with his six bankruptcies.

How many can honestly be able to afford US$5 million just to get a visa to enter the USA? Certainly not the Indians. And certainly not many Chinese when they already realized on Rednote that the USA is a worse country to migrate to than the hype of living an American Dream. Why would Chinese citizens now want to enter the USA to be discriminated against? Rich criminals may take the bait to avoid prosecution by the Chinese Government. For others, if they have US$5 million, they could easily live in China like a Duke with the low cost of living - cheap housing, cheap cars, cheap education, cheap groceries and an environment that only USA citizens can dream of. Oh yes, the American Dream is falling to pieces and will only get worse under Trump. Dare to take the bait?
